September 24, 2015 Board of Directors Meeting

DATE: Thursday, September 24, 2015 – Sands on Golden Lake
PRESENT: President Kevin O’Connor, Past President Gail McPhee, Vice President Don O’Reilly, Glenn Bingham, Sandy Nash, Ron Rimmer, Marion Fuder, Phil Godon, Chris Hamilton.
ABSENT: Allison Wood, Secretary-Treasurer Rick O’Brien, Monique Pye, Bill Gardiner. CALL TO ORDER at 11:25 am.
Introduction: The President advised that Sharon Neff of Tramore Road, has volunteered to be on the Board of Directors. She is an educational / resource person for children and youth experiencing domestic violence.
Hokum Mill Tour: The Hokum Mill tour was held before this September 24 meeting. Safety boots or shoes were required. The Tour was amazing and the GLPOA persons in attendance on the tour were assured that the mill is not contributing any pollution to the lake.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: The Secretary reported that the FOCA (Federation of Ontario Cottagers Associations) membership fee has been paid. The 2015 rate is $3.25 per member and a base fee of $125, with the total fee paid for 447 members being $1577.75
PREVIOUS MINUTES APPROVAL: MOTION: To accept the minutes of August 26, 2015. MOVED: Ron Rimmer SECONDED: Gail McPhee CARRIED
TREASURER’S REPORT: The Treasurer submitted a report on the finances of the Association, showing the CIBC Chequing Account on August 21, 2015, with an opening balance of $16,921.76, deposits of $1145.00, disbursements of $456.96, and a September 20, 2015, closing balance of $17,609.80. There is $3,774.16 in the recently created CIBC Savings Account. The Interim Financial Report for September 24, 2015, shows Revenues of $21,623.66, Expenditures of $16,118.50, carried forward from 2014/2015 $13,007.73, with a balance of $18,512.89. Both reports are attached. MOTION: To accept the Treasurer’s Financial Reports of September 24, 2015. MOVED: Sandy Nash SECONDED: Phil Godon CARRIED
1. Membership– Ron Rimmer There are 448 paid up members for this year. Chris Hamilton will be assuming Monique Pye’s roll in the collection of memberships. The biggest challenge is to keep and recruit canvassers. Phil Godon advised that he will canvass in Zone 5. The number of newsletters printed for next year should be increased from 500 to 900. For the remainder of this year 100 more newsletters are required and will be purchased from our supplier.

2. Corporate Advertisers Review – Ron Rimmer There are 30 businesses that have paid to be on our signboard assemblies. Four are on the waiting list. Newsletters will be provided in the future for all of the corporate advertisers.
3. Lake Stewardship Lake/River – Glenn Bingham Water Quality: Overall the lake is in very good shape. There are different readings in Tranquility Bay but they are still within the acceptable limits. It was decided to send all water quality results to the surrounding municipalities and the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan. Glenn Bingham will continue with the present methods and the Association will join in the Lake Partnership Program. Glenn Bingham is looking for a volunteer to learn and perform the water testing procedures. Water Levels: John Gulland monitors the lake levels. The statistics and water level averages are available from Glenn Bingham. The reports will be posted on the website . Water Hazards/Navigation Aids: Eric Weckworth and Jay Foran will coordinate GPS markings of the water hazard marker buoys and navigation aids. Fishing: Glenn Bingham has been invited to present an overview of the Golden Lake smelt harvest, at a seminar in Toronto hosted by FOCA. Orange T-shirts with the saying “invasive species – get out” will be ordered for promoting the project. MOTION: To authorize the purchase of promotional T-shirts at a cost of $700 . MOVED: Chris Hamilton SECONDED: Sandy Nash CARRIED. Plans are being prepared for the smelt harvest in early 2016. The results of the harvest will be documented and distributed.
Boat Launch at Tramore Bridge: The Township of Killaloe Hagarty and Richards has had a “change of heart” regarding the repairs to the boat launch. Permits have now been received and repairs will be undertaken with completion expected this Fall. A plaque will be prepared as a thank you to Bill Gardiner.
Volunteers are needed for the Lake Stewardship Committee.
4. Communications – Allison Wood AGM: The date of the 2016 AGM was discussed and it will be July 2, 2016. The President advised that Terry Rees executive director of FOCA, has agreed to be the keynote speaker. See for more info on FOCA. Newsletters: All articles for the Winter newsletter should be submitted to Allison Wood by January 15. 2016. Included in the newsletter will be; bio of new directors, how to pay membership, smelt harvest report. The 2016 Spring newsletter will be a similar format to the 2015 one, with the deadline for preparation being April 16. There will be an article on the Bonnechere River. Facebook : A Facebook Group has been created by Allison Wood and the group is called “Golden Lake Ontario Property Owners”. Anyone can request to join the group. Website: – Allison Wood will review the website and communicate directly with Ken Kruger. New information should be sent to Allison.
5. Other Items – Procedural Manual: The basic structure is in place. Phil Godon will take on the role of continuing the production of the manual Poker Run: The Cottage Cup will provide $500 worth of prizes for 2016. It was noted that the “Lucky Draw Prizes” were well received. Volunteer Appreciation Evening: The very successful event was held Saturday, September 19, 2015, at Golden Lake Park hall. There was a pot-luck supper open to all including families. The number of prizes was outstanding.
Berndt Road Transfer Station: Bob Richer is in communication with the Mayor of North Algona Wilberforce Township. Kevin O’Connor, with Bob Richer and Chris Hamilton, will coordinate our response and a letter will be sent to the Township.
Interlake Meeting: Don O’Reilly, Ron Rimmer, Glenn Bingham and Kevin O’Connor attended the meeting held September 19. They mentioned that the quality of presentations was excellent, with the topics being blue/green algae, septic systems, Hydro One, native land rights.
Funding: The following resolutions were adopted:
MOTION: To authorize Glenn Bingham to attend the FOCA meeting November 7, 2015, at an estimated cost of $500. MOVED: Gail McPhee SECONDED: Chris Hamilton CARRIED
MOTION: To authorize the attendance of Kevin O’Connor and Don O’Reilly at the FOCA AGM in March 2016, at an estimated cost of $1000. MOVED: Gail McPhee SECONDED: Chris Hamilton CARRIED

NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be in early 2016 at the Sands On Golden Lake. .
ADJOURNMENT: MOTION: To adjourn time – 1:25 pm.
MOVED: Glenn Bingham SECONDED: Don O’Reilly CARRIED

August 26, 2015 Board of Directors Meeting


DATE: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 – Sands on Golden Lake

PRESENT: President Kevin O’Connor, Past President Gail McPhee, Vice President Don O’Reilly, Secretary-Treasurer Rick O’Brien, Glenn Bingham, Sandy Nash, Monique Pye, Ron Rimmer. Marion Fuder. Chris Hamilton.

ABSENT: Bill Gardiner, Phil Godon, Allison Wood



As reported in the July 22 meeting, there are two volunteers who are new Directors. They are Phil Godon of Tramore Road and Chris Hamilton of Rocky Point Drive.
Jeff Raisbeck and Dean Bergstresser do not wish to continue as Directors.

– An Information Package and Association Membership form has been received. The history of FOCA and the benefits of belonging to FOCA were included. The 2015 rates are $3.25 per member and a base fee of $125. Also included were pages to update the Directors addresses.
A contact list was circulated to all to complete so that correct contact info will be available. The number to use for the 2015 FOCA membership is 445 which is the same as 2014.

MOTION: To accept the minutes of July 22, 2015.
MOVED: Chris Hamilton SECONDED: Sandy Nash CARRIED

TREASURER’S REPORT: Rick O’Brien submitted a report on the finances of the Association, showing the Chequing Account on July 22, 2015, with an opening balance of $16,291.00, disbursements of $5,618.74, and deposits of $6,249.50, and an August 21, 2015, closing balance of $16,921.76. There is $3,773.65 in the recently created Savings Account.
The Interim Financial Report for August 26, 2015, shows Revenues of $19,652.15, Expenditures of $12,080.01, carried forward from 2014/2015 $13,007.73, with a balance of $20,579.87
MOTION: To accept the Treasurer’s Financial Reports of August 26, 2015.


1. Membership– Don O’Reilly and Monique Pye
– As of August 26, 408 paid memberships including 40 e-transfers. It is expected that there will be from 435 to 445 members of 2015.
– 445 will be used for the FOCA membership.

2. Corporate Advertisers Review – Ron Rimmer
– All 30 spaces on each signboard unit have been sold
– Improvements to the sign board assembly were discussed
– Bryan Fraser could revised the sign to accommodate 4 new advertisers

3. Lake Stewardship Lake/River – Glenn Bingham
Water Quality – Glenn Bingham reported that testing is ongoing. A partnership with FOCA on water quality results was discussed. The test results were favorable with the readings about 1/20 of the allowable standards.

Water Levels – This item was at the AGM by Renfrew Power Generation. The website has information on regular water level readings.

Water Hazards/Navigation Aids – Glenn Bingham reported that an old pontoon boat was purchased to assist will the retrieval and placing of the buoys, anchors and chain. The removal of the buoys and markers will occur in late September and October.

Fishing- Glenn Bingham reported there had been a recent meeting with Pikwakanagan and the meeting went very well. They are interested in the activities of the Association. He reported that planning for next years smelt harvest has started.

Maps- Glenn Bingham gave a brief report on lake maps. Information about revisions is being collected before any decision on map changes will be made.

4. Communication – Allison Wood

Newsletters – There is a need to review newsletter for revisions, therefore draft newsletters will be circulated to all to make corrections. What to do for the 2016 newsletters was discussed. The Winter newsletter should include the current slate of officers and be ready for mid-January. The Spring newsletter should have information about the smelt harvest project, and information about how to pay the annual membership fee.
A Facebook page has been created and the group is called “Golden Lake Ontario Property Owners” and anyone can request to join the group.
Allison will be taking over the Procedural Manual project and she will also be getting the email listings and be sending the emails when necessary.
Website – – Allison Wood will review the website and communicate directly with Ken Kruger. New information should be sent to Allison.

Poker Run Review:
Ron Rimmer reviewed the 2016 Poker Run held August 1, 2015. He reported that there were 166 participants and 199 lunches severed by the Sands. The software provided by Chris Hamilton was invaluable and it sped up the results. Approximately $1700 was made after expenses.
Next year there could be activities planned on shore. Also, next year The Cottage Cup will contribute a good prize.
There were compliments all around for the organization of the poker run.


Boat Launch at Tramore Bridge – Glenn Bingham reported that he has reviewed the proposed project with MNRF and he expects information back soon. A meeting with the Township may happen soon.

Boat Launch at Deacon – Washroom repairs were completed by the Township of North Algona Wilberforce, and parking improvements are being planned.

Volunteer Appreciation Evening – The date will be Saturday, September 19, 2015, at Golden Lake Park hall. There will be a pot-luck supper open to all including families. The hall cost is $100 with a total of $500 budgeted for gifts.

Volunteer Recruitment – New Directors are required. Zone 3 is a problem area for canvassing.

Hokum Mill Tour – September 24 is the Hokum Mill tour. Safety boots or shoes are required. The next Directors meeting is also September 24 at the Sands with lunch provided.

Berndt Road Transfer Station – The transfer station is closed on Sundays after many discussions and surveys taken. GLPOA should follow up with the Council of North Algona Wilberforce Township. An email will be sent by Kevin and Glenn to GLPOA members that live in the Township to survey feelings.

Interlake Meeting – It is being held September 19 with Don O’Reilly, Ron Rimmer, Glenn Bingham and Kevin O’Connor attending.

AGM 2016 – The date for the 2016 AGM is tentatively July 2, 2016. Possible guest speakers were discussed and the head of FOCA was mentioned. An attempt will be made to limit the municipal greetings to 5 minutes each. Beulah Buckwald will be asked to entertain again. The “Safe Boating Guide” could be a handout.

FOCA AGM – Don O’Reilly will attend the FOCA AGM on the 1st Saturday of March 2016.

NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be September 24, 2015 at the Sands and a guided tour of Hokum mill will also be that day. .

MOTION: To adjourn time – 11:50 AM
MOVED: Chris Hamilton SECONDED: Glenn Bingham CARRIED

July 4, 2015 Annual General Meeting

DATE: Saturday, July 4, 2015
LOCATION: Killaloe Public School, Killaloe, Ontario
CALL TO ORDER at 9:00 AM President Kevin O’Connor welcomed everyone to the Annual General Meeting of the Golden Lake Property Owners Association. He mentioned that this year is the 11th anniversary of the Association. He introduced his wife Maureen and they sang a welcome song to the persons in attendance.
GREETINGS FROM SURROUNDING MUNICIPALITIES / COMMUNITIES: Mayor Janice Visneskie-Moore brought greetings from the Township of Killaloe-Hagarty- Richards. She gave a report on recent activities in the Municipality. Mayor Deborah Farr brought greetings from the Township of North Algona Wilberforce. She gave a brief report on recent activities in the Municipality. Councillor Merv Buckwald brought greetings from the Township of Bonnechere Valley. He gave a brief report on recent activities in the Municipality. Councillor Ron Bernard, brought greetings from the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan. He gave a brief report on recent activities in the First Nation Community.

MINUTES OF JULY 5, 2014, ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING : Secretary Rick O’Brien reported that the minutes of the 2014 Annual General Meeting had been posted recently in several public places, and had been on the GLPOA website in 2014 and 2015.
MOTION: To accept the minutes of Annual General meeting of July 5, 2014. MOVED: Dorothy Corbeil SECONDED: Claire Addison CARRIED.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer Rick O’Brien presented the Financial Summary for the operating year ending March 31, 2015, showing a starting balance on April 1, 2014 of $12,069.01, Revenue of $16,912.54, Disbursements of $15,973.82, and a balance on March 31, 2015 of $13,007.73.. The Treasurer reported that the 2014-2015 financial records had been reviewed by Michael J. Afelskie, Certified Management Accountant (retired), of Golden Lake. He reported that “No errors or omissions were found. The cheque register, financial statement, and supporting documents were all in perfect order”. The financial report is shown in Appendix 1. MOTION: To accept the Treasurer’s Report of March 31, 2015. MOVED: Doreen Dunn-Scully SECONDED: Terry Howard CARRIED.
2015-2016 INRODUCTION OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Dave Lemkay and Past President Gail McPhee introduced the 2015-2016 Executive and Board of Directors. The Executive and Board of Directors are listed on Appendix 2.
GUEST SPEAKER/ PRESENTATION: John Gulland reviewed the 2015 water level information of Golden Lake from graphs and charts produced by Renfrew Power Generation. Interested members can obtain up-to-date water level information on the GLPOA website The upper limit and licence of occupation limit was not exceeded in 2015. . He introduced guest speaker – Shawn Cameron of Renfrew Power Generation . His power point presentation provided an overview of the history and operation of Renfrew Power Generation. Some of the main points are: – Bonnechere River System has been under Renfrew’s control since early 1900’s – RPG has 5 dams on the Bonnechere River which includes 7 generators – Round Lake Dam was built in 1913 – 3 spillways, 92 foot weir, 24 logs – Golden Lake Dam was originally built 1915 and blown up in 1916 – The existing dam was built and completed 1932 – 5 spillways, 135 foot weir, 24 logs – Golden Lake drawdown typically begins in November – all logs out start of December – Weather plays a major role in maintaining levels year-round – Golden Lake has natural flow restrictions upriver of the dam He gave an overview of the Thomas Low Generating Station in Renfrew, which went online in January 2015. He also stated that RPG is concerned about public safety around dams. His presentation stated “Fast water with undertow is a serious danger! Please obey all signs and stay safe!!” His presentation ended with a question period.
PHOTO CONTEST PRIZE PRESENTATION: Rick O’Brien presented prizes for the photo contest. The best photo prize was won by Heather Thur for a picture she took December 24, 2012, of a sunset with ice on the lake, taken from her cottage on Islandview Drive with a Canon PowerShot camera. Two other prize winners, Debbie Kasdorff and Marion Zohr, were presented with gift cards.
Draws were held for 5 prizes donated by GLPOA Corporate Sponsors:  Pedicure for two at the Spa at the Sands on Golden Lake Draw Winner – Sue Berger  Canvas Print by Trapperman Gord McMillan [email protected] and Draw Winner – Don O’Reilly  Gift Certificate for Massage Holistic Hands Massage Therapy Killaloe Draw Winner – Barry Young  Walker’s Landing Casual Family Dining Dinner for 2 Draw Winner – Andres Bornweg  Original Print by Doreen Dunn-Scully Draw Winner – Elaine George
COFFEE BREAK: Courtesy of The Cottage Cup, Golden lake.
SPECIAL PRESENTATION 10:30 AM to 11:00 AM: Local entertainer Beaulah Buckwald entertained with music and stories.
INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIPS: Don O’Reilly gave a report on membership stating that there were 442 members in 2013 and 440 members in 2014. The goal for 2015 is 500 members. He advised that a new method of payment of membership fees was initiated – etransfer, and 39 e-transfers had been received to date. He mentioned that GLPOA was in the top 10 of number of Associations in the Federation of Ontario Cottage Associations, FOCA. He noted that Monique Pye was the record keeper maintaining an extensive database of membership information, and also organizes the distribution of annual membership collection packages, collection of fees, and membership emails. He stated that volunteers are needed to assist with the collection of annual fees.
CORPORATE SPONSORS: Don O’Reilly reported that there are 30 spaces for commercial advertising on the four boat launch sign boards located at the boat launching locations at Deacon Bridge, Tramore Bridge, Bonnechere Lodge Road, and Islandview Road. All are being used by our Corporate Sponsors. He asked that GLPOA members frequent and support our corporate sponsors.
STEWARDSHIP OF LAKE & RIVER: Glenn Bingham submitted reports on the following items.
WATER SAFETY: Water safety is under the watchful eye of Bill Gardner and his latest project is promoting the installation of a boat launching ramp on the River in close proximity to the Tramore bridge. The purpose of the proposed site is to provide easier access to the River and reduce roadside congestion. A groomed site at this location will minimize potential equipment damage and /or personal injury. Mayor Janice Vineskie-Moore has indicated that there may be issues in obtaining a permit from the appropriate agencies.
WATER QUALITY: As previously communicated in the Spring Newsletter, the frequency and number of locations for water samples that are drawn from the lake this year will double. With Heather Bingham’s training and experience as a medical lab technologist and Glenn Bingham’s background in Quality and Process Control, it is felt that they are well suited to perform the water sampling function.
WATER LEVEL: Water levels continue to be monitored by John Gulland. For the past seven years John has been very quietly, yet extremely diligently, addressed our issues and interests. John is a member of the Bonnechere River Watershed Management Plan (BRWMP) and he sits on the Standing Advisory Committee. Interested members can obtain up-to-date water level information on the GLPOA website
MAPS: Glenn Bingham has taken responsibility for GLPOA map sales. He reported that many maps had been sold to area businesses to be resold to interested persons. It was noted that new Association members receive a new map. Maps were on sale in the AGM meeting room.
FISHING: Merv Buckwald was thanked for his contributions during his tenure of Chairman of the GLPOA Fish Committee.
Glen Bingham reported that the MNRF has advised that they will not be stocking Golden Lake with either Walleye or Lake Trout. After meetings with the MNRF and after countless hours of research the Committee decided to take a different approach to improving fishing in the lake and river. The Fishing Committee decided to conduct a documented controlled Rainbow Smelt harvest. Through a study conducted by Harkness Laboratories in 2009 they determined the lake had a population of approximately 3.5 million Rainbow Smelt. It was stated that baby Walleye and Perch do not stand a chance against the wall of predators and that the biodiversity of the lake has been irreparably altered. The harvest was conducted this Spring with the commencement of the spawn occurring April 16th and lasting only nine short nights. During that time period a dedicated team of local volunteers were able to remove a total of 153,600 adult smelts thus limiting their ability to reproduce and feed upon other species. Glenn Bingham considers this first attempt to harvest a success not only based upon the harvest total but also due to the fact we were able to bring public awareness to the issue. Eganville Leader reporter Cathy Lampi reported these efforts and the MNRF and OFHA are aware of the results. They have congratulated us on what were able to achieve in such a short time period and have shown an interest in participating in next year’s harvest. New Committee members are; Jay Foran co-chair, Dale Benoit /Zohr recording Secretary, Joey Shay, Brian Yourth, Shawn Halliday, Stephanie Mundt and Zac Mundt. SHOAL / HAZARD MARKING: Eric Weckworth continues to spearhead this program. He is ably supported by seventeen other volunteers to ensue placement, removal, maintenance and storage of the markers and buoys. All efforts are made to have the buoys in place prior to the long weekend in May and removed after Labour Day in September.
COMMUNICATIONS: Allison Wood, Director of Communications, reported that GLPOA has five means of communication: 1) The AGM and she requested feedback from those in attendance by sending comments to [email protected] or personal conversations with directors. 2) Winter and Spring Newsletters with particular note of the corporate sponsors pages in the Spring Newsletter. 3) Membership with annual visits by the canvassers with a note that we need more volunteers for canvassing. 4) The Website that contains meeting minutes, useful articles, pictures, and notices of upcoming events. 5) Promotional wear being t-shirts, hats and sweaters. Members were asked to make sure that email addresses are supplied to GLPOA and are up-todate.
POKER RUN AUGUST 1, 2015: Ron Rimmer reported that the Poker Run is being held on August 1, and that $25 registration packages will be available in advance. The Sands on Golden Lake once again is the registration center of the event. There will be approximately $2500 in prizes for poker hands, best decorated boat, and draw prizes. He also thanked the corporate sponsors for their continued support.
Draws were held for 7 prizes donated by GLPOA Corporate Sponsors:  Video by Trapperman Gord McMillan [email protected] and Draw Winner – Ken Hall
 Gift certificate from The Cottage Cup, Golden Lake Draw Winner – Nicole St. Jacques  Dinner for 4 – Golden Lake Chinese Restaurant Draw Winner – Mary Robertson  Cabin – 1 Night plus 3 meals – McMillan’s Cabins Draw Winner – Katarina Palladini  Cottage for two nights at Goldenville Cottages Draw Winner – Claire Addison  Cottage for a weekend at Bonnechere Lodge Draw Winner – Denise Bergstresser  Overnight accommodation at The Sands on Golden Lake, Sunset Dinner & Sunrise Breakfast Draw Winner – Mildred Hamilton.
President Kevin O’Connor thanked the special guest and speaker for their attendance and he thanked all for attending.
ADJOURNMENT: MOTION: To adjourn the Golden Lake Property Owners Association 2015 Annual General Meeting – 12:15 PM. MOVED: Gail McPhee SECONDED: Glenn Bingham CARRIED

