

1.A cleared, manicured lot lacks shade and privacy. The loss of native plants leads to more erosion, runoff and work for you.

2.Runoff flows over solid surfaces speeding up erosion. Pollutants and excess silt damage habitat for aquatic life.

3.Chemical fertilizers and pesticides reduce water quality, are hazardous to your health and can be deadly for fish and other wildlife.

4.Lawn to the water’s edge lacks the deep roots needed to stabilize the bank.

5.A hardened shoreline can direct erosion downstream, prevent natural filtering of pollutants and sediment, and damage wildlife habitat.

6.An artificial beach needs ongoing sand replacement, reduces water quality and reduces aquatic habitat.

7.Old 2-stroke engines dump 25 to 40 per cent of fuel, un-burned into water and air.

8.A solid crib dock destroys habitat, alters currents and can direct erosion downstream.

9.A malfunctioning septic system allows phosphorous and bacteria to leach into the water.

10.Harmful household chemicals and cleaners damage septic systems and reduce water quality.


1.Prune trees rather than removing them. Plant low maintenance native trees and shrubs to reduce erosion and absorb runoff.

2.Replace solid surfaces with porous materials where possible. Redirect runoff into settling areas, away from the water’s edge.

3.“Mow it high and let it lie”Raise your mower deck to at least 8 cm (3″) to retain moisture and reduce weeds. Leave clippings on the lawn for fertilizer.

4.Start a buffer Leave some grass uncut along the water’s edge. Restore the shore with deep rooting native plants.

5.“Soften” your shoreline to improve erosion protection with native trees, shrubs, grasses and aquatic plants.

6.Create a “dry land” beach above the high water mark. Let imported sand erode away naturally and let native plants grow back.

7.Use an electric outboard, or a four-stroke engine.

8.Remove solid dock Install a pipe, cantilever or floating dock. Don’t use treated wood.

9.Care for your septic system by having it pumped out and upgrade it when necessary. Consult an expert.

10.Use environmentally friendly products, or alternatives like baking soda and vinegar.