June 17, 2015 Board of Directors Meeting


DATE: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 – Sands on Golden Lake

PRESENT: President Kevin O’Connor, Past President Gail McPhee, Vice President Don O’Reilly, Glenn Bingham, Bill Gardiner, Marion Fuder, Sandy Nash, Monique Pye, Allison Wood, Ron Rimmer
ABSENT: Secretary-Treasurer Rick O’Brien, Dean Bergstresser, Jeff Raisbeck


REPORT FROM THE CHAIR : Everyone was welcomed by the President.
He reported on the following:
– Dean Bergstresser is ill but recovering and returning home soon.
– Ken Kruger has resigned as Director and Zone Representative as of May 1, 2015. He will however stay on to manage the website, if that is acceptable to the GLPOA.
– Association secretary is needed and it will be mentioned at the AGM.
– “Well Done” wall frame has been ordered from Andy Murray at a cost of $80.

– Letters have been sent to the Mayors of the Townships of Bonnechere Valley, North Algona Wilberforce, and Killaloe Hagarty Richards, and to the Chief of the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan, on May 29, 2015, inviting them to make opening comments at the AGM. No replies have been received as of this date.

MOTION: To accept the minutes of April 29, 2015.
MOVED: Sandy Nash SECONDED: Allison Wood CARRIED

The minutes have been posted on the website under Minutes of Current Year Meetings.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Rick O’Brien submitted a report on the finances of the Association, showing on April 1, 2015, a starting balance of $13,007.73, with disbursements of $5,314.94, and revenue of $6,380.00, with a June 17, 2015, balance of $14,072.79.
MOTION: To accept the Treasurer’s Financial Report of June 17, 2015.
MOVED: Gail McPhee SECONDED: Bill Gardiner CARRIED

It was noted that the financial records for the operating year April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015, had been given to Michael Afelskie for his review. He reported on June 7, that – “No errors or omissions were found. The cheque register, financial statement, and supporting documents were all in perfect order”.

A Thank You was given to the “professional” Treasurer for his excellent work.

Proposed AGM Agenda Review:
A draft agenda of the July 4, 2015 Annual General Meeting at the Killaloe Elementary Public School, was reviewed. Several items were emphasized:
– Ask for volunteers, have sign up list at membership table.
– Setup for the AGM is Friday July 3, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm.
– John Gulland will introduce the guest speaker from Renfrew Power Generation. There will be a 10 minute question period. Kevin O’Connor will thank the speaker.
– Sound system by Kirk and Helen Mandy and Ron Rimmer.
– Allison Wood and Gail McPhee to print agenda.
– Marion Fuder responsible for refreshments in the lobby area.
– Gail McPhee will bring name tags and pens.
– Dave Lemkay is to introduce the Directors and run the elections.
– Door Prizes – Kate O`Hara to pull tickets and Marion Fuder will record winners and prizes.

Poker Run Review:
– Registration and information packages are ready to be printed and will be sold at the AGM on July 4. 200 packages will be available.
– It was suggested that participants make it a family day event.
– Sponsors have been obtained and many prizes have been donated. Sponsors can set up additional tables.
– Roddy McCann and the Sands are booked. Food arranged and tables set aside.
– Prize structure has been changed to facilitate delivery.
– 3 prizes for best decorated boat. There will be 7 top prizes and 8 lucky draws.


1. Membership– Don O’Reilly and Monique Pye
– As of June 15, 134 paid memberships + 37 E-Transfers +3 by mail.
– The Treasurer has reported that 38 memberships have been paid by E-Transfer payment and $770 was collected.
– All Zones and Number of Canvassers Review – Meet at the end of July to consider results and requirements.
– Target For Completion – after long weekend in May but all accepted until the Fall.

2. Corporate Advertisers Review – Don O’Reilly
– 26 out of 30 have paid with 3-4 confirmed to pay soon.
– Revenue is approximately $4000.
– There is waiting list to go on the signboards.

3. Lake Stewardship Lake/River – Glenn Bingham
Water Quality – Glenn Bingham reported that testing is ongoing.
Water Levels – This item will be addressed at the AGM by Renfrew Power Generation.
Water Hazards/Navigation Aids – Glenn Bingham reported that the buoys will be tagged soon.
Fishing- Glenn Bingham reported on the Smelt Harvest. He will speak to this at the AGM. A volunteer sign up sheet will be put out.
Maps- Glenn Bingham reported that 90 maps have been sold and a possible map revision was mentioned.

4. Communication – Allison Wood and Monique Pye
Spring Newsletter feedback – There has been very positive feedback on the newsletter.
Winter Newsletter feedback – In the future it should be 1 page to say “Hello” and mentions thing from the Fall.
Website – – Ken Kruger is continuing to make changes to the website when necessary. All winners from the AGM should be posted on the website. Winning photos from the contest to be on the website. Photos should be changed regularly on the website.
Promotions – Marion Fuder – New promotion being “Hoodies” and orders to be taken. The T-shirt project is to be continued.


Special Events and Projects
Vice President Positions – Don O`Reilly will become the President in 2016, and Allison Wood and Ron Rimmer will be Vice-Presidents elect
Hokums Mill – Do they discharge residue into the Lake. Answer is no as all residue is controlled by pond filtering and it is an expensive project. It was suggested that a tour be organized.
Sign on Brennan`s Creek – The Slow Down sign needs to be moved. Glenn Bingham will look into this.
Boat Launch at Tramore Bridge – Bill Gardiner is looking into this. A permit will be issued and work will begin on repairing, moving the launch. The Township will participate and partner up. Maintenance must be kept up and washrooms need repair now.

NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be Wednesday July 22, 2015

MOTION: To adjourn – time – 11:30 am
MOVED: Bill Gardner SECONDED: Ron Rimmer CARRIED

________________________ ____________________________
Kevin O’Connor, President Rick O’Brien, Secretary

April 29, 2015 Board of Directors Meeting

DATE: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 – Sands on Golden Lake
PRESENT: President Kevin O’Connor, Past President Gail McPhee, Secretary-Treasurer Rick O’Brien, Vice President Don O’Reilly, Ken Kruger, Glenn Bingham, Don O’Reilly, Bill Gardiner, Dean Bergstresser, Marion Fuder, Sandy Nash, Monique Pye.
ABSENT: Allison Wood, Jeff Raisbeck, Ron Rimmer.
REPORT FROM THE CHAIR : Everyone was welcomed by the President.
The “Well Done” Award was discussed and it was suggested that Mick Daley be the recipient. The award to Mick Daley to show our appreciation for his past efforts in the establishment of the Association, would be called the “Founders Award”. The suggestion was discussed with further discussions to be held at a future meeting.
Copies of the recently printed Newsletter were distributed to those present. The sections of the Newsletter were reviewed. It was mentioned that the printing cost was approximately $1200 which was substantially more that 2014 costs but that the advertising of the AGM and Poker Run could be reduced in cost because of the Newsletter inclusion of both items.
SECRETARY’S REPORT: Rick O’Brien reported that the FOCA insurance had been paid effective March 31, 2015 for 1 year. Electronic copies have been given to Executive for future reference.
President O’Connor mentioned that the Association should once again consider the position of Secretary to be separated from the Treasurer due to existing workload of the SecretaryTreasurer.
PREVIOUS MINUTES APPROVAL: MOTION: To accept the minutes of October 22, 2014. MOVED: Bill Gardiner SECONDED: Dean Bergstresser CARRIED
TREASURER’S REPORT: Rick O’Brien submitted a report on the finances of the Association, showing on April 1, 2014, a starting balance of $12,069.01, with disbursements of $15,973.82, and revenue of $16,912.54, with a March 31, 2015, balance of $13,007.73. MOTION: To accept the Treasurer’s Final Financial Report of March 31, 2015. MOVED: Monique Pye SECONDED: Don O’Reilly CARRIED
The Treasurer reported that the financial records had been given to Michael Afelskie for his review and report.
The Treasurer reported that the signing officers of the Association should be updated.
MOTION: That the signing officers of the Golden Lake Property Owners Association be Treasurer Rick O’Brien, Vice President Don O’Reilly and Past President Gail McPhee, and that any two be required to sign cheques and documents. MOVED: Monique Pye SECONDED: Ken Kruger CARRIED
1. Membership– Don O’Reilly
A meeting is being held Saturday May 9 at 9:00 am with all membership representatives and membership packages would be given out at that time. I was mentioned that Zones 3 and 5 need assistance with convassing. The agenda for that meeting would be similar to previous years.
Review of e-transfer payments – The e-transfer of the $20 membership fee has been set up with CIBC and the Treasurer. 16 persons have paid their memberships by e-transfer and a further 3 attempted to pay but because of the security answer problems with CIBC the funds were not transferred. The security answer for CIBC customers is glpoa2015 and for others is GLPOA. Monique Pye has been advised of those who have paid and she will adjust he packages accordingly.
Corporate advertisers – Corporate advertising invoices for the four GLPOA sign assemblies have sent out and to date 21 have paid the $160. Because of the inclusion of the corporate advertisers in the Newsletter, it was suggested that the annual rates could be increased. This would be discussed in future meetings. 2. Lake Stewardship Lake/River – Glenn Bingham
Water Levels – John Gulland monitors the water levels on behalf of GLPOA . Based upon this years Spring Freshet daily reports, the Lake has risen 43 cm since April 6th. The Lake level is very low compared to previous years.
Water Quality – Glenn Bingham reported that the number of sites that samples are drawn from this year will double from previous years. The three additional sites will be in the vicinity of Skellys’ Bay. The purpose of taking extra samples in this area is to determine if there is any leaching from the Ruby Road Waste Transfer site .
Water Hazards – Dean Bergstresser is overseeing the buoy placement program . He will be working with Eric Weckworth tagging each buoy numerically and documenting the GPS location of every individual buoy. A copy of the current map will be used as reference to verify the accuracy of the Map to actual placement of buoys. There are many other volunteers that assist in placement, removal and storage of buoys. A list of all volunteers will also be compiled and kept on file giving their name, address, telephone number and email address if they have one.
Fishing- Glenn Bingham reported that in an effort to improve overall fishing on the Lake and River GLPOA implemented a Rainbow Smelt harvest this Spring .He feels the effort was a success and anticipate even greater successes in years to come. The volunteers provided exceptional support and it is through their efforts that we exceeded expectations. The final numbers are not in yet but to date we have harvested in excess of 100,000 Rainbow Smelt. We have not only removed 100,000 predators, we have also significantly impacted their reproductive cycle . Harvesting of Rainbow Smelt must become an annual event if we wish to win the battle of invasive species but is not the only answer. Once we have a firm grasp upon this process the Fish Committee has other initiatives we are considering. Glenn Bingham was congratulated for the work he did on this project. It was mentioned that any costs incurred for this project would be deducted from the Lake Stocking fund shown on the financial statement.
Maps- Total number of maps sold in 2013 was 85, number sold in 2014 was 173. The first of maps sold in 2013 was on May 23rd. This year all Distributors will be contacted by May 1st to ensure they have adequate inventory available by the long weekend in May. Year to date quantity of maps sold is at 61. We have an approximate inventory on hand of 500 maps . We will have to place an order for replacement maps this year . We have the option of ordering maps in its present state or developing an improved map. If a revised map is the preferred option a Committee should be established to determine how we might improve the existing revision.
3. Communication – The Spring Newsletter was reviewed earlier in the meeting.
It was suggested that the existing pictures on the home page of the website could be changed regularly. Board members were asked to keep interesting photos for the future.
Annual General Meeting – Gail McPhee and Kevin O’Connor are organizing the July 4, 2015 Annual General Meeting. Several other Board members are assisting. Executive members will have special blue T-shirts so that people attending will know who they are.
Poker Run – Don O’Reilly reported that the annual poker run is being organized for August 1, 2015 at the Sands on Golden Lake. The 2015 entry fee is $25 per person.
Promotions – Gail McPhee advised that the GLPOA pens would be distributed with the membership packages.
Special Events and Projects – Because of many discussion in past meetings on the establishment of a high school bursary, a report was presented outlining suggestions for a bursary to Opeongo High School and to Madawaska Valley District High School. After much discussion the item was tabled with no further action proposed. The proposed closing of the North Algona Wilberforce Berndt Road Waste Transfer Site on Sunday afternoon during the summer months, was discussed.
MOTION: That a letter be sent to North Algona Wilberforce Township Council requesting that the present opening of the Berndt Road Waste Transfer site on Sunday afternoon from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm, during the summer months, remain unchanged. MOVED: Bill Gardiner SECONDED: Glenn Bingham CARRIED
NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be June 17, 2015, 9:00 am to 11:00 am, at the Sands on Golden Lake.
ADJOURNMENT: MOTION: To adjourn – 11:55 a.m. MOVED: Ken Kruger SECONDED: Gail McPhee CARRIE

October 22, 2014 Board of Directors Meeting

Wednesday, October 22, 2014 – Sands on Golden Lake

PRESENT: President Kevin O’Connor, Past President Gail McPhee, Secretary-Treasurer Rick O’Brien, Vice President Don O’Reilly, Ken Kruger, Glenn Bingham, Don O’Reilly, Bill Gardiner, Allison Wood, Dean Bergstresser.

REGRETS: Marion Fuder, Sandy Nash, Monique Pye, Jeff Raisbeck.


REPORT FROM THE CHAIR : Everyone was welcomed by the President. Mr. Ron Rimmer was introduced as a new member.
The President reported that he had received a letter from Kirk Mandy resigning from his position of Vice President.
MOTION: To accept the resignation of Kirk Mandy.
MOVED: Dean Bergstresser SECONDED: Allison Wood CARRIED
The President advised that he had discussed the resignation with Past President Gail McPhee and they both decided that they would remain in their present positions until July 2016. Don O’Reilly also has agreed to stay as Vice President until July 2016.

MOTION: To accept the minutes of September 10, 2014.
MOVED: Bill Gardiner SECONDED: Allison Wood CARRIED

TREASURER’S REPORT: Rick O’Brien submitted a report on the finances of the Association, showing on April 1, 2014, a starting balance of $12,069.01, with disbursements of $12,757.25,and revenue of $16,782.54, with an October 22, 2014, balance of $16,094.30.
MOTION: To accept the Treasurer’s Report of October 22, 2014.
MOVED: Gail McPhee SECONDED: Glenn Bingham CARRIED

The reports followed the order of the sections of the “Draft” GLPOA Operating Manual dated October 21, 2014.

-President -Vice President
-Secretary/Treasurer -Past President

1. Chair Person – Membership – Don O’Reilly
2. Chair Person – Lake/River Stewardship – Glenn Bingham
3. Chair Person – Communication – Allison Wood

1. Membership Chair Person – Don O’Reilly
Individual Memberships – Don O’Reilly
Corporate Memberships – Ron Rimmer
Records – Monique Pye

Individual memberships is the #1 priority. Key Goal is to create a strong united voice of all property owners and business owners on Golden lake and on the Bonnechere River, to deal with all levels of government – power producers, municipalities, etc.

Membership items that were discussed – zones, zone leaders, recruitment of zone reps, membership packages, maps, identity cards, and membership listings.
Corporate advertising and corporate memberships, and signboard maintenance, were reviewed.

2. Stewardship Chair Person Lake/River – Glenn Bingham

Water Levels – John Gulland is to be responsible for water levels. Information will always be available on the website, provided by Renfrew Power Generation.

Water Testing – Glenn Bingham will doing performing this item with samples being taken in various locations. Testing will be done for nitrogen, phosphorous and ecolie as per FOCA “Lake Partnership Program” recommendations. The results will be posted on the website.

Water Hazards – Dean Bergstresser will be responsible for this item and Eric Weckworth coordinates the placing and removal of all markers/buoys. Hazard locations, buoy standards, buoy numbering , gps coordinates, and installation methods were reviewed.

Water Safety – Bill Gardiner advised that clearance signs have been at the Deacon Bridge and will be placed at the Golden Lake Bridge in the near future. Improvements at the Bonnechere River launching ramp at Tramore are to be undertaken in 2015.
A reprint of the Lake and River Map will be arranged for 2015.

Fishing- Glenn Bingham advised that MNR will be stocking 2000 walleye in the lake this Fall, at no charge to the Association.

3. Communication Chair Person – Allison Wood

Annual General Meeting – Gail McPhee and Kevin O’Connor are to be responsible for this item. AGM date, location and booking, and meeting agenda were discussed.

Poker Run – Don O’Reilly will be responsible for this project.

Promotions – Marion Fuder and Helen Mandy will be responsible for promotional items such as T shirts, mugs, pens, and other relevant items.

Website – Ken Kruger will continue to be responsible for the website with Allison Wood as a back-up.

Newsletters – Allison Wood is to be responsible for the newsletters that are prepared in the Winter and Spring.

Recognition Awards –
The following are the Executive Advisory Committee for 2013/2014:
Dave Lemkay Kevin O’Connor Mick Daley
Howard Bernard Weldon McEachen George Wilcox
John Gulland Norm Edwards Gail McPhee
Lisa Minoeo Bill Clark Doug Yourth
Brenda Maunder
The following are the recipients of the 2013/2014 Volunteer Appreciation Award:
Ann Marie Spring Brian Fraser Carine Cybulski
Dave Lemkay Dorothy Corbeill Garry Yeldon
Karen Utronki Kathy Lampi Kevin O’Connor
Mike Cayer Norma Bailey Robyn Richards
Norm Edwards Nicole Schroeder Mike Wendorf
Mick Daley has been nominated for the new “Weldone” Award in 2015.

Special Events and Projects –
A donation to the St. Francis Memorial Hospital Hospice Foundation was discussed.
MOTION: To donate $2500.00 to the St. Francis Memorial Hospital Foundation, the Friends of M.V. Hospice Match-It! Program. The money was raised through the annual Poker Run and the Corporate Sponsors Sign revenue.
MOVED: Bill Gardiner SECONDED: Glenn Bingham CARRIED

Pot Luck Volunteer Appreciation:
This event is held in September or October every year to recognize the volunteers of GLPOA. Several venues have been used in the past and entertainment is by some of the volunteers. The budget for this event is approximately $200.


Interlake Meeting: President Kevin O’Connor, Don O’Reilly and Glenn Bingham attended the September 20th meeting in Barry’s Bay. A brief report of the meeting was given.

NEXT MEETING: The next meeting is at the call of the Chair.

MOTION: To adjourn – 1:25 p.m.

September 10, 2014 Board of Directors Meeting


DATE: Wednesday, September 10, 2014

PRESENT: President Kevin O’Connor, Past President Gail McPhee, Secretary-Treasurer Rick O’Brien, Marion Fuder, Monique Pye, Glenn Bingham, Heather Bingham, Sandy Nash, Don O’Reilly, Bill Gardiner, Merv Buchwaldt, Allison Wood, Dean Bergstresser.

REGRETS: Ken Kruger, Jeff Raisbeck, Vice-President Kirk Mandy.


REPORT FROM THE CHAIR : Everyone was welcomed by the President who reflected on his last 5 months as President.

PREVIOUS MINUTES APPROVAL: MOTION: To accept the minutes of August 13, 2014. MOVED: Bill Gardiner SECONDED: Dean Bergstresser CARRIED
TREASURER’S REPORT: Rick O’Brien submitted a report on the finances of the Association, showing a April 1, 2014, starting balance of $12,069.01, disbursements of $10,687.91, revenue of $15,286.54, with a September 10, 2014, balance of $16,667.64. MOTION: To accept the Treasurer’s Report of September 10, 2014. MOVED: Sandy Nash SECONDED: Gail McPhee CARRIED


MEMBERSHIP: Don O’Reilly gave a report on membership. Discussion items were as follows; – All areas have been canvassed – There are still some membership fees to be collected – The membership goal is 500 – Zone 5 is in need of additional help.


WATER QUALITY: Glenn and Heather Bingham reported on tests that were collected on September 3, and analyzed by Caduceon Environmental Laboratories, in the following locations – Brennans Creek, center of the lake, and Harris Bay.

WATER LEVELS: It was noted that the Lake levels are low. Renfrew Power Generation will be contacted and a future report will be presented.

SHOAL / HAZARD MARKING: Hazard/shoal buoys are expected to be removed by Eric Weckworth and his volunteers no later than Thanksgiving weekend.

BOATING SAFETY: Bill Gardiner reported that clearance signs are installed at the Deacon Bridge. The boat launch improvements are underway by the Municipality of Killaloe Hagarty Richards. The clearance signs have to be installed under the Golden Lake bridge and that will be done in the near future.

FISHING: A meeting is being held with the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan in the near future. Chris Monette is the contact and it is being proposed that a study be done of the lake fishing and funded by the First Nation. The following are some discussion items: -rainbow smelt is the biggest problem and it is affecting habitat. Attempts to promote netting of smelt should proceed -MNR gave OFAH $250,000 to establish a fish hatchery.

MAPS: Revisions to the existing map were reviewed and it was noted that the map was revised in 2013 and approximately 1000 maps were produced. It was suggested that a map be given to each member in 2015 as there are probably about 600 still available. The possibility of a smaller map was mentioned.


WEBSITE: It was mentioned that Ken Kruger should be kept up-to-date with any new information, so that he can post items on the website. The placement of a “counter” on the website was discussed so that traffic coming to the GLPOA website can be monitored.

PROMOTIONS: Different promotional items will be investigated in the future.

NEWSLETTERS: It was generally agreed that work on newsletters should be started earlier.

EMAILS: Emails received through the website are to be acknowledged and answered by the Secretary or given to the appropriate Executive member or Director for a response.

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING JULY 5, 2014: The 2014 AGM was discussed briefly and it was agreed that there should be future discussions for organizing the 2015.

AGM. . POKER RUN AUGUST 2, 2014: Don O’Reilly gave a brief report on the Poker Run advising that $816.47 was made after all expenses were paid.

POT LUCK SEPTEMBER 11, 2014: The annual volunteers appreciation pot luck get together is being held Wednesday September 11, at Golden Lake Park from 3:00 to 7:00 pm.

WELL DONE AWARD: The Sands on Golden Lake have donated space on a wall to
display awards, momentos and pictures. The guidelines for the Well Done award was discussed and general agreement was that it should be for founders.

NOMINATING COMMITTEE FOR FUTURE DIRECTORS: Gail McPhee gave a brief report on ideas of new directors.


INTERLAKE MEETING: President Kevin O’Connor. Don O’Reilly and Glenn Bingham attended the September 20th meeting in Barry’s Bay. A brief report of the meeting was given.

FOCA AGM: The President advised that the AGM of the Federation of Ontario Cottage Associations is held in mid March each year. He recommended that two persons attend representing GLPOA.

ORGANIZATIONAL REVIEW: A special committee has been set up to review the organizational structure of the Association and a report will be presented in the near future.

OTHER: -It was noted that Municipalities are not notified of locations where septage is placed on land.
-Insurance for private roads purchased through FOCA was discussed.

MOTION: That the President be authorized to spend up to $200 on special items, ie. donations, flowers. MOVED: Bill Gardiner SECONDED: Monique Pye CARRIED

NEXT MEETING: The next meeting is Wednesday, October 22, at the Sands on Golden Lake. A meeting notice and agenda would be sent out in advance of the meeting.

ADJOURNMENT: MOTION: To adjourn 11:10 A.M.

August 13, 2014 Board of Directors Meeting

DATE: Wednesday, August 13, 2014

PRESENT: President Kevin O’Connor, Past President Gail McPhee, Vice-President Kirk Mandy, Marion Fuder, Ken Kruger, Glenn Bingham, Heather Bingham, Sandy Nash, Don O’Reilly, Bill Gardiner, Allison Wood.

REGRETS: Jeff Raisbeck, Monique Pye, Dean Bergstresser, Secretary-Treasurer Rick O’Brien.


REPORT FROM THE CHAIR : Everyone was welcomed by the President.


MOTION: To accept the minutes of June 7, 2014.


TREASURER’S REPORT: Rick O’Brien has submitted a report on the finances of the Association, showing a starting April 1 balance of $12,069.01, Disbursements of $9,328.58, Revenue of $12,089.00, with a balance of $14,829.43.

MOTION: To accept the Treasurer’s Report of August 13, 2014.


A discussion took place about the background of memberships, challenges of leadership and succession planning. Monique Pye was congratulated on her excellent work.

A discussion took place about the anniversary mugs being 50% of the initial cost due to receiving the order after the required date.

A discussion took place concerning membership in FOCA (Federation of Ontario Cottage Associations).


MEMBERSHIP: Kirk Mandy gave a report on membership. Discussion items were as follows;

– Need for infrastructure, need for “key” person to “lead”.

– Review of membership meeting of August 7, succession, leadership, and documentation.

– Generally GLPOA is in good shape with some “tweaking” needed.

– Don O’Reilly will step up to act as membership leader.

– Upgrade membership collection using modern technology.

MOTION: To appoint Don O’Reilly as head of membership.

MOVED: Kirk Mandy SECONDED: Bill Gardiner CARRIED

WATER LEVELS: It was noted that the Lake levels are low.

WATER QUALITY: Glenn and Heather Bingham reported that tests were done in June and new tests will be done in September. A base line will be established for Harris Bay.

SHOAL / HAZARD MARKING: It was reported some new markers/buoys are needed. Also the locations of most of the markers are shown on the lake map.

WEBSITE: It was mentioned that Ken Kruger should be kept up-to-date with any new information, so that he can post items on the website.

PROMOTIONS: Different options will be investigated.

CORPORATE SPONSORS: Kirk Mandy reported that there are 29 advertisers on the sign boards with 26 paid. Some of the existing sign logos are out-of-date and businesses may be contacted to see if they want changes to be made.

MAPS: Glenn and Heather Bingham reported that the maps are a very popular item and sales revenue would reported at a future meeting.

BOATING SAFETY: Bill Gardiner reported that speed limit signs are installed. The boat launch improvements are underway funded by the Municipality and GLPOA. Bill was thanked for his hard work on these projects.

NOMINATING COMMITTEE FOR FUTURE DIRECTORS: A new chair is need and Gail McPhee agreed to be the Chair. New Directors can be accepted.

POKER RUN AUGUST 2, 2014: The Poker Run had 145 participants with $3625 revenue and expenses for music, food, advertising, portable toilettes. Approximately $1000 profit will be deposited in the Association account. New ideas were discussed – boat decoration, 50/50 draw, activity for kids during waiting time, table at the AGM, earlier planning. A better method of distribution of prizes is being discussed and applicable software will be investigated.

POT LUCK – SEPTEMBER 11, 2014: The annual volunteers appreciation pot luck get together is being held Wednesday September 11, at Golden Lake Park from 3:00 to 7:00 pm.

10TH ANNIVERSARY MUGS: Gail McPhee gave a report on the mugs.

FISHING: A meeting was held with MNR recently. The following are some discussion items:

-Rainbow smelt is the biggest problem and its affecting habitat.

-Attempt to promote netting of smelt.

-Pikwakanagan may help with netting.

-“Smelt catch” bee in the Spring is an idea.

– Pickerel life cycle was reviewed.

COMMUNICATION: A Committee chair is required. Responsibilities are – Website, email, ads in newspapers, newsletters, AGM.

EXECUTIVE COUNCIL: Letter of appreciation is to be sent and honorary members will receive lifetime free memberships.

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING JULY 5, 2014: A review of the AGM was done: Theme OK, The Cottage Cup will set up the refreshments, Mayors OK, Another method of timing was suggested because the bell was controversial, Committee reports will be allowed 4 minutes, Continue with the introduction of executive and directors.

Lucky Draws were satisfactory.

Special Presentation should be shorter with possibly two different topics.

INTERLAKE MEETING: The President and the Vice-President will attend.
NEW BUSINESS: The idea of a “well done” award was discussed.
NEXT MEETING: The next meeting is Wednesday, September 10, 2014, at the Sands on Golden Lake at 9:00 AM.

MOTION: To adjourn 12 noon.

July 5, 2014 AGM Meeting

DATE: Saturday, July 5, 2014

LOCATION: Killaloe Public School, Killaloe, Ontario


President Kevin O’Connor welcomed everyone to the Annual General Meeting of the Golden Lake Property Owners Association. He mentioned that this year is the 10th anniversary of the Association and that the Association has adopted the theme song “Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now”, a 1987 number 1 hit song by Starship. He stated that the Associations top three priorities are:

Membership – a powerful voice representing our lake and river.
Care of our lake and our river – quality of water, safety on the water, levels of water, health of our shorelines.
Communications – with our our memberships and the public at large, web page, emails, newsletters, AGM.

President O’Connor paid tribute to Weldon McEachen who passed away 2 months ago. His comments included: he was an action person, he had a passion for Golden lake, he started the corporate signing program, he organized the hazard marking and buoy program, he was responsible for the first GLPOA map of the lake, and he organized the building of washrooms at the Deacon boat launch. He was also responsible for the annual poker run that is held on the lake each summer.

It was also mentioned that there was a new banner hanging on the wall acknowledging “Golden Lake and Bonnechere River”.


Township of Killaloe – Hagarty – Richards – Mayor Janice Visneskie-Moore brought greetings from the Township.

Township of North Algona Wilberforce – Mayor Harold Weckworth brought greetings from the Township.

Township of Bonnechere Valley – Mayor Jennifer Murphy brought greetings from the Township.

Algonquins of Pikwakanagan – no representative was present.

Bonnechere River Watershed Project – Kathy Lindsay, Chair of the Board of Directors, brought greetings from the organization.


Dave Lemke advised that the minutes of the 2013 Annual General Meeting had been posted recently in several public places, and had been on the GLPOA website www.goldenlake.coin 2013 and 2014.

MOTION: To accept the minutes of Annual General meeting of July 6, 2013.



Rick O’Brien, Treasurer, presented the Financial Summary For The Operating year ending March 31, 2014, showing a starting balance on April 1, 2013 of $10,237.13, Revenue of $17,785.00, Disbursements of $16,116.82, and a balance on March 31, 2014 of $11,905.31.

The Treasurer reported that the 2013-2014 financial records had been reviewed by Michael J. Afelskie, Certified Management Accountant (retired), of Golden Lake. He reported that “I found the accounting records to be in extremely good order, and therefore, have no recommendations relating to the books”. The report is shown in Appendix 1.

MOTION: To accept the Treasurer’s Report of June 7, 2014.

MOVED: Kirk Mandy, SECONDED: Carine Cybulski, CARRIED


MEMBERSHIP/COMMUNICATIONS: Monique Pye gave a report on membership, stating that membership packages were given out recently and volunteers are actively contacting members concerning the 2014 membership. She reported that there were 439 paid members in 2013. A map was presented showing the lake and river shoreline that is divided into 11 zones that volunteers canvas membership renewals. She also asked that the Association be notified if members have a new email address. The Association website was mentioned and it has many interesting items with links to other organizations such as MNR and FOCA and the surrounding Municipalities. The email address for the Association is [email protected].

SPECIAL VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION: Gail McPhee advised that the Association was purchasing special mugs to be given to volunteers to show appreciation of the efforts made for the Association.

WATER QUALITY: Glenn Bingham reported on water quality testing. He recognized Jack Blair for his work for the past several years. The lake is in very good shape according to the 2013 testing results. Testing will begin soon and reports will be submitted at the regular Board of Directors meetings.

MAPS: Glenn Bingham have taken responsibility for GLPOA map sales. He reported that many maps had been sold to area businesses to be resold to interested persons. It was noted that new Association members receive a new map.

FISHING: Glen Bingham reported that the fishing committee had prepared a business plan for improving the future of fishing in Golden Lake.

WATER LEVELS: John Gulland reported on the 2014 Lake water levels. Interested members can obtain up-to-date water level information on the GLPOA website All the stop logs were taken out at the Golden lake dam located just downstream of the Golden Lake Bridge, on December 6, 2013. The spring freshet began on April 6, 2014 when Renfrew Power Generation started daily reporting. The upperlimit and licence of occupation was exceeded on April 20, and the water levels peaked on about May 5. The levels were back within the required limits on May 25 with RPG issuing its last daily report on May 27. Twenty-one stop logs are in the dam at this time which is the maximum.

CORPORATE SPONSORS: Kirk Mandy reported that invoices for 2014 corporate advertising on the four boat launch sign boards have been sent out. Revisions are being made to existing businesses and 3 new sponsors will be added. There are a total of 30 businesses on the signs with many others waiting for openings. He asked that GLPOA members frequent and support our corporate sponsors.

POKER RUN AUGUST 2, 2014: Kirk Mandy reported that the Poker Run is being held on August 2, and that registration packages will be available in advance. The Sands on Golden Lake once again is the registration center of the event. He advised that volunteers are needed to assist and anyone interested should see him after the meeting.

SHOAL / HAZARD MARKING: Don O’Reilly reported on behalf of Eric Weckworth that 44 markers are in the lake marking hazards and shoals and area of navigation. He advised that many volunteers assist with the placement and removal and storage of buoys extended a thank you to them. He stated that many markers / buoys do break free as a result of inclement weather and that when these are found the executive or volunteers should be contacted.

2014-2015 NOMINATIONS FOR DIRECTORS: Dave Lemkay presented a report containing the names of persons nominated for the Board of Directors. A biography of each of the persons was read by Dave Lemkay. He asked three times if there were any nominations from the floor, with no nominations made.

MOTION: To accept the report nominating the names of the Board of Directors for the 2014-2015 operating year.

MOVED: Dave Lemkay, SECONDED: Kate O’Hara, CARRIED

The Board of Directors are listed on Appendix 2.


Executive Advisory Committee:

Doug Yourth Brenda Maunder Bill Clark

Lisa Mineo Norm Edwards Gail McPhee

Retired Reps Certification of Appreciation:

Norm Edwards Nicole Schroeder Mike Wendorf

Draws were held for prizes donated by GLPOA Corporate Sponsors:

Overnight accommodation at The Sands on Golden Lake, including Sunset Dinner & a Sunrise Breakfast.

Draw Winner – Steve Kutchke

$75.00 Gift Certificate for the Spa at the Sands on Golden Lake.

Draw Winner – Don O’Reilly

Cottage for a weekend at Bonnechere Lodge.

Draw Winner – John Valliant

Dinner for Four at the Golden Lake Chinese Restaurant.

Draw Winner – Harold Weckworth

Cabin for One Night (2 people) plus 3 meals at McMillan’s Cabins.

Draw Winner – John Beatty

Gift Certificate for Massage Holistic Hands Massage Therapy Killaloe.

Draw Winner – Maureen Clarke

The video Eagles & Wolves by Trapperman Gord McMillan. [email protected] and

Draw Winner – Mike Gosse

Canvas Print by Trapperman Gord McMillan. [email protected] and

Draw Winner – George Wouda

$50.00 gift certificate from Cottage Cup, Golden Lake.

Draw Winner – Howard Bernard

Cottage for two nights in September at Goldenville Cottages.

Draw Winner – Heather Bingham


President Kevin O’Connor thanked all for attending and gave the following remark:

Winston Churchill said “we made a living by what we get, but, we make a life by what we give”.


MOTION: To adjourn the business portion of the Annual General Meeting – 10:23 AM.


A special 10th Anniversary cake was enjoyed by those in attendance.
Presentations on Health Care in the area were made by:
Sabine Mersmann, Vice-President of Patient Services, Seniors and Community Care at the Pembroke Regional Hospital.
Julia Boudreau, Vice-President of Corporate Services for the Renfrew Hospital and Barry’s Bay St. Francis Hospital.
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
2014 – 2015

Executive Committee:

Kevin O’Connor President

Kirk Mandy Vice-President

Rick O’Brien Secretary–Treasurer

Monique Pye Membership

Gail McPhee Past-President


Don O’Reilly Jeff Raisbeck

Dean Bergstresser Ken Kruger

Bill Gardner Glen Bingham

Marion Fuder Allison Wood

Lyle Kauffeldt Sandy Nash

June 7, 2014 Board of Directors Meeting


DATE: Saturday, June 7, 2014

– PRESENT: President Kevin O’Connor, Past President Gail McPhee, Vice-President Elect Kirk Mandy, Vice-President Jeff Raisbeck, Treasurer Rick O’Brien, Monique Pye, Ken Kruger, Jack Blair, Brenda Maunder, Howard Bernard, Doug Yourth, Bill Gardiner, Joe Mineo, Merv Buckwald, Dean Bergstresser, Glenn Bingham, Heather Bingham, Sandy Nash, Don O’Reilly.

– REGRETS: Marion Fuder

– CALL TO ORDER at 9:00 AM:

– REPORT FROM THE CHAIR : Everyone was welcomed by the President, and he introduced many new persons in attendance.


MOTION: To accept the minutes of April 26, 2014.

MOVED: Bill Gardiner SECONDED: Howard Bernard CARRIED

– SECRETARY: Rick O’Brien was appointed as the acting Secretary for the meeting. Rick O’Brien reported that the GLPOA laptop computer had been recently given to him from former secretary Lisa Mineo.

– TREASURER’S REPORT: Rick O’Brien gave a report on the finances of the Association, showing Disbursements of $3,634.00, Revenue of $1,763.00, with a balance of $10,198.01.

MOTION: To accept the Treasurer’s Report of June 7, 2014.


The Treasurer reported that the 2013-2014 financial records had been reviewed by Michael J. Afelskie, Retired Chartered Accountant, of Golden Lake. He reported that “I found the accounting records to be in extremely good order, and therefore, have no recommendations relating to the books”.


– MEMBERSHIP: Monique Pye gave a report on membership, stating that membership packages were given out recently, with no revenue to this date. Some areas/zones were in need of additional help to collect the membership fees. It was suggested that the sign board advertisers should be included in our membership numbers.

– WATER LEVELS: It was noted that the Lake is at a very low level – lowest in many years for this date. Ken Kruger reported that RPG has stopped sending water level reports to him for posting on the website. President Kevin O’Connor said he would check on the reports.

– WATER QUALITY: Glenn and Heather Bingham are taking over the responsibility of water testing from Jack Blair who has sold his property and is moving away from the area. It was reported that Chantal Wilcox is interested in cooperating with GLPOA on water quality testing. Comparisons were made with other area lakes and it was noted that Brennan’s Creek has less nutrients now because of improvements to waste water treatment in Killaloe.

– SHOAL / HAZARD MARKING: Joe Mineo reported on behalf of Eric Weckworth that most of the markers are in with a few more being installed later today.

– COMMUNICATION: Ken Kruger advised that the new logo which includes reference to the “10 year anniversary” of GLPOA would be difficult to place on the website and would not be worth the effort and cost for a one time event. Work is ongoing to add “Bonnechere River” to group name on the website. It was mentioned that if website traffic was tabulated it would not be accurate because of the quantity of “inappropriate hits”.

– CORPORATE SPONSORS: Kirk Mandy and Joe Mineo reported that invoices for 2014 coporate advertising on the four sign boards have been sent out. Matt Cherry of Nature of Design is now the company engaged to make revisions and to make new signs. Some of the existing sign logos are out-of-date and businesses may be contacted to see if they want changes to be made. Discussion took place with regard to adding corporate sponsor info for the next newsletter as a means of raising additional funds.

– MAPS: Glenn and Heather Bingham have taken responsibility for GLPOA map sales. They reported that 67 maps had been sold to area businesses at $3 each. It was noted that new Association members receive a new map.

– BOATING SAFETY: Bill Gardiner reported that bumbers/planks had been placed on the log piles that support the Deacon bridge on Highway 60, by MTO. He advised that speed limit signs for the river are being installed soon. He will be contacting the local municipality for the legal signs.

– 10TH ANNIVERSARY: Gail McPhee reported that 16 oz. Mugs would be a good idea for our anniversary, and that volunteers could be given a mug and mugs could also be sold.

MOTION: To authorize the purchase of anniversary mugs at a total cost of approximately $1000.

MOVED: Gail McPhee SECONDED: Howard Bernard CARRIED

– 2014-2015 NOMINATIONS FOR DIRECTORS: Kevin O’Connor gave a report on the preliminary Directors list that will be presented at the AGM July 5. It was noted that the list is to contain 10 names, and various persons are being contacted before it is finalized.

– POKER RUN AUGUST 2, 2014: Howard Bernard reported that the Poker Run is being held on August 2, and that a person is being sought to take charge of the organizing. Kirk Mandy volunteered to be the chair. Sandy Nash advised that she had much of the information on the 2013 Poker Run.

– FISHING: Merv Buckwald reported that his committee had prepared a business plan for improving the future of fishing in Golden Lake.

MOTION: That GLPOA spearhead the business plan for improving the future of fishing in Golden Lake.

MOVED: Bill Gardiner SECONDED: Kirk Mandy CARRIED

– ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING JULY 5, 2014: The organizing of the AGM was discussed with items as follows; 10th Anniversary song, 10th Anniversary cake, posting of 2013 minutes, recognition of retiring directors, draw prizes, volunteer recruitment. A meeting is to be held by several AGM organizers to finalize details.

– NEW BUSINESS: The future of boating licensing courses was discussed. It was suggested that GLPOA have a director in each zone.

– NEXT MEETING: Annual General Meeting Saturday July 5, 2014, at Killaloe Public School at 9:00 AM.
MOTION: To adjourn 11:10 AM.

MOVED: Kirk Mandy SECONDED: Bill Gardiner CARRIED

April 26, 2014 Board of Directors Meeting

Meeting of the Board of Directors
Saturday, April 26, 2014, 09:00 a.m.

Location – Sands on Golden Lake
Meeting Minutes

Call to Order/Opening Comments – Kevin O’Connor

Kevin called the meeting to order @ 9:00 am by introducing himself and confirming the he has agreed to take over as GLPOA President for the next 12 months. Kevin advised that his objective as president is to ensure the committees are running efficiently, and to ensure that the Association is staying true to its guiding principles and objectives.

Kevin reminded the committee that 2014 is the 10th Anniversary of the GLPOA. The newsletter that is coming out in May will be a retrospective of the Association over the past 10 years. Kevin spoke of plans to recruit new Area and Zone reps to help with the collection of the association dues, and to try and increase new membership. He also advised of plans to help to recruit new Directors to the GLPOA. With this in mind he introduced the new GLPOA VP Kirk Mandy, and Heather and Ken Bingham as new Directors. Rick O’Brien has recruited Sandy Nash as a new Director representing the Pikwakanagan Reserve.

Secretary’s Report – Approval of Minutes of Meeting January 25, 2014 – Lisa Mineo

Lisa advised that the last meeting minutes were reviewed but Rick and Monique and Kevin, but that they had yet to be “officially” approved. Kevin confirmed that he did review and they looked fine so Lisa will have Ken post the minutes so all Directors can read and they will formally be approved at the next meeting.

Treasurer’s Report – Rick O’Brien

Rick provided a financial report (copy attached) – association has a current balance of $12,069.01

Motion to accept Financial Report as presented was made by Bill Clark and Second by Gail McPhee – motion passed.

Membership Report – Marion reported new Area Reps to help with canvassing. She is in the process of up-dating info on the May Newsletter. Marion asked for all directors to review the Newsletter for errors. If they see changes to be made please advice her no later than April 30, 2014, as the Newsletter needs to go to print no later than Wed. April 30, 2014.

Marion advised Zone 3 is short on help. With that in, Kevin advised that he would like to develop “targets” for membership for the area reps, and that target would be 75% of the area’s residents are members of the GLPOA. He felt the targets help the Zone Reps measure their success. Current Membership is 442. Kevin also suggested that membership should include Corporate Members, as most Corporate members pay fees and they are also people who pay membership dues to the association as well. Kevin encouraged the Directors to think on Membership Recognition for the Zone Reps who achieved their “membership targets”. Example – special coloured Gold shirts that Reps who achieved their targets could wear when canvassing, and only the reps who were successful in achieving their targets would receive the gold shirts. They would not be something anyone could purchase.

Water Quality – Jack Blair

Jack reported on Water quality. He confirmed he received a call last fall from a resident on Black Bay Re: Water Quality. There were samples taken from near the mill and in 2nd area near the middle of Golden Lake. Samples are taken twice a year and reveal that water quality is “pristine”. Jack also confirmed that water testing for Eccoli were Negative.

Shoal Marking –Kevin O’Connor on behalf of Eric Weckworth

Kevin advised he spoke with Eric the day before the meeting and he advised that as soon as the water levels have settle a little the water markers would be installed.

GLPOA Webpage and Communications – Ken Kruger

Webpage was under construction over the winter, but is now up and running. Ken is tweaking the Ruby Road Waste Site icon on the website and is repairing a few minor broken links. Ken reminded new Directors to provide him with their contact info so it can be added to the site – Kevin advised he would provide that info to Ken ASAP

Currently there are 366 e-mail addresses for members, and it will be communicated to members the importance of registering “active” e-mail addresses as contact info.

Corporate Sponsorship – Joe Mineo and Kyle Kauffeldt

Joe confirmed that the Corp Sponsor letters and invoices are completed and ready to be mailed – currently there are 28 Corporate Sponsors with 2 vacancies on the Ad board. Kevin has ideas for the VP of GLPOA to assume to Corp. Advertising role as part of the VP role. Kevin, Kirk, Joe and Lyle will meet to do a final review of the letters and then the letters for Corporate Advertising will go out. Also there will be Corp. Advertising on the GLPOA Newsletter

Maps – Marion Fuder on behalf of Monique

No news re; maps. Monique will report at next meeting. Marion did report she will continue with T-Shirt sales for AGM.

Boat Safety – Kevin O’Connor on behalf of Bill Gardner

Kevin reported Boat Speed signs will be posted along the River

Fishing – Jack Blair on behalf of Merv Buckwald

Jack provided an overview of discussions with MNR re: current species in Golden Lake. Merv has been working with the MNR over the winter, as he was advised by the MNR that if he wanted to pursue their assistance in restocking the lake or any related issues dealing with the current invasive species in the lake, he required the development of a Business Case. The Business Case will help with the promotion of the Walleye population. Jack advised that the decision should be discussed at a “special meeting” with the Fishing committee. Kevin agreed. It was noted the fishing committee will be advised to call a meeting to review the Business case development and presentation to MNR.

Nominations for 2014/15 – Bill Clark

Bill encourages “new faces’ as nominees in order to help promote new growth. He advised a Slate will be put together and presented to a group for review and decisions on 5 Exec and 10 Board Members. Bill asked if there were any members currently on the Board who would like to step down and make room for new members. The point was raised that the Newsletter has a list of names and contact info for current Board members, and perhaps changes should be made before its release? Bill suggested the Newsletter be released “as is’ for now with revisions or announcements made at the AGM.

Poker Run – Kevin O’Connor

Kevin confirmed that Weldon is not able to participate in the 2014 Poke Run. Mick Daley is also unavailable to participate, so Kevin advised that there needs to be a new Point Person for the Poker run. He suggested perhaps the GLPOA VP (Kirk Mandy) could take on that role, perhaps with the help of a small committee.

Red Pine Camp had mentioned something about a Flotilla and they could provide some assistance in supporting and organizing something – Association would support a Flotilla and would support Red Pine – Directors will mention more on this issue to Red Pine Camp and ask if Pat Shea would represent GLPOA in an effort to help.

REFRESHMENT BREAK – (9:59 – 10:11)

AGM and May 10 Rep meeting – Marion Funder and Kevin O’Connor

Marion confirmed she would contact Reps to confirm the May 10th meeting, and that Marion and Monique will be assembling the Zone Rep packages for that meeting.

Lisa Mineo confirmed that she had placed the order for the promotional items (550) GLPOA pens) and that they would be delivered to the Sand son May 2 in time for the Rep Meeting.

Kevin confirmed there are currently 21 Zone Reps and he hopes to recruit 5 more Zone Reps, and there will be a “Special Volunteer letter” – Marion will be the contact on that letter.

AGM 10th Anniversary – Kevin asked for volunteers to assume the responsibility of a Special Committee. Gail suggested that the muffins normally served at the AGM e replaced with 10th Anniversary Slab Cake

Kevin asked that a 10th Anniversary Banner be costed out – Jeff Raisbeck confirmed he will look at the Banner and see if there is a way that 10th Anniversary could be added to the banner without replacing the entire banner. The Banner is also to replace GLPOA with “Lake and River Association”

Ken, Rick and Jeff will be the committee to organize the AGM, volunteers, set-up, tables, sound system, etc.

Guest speaker for AGM is going to come from the medical profession, and Kevin advised that Randy Penny, the CF for the Pembroke and Barry’s Bay Regional Hospitals, and Randy is currently 98% confirmed to speak at the GLPOA AGM.

All three area Mayors will also be speaking at the AGM.

Lucky Draws will be handled by AGM organizing Committee.

Theme for the 2014 AGM is “Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now” – Kevin suggested a theme would help make the 10th Anniversary a little more special, and there will be a theme song this year – Kirk will help provide the music for the AGM

It also was suggested that personal testimonials in honour of the 10th Anniversary in order to add a personal flavour – this might be added as a back-up if time permits.

10th Anniversary Mug and Zone Rep Recognition – Gail McPhee

Gail has organized a special 10th Anniversary mug for Zone Reps and she asked for a motion from the committee to approve $1,000 in order to order them for the Area Reps – if there are extra they could be sold at AGM to help cover costs of producing them. Jack moved to have mugs ordered, Jeff R 2nd the motion – motion passed. Gail will move too order 100 mugs and try to have them ready for the may 10th Rep meeting.

New Business:

Kevin suggested a meeting dates in June, prior to the AGM – Dates will be confirmed at a later date and then communicated out to all Directors in the near future.

Next meeting will be the Area Rep Meeting on May 10th, 2014 9:00 am Sands on golden Lake, Deacon Room

Adjournment @ 10:56 am

January 25, 2014 Board of Directors Meeting

Meeting of the Board of Directors
Saturday, January 25, 2014, 09:30 a.m.

Location – Sands on Golden Lake
Meeting Minutes

Call to Order/Opening Comments – Mike Wendorf – (2 min)

Mike called the meeting to order @ 9:33 am and made a brief round of introductions to all who were present.

Secretary’s Report – Approval of Minutes of Meeting August 21st 2013 – (3 min)

Mike confirmed there were minor changes to the previous meeting mins, and then moved for a motion to accepted previous meeting mins – Jeff Raisbeck motioned and Monique seconded.

Treasurer’s Report – Rick O’Brien – (5 min)

Rick provided a financial report (copy attached) – association has a current balance of $12,057.06

Motion to accept Financial Report as presented was made by Dean and Second by Lyle

Membership Report – Monique Pye – (5 min) – Monique relayed slightly different numbers than the financial report but she was going to go back to confirm her numbers.

There was a discussion regarding establishing automatic transfer ability or establishing GLOPA as a “Payee” but there were bank fees confirmed to establish something like that, and currently.

Next Rep meeting is May 10 2014 to review strategies for Membership drive.

Hall has been booked @ Killaloe School for the 2014 AGM Meeting ($102.70).

Poker Run – Weldon McEachen -(2 min)

Confirmed Sands is booked and Poker Run established for Sat of August Long weekend, and Weldon confirmed planning is quiet currently, but he is hoping that we will be successful in securing a few new sponsors of the Poker Run prior to the event.

Water Levels – John Gulland – (5 min)

MNR (Ministry of Natural Resources) is moving away from managing the water levels and transferring that responsibility to RPG (Renfrew Power Grind) – RPG will now have more of a say regarding the water levels etc.

Mike had an action to approach MTO to post the water level sign going under the Golden Lake Bridge.

Rick confirmed that there is a level at the bridge (just indicating water levels) that is read by Renfrew weekly, but not daily).

Fishing – Merv Buckwald – (10 min)

Merv was not available to speak but mike did provide a minor up-date – confirmed that he attended a meeting in December 2013 regarding Fishing, and Mike did take minutes from that meeting and did pass those minutes along. Mike advised that there needs to be a designated Rep from the GLOPA in order to be constantly responsible for attending fishing related external meetings. Mike advised that he feels that for the GLOPA, the issue of Fishing is going to be the hot topic for the coming years. He expressed interest in some of the good ideas relating to the fishing issue in the lake, but there needs to be designated reps in order to help. Focus needs to shift from increasing the Walleye population, and look at other species as well.

Shoal Marking – Eric Weckworth – (3 min)

Eric confirmed that the shoal markers were removed without incident, and currently he feels the supplies are in good shape for the spring markings, with the exception if additional chain. The Committee confirmed that water safety is one of the main reasons the GLPOA was formed, and in order to maintain that safety, Eric is given “carte blanche” for supplies relating to the maintenance of the Shoal markers, and he will review situation again in spring when replacing.

Water Quality – Jack Blair – (5 min)

Water Quality is one of the Association key initiatives, and Jack will continue his work in this area. This topic will be spoken to again at the next Directors meeting when Jack is present to provide a review.

Boating Safety – Bill Gardiner – (5 min)

Signage for Boating Safety needs to be followed up with Bill Gardiner when he returned from vacation. Mike confirmed signage has been made, but has yet to be installed.

Mike advised that MTO did advise they are going to be installing wooden bumpers along the river, so Mike urged the Committee to continue to follow on this initiative.


Corporate Advertising – Lyle Kauffeldt – (5 min)

Mike confirmed that he did not up-date the letterhead yet for invoices, and invoices must go out first week of April.

Income made from Billboards last years is approximately $2,700.

1 sponsor change – “2 Retired Guys” is no more, “Colbourne’s Water Rentals” has replaced it” Killaloe Village Pharmacy dropped off last year, Bonnechere Valley Windows is added.

Algonquin Way needs replacing.

Currently 2 vacancies providing all other sponsors returned.

Lyle raised the issue of adding an extra sheet of advertising on the back of the newsletter which would help in paying for the cost of the newsletter – Sands expressed they would be very interested in advertising on the back of the Newsletter. Discussion was raised about adding a small nominal fee for the billboard advertising and they are listed on the Newsletter as well, as well as on the GLPOA website.

Promotions/Maps – Marion Fuder – (5 min)

Monique has assumed the responsibility of the maps and will be prepared to report further at May meet.

Promotions in the area of t-shirt sales is making a profit.

Committee wants to move forward with $500 in additional new promotion items – Lisa Mineo to order $500 in GLOPA promotional pens.

Communications/Web Page – Monique Pye – (5 min)

Confirmed e-mails are going through now with minimal changes or incident. Seems to have most members e-mails and correspondence goes through without incident.

Rick asked if there was a way for us to measure the traffic on the website – Rick asked Ken to investigate further to see if this is something we can get without costing too much money. Would be nice to report to the membership at the AGM.

Land Claim – Gail McPhee – (2 min)

Gail has nothing further to up-date regarding the Land Claim, accept negotiations are moving slowly – years before anything will be resolved.

Mike feels the GLPOA needs a committee on that issue.

Keith Alberry investigated the parcel of land beside his property and was advised it is currently classified as “Legal Access”, not “Deeded Access”, and it is currently owned by MTO, and anyone on the property or uses it for access to the lake is not considered a trespasser.

Flotilla – Mike Wendorf – (2 min)

Red Pine Camp had mentioned something about a Flotilla and they could provide some assistance in supporting and organizing something – Association would support a Flotilla and would support Red Pine – Directors will mention more on this issue to Red Pine Camp and ask if Pat Shea would represent GLPOA in an effort to help.

Nominations – Bill Clark – (2 min)

Will be further discussed with new business regarding replacement of GLPOA President.

Other Business:

Interlake – Mike Wendorf – (2 min)

Mike reported good interlake meeting – being held in 2014 in Barry’s Bay and advised the GLPOA needs to send a Rep to that meeting.

FOOCA – Federation of Ontario Cottages Association – GLPOA needs to check our status on how we are classified re: “Not for Profit” status.

Dave advised Not for Profit needs to report to FOOCA.

Social – Marion Fuder – (2 min)

Fall GLPOA social was well attended and is all volunteer so it doesn’t cost the Association any money.

Waste Site Ruby Road – Gail McPhee – (2 min)

Gail and Dave advised this is in the local papers again, and all information is available through the local press for residents.

Dave believe that association is not going to really have the ability or authority to have much of a hand in the Ruby Road Waste Site – Dave felt the Association did a good job acting as voice for the lake residents, now we wait.

Mike feels the Counsel is a Ward Divided.

New Business:

Committees – Mike Wendorf – (2 min)

New Committees have been listed on the web page so please review and advise if there are any issues.

Future Meetings – Mike Wendorf – (2 min)

April 26 is first meeting of the Fiscal Year – spring letter must be ready for printing.

AGM Meeting date has been established – July 5 2014.

May 10 2014 – First Rep meeting initiating Membership drive.

June meeting prior to AGM must be established as last meeting prior to the AGM to finalize all agendas and materials for the AGM.

Newsletters – Mike sent out a draft of the Newsletter and asked for any input – if there were no issues the letter could be printed and placed on the webpage – Gail advised it is an important Newsletter and should go out shortly if it is ready – it gets posted on Webpage and goes out to members via e-mail – Draft is on computer but all Directors have received a copy. Monique advised she will try and finalize and distribute in early February.

Spring Newsletter must be completed – currently in draft form and it must be ready and printed by May 10 Rep Meeting – it would be finalized by April 26. Lisa Mineo has advised she would take on assembly of the Spring Newsletter, and advised all Directors present that the Committees must have their Newsletter content into Lisa no later than April 1 2014. Reminders will go out to the committee heads by March 15 2014.

Other – All – (3 min)

Review Actions – Mike Wendorf – (5 min)
Reviewed Cheque signing – currently Gail, Rick and Mike can sign so mike can be removed from Cheque signing – Jeff Raisbeck will be added to signing cheques.

Association Laptop will go to Association Secretary Lisa Mineo. The Laptop External Hard Drive will also go with VP Jeff Raisbeck at Sands – last back up of info was done on January 24 2014.

E-mail is currently set up on Live Mail accessing through a Hotmail Account – Hotmail does not allow for storage folders are kept in Live Mail.

Hard copy files will be stored at the Sands.

Regarding the replacement of GLPOA President: Nominating committee needs to be established – Dave will approach Norm Edwards to see if he has any interest in being a Director. Committee should resolve today to come back together in late March or April as a Nominating Committee – Nominating Committee meeting will be March 22, 2014.

Adjournment @ 11:30 am

October 05, 2013 Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes of the Directors Meeting
Saturday October 05, 2013 At the Sands on Golden Lake
Mike Wendorf, Jeff Raisbeck, Monique Pye, Doug Yourth, Jack Blair, Noella Lehman, Glen Bingham, Heather Bingham, Marion Fuder, Dean Bergstresser, Lisa Mineo, Joe Mineo, Keith Alberry, Bill Gardner, Brenda Maunder, Terry Howard, Ed Gionet, Carol Anne Zohr, Weldon McEachen.
Call to Order – 09:10:
Mike Wendorf welcomed area representatives and newcomers to the meeting and thanked them for expressing interest in the Association.
Secretary’s Report:
Minutes of Meeting August 21st 2013 were accepted – Moved by Bill Gardner, 2nd by Jack Blair … Carried.
Treasurer’s Report:
Rick O’Brien had provide financial reports for review only recommendation was that funds allocated for restocking the lake should be noted on the report. – Motion to accept financial report made my Monique Pye, 2nd by Jeff Raisbeck … Carried.
Membership Report:
Monique Pye reported that membership currently @ 430. Membership is still growing so that number will be surpassed. Monique thanked all area reps for their hard work and asked for input. Keith Alberry asked if deeded property owners should be approached to see if they wanted to join the association. It was suggested by Mike Wendorf that membership could be promoted with those utilizing the trailer parks and other establishments around the lake. Many individuals take pleasure in recreational and fishing activities and may be willing to become members. Monique wishes to discuss further this idea next season prior to membership drive. Terry Howard advised he had not receive magnets for his members (Action: Monique Pye to provide magnets to Terry). Mike advised we will be provided another promotional item for members next year – TBD early 2014.
(Action: Mike Wendorf to inquire on possibility of establishing GLOPA as a “payee” for automated banking transfer.)
Poker Run:
Weldon McEachen confirmed date is Aug 2nd for 2014 Poker Run. He also requires someone to replace Mick Daley for registration. The committee would also like to increase the prize money from $2500 to $3000. Weldon will approach other businesses for contributions. The Committee is also looking for a stop to replace the Clarks for next year. Profit from the Poker Run went to the restocking initiative this year.
Entrance fees and possible river stop will be discussed by the committee for next year.
Water Levels:
John Gulland filed a report indicating he was unaware of any MNR activity to track water levels coming into the lake from tributaries or out of the lake via businesses or industry. MNR advised that is a “nice to have” but they would not commit to a date when those type of numbers could be made available. Ed Gionet questioned if a water level scale could be installed to warn boaters going under the Deacon Bridge. (Action: Mike Wendorf to ask MTO for advice on displaying water levels on bridge.)
Jack Blair confirmed Merv Buckwald had not rec’d a response from Darwin @ MNR regarding stocking the lake. MNR had advised they do not wish to be financial contributors to stocking the lake due to the invasive species. MNR however, did not completely close the door on the idea of stocking and had asked GLOPA to develop a business case. (Action: Jack Blair will contact Darwin Rosien @ MNR to get advice on the Business Plan and how to deal with the evasive species in the lake.)
Shoal Marking:
Eric Weckworth had advised that markers would be removed after Thanksgiving.
Water Quality:
Jack Blair reported there is natural improvement in lake water quality as indicated in the readings. E-Coli was tested and readings were very low and well under acceptable levels. It was decided that even though levels are low testing would continue. Nitrogen is constant, but also very minimal. It was asked if the River is still being tested along with the lake testing, Jack advised all testing previously done indicated water from the river is very clean. Terry Howard asked that the fact the river was contributing to providing the lake with good clean water could be mentioned at the next AGM.
Boating Safety:
Bill Gardiner will proceed with placing speed limit and cautionary signs at boat launches and up the Bonnechere River. Ed Gionet will work with Bill to get signage ordered and ready for posting in spring of 2014.
Corporate Advertising:
Mike Wendorf reported that Lyle Kauffeldt and Joe Mineo have agreed to assume responsibility for Corp Advertising in 2014. New maps and compliments of GLPOA are being placed on all billboards. Work should be completed within next couple of weeks. The sign at Tramore Bridge will be updated this fall. Mike is getting replacement sponsors for 3 that are no longer advertising and one sponsor is changing their advertisement. Thank you letters were mailed to all 2013 sponsors.
Marion Fuder reported the shirt program was reasonably successful and will continue next year. Joe Mineo provided an up-date on maps. A number of vendors did sell out but he feels there was room for improvement. The AGM was the single strongest venue for property owners buying maps. Monique Pye will be taking over Map responsibility from Joe.
Communications/Web Page:
Monique Pye has up-dated the GLOPA contact list. Presently we have 389 e-mail contacts in the GLOPA e-mail groups. Ken Kruger, Gail McPhee and Monique met Sept 23 to review the website. The site is up-dated consistently as changes occur. Currently site is considered up to date and running well. Mike Wendorf along with Joe Mineo and Lyle Kauffeldt will look into businesses advertising on the spring newsletter. Mike was asked by a few members who do not have e-mail to provide copies of the newsletters. This may be possible but needs to be cost effective for the association.
Land Claim:
Mike Wendorf advised there would be an information session October 8th at the Sands for the Round Lake Association and that executive and interested GLPOA could attend but seating was limited. Only 4 people had responded to mail out asking for participants. Mike will be taking concerns expressed to the meeting for clarification however that as President of the GLOPA he will not be putting forth any written opposition to the Land Claim. Any individuals may exercise their rights as a public citizen in voicing their concerns on land claim issues.
Mike Wendorf has not followed up with Pat Shea to date.
There is one vacant Director position and while there are a number of individuals showing interest in joining and membership has grown to 430 we are lacking in volunteers to help GLOPA with committees etc. Mike may attend a workshop on how associations can increase and sustain volunteers for association directorships. Mike is also seeking advice from the Executive Advisory Council. Keith Alberry suggested via e-mail or Newsletter we advertise for a recruitment and get interest from people to want to join. Keith also suggested we produce surveys to gain feedback from residents and which could generate interest in new association volunteers. (Action: Mike Wendorf to set up meeting with Bill Clarke to review recruitment and work with Bill and Lisa Mineo to establish a Recruitment Committee in order to spark interest in new Association volunteers.)
Other Business:
A) – Interlake Meeting is set for Oct 16. GLPOA is hosting. Mike Wendorf and Gail McPhee are attending. Others interested in attending need to advise Mike ASAP.
B) – Social – Marion Fuder advised the Volunteer appreciation Potluck dinner is Sat Oct 5 and North Algona Wilberforce donated the centre for this event.
C) – Waste Site Ruby Road has been getting coverage in the Eganville Leader and there have been some letters to the editor from individuals.
D) – Bridge Bolts – Mike Wendorf reported that MTO Engineer did look at the Bridge issue and that they were going to provide solution.
E) – SFMH – GLOPA was invited to attend a viewing their new equipment, but the event was cancelled – Monique did advise she was x-rayed on the new MRI and it is a beautiful machine.
F) – Red Pine Camp year end dinner was attended by Doug Yourth and Mike Wendorf. A lot of good contacts were made. They were very interested in the GLOPA work being done on Water Levels, Water Quality and other issues. They also expressed interest in having a project for some of their Sr. Camp Counsellors, as the camp does wish to get more active in participating in what is going on with the lake. Mike will be in contact with them and continue to build their involvement in the Association and our activities on the lake.
New Business:
A) – Committees – Mike Wendorf would like to move to co-chairs and engage in an effort that involves succession planning.
B) – Future Meetings – Next meeting will be spring 2014 as most association executives are going south – it was decided next Directors meeting will be April 26, 2014. The Area Reps meeting will be held May 10, 2014 and the AGM will be July 5, 2014.
C) – Other – All other new business was discussed throughout the meeting – nothing to add at this time.
Review Actions:
Actions were reviewed throughout the meeting – nothing else to discuss.
Adjournment @ 11:25 am

August 21, 2013 Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes of the Directors Meeting
Wednesday August 21, 2013 At the Sands on Golden Lake
Rick O’Brien, Brenda Maunder, Gail McPhee, Lyle Kauffeldt, Dean Bergstresser, Doug Yourth, Marion Fuder, Jeff Raisbeck, Mike Wendorf and Merv Buckwald.
Call to Order – 9:05:
Mike Wendorf thanked all for attending and indicated he would prefer that there be only 3 Director meetings per year and more focus on committee work. The AGM was well attended and people were happy with the presentations. The GLPOA computer has been cleaned up and organized. All files are also backed up on a separate hard drive. Thanks to Anne and John Bateman for their help. Mike mentioned he had attended the NAW open house representing the Association.
Secretary’s Report:
The minutes of the meeting of June 19th 2013 were accepted subject to corrections to a couple of misspelled names. – Motion to accept by Lyle Kaufeldt and seconded by Doug Yourth … Carried.
Treasurer’s Report:
Rick O’Brien provided the detailed financial report for the committee. There are still some minor outstanding debts from Poker Run and profits are to be tracked as separate line item under Fishing as the funds were to go to restocking the lake. Gail McPhee made motion to accept the report, seconded by Jeff Raisbeck … Carried.
Membership Report:
Monique Pye had sent a written update. With what has been collected to date and those pending, membership is on target to match last year. Tracking is being done by Zone and by community of residence.
Poker Run:
About $1600.00 profit was realized and these funds are to be allocated to Fish Restocking. Thank you letters, are to be sent to sponsors. Anyone with electronic files are to send the files to Mike Wendorf for storage on the GLPOA computer.
Water Levels:
John Gulland, Gail McPhee, Ken Kruger and Mike Wendorf had met with Peter Boldt and Shawn Cameron from RPG to review levels over the past year. Communication with RPG is good and they are considerate of our concerns. There is a real balancing act to control levels. It is hoped an improved weir on Round Lake will better control levels on that lake. The committee will continue to monitor and work with MNR and RPG going forward. A question was raised on whether how much water was pulled from the lake on a daily basis was monitored. (Action: Mike Wendorf to find out from John Gulland if stats on flows in from tributaries and out from all sources is available).
Merv Buckwald reported that Cliff Meness will be joining the committee representing the Algonquins of Pikwàkanagàn. Merv is questioning the clarity issue as Lake Clear supports both trout & walleye. He is also looking into hatcheries (Shannonville) and MNR involvement in hatcheries for approval of fry. Liaisons with MNR and Townships will be established now that funding has been set aside for stocking. Membership is very interested in walleye fishing and the Associations commitment to improve fishing. There have been reports of smaller walleye being caught. Merv will look at methods to promote smelt fishing, thus reduce this invasive species. Also thoughts of having “Crappy Weekend” fishing to reduce Black Crappie population. A motion to set aside $5.00 from each membership to be put towards improved fishing was presented by Gail McPhee and seconded by Brenda Maunder … carried. Other sources of funding will be explored through the winter months.
Shoal Marking:
Eric Weckworth reported that there were a few minor issues that arose, but were dealt with. Overall the marking was a success this year.
Water Quality:
Jack Blair had reported that there would be more tests completed this fall. It was mentioned that Jack may be moving and a new volunteer should be sought.
Boating Safety:
Bill Gardner reported that NAW & KHR had approved GLPOA proceeding with placing regulatory and cautionary signage on the Bonnechere River. Some have already been put in place and are effective. Warning bulletins are also being looked into for placement on Bulletin Boards. A motion to approve spending on signage up to $500.00 was made by Brenda Maunder and seconded by Gail McPhee … carried.
Corporate Advertising:
Mike Wendorf reported that the situation for the billboard and launch site will remain status quo for now in spite a valiant effort by Bill Gardner in attempting to obtain support from KHR Township to improve the site. Maps and compliments of signs are being updated on all billboards. 3 sponsors have chosen to not advertise, however it is hoped BV Township will reconsider. Letters have been sent to new perspective sponsors and Bonnechere Windows has committed. Income to date is $4172.00 with about $1000.00 expenses yet to be spent. (Action: Mike Wendorf to investigate advertising on newsletters).
Ken Kruger should be contacted by committee members to update info as required. (Action: Gail McPhee to arrange meeting to review website).
Marion Fuder reported on sale of caps and shirts. Monique Pye has agreed to take over sale of maps from Joe Mineo and it is hoped Joe will be able to help out in another area. The possibility of a photo contest/post card production to sell to businesses was discussed, however volunteers would be required. (Action: Jeff Raisbeck to contact Lisa Mineo in regards to obtaining pens for members for next year).
Monique Pye advised that all e-mail addresses for members were updated.
Gail McPhee thanked everyone who helped. Attendance was 120 people. It was noted that more time needed to be allowed for comments and questions. Some of the prize winners were not identified and this will need to be corrected next year.
Marion Fuder is arranging Pot Luck reception/thank you for all volunteers of the Association. Prizes will be donated. Refreshments are to be supplied by attendees. A budget of $200.00 was approved on motion by Gail McPhee and seconded by Jeff Raisbeck for rental and supplies required.
Land Claim:
Mike Wendorf reported that an open letter from the Ministry has been posted on the website and that he had been interviewed by APTN television on the subject. This important issue warrants its own committee and a liaison person. (Action: Mike Wendorf to e-mail copy of the APTN video to Directors).
Mike Wendorf will be arranging the annual interlake meeting this year on behalf of GLPOA. This is a dinner meeting and individual Associations are responsible for looking after their own meals. Directors are invited to submit topics for discussion.
Mike Wendorf received request from Pat Shea. It was noted by the Directors that if this were to go forward Pat would need to coordinate. Brenda Maunder suggested that if a flotilla went forward it should be on Canada Day.
Bill Clark had noted one director vacancy. It was suggested that the director would ideally come from the Algonquins of Pikwàkanagàn. Chief Kirby Whiteduck should be approached to suggest a representative.
New Business:
Inquiries had been received in regards to hiking trails, bike trails, and swimmers itch. It was suggested links should be on our website. It was noted that wildlife should not be fed in swimming areas as this promotes the itch. Bridge bolts at Deacon are a concern as boats are being damaged. Bolts cannot be disturbed and you are not allowed to screw or attach items into the wood piers. It was advised that the bridge is controlled by the Ministry of Transportation (Action: Mike Wendorf to consult with NAW Mayor about approaching MTO on concern). The FOCA succession planning workshop was well attended at the Eagles Nest in Eganville. Red Pine Camp has invited president of GLPOA to a supper and Mike Wendorf and his Wife will be attending on August 24th. Barry’s Bay Hospital breakfast to be held on September 12th will have Marion Fuder attending as representative of GLPOA.
Were reviewed. Membership is already an executive position and does not require a separate committee. Lyle Kauffeldt will take over Corporate Advertising from Mike Wendorf, but is looking for help. Marion Fuder will chair Promotions Committee. Jack Blair chairs Water Quality (do we need replacement as Jack is selling his home?). Water Levels is chaired by John Gulland and we are looking for a vice chair to learn the ropes and assist John. Fishing Chair is Merv Buckwald with Jack Blair as Vice Chair. Eric Weckworth looks after buoys and Bill Gardner has Boating Safety. Communications now encompasses the web page and is co-chaired by Monique Pye, Gail McPhee and Ken Kruger. The Poker Run committee is status quo with Weldon McEachen chairing. We will continue to rely on Bill Clark to chair Nominations. Gail McPhee has agreed to chair and be liaison on Land Claim and if Flotilla become reality Pat Shea will be requested to chair. It was felt a separate interlake committee was not required as it is really part of Presidents duties. Requests will be sent out via newsletters looking for interested individuals to work with or chair committees.
Future Meetings:
Next meeting is to be held Saturday, October 5th 2013 at 09:00 at the Sands on Golden Lake. (Note the September 25th meeting has been cancelled).
Meeting adjourned at 11:15 AM:

July 6, 2013 AGM Meeting

Golden Lake Property Owners Association
9th Annual General Meeting (July 06, 2013)
President’s Welcome – Gail McPhee:
Gail welcomed the approximately 120 members present and provided a safety brief. She also stated that there are 435 members of the GLPOA around the lake and down the River bordered by three Townships and the Pikwàkanagàn and how important the communication between all of the stakeholders is to the Association.
Greetings from the Townships:
Bonnechere Valley, Killaloe, Hagarty& Richards, North Algona Wilberforce.
Jennifer Murphy, Mayor of Bonnechere Valley Township:
Very exciting year in Bonnechere Valley, 2 new businesses open in downtown Eganvile, and an Outdoor living store (exciting new business). Farmers Market and Music in the Park; Carnival; no decision made re: Waste management – taking it very seriously and to date no decision has been made. Fire Dept has a new Chief and the Fire Station is running well. All sorts of recreational activities going on – encouraged all residents to come to Bonnechere Valley and enjoy everything that is being offered. Wished all attendees a very happy and safe summer.
Janis Visneskie, Mayor of Killaloe Haggerty Richards:
Greeting from Killaloe Haggerty Richards council. Thanked Gail for inviting her – Thanked Gail for her terrific job. 2013 was a very busy year. Just passed 2013 budget with a 0% increased; implemented waste management plan – will be exporting waste to Moose Creek. Achieved all 3 targeted conditions for the Waste Management project – build infrastructure from reserves. Attended conference in Toronto and minister of environment to cut the ribbon in celebration. All invited to waste site in Aug (Aug 18) to meet the minister and cut the ribbon. Once again contributing $2000 to Round Lake Property Owner’s Ass. to stock the lake.
Much road work on the go to make the roads safe and better.
On behalf of council thanked Gail for being invited and offered all attendees – open door policy, welcome everyone to attend their meetings.
Harold Wekworth – Mayor of North Algona Township:
Reminded everyone interested in fishing that for the past 20 years Govt. of Ont. promoted July 6 -14 fishing can be done without a license. Lake Dore is holding a family fishing day July 13.
Involved with recruitment of Doctors in Barry’s Bay – current 3 Doctors recruited and they are signed for 5 years of residency in Barry’s Bay. Partnered with Pembroke – and as a result there is a 0 wait list for physician’s in North Algona Wilberforce.
North Algoma Wilberforce Meet and Greet @ Rankin Rec Centre all welcome Sunday July 28 1:00 – 3:00 pm.
Also Harold’s’ goal is to work with other mayor’s to help stock the lake.
Important to form partnership between Algonquin and other township would help promote restocking lakes and working with hospitals in the communities.
Harold thanked Gail for her work, and welcomed Mike Wendorf as the new GLOPA President to his new role.
Minutes of 2012 AGM – discussion & Adoption – Bill Clark:
They have been posted on website for almost a year, and posted publically for required time limit.
Bill asked to waive the motion of reading last year’s minutes as we’ve done in the past.
Motion passed … All were in favor.
Treasurer’s Report – Rick O’Brien:
Rick presented financially summary for year ending March 31,2013.
Balance of March 31,2013 = $10,237.08.

Financial records have been reviewed by CA (retired) Michael Alfelski and have confirmed the statement is accurate by all records.
Motion to pass financial Statement: Bill Gardner
2nd by Brenda Maunder – carried.
Lucky Draw #1:
– Books by Eleanor Wright – Winner – Kate O’Hara and Linda.
Dinner for four at the Golden Lake Chinese Restaurant – Winner – Dick Clarke.
GLPOA Cap- Winner –
Committee Reports
Membership/Website and emails – Monique Pye/Marion Fuder:
Gail did a review of the Rep zones for Golden Lake.
Gail asked the Reps to stand and be thanked for all of their hard work collecting Membership dues.
Monique Pye reviewed Membership:
Last year the GLOPA has 435, this year’s campaign started May Long Weekend and the same number of members is expected to be reached this year as well.
Encouraged any new volunteers to come and speak to her at the end of the meeting or break.
Encouraged all members to contact the GLOPA via e-mail re: e-mail address changes, please send them into the GLOPA account so they can up-date your membership records.
Reviewed GLOPA website:
The site was up-dated recently and in the spring the water levels are posted daily – site is very easy to navigate and contains a wealth of information or Google Golden Lake Property Owners Association and it will lead you to the site.
Water Quality – Jack Blair:
Jack advised the water sampling was expanded this spring and there was another sampling done in June, and not surprisingly in the middle of the lake and on the sides were .09 for psyphorants – the lake is in good shape compared to all the other lakes in the regions.
The other sample was from Brennan’s Creek and is high for phosphorus but seems to be a naturally occurring event for phosphates.
Samples taken with a disk down to 13 ft, and this year’s sample was taken after a huge storm so the disk was not visible as far as it has been in the past.
Overall the lake is healthy.
Water Levels – John Gulland:
John advised the freshet was very high this year and we were not anticipating such high water levels – this was attributed to a very, big snowpack.
John asked how many had shoreline damage this year and there were only 4 attendees that had shoreline damage – last year there was no shoreline damage.

There was a question from the floor asking if the rumours of people not being able to put in their docks because the water is so high, and that the logs at the bottom of the lake have still not been removed – John advised there are areas that are still draining from the lake and the lake is difficult to drain. As far as the logs are concerned, there are no logs at the Golden Lake Dam and had not been since the Spring.
Billboard advertising – Mike Wendorf:
Mike confirmed 4 billboards – Deacon, Island View Drive, Tramore Bridge and the Bonnechere Lodge locations.
All advertisers on billboards are listed on the GLOPA website – total annual advertising revenue of $4,800.
New signs and revised signs come at a cost of $175, and new sponsors pay $160 per year. Mike had 6-8 sponsors waiting to advertise on the Billboards, to be placed on if others drop off.
There is $800 to be collected from 5 sponsors for 2013/14 advertising – Mike will be following up to collect payment in the coming weeks.
Mike encouraged attendees to please support our sponsors – they are supporting the Association and that money goes to supporting many good causes related to our lake.
Waterway Hazard Marking – Rick O’Brien:
Rick reported on behalf of Eric Wekworth there are approx 36 hazard buoys in the lake – the location of these markers can be found on the 2013 maps put out by the GLPOA.
Many of the markers are placed after the May long weekend and because of the high water most were paced later in the year.
Every year many markers do break free and anyone who sees or knows that a marker has broken free please contact Eric or any of the directors.
Eric thanks all 15 volunteers and their families.
GLPOA Maps – Joe Mineo:
Rick O’Brien worked with some committee members to develop up-dated maps.
Older versions of the maps are available for free and new map developed in 2012/2013 are at a cost of $5.00.
Fishing in the Lake and River – Merv Buckwald/Jack Blair:
Merv took leadership of this newly formed committee with Jack Blair.
Tremendous amount of information to be absorbed.
Merv is currently collecting names for volunteers for this new committee.
Merv wants to investigate the Pickerel population – by next year this time Merv hopes to report the committee strategy – solutions to questions and possibly stocking the lake.
Poker Run: Weldon McEachen/Mick Daley:
Mick Daley thanked the sponsors of the Poker Run – list of sponsors posted behind Poker run table.
Poker run takes place August 3 @ Sands – Registration starts @ 8:00 am.
Participants are to be back @ Sands by 1:00 pm for lunch and announcement of winners.
Last year there were 250 registrations and hope to match this year.
The Poker run Committee has had numerous meetings and have had changes: new posters for advertising; new registration forms and info will be used for a new database; registration package has been changed and some forms have been consolidated. Map of the lake will contain Poker run stops and names of the owners; also a list of rules to be followed e.g.: no marking up of the poker run summary card. That rule is in an effort to keep the cards clean as well as keep the lines moving at the stops.
Lunch @ the Sands and entertainment by Roddy McCann will provide entertainment.
Last year the Poker run donated $2000 to the St Francis Hospital for their MRI. This year the committee unanimously voted to donate monies to stock the lake with Pickerel.
The fee to enter was increased from $20 to $25 – part to help with increased costs and the other is to raise more money to help stock the lake.
Election of GLPOA Directors for 13 – 14: Bill Clark/Mick Daley – Slate of Officers
Mick reviewed the list below and asked 3 times if there were any nominations from the floor. No nominations were made and Mick made the motion to elect the list below to the specified positions: Robin Richards and Terry Howard seconded the motion.

All were in favour and motion carried.

Below is the list of the new GLOPA Executive.
Executive Committee
Mike Wendorf – President – Twin Maple Lane
Jeff Raisbeck – Vice President – Deacon
Rick O’Brien – Treasurer – Golden Lake
Lisa Mineo – Secretary – Mundt Lane
Monique Pye – Membership – L’Escale Lane
Gail McPhee – Past President – L’Escale Lane
Doug Yourth – Hwy 60
Brenda Maunder – Twin Maple Lane
Marion Fuder – Skelly Bay
Bill Clark – Island View Dr.
Lyle Kaufeldt – Hwy 60
Jack Blair – Harrington Road
Ken Kruger – Black Point Rd.
Bill Gardner – Boyle Lane
Dean Bergstresser – Abby Way
Special Appreciation Presentations – By Mike Wendorf to Gail McPhee:
Gail McPhee invited the following members to join the Executive Advisory Council with a letter of appreciation and recognition of all the fine stewardship and dedication that they have demonstrated toward the Associations many accomplishments. This invitations is intended to tap into the wisdom and experience of past Executives when the Association faces a challenging decision to present and future executive members.
Council is made up of former presidents and executives.
Gail McPhee presented awards to those volunteers who spent many hours helping in different capacities such as collecting for Membership, building our Sponsor signs, Treasurer, President etc. and a result we have the well grounded Association to be proud of today.
Lucky draw #2:
Bonnechere Lodge Weekend cottage – Winner –
Gift Cert. for The Sands Spa – Winner –
GLPOA Cap- Winner – Howard Bernard
Health Break
Key Presentation – Land Claim Talk by Chief Kirby Whiteduck:
Chief Whiteduck provided a historical background and briefing about where the Algonquin of Pikwàkanagàn are in terms of their negotiations on the land claim.
The Crown Land Agent reported on his visit to the petitioners at Golden Lake in a letter to the chief superintendent of Indian Affairs dated 1858. The earliest written record indicates the Algonquin were here at 1780. Currently there is a preliminary draft regarding the land claim proving there was no Treaty, and that the Algonquin still have rights. In late 1980’s a number of Algonquins went into Algonquin Park with the intent to go to court because there was no Treaty and the Algonquins did still have some land rights.
There have been a number of petitions by the Algonquin which indicates the Algonquin occupied the area around the time of Champlain in the 1600’s and the Algonquin were relying on a royal Proclamation by King George. The British would not settle the Indian Territory unless there was a Treaty. This is still the case. The Royal Proclamation is still part of the Canadian constitution and the Algonquins.
Key principles:
To reaffirm the honour of the Algonquin People; raise awareness about Algonquin Culture; to achieve reconciliation of the relationship between Algonquin and the Government of Canada; to establish a treaty which contains a just and fair settlement. A lot has changed since the royal proclamation, and the Algonquin only want to secure their rights to land, fishing, hunting and agriculture and create a more stable economic environment. The aboriginal rights established in the constitution still exist for the Algonquin, and all they are attempting to do is exercise their current rights, as well as move forward to develop a treaty to create certainty for them. The Algonquins have no interest in giving up their private property, but the key items are, once a Treaty is developed a figure of $300 million can be transferred to the Algonquins in exchange for land claims (they are referring to land claims for a value of 9 million (acres of land value) along with a transfer of 117,500 of Provincial Crown Land. Some agreement has been reached on some items, so it was decided to put it out for Public consumption, so the Public can comment and voice concerns.
Gail and Chief Whiteduck encouraged attendees to check out more information on the website where the posting of the land Claim information is available.
OPP – Safety on the Water:
OPP officer Brent Darraugh was here to give a debrief on staying safe in the water this summer.
Pleasure craft rules and regulations remain the same as they were when officer Darraugh spoke a few years ago – officer opened up the floor to questions.

When boaters are out on Kayaks, do they require a 20 foot rope? – and the officer did advise yes, that is a requirement. He also referred everyone to the on-line version of the Safe Boating Guide.
Officer also promoted owning a Safety kit for the Boat.
Alcohol and boating is ZERO Tolerance:
What are the legal Speed limits on the river? – Officer referred to the Safe Boaters Guide – there are speed limits on every lake whether they are posted or not. Here at the Deacon Bridge the speed limit is posted – whenever nothing posted within 30 meters (100 feet) of shore you’re limited to 10 kms per hour. Water Sports are exempt from that limit.

Deacon Bridge has signs posted regarding limiting activities, and if someone is caught jumping off the bridge can the OPP intervene? The officer did confirm that they could enforce “trespassing” whenever people are caught jumping.

Is there a minimum age for people operating SeaDoo? – the legal age to operate a SeaDoo is 16

Is it ok to carry a photocopy of your operating licence? – Nowhere in the act does it state it is not permitted to carry a photocopy of the Operators licence. Majority of officers in the area will accept a photocopy. Boat registration is required to be carried the original, same as the car.

Can international visitors use a boat in Canada when visiting? Proof of residency must be produced, but it is recommended that any visitors complete a safe boating permit in order to protect the owner from any liability suits.

Electric motorized boats, do they require the same safety equipment as other motorized boats? Yes.
New Business:
No new business.
Lucky draw #3:
Sands Weekend and dinner – Winner – Kathy Caldwell
Gift certificate for a Massage by Gwen Stewart of Killaloe Massage Therapy – Winner – Kevin O’Connor
GLPOA Cap – Winner – Hubert Webber
Adjournment at 12:05

June 19, 2013 Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes of the Directors Meeting
Wednesday June 19, 2013 at The Sands on Golden Lake
Call to Order:
– Gail McPhee – called the meeting to order at 9:00a.m. Present – Marion Fuder, Jack Blair, Doug Yourth, Ken Kruger, Rick O’Brien, Bill Clark, Monique Pye, Mike Wendorf, Jeff Raisbeck, Mick Daley, Weldon McEachen, Brenda Maunder
Secretary’s Report:
– Approval was given for the minutes of April 20th – motion by Bill Clark seconded by Jack Blair – carried
Treasury Report – Rick presented financials to date and it was agreed to mention at the AGM that our Financials are checked yearly by an independent source. – motion by Mike Wendorf seconded by Monique Pye – carried.
Slate of Officers:
– Bill Gardner will represent the Tramore Area as a Director of the Association. Jeff Raisbeck will assume an interim role of Vice President, Brian Yourth and Dean Bergstresser will be asked to serve as directors with GLPOA.
– Monique reported that we have a new Rep. for McMillan Rd. Marion Zohr who is doing a great job. Dick Piper has taken on Great Heron Lane and Burke Hein will be asked to collect from his neighbours on Harrington Rd. Monique was commended for her computer system of recording membership.
– We now have our updated maps thanks to Rick O’Brien. We were given a credit of $200.00 by Bayberry Lane Printing since our Maps came in two days later than scheduled. The new Maps will be the same cost – $5.00 from the place of purchase. The cost to the business selling them is $3.00 One is free to every new member. The remainder of the old maps will be given out at the AGM July 6th.
Water Quality Report:
– first samples of the year to be taken June 20th. There will be a presentation of info at the AGM
Water Levels – A report will be given at the AGM by John Gulland. Gail was asked to meet with the president of Round Lake for discussion. A report will follow.
– Ken Kruger reported minor changes that were done. Water levels are posted every day. Under EVENTS – Bonnechere River Watershed reports are to be found. Also any other News on the Lake will be added in the EVENTS area. Ken will add a direct link to FOCA for quick info for our members and others. The succession Planning seminar info is posted. Monique will mention the Web site in with her Membership presentation at the AGM
– The Roads Committee of Bonnechere Valley are dealing with the Tramore Rd. site – the township will decide what is to be done in order to upgrade the site. Its possible that we may purchase a picnic table as we have done for other billboard sites. The new map will be placed on each billboard and we are considering closing in the back of the billboards with plywood. Income from the billboards $4,800 yearly expenditure budget $1,500.
Fishing on Golden Lake:
There was a meeting held with MNR Friday June 15th. MNR will not stock nor investigate the possibility of doing so. In order to stock the lake a licence from MNR is required – with many conditions. There is an explanation available explaining some details required written by Jack that will be included as part of these minutes. A Fishing Committee Meeting will take place on Tues June 25th at 9:00a.m. at the Sands. Merv Buckwald will be asked to head up this Committee.
The Poker Run:
– This event will take place Aug. 3rd. Registration starts at 8:00a.m. the entry fee will increase to $25.00 with profits going to enhancing fishing on the lake. George Wilcox will again provide washroom facilities on his property via a Port-a-Potty. Prize money has increased to a total of $2,500.00. The Association will sendt a letter of appreciation to all Sponsors. The Sands will provide lunch at the same cost. A thank you goes out to John Bateman for setting up our Computer and he will also look at making sure we are set up for a Power Point Presentation for the AGM. There are a few innovative changes by Mick Daley to the Summary Card and registration and these changes will be presented at the AGM. Entertainment will be provided by Roddy McCann
– It has been a difficult year putting them out – do to high water but Eric continues to work at it. For any problems or questions in your area please call Eric.
– Marion is looking for more venues. We are almost to the point of making a profit, there are lots of sizes and colour of caps and T’s available. The AGM donation will be hats this year.
Bonnechere River Warning Signs:
– Mike and Bill will continue to pursue this item. The solution is steering toward erecting signs – CAUTION SLOW etc. to avoid all the red tape.
– Ad in the paper Friday the 21st. for two weeks it will also go on our Web site. Set up will be Friday at the Killaloe Public School at 1:00p.m. Ken will pick-up the sound system and banners from the Sands. Those offering to help set-up are Ken, Jack, Gail, Mike, Monique and Marion Those eligible for prizes will be members of the GLPOA. A sign will be placed at the table where the tickets are given out. The Projector re: slides and Power Point production will be checked out by Jeff Raisbeck and John Bateman. Gail will arrange to get Kirby’s file to Jeff to make sure everything is up and running. Refreshments will be arranged by Marion. We will also put together a Zone Reps. Map to be projected on the wall as part of the recognition that will be given to all our Reps around the lake for their good work in attaining all those wonderful members.
Seated at the head table at the AGM will be – Gail, Mike, Bill C. Jeff R. Lisa, and Rick.
Meeting adjourned at 12:00 noon:

April 20, 2013 Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes of the Directors Meeting
Saturday April 20, 2013 at The Sands on Golden Lake
Call to Order:
– Gail McPhee- called the meeting to order at 9:00a.m.
– Jack Blair, Joe Mineo, Doug Yourth, Lyle Kauffeldt, Judy Hartwig, Noella Lehman, Lisa Mineo, Ken Kruger, Rick O’Brien, Bill Clark, Monique Pye, Mike Wendorf, Kevin O’Connor, Jeff Raisbeck.
Secretary’s Report:
– Approval was given for the minutes of Oct. 10th 2012 – motion by Monique Pye seconded by Mike Wendorf – carried.
Treasury Report:
– Rick presented financials from April 1 2012 – March 31 2013 – current balance $10,237. Rick also informed us that CIBC in Killaloe has waived all banking fees so the ledger reflects fee charged, then reversed – motion by Kevin O’Connor seconded by Bill Clark – carried.
Succession Planning:
– Bill Clark advised he would be reaching out to all committee members by phone in approximately 2 weeks to verify if they are happy with their current positions, or would like to move into new roles, also if they have knowledge of other individuals outside of the committee that wish to join. Bill spoke about succession planning, and what has occurred in the past, and the changes for succussion planning this year. We will be developing the Slate of Board of Directors and also an Executive Specialists Referral Group of former Directors. Word was put out to the committee that if they wish to put themselves forward as a potential nominee, contact Bill since we need people steadily who would like to get involved.
Kevin suggested that perhaps there could be a canvassing campaign to help promote the association, and identify people surrounding the lake that have helped in the past.
– Printing etc. for Reps meeting May 9th – Monique informed us of the need for some additional Reps. Specifically in the MacMillan Rd, Great Heron Lane areas and of course anyone who would like to give the present Reps a hand in large Zones making lighter work for all. Gail mentioned it may be a good start for utilizing the Social Media to put the word out for additional help.
Printing of the spring newsletter needs to be completed by May 9th so packages for the Reps. can be distributed in time for the May long weekend when the Reps start their canvassing.
Lyle and Joe – area Reps – suggested that perhaps we should be promoting the association with items such as key chains or mugs with the GLPOA logo and website etc. These would be given to members when they pay their $20.00 membership – Lisa Mineo will investigate vendors and costing.
It was also mentioned that a back-up volunteer for Monique with the e-mailing to membership would be a good idea. Last year’s Spring Newsletter was presented to those present and Gail asked for the various committee members to please provide the up-date on their area of responsibility for the first week of May. The update request was also sent out via email.
Water Quality and Clarity:
– Jack confirmed that we will continue to do what we have been doing re: our testing etc. including the EColi tests.
Water Levels:
– Gail sent the report on water levels from John to the Committee, and it was also posted on the GLPOA website – you can refer to the Renfrew Hydro site and it contains the water level report from Golden Lake, Round Lake and Lake Clear. The Flood Warning was also posted. Renfrew Power Generation sends daily reports on the freshet so that associations have update everyday during the freshet. Should it be necessary this information can also be forwarded to our membership the email listing.
Boating Restrictions:
– Mike reported on speed signs and warning signs indicated on the lake – mainly up the Bonnechere – Mike advised there was a lot of work to be done in order to initiate changes. The township and Municipalities will be notified about the required legislated for signage that is lacking on the lake and river. Mike explained how necessary proof of effort must be made prior to the legal signs being installed. That could be signage such as “Caution” etc. they would be considered warning signs, not speed signs. Mike informed us that the Association has the support of the Municipalities to proceed with posting warning signs.
Land Claim Information:
– Gail attended an information sessions in Pembroke on the subject – Gail advised that the last info session in Pembroke was extremely informative. Gail asked – if it would be possible for someone to provide a short presentation at our AGM in July to provide an overall picture of what is currently happening specific to our area around the Lake and River. Kirby Whiteduck agreed he would attend our AGM – Gail feels very strongly that the Association must try and get the relevant information to our members. Gail questioned about the public park on Golden Lake, and would the park be lost to the claim, but was assured that the park would remain a public park with programs in place for its upkeep. Mike communicated – he feels it is important for Kirby to attend the AGM, especially to answer questions regarding the smaller parcels of land that could be in question over the land claim.
– The Website and emails are working very well. Ken is doing a great job of keeping the Web site current and Monique very successfully has our email system in place.
New Maps:
– Rick O’Brien has done a super job of updating the Map and arranging for its printing, The new maps will be available for our members in May.
Ruby Road update:
– Gail informed all – the request for elevation of the Environmental Assessment process was sent from us and also the group called “RAN” and we received a letter from the Ministry stating that they had received our request. We will keep you up-dated.
Poker Run:
– Gail and Mike attended the first meeting of The Poker Run April 19th. The committee will be making a few minor administration changes and made mention that they could always use some help particularly early the morning of the event. Stalking our lake was also discussed and the wishes of the Poker Run’s proceeds were made clear – as going to “Fishing 0n Golden Lake.”
Fishing on Golden Lake:
– Mike and Jack discussed with us the possibilities of stocking the lake – the why’s and why not’s – they will continue to pursue possibilities and get back to us.
Boat Launch Billboards:
– Mike explained all is going very well. Gail commented that Mike’s meticulous administrative skills have provided a fool proof process for success and there is a line-up of Sponsor candidates.
Next meetings:
– May 9th Sands @ 9:00a.m. Reps (discussion/handouts – all welcome.
– June 19th 9:00a.m. @ the Sands Progress reports and (finalization of set-up plans re: AGM and Agenda).

Meeting adjourned at 12:00 noon.

March 19, 2013 Board of Directors Mini Meeting

Minutes of the Directors Mini Meeting
Tuesday March 19, 2013 at The Sands on Golden Lake
Gail McPhee, Mike Wendorf, Rick O’Brien & John Gulland.
Special Meeting of the Standard Advisory Committee (SAC) – Bonnechere River Water Management Plan (BRTWMP) John informed us of the meeting to take place this Thursday and that he would summarize and send us an update afterwards as always. He also mentioned that there were new owners of the Mill in Old Killaloe and that he had stopped and introduced himself to the them. Because of the Nature of their business, the mill owners are stake holders in these meetings. Also we agreed that our faith remains with the Renfrew Power Generation management in maintaining the water levels to the best of their ability given the policy in place.
A discussion took place on how best to inform our members in regard to the Ruby Road Dump and other such issues. It was decided that a page for our website will be developed with links to additional information plus we will mention in our newsletter the advantages of members going to the website for information.
Rick produced a new Map with all the changes that had been recommended. Just a couple more changes and it will be ready for printing and then to outlets for sale; to be placed into our Advertising signs as well as to be given out to our New Members. Rick will be getting printing costs for our considerations.
Private Roads maintained by the property owners. It was agreed that anyone wanting to get more information in this regard would be directed to those in the area who are involved, namely Lorne Monohan and Kert Mandy for more information.
Mike and Bill will be meeting with members of KHR Council to discuss the Traemore launch site and they will also get together with members of North Algona Wilberforce township to finalize the placement of signs that are ready for placement as well the possibly purchase of other warning signs deemed necessary for future.
Succession Planning for GLPOA:
Succession Planning for GLPOA: Was discussed. We need to recruit directors who are interested in serving on committees as well as the Executive. Gail’s term is up this summer and will be moving on. We presently have no one in the position to take up the challenge and are seriously looking for a replacement. We discussed this to some length and are hopeful that there are members out there who will be interested; the fact remains “ how do we identify these capable interested people”. In the past those that were willing or convinced to attend a Directors meeting proved to be very good candidates. We encourage our Executive/ Directors and Representatives to give this a lot of thought and come up with some possible candidates. We will be looking for feedback in this area immediately if not sooner. All ideas/information will be seriously looked at.
The subject has come up every year for some time – this year we hope to do something about it. Darwin Rosien from MNR has been contacted again by Mike and has discussed once again promoting fishing in the lake and all the possibilities incompasing; how to including – the type of fish indigenous to the lake- those invasive species and if we can do anything about them – as well as stalking the lake. Darwin will be asked to speak to the members at the AGM July 6th 2013.
Along with Darwin Rosien or his boss if he should not be available- we are also considering someone to speak on the Land Claim issue such as Howard Bernard of Ron Bernard.
Our thanks go out to all those volunteers who have made this event such a big success. It was mentioned how the committee is always looking for new volunteers and we agreed to help out with registration etc. as long as we could also take part in the event. It will be mentioned in our Spring Newsletter that volunteers are very welcome and do get some perks.
This discussion included a short fun canoe/kyack voyage and picnic from the Traemore damn ; canoe trip with Nature guide and a fishing derby.
MPAC Tax Assessment:
It is clear that each individual property owner must put their own case forward. A copy of one members case was sent out recently as a example.
EX/DIR. -APRIL 13, 2013AT 9:00a.m. at The Sands SATURDAY

ZONE REPS -MAY 11, 2013AT 9:00a.m. at The Sands SATURDAY

EX/DIR. –JUNE 19, 2013AT 9:00a.m. at The Sands WEDNESDAY


EX/DIR – AUG. 21, 2013AT 9:00a.m. at The Sands WEDNESDAY

EX/DIR – SEPT 25, 2013AT 9:00a.m. at The Sands WEDNESDAY

EX/DIR – OCT 12, 2013AT 9:00a.m. at The Sands SATURDAY

May 2, 2012 Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes of the Directors Meeting
Wednesday, May 2, 2012 The Sands on Golden Lake
Gail McPhee, Mike Wendorf, Robyn Richards, Lisa Mineo,Monique Pye, Doug Yourth, Rick O’Brien, Marion Fuder, Bill Clark, Jeff Raiseck, Jack Blair, Ken Kruger, Joe Mineo.
Kevin O’Connor, Brenda Maunder, Karen Utronkie, Dave Lemkay.
Call to order
Gail McPhee called the meeting to order at 7:02p.m.
Secretary’s Report
The minutes for the Oct. 22, 2011 moved by Rick seconded by Jack. [toggle Minutes as presented . “Carried”.
Changes to the Slate of Directors
Gail announced that Mike Wendorf had agreed to take the Vice-president position and that Jeff Raisback would be willing to sit on the Board of Directors for the time being. Jeff’s time constraints better allows him this role in the organization. Monique moved that Mike be in as Vice and Jeff as Director effective May 2nd, seconded by Jack. “Carried” Bill Clark moved to a Director position to allow Lisa Mineo to take over the Secretary position. Covered by the same motion moved by Monique and seconded by Jack. “Carried” The constitution came into question re: number of directors. Bill Clark confirmed that the association has functioned with less than ten directors previously. So the question was put to rest.
Treasurer’s Report
Robyn submitted a Financial statement to date it was moved by Mike seconded by Bill the treasurer’s report as presented. “Carried”.
Membership Report
Monique advised she generated a membership report for the past year April 2011-March 2012. Joe Mineo offered to fill the vacant Rep’s position in zone 8. Lou Anne Clarke and Tania Dashney volunteered to Represent Zone 11. Judy Hartwig will be a new Rep helping out with Zone 10. We are most grateful for the new volunteers and will give them all the support they need May 16th is the Reps Meeting at which time all the necessary handouts will be ready for the Membership campaign.
Poker Run
Weldon confirmed the date of the Poker Run will be Aug. 4 – Long Weekend. The first meeting will be at the end of May. A new software program will be used for the Poker Run this year.
T Shirts
Gail asked if the Association was still interested in selling T-shirts and if so was there anyone available to assume ownership of buying and selling. Marion volunteered to coordinate purchasing and sales with friends and Gail. It was stated this project was very much a promotional effort and they would be sold at the AGM and the Poker Run. This year there will be colours other than white available. There was an amount of $1000 budgeted to buy more T shirts.
Sale of Maps
Gail confirmed Joe as a volunteer to coordinate the maps. It was reported by Joe that he had already sold 25 as of May 2/12 and would be making calls to businesses readily. It was mentioned that any Reps. needing maps for new members should get in touch with Joe.
Water Quality Report
Jack advised that The Bonnechere Watershed Project has not submitted a water report as of yet, he was advised however that the project from Murray Richardson with Carleton University was started, samples have been taken from surrounding creeks and must be completed by the end of May 22/12. Jack mentioned that the water quality tests we are interested in are not the same as the project that Carleton University is working on.
Water Levels
Gail spoke briefly on water levels in regard to the plans in place for emergency and flooding. John sent a note saying the freshet was a month ago and has now drained itself out again. It was noted that the water level now seems to be at July level. Weldon commented that the water levels were maintained last year very well. Gail confirmed that the GLPOA keeps a watchful eye on water levels starting every March and a communication system is in place for those properties that may find themselves in trouble.
Water Hazard Markings
Rick O’Brien confirmed that his objective was to have all buoys in place by May long weekend. It was confirmed that there is a budget in place for any additional buoys or the replacement of them. It was also stated that people in the area are very good at returning any that go astray.
Bill Board Advertising
Mike advised that letters were mailed out thanking the 2011 sponsors in the fall and that invoices for 28 of the 30 Sponsors had been mailed in April. Six new sponsors had been added since the previous year and one is on a waiting list. The cost for advertising will remain at $160.00 annually. Mike also mentioned the cost of the maintenance paid out last year should be offset by profit this year. Mike has developed GLPOA business card and is willing to share with other GLPOA associates. It was decided to approach Janice Visneskie in regard to sprucing up the Tramore Bridge launch site. Our billboards currently read “Compliments of GLPOA” Mike questioned this and we decided to think on it. Also mentioned was that the New Website is well set up to reflect all Sponsors and we encourage them to take advantage of the space.
Bridge over the Bonnechere
It was reported by Gail that there would be no problem navigating the Bonnechere, told to her by the Manager of the contracting outfit. The work is expected to be complete by November.
Septic Seminar
Gail advised that the Septic Seminar will take place Wednesday, July 11th from 7:00pm to 9:30 at the Killaloe Public School. John Gulland will be presenting and Jack Blair and others will coordinate the Seminar. Gail will pass over all information she has collected to Jack.
Monique advised the association that the email account – GLPOA has been established. Also that all members emails have been put into the system. Our winter Email went out with about 50 returning as undeliverable but over 300 were successful. It was also mentioned how important it is to get an updated email address while canvassing if possible. Group emails are in place and of course if you have more than one function in the Association you will receive duplicates. The answer is simply to delete them if you don’t mind. Gail also advised that the Letterhead and Newsletter will reflect the new email address. A computer for the Association was purchased for use at meetings and also storing all relevant information with a priority being Membership information.
Ruby Road Waste Site
The GLPOA continues to be an interested observer as the process unfolds.
Gail confirmed the website is up and running and all material from the old site was transferred over to the new site. Ken and Chris Kruger did a great job and also survived a server crash which was no fun. Ken advised that Chris has performed a back up on the new and old site so that no information will be lost. Ken encourages everyone to review the site and notify him of any changes errors etc. Gail would like the water level reports indicated on the site when they are available in the spring and would also like to link in The Bonnechere Watershed Project. Ken also advised that there will be some tab changes to the Website to accommodate Water Levels and Water Quality.
AGM Preparation and Speaker
Karen Landman from Guelph (professor) will be a guest speaker as an expert on shoreline to attract fish and wildlife. She is scheduled for a 30 min. lecture. Gail and Mike will work together to see that the agenda for the AGM is tight and organized in order to accommodate all speakers and topics. There will be door prizes at the AGM. We already have two T shirts from GLPOA and two books from Eleanor Wright.
Shoreline Handout
This handout was put together by John as an information document to be distributed to our members and also those that attend the Septic Seminar. It has been very well received.
Finalization of the 2012 Newsletter
Time was taken to go over all existing items and add new ones. It was decided to list a SLATE of Board of Directors. Gail mentioned that there should be a notification somewhere to let people know of all the upgrades to the little Public Beach Park across from Rhythm of our Soul Restaurant. This would promote a Public Beach for Golden Lake. With the Newsletter decided on, arrangements for printing will be done in preparation for the Reps. Meeting May 16th.
Meeting adjourned at 9:38 p.m.

July 4, 2012 Board of Directors Meeting

GLPOA Meeting Minutes July 4th, 2012
Wednesday, July 4, 7:00p.m. at the Sands on Golden Lake
Gail McPhee, Mike Wendorf, Robyn Richards, Lisa Mineo, Monique Pye, Doug Yourth, Rick O’Brien, Marion Fuder, Bill Clark, Jack Blair, Ken Kruger, Joe Mineo Weldon McEachen.
Call to order:
Gail McPhee called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m.
Secretary’s Report/Constitution Up-Date, approval of May 2012 Minutes – Gail McPhee
Gail confirmed the emailing of the May 2012 meeting minutes and asked if there were any items requiring changes.
Minutes for May 2012 moved Bill Clarke and seconded by Robyn Richards. Minutes as presented. Carried.
Review and Discussion of plans for AGM July 7, 2012
Set up for the AGM can begin Friday July 6, 2012 after 3 p.m. The following members volunteered to help with set up: Jack, Monique, Ken, Mel, Bill, Mike and Robyn. Volunteers to meet at 1:00p.m. on Friday, Refreshment table requires set up on Saturday morning. Gail asked to have slides where possible added to the presentation – John Gulland agreed to do this appropriately for each presenter for visual appeal. Review of the Prizes. It was decided that only those in attendance at the AGM would be eligible for winning a prize. Draws would occur throughout the meeting with the Grand Prizes to be drawn at the end of the meeting. One ticket per memebership was confirmed. Grand prizes to be: Night at the Sands with dinner and breakfast and Weekend at Bonnechere Lodge in a 3 bedroom cottage.
Mick Daley to conduct election at the AGM – election protocol will remain the same. Timing of the AGM will be set forth as per the AGM Agenda
Treasurer Report
Robyn Richard brought us up to date.
Membership Report
Monique Pye – commented that this years campaign was well on its way.
Sales of Lake Maps – Joe Mineo
There will be a formation of a Map Committee in the Fall in order to review the changes necessary for a new map printing. The committee suggested is: Gail, Kevin, Rick Joe and Mike. It was agreed to utilize some of the current supply of maps by giving out complimentary ones at the AGM.
Water Quality Report – Jack Blair
Jack has prepared a Water Quality presentation for the AGM. He reported that Bonnechere Valley water is almost pristine. He also clarified that Golden Lake is not participating in the water study currently being done on Lake Clear. Jack put it to the Exec. if they felt that they should be testing the water for E-coli and it was agreed that E-coli testing would be added to the water samples.
Water Levels – John Gulland
John will be putting together some relevant slides for this presentation. John will be reporting on new water levels, Rick added he will pass by the Ministry of Natural Resources to obtain pamphlets for handouts whch will help clarify shoreline responsibilities for residents. Rick also added that for the 2013 AGM the GLPOA should consider having a representative from MNR speak at the meeting regarding shoreline/water levels etc. John also confirmed the guest speaker Dr. Karen Landman whould be presenting a 30 minute presentation on Maintaining a Healthy Shoreline.
Refreshment Break
Website – Ken Kruger
Risk asked that in the interest of promoting healthy water and shoreline that the photo of the old gas tank by the marina be removed from the website.
Launch Site Bill Board Advertising
Mike gave an update on billboard advertisement sales and new advertisers. There now is a waiting list of advertisers.
Monique reported that the membership email distribution is working well as it was tested sending out our Early Spring Update Newsletter. There are over 300 healthy emails and expect more after this years membership campaign update.
Rick O’Brien commented that more buoys will be put out where necessary given the low water level.
Poker Run
Weldon reported that everything was under control.
T Shirts
Marion will be at the AGM and Poker Run selling various colours of T’s.
New Business
Gail introduced an idea for discussion of the GLPOA offering a Scholarship Fund for local kids with some of the membership funds – it could be seen as an incitement for new members. The executive discussed and determined that it could have more negative connotations than positive, and also would require additional volunteers and more work. Other suggestions ere that the funds could go towards a beautification of the lake; Fish/spawning; rest areas.
Adjournment 8:50p.m.
Next Board of Directors meeting: Wed Aug. 15, 2012 @7:00p.m., Sands on Golden Lake.

July 7, 2012 Annual General Meeting

Golden Lake Property Owners Association 8th Annual General Meeting
Minutes for July 7th, 2012 – 9:00a.m. @ Killaloe Public School
9:00a.m. Welcome by GLPOA President Gail McPhee
Gail welcomed the 135 members present, which is the largest attendance of any GLPOA AGM to date. After making some brief introductory remarks, she then invited the mayors to address the meeting.
Killaloe Hagerty-Richards
Janice Visneski welcomed everyone to the meeting and made a brief presentation of some matters of interest over the past year in K-H-R such as Waste Management strategic plan, the Library board and a new project of building a new library in Killaloe, the budget, and reassessment of property.
North Algona-Wilberforce
Harold Weckworth thanked everyone for attending. The Mayor wished Melissa Vissor well in the up-coming Olympics. He talked of the ongoing search for physicians, a grant available from the Trillium Foundation for the betterment of the shoreline, repairs on Hwy 41 presently on the radar, private roads and the 5% reduction on assessment for maintenance of private roads, snowmobile trails leased for a number of years and logging issues.
Bonnechere Valley
Jennifer Murphy sent her regrets for not being able to attend.
Minutes from last year’s meeting – 2011.
Bill Clark reported that the minutes have been on the GLPOA web site since shortly after last year’s meeting and that they had been posted in the Killaloe and Golden Lake Post Offices for the past month. In consideration of these steps, Bill asked for a motion to waive the reading of the minutes and to accept them as posted.
It was moved by Kate O’Hara and seconded by Dave Lemkay to waive the reading of the minutes and accept them as posted. Carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Robyn Richards
President Gail McPhee presented the report for treasurer Robyn Richards.
Note: To be verified by accountant.
Lucky Draw #1:
For the” Eleanor Wright Books” – Brenda Maunder and Steve Kutschkie were the winners.
Committee and Project Reports
Membership: Monique Pye
Monique spoke for herself and Marion Fuder. Last year we had 420 members surpassing 400 from the year prior and we are well on our way to surpassing the membership goal for this year. All Reps present were asked to stand for recognition. A slide was presented indicating all Zones and Zone Reps. It was also mentioned that we always can use more Zone Reps to take up the task. The belief remains that a door to door campaign is the way to go. It was also mentioned how important it is to keep a current email address in the GLPOA bank enabling the Assoc. to keep in touch and for sending out current information. In order to have a strong Association, we need people interested in volunteering and also a strong membership“ was the message.
Water Quality: Jack Blair
Jack Blair presented the findings of the Phosphorous Concentrations at the centre of Golden Lake Sponsored by the Govt. – Golden lake is acceptably within the levels. Jack advised of the testing done by MNR last year – all testing indicated the lake is very healthy. Samples will be taken continually and sent to the lab in Ottawa who does the testing for results.
The Lake is in good shape Jack will post a report on our Website conducted by Carleton University which provides findings re: Golden Lake
Water Levels: John Gulland
John presented charts from Renfrew Power Generation which reflect water levels on the lake. The chart indicates the 7 year average of the levels reached – this year the water peaked very low and very early – there was not a lot of melting going on. The peak in 2008 far exceeded the 7 years average. Larger snow pack and rapid melt, combined with severe rains and high winds caused damage to some properties shorelines. The difference between that year and this year was 9.8 inches and there was serious flooding at Round Lake and Golden Lake. The difference in peak level from 2008 to 2012 was 18 inches. Renfrew Power Generation will meet in the Fall of 2012 to review the water level assessments – GLPOA has a seat on that committee and we have a stake in the review of the “rules” and decisions to be made in water level management.
Boat Launch site Billboard Advertising : Mike Wendorf
Mike reported that in 2011/12 there were a total of 23 sponsors – some of the billboards were damaged by wind and vandalism, and are now repaired – there were extensions added to all 4 billboards to accommodate six additional. There are 30 paid sponsors for 2012/13. The Billboards will require new maps once they are printed. The cost of advertising is $175.00 for the initial or changed art work and $160.00 annual fee. The sponsors also receive advertising on the GLPOA Website and are listed In the annual newsletter. Currently there are 6 sponsors waiting for space to advertise. In conclusion, sponsors are supporting the lake, what the association does for the lake and the activities that go on at the lake. Mike asked the audience to support the local businesses that sponsor the GLPOA.
Shoal and Channel Marking Program: Rick O’Brien
Rick reported there were 36 Orange buoys in the lake, 8 Green and 8 Red marking the channel in the ingoing and outgoing points of the River. 15 volunteers help place the lake markers in late May early June and they remove them around Thanksgiving in October. Several markers do break free yearly and are usually returned and then replaced by the volunteers. Rick thanked the volunteers for their assistance in maintaining the buoys on the lake.
Golden Lake Maps: Joe Mineo
Gail commented that Joe is now the keeper of the maps. Also there will be a new map printed with a few changes. Hopefully this winter the map committee will get together and decide on the changes. Once our now supply depletes the new ones will be printed.
The Poker Run: Weldon McEachen
Weldon announced that the Poker Run would take place Aug. long weekend The 4th Annual Poker Run – registration will take place @ 8:00a.m. – the run should be over by 12:00 and lunch will be served at the Sands. The prizes will be announced at 1:00p.m. Last year there were 220 registrations and the hope was to increase that number this year. – 12 Sponsors came forward this year with a total of $2000 in prizes – last year there were $1400 in prizes. It was stated that this is not a race but rather a fun event on Golden Lake – Weldon thanked Mick and all other volunteers for their hard work.
Election of GLPOA Directors for 2012/13: Mick Daley
Mick Daley welcomed attendees to the meeting reviewed the slate of officers for the GLPOA. Note: not all of the Executive and Directors were up for re-election.
Gail McPhee – President, Mike Wendorf – Vice President, Monique Pye – Membership, Lisa Mineo – Secretary, Robin Richards – Treasurer, Kevin O’Connor – Past President
Jack Blair, Jeff Raisbeck, Bill Clark, Doug Yourth, Brenda Maunder, Karen Utronki, Dave Lemkay, Ken Kruger, Rick O’Brien, Marion Fuder.
Mick asked for any other nominations from the floor. No nominations were made, Mick so moved that the nomination for the GLPOA Executive and Directors be accepted – Moved by Dave Lemkay 2nd by Mrs Terry Howard. Carried.
Lucky Draws # 2:
Draw for T-shirt –winner – Henry Russell —-Dinner for 4 @ Golden Lake Chinese Restaurant- winner Larry Bradley—-Draw for T-Shirt – winner – Eleanor Wright—-
Health Break @ 10:15
Gail brought the meeting back to order @ 10:35 am
Key Presentation: Dr. Karen Landman, Professor of Landscape Architecture, Guelph University – “Maintaining a Healthy Waterfront.”
The presentation was a half hour in length and very informative.
A handout of the subject was made available at the meeting.
Health Talk – Availability of Health Services in the area: Darlene Sornoski
Darlene brought newsletters and brochures re: health services available in the area St. Francis Hospital – share the CEO but has their own board who maintain their own communities and its own identity. When they joined with Renfrew they gained a Satellite Dialysis Machine, CT Scanner, and a Breast Cancer Program. St. Francis is the only isolated independent hospital in southern Ontario – which makes it unique re: the distance we have to drive to the hospital, but being as the hospital is rural and isolated they reviewed their needs – most important is the emergency services department. Whenever possible they bring in services they need – also they are a large user of the Tele-health system/Telemedicine. Recruitment is a challenge – they joined services with government assistance in order to package up work for medical personnel. Hospitals are funded by a global budget, Barry’s Bay is doing very well – in a recent report released this year St. Francis Hospital in Barry’s Bay was rated #3 overall in efficiency and level of services for a small hospital in Ontario. Communities are expected to raise funds to purchase larger pieces of equipment – currently there is fundraising to raise money to purchase a new x-ray machine The Weston Foundation has promised $50,000 in funds towards the x-ray machine if the hospital can raise $50,000 – the hospital has until September 1, — right now they are almost there.
This presentation was very well received.
New Business:
Septic Seminar – Jul 11 @ 7:00pm – 9:00pm @ Killaloe Public School – Free of charge
Succession Planning Presentation @ Sands on July 21 @ 2:00pm – 4:00pm – attendees must register – The Planning of passing on your cottage or home to Family.
Gail advised there will be a Reps, meeting to discuss canvassing – and all other topics that are on the minds of our members.
Lucky Draw #3
Big Prize Draw winners:
A weekend at a 3 bedroom cottage at Bonnechere Lodge – Claire Addison
Overnight at the Sands Package – Karen Utronkie
Gail adjourned the meeting @ 11:35a.m.

August 20, 2012 Board of Directors Meeting

GLPOA – Minutes for August 20, 2012 7:00pm @ Sands on Golden Lake
Call to Order: Gail McPhee @ 7:05
Secretary’s Report:
Approval of Meeting minutes from July 4th 2012, Mike Wendorf moved seconded by Jack Blair – carried.
Presentation by Darwin Rosien of MNR on Fish in Golden Lake.
INFORMATION re: Walleye/Pickerel is briefly as follows:

Golden Lake is the centre of the MNR (Pembroke) District and is also central to the Bonnechere River Watershed. Golden Lake is a fairly shallow lake and not considered a deep cold water body, this of course impacts the type of fish that thrive in the lake. Source water is clean almost pristine shield water.

Walleye were introduced in the 1920’s and are not a natural fish source of our lake, they thrived in the 1950’s but since then, there has been a steady supply decline – a five year moratorium was in place starting in 2004.

Water quality is gotten cleaner since the 50’s and no longer has nutrients flowing into it due to a conscious effort to reduce the amount of pollutants in the lake. However more nutrients creates more algae which is important for Walleye survival.

Rainbow Smelt were discovered in Round Lake in 1989. They are an invasive species with the ability to change the lower food web items historically found in the lake.

Black Crappie were also introduced, likely illegally in 1997 – they are firmly established in the lake now. Once in they cannot be controlled. These 2 species contribute to diminishing the Walleye population in our lake.

Studies have been done:

– To ensure the way the dam is operated – and has proved it doesn’t interfere with the spawning of the fish we have now.

– Most recently more modern type surveys have been introduced Fall “Walleye index netting in 1997 (FWIN) – does help to determine maturation rate of the fish.

– In 2009 – Broad Scale Monitoring was used to capture a quick snapshot of the lake, then accumulated with other lakes in the “zone” to provide data zone wide.

Walleye Requirements:

– Water Clarity – 1-2 meters.

– Adapted for living in low light conditions, need high turbidity.

– Turbid water is also high in nutrients (fertile) which supports an abundance of food items for Walleye in all stages of life.

Water Temperature:

– They are considered a warm water species and spawn in the spring.

– Co-exist with other warm water species like Northern Pike and Bass but do not compete for food sources.

– Walleye are vulnerable to the Black Crappie which are fast growing, short lived and is a specialized top predator for warm water habitat.

Secchi Depth of Golden Lake:

– Still shows a dramatic increase in water clarity. With less nutrients water is getting clearer since 1960’s, the cleaner the water, the less Walleye the lake will contain. The key to thriving Walleye is in the younger life stages – the cleaner and clearer the water the less chance the Walleye have of surviving the early stages of life.

Dissolved Oxygen:

– Anything below 5 mg/L for Oxygen level is not acceptable for Walleye survival currently Golden Lake Oxygen levels are not optimal for Walleye survival.

Population Abundance:

– Golden Lake is very low in comparison to other lakes in Ontario for Walleye population. The 2007 Live Release project indicated the oldest fish 15 years, youngest 2 years – showed a huge spike in 4 year olds – 7 of 16 fish caught had LV clips so they were easily identified from stocking. We should be seeing a lot more younger fish than older fish which isn’t the case.


– Confirmed low abundance of Walleye with low levels of recruitment. Spawning habitat is not the limiting factor. Lake environment is becoming less suitable for Walleye – lake is cleaner, therefore less productivity; an increase in invasive species. Cannot convert the stock back and the Walleye population will decline.

Golden Lake does support an abundance of:

– Large and Small Mouth Bass, Northern Pike, Brown Bullhead, Rock Bass and Pumpkinseed.

– GLPOA will continue to look into increasing the population of Walleye to Golden Lake.
New Business:
Official Change of the Treasurer from Robyn to Rick O’Brien. Ken Kruger motioned to move Rick into the Treasurer position 2nd by Mike Wendorf – carried.

Bill Gardener as Official Director for Zones 10 and 11. Doug Yourth motioned – Brenda Maunder 2nd– carried.

Adding a Director from Pikwakanagan- Potential Director not present – will revisit in the Spring 2013 or during the meeting in October.

Refresher by John Gulland re: Where we are now with the Ruby Road Waste Site:

John reviewed the steps already taken on our behalf supplying a handout to the Directors. There was a brief discussion regarding the Environmental Screening Process. It was decided to await the Ministry’s response. GLPOA has done their part in the process. The review of the entire process would conclude that currently we are at Step 12 therefore we await the Township to move their portion forward. Currently we will inform the membership that we have done our Due Diligence.
The Bonnechere River Watershed Project: Jack and John
Jack advised Bonnechere Watershed group is at a standstill. Jack met with John Ormstead and they agreed that they contact Murray Richardson to see if he can arrange a meeting with Ottawa U to review information. Currently the resources for such projects has dried up. Jack advised we continue to conduct our sampling.
SAC (Standing Advisory Committee of the BRFWP): John
BRWSP is up for review – Kevin O’Connor was the GLPOA rep on this committee – The Round Lake group has filed a class action lawsuit against MNR due to the shoreline damage caused by Power Generation and that is why the lawsuit – It is very important to GLPOA members that MNR and Renfrew Power Generation equally distribute the water levels by balancing the dam and the flow of the water. GLPOA has been a member of this standing advisory committee, but we have never challenged how the dam levels are monitored. There is extreme pressure being put on MNR and Power Generation by the Round Lake residents. We cannot take a chance of being sacrificed in order to keep them happy. It was decided we need to get on record that we to have suffered damage in the past. We have never had evidence that MNR has ever acted in bad faith balancing out the water levels.

All agreed that we get on record that Golden Lake residents will not suffer as a result of the Round Lake residents case. It was unanimously voted a draft response on behalf of GLPOA would be put forward to the Directors for finalization.
Boating Restrictions – speed signs on the Bonnechere and Brennan’s Creek: Bill and Mike
It has been identified there are signs in place for speed limits on the river –the regulations are laid out for all of ON – for Golden Lake there are only 2 locations listed in the regulations. Residents on the River and along the creek would like to see signs identifying speed limits, but they are only legal when marked by the Ministry.

Mike proposed we go to the Townships. – Both Townships have proper signs. GLPOA are looking at 5 locations for signage.
Committee Reports:
New Treasurer is Rick, he advised he is still reviewing current financial statements and has started a cheque register.
Currently at 412 members, and a possibility to secure a few more. McMillan Road needs a Rep, and a few other smaller areas to be identified. Gail felt we would reach 426 members and match last years totals.
Lisa Mineo provided an up-date on Joe Mineo’s behalf – Flat Maps left – 209, Folded Maps left – 132.
Water Quality/Water Levels:
No further up-date on water quality – it is pristine. Levels are lower than usual and are dropped at the end of August. John will contact Peter Bolt and see if he can obtain any info on Golden Lake Dam and the management of the water levels – he would like to inquire how much of the water can be taken out.
Gail confirmed that the communication level is better than ever. People are using the website for information. It was mentioned that we should perhaps include fishing info on the lake to promote the sport. Jack suggested if there was some way to have an open forum to have people share wildlife sightings etc. around the lake, but monitor the content to prevent off topic rants and angry commentary.
Mike confirmed all 30 sponsors have paid up this year – we have 6 vendors waiting to get on – The Tramore Launch is the last billboard to be completed – a review will be done as to who actually owns the Tramore launch site. Incoming expenses to date $4,260 after all last work is paid for – only $600 of this years bill board budget of $1,500 was spent to date. The maps on the billboards need to be changed but it was agreed to appropriately deplete the supply of maps before doing an updated reprint. Mike wants billboards to reflect “Property of GLPOA”.
Poker Run:
Gail provided an up-date re: Poker Run. $2,000 profit will be donated to the St. Francis Hospital. Thursday August 23 at Sands at noon – luncheon to present the cheque to St. Francis will occur. All members are invited.
Ken mentioned that under the events section of the site, there was a suggestion that the history of events drop down be shortened – now listed in one liners. Also the title About Us should be re-written. It was agreed to have a meeting to sort this out with Ken, Mike, Gail and Monique.
Rick advised a buoy was lost over Fathers Day and he will replace it. A windstorm caused 2 or 3 buoys to disappear – Andy Kyle had to replace his buoys. Rick O’Obrien also mention the possibility of Eric Weckworth taking charge of the Buoy Program since he has taken on the responsibility of the Treasurer.
Marin reported that we are not making much money but the coloured shirts have gone well. We do have a supply of T shirts on hand. No more orders this year, we will deplete the current supply.
External Hard drive and Printer:
Mike asked if an external hard drive should be purchased and a printer. Mike has advised he will watch for sales for external hard drive it was already approved for under $200.00. It was decided no printer – all print jobs will be outsourced for now. To be revisited.
Tramore Boat Launch:
The site requires some work – it comes down to who owns the property – Killaloe Hagarty and Richards Township is presently searching the title so that we can move forward on this issue.
Land Claim:
After a short discussion Gail advised that it would be necessary to get some education on this subject before jumping to conclusions.

Gail suggested an October meeting in the morning. Date to be set and notification to be sent out.

Reps want a Pot Luck on a Friday or Saturday from 2:00p.m. – 8:00p.m. Gail will look into Lutherlynn for the venue.
Meeting Adjourned at 9:10p.m.

October 10, 2012 Board of Directors Meeting

GLPOA Meeting Minutes for Oct. 10th, 2012
9:00a.m. @ Sands on Golden Lake
Call to Order: Gail McPhee
Called the meeting to order at 9:15a.m. Present – Bill Gardner, Mike Wendorf, Jack Blair, Brenda Maunder, Ken Kruger, Gail McPhee, Marion Fuder and Monique Pye. Regrets Rick O’Brien, Kevin O’Conner, Jeff Reisback, Bill Clark, Karen Utronkie, Dave Lemkay
Secretary’s Report:
Approval was given for the minutes of August 20, 2012 – motion by Monique seconded by Jack – carried.
Approval was also given for the purchase of the External Hard drive ($200) – motion by Jack seconded by Mike – carried.
Treasurers Report:
The report submitted by Rick was given as a handout everyone agreed that Rick was doing an excellent job – motion by Bill seconded by Monique – carried.
Monique reported for 2012 we had 425 paid up members the same number as last year. Also that it will be necessary to find Reps for Zone 4 McMillan Rd., Goldfinch Dr. and Kasdorff Ln. as well as Zone 6 Great Heron Rd., and Harrington Rd, Jack will ask around his area. We are also looking for help for Zone 10 for Noella. Bill Gardner will take on the Coordinating task of both Zone 10 and 11.
Golden Lake Maps:
Joe’s last report was that 150 maps remained. It is time to call our volunteers together and revise it and have more printed. The bike paths were discussed and it was concluded that they are really ski-doo trails used for many vehicles and there were plenty of tourist publications that are available indicating the trail whereabouts. Gail will start the ball rolling soon to update the maps.
Water Quality:
Jack reported that samples were taken again in August results are equal in different areas of the lake; almost too clear. Brennan’s Creek levels of phosphate are four times higher than levels of the lake as in the past reports. Bonnechere River is very clean. We will commence EColi tests in the Spring along with our now ongoing tests. A brief discussion about where septic residues were being dumped followed.
Water Levels:
See John’s report – Also the draft letter to the Ministry re: Our concerns in regard to Round Lake levels was approved to include sending a c.c. to All three mayors, Pikwaganagan and the Eganville Leader. Motion by Brenda seconded by Bill – carried.
Boating Restrictions:
Bill, Mike and Gail met with both townships concerned. GLPOA has officially petitioned Killaloe Hagerty-Richards for their cooperation to make speeding illegal. KHR will also look at improvement to the Boat Launch at the Bailey Bridge on the Bonnechere River. Harold Weckworth is highly supportive of our initiatives for proper signage on the river on behalf of North Algona-Wilberforce Township. We volunteered to erect the signs when the time comes. More consultation to proceed through a painstaking process is required. A super start to a long process.
Pikwakanagan Rep.
It was agreed that it was vital for both parties to have a representative from the First Nations and that we would continue to pursue our search.
Launch site Bill Board Advertising:
Mike reported that the “Thank you” letters to sponsors are on route, maps are to be replaced with a new Logo on them and some other changes. There are no expected major expenses for the signs maintenance.
Ken, Gail and Mike met to go over the necessary changes and updates to the site. Ken reported that redoing photos was a challenge. It was agreed that the Website needs constant revision and that we are very thankful that Ken has taken an avid interest in posting information etc. It was mentioned that there will be a yearly charge for advice and revision beyond our capability. A $500.00 budget has already been passed for that purpose
Eric Weckworth has taken over for Rick as the Marker Coordinator.
Marion will continue with this program next year. A reassessment of the Program will be done next year at this time to decide if the Market could be saturated at that time. Marion will also investigate re: caps for the Poker Run.
Poker Run:
Profits from the Poker Run might possibly go into Stocking the lake with fish next year.
Bonnechere River Water Project:
Mike and Gail attended a presentation in Eganville. Jack will keep us informed as to the activity of the Watershed and related projects.
Ruby Rd. Waste Site:
No decision as of yet, advisement will probably occur in the Eganville Leader. When that does happen all directors will be notified, there will be 60 days for a response if one is necessary.
Given the fact that you must receive permission for anything done to the shoreline, it is our duty should we be asked to direct our members to the MNR site.
Septic & Wells:
It was unanimous that the septic issues have been well covered in our area. Wells however could be an up and coming issue. It was suggested that we distribute Well Testing information at the next AGM.
Interlake Association Meeting:
Mike and Maryanne attended the meeting and reported that most lakes presented issues such as internet, land claims, water danger markers, membership, sharing statistics, fund raising and there was a lengthy presentation on Land Claims. GLPOA was asked to take the lead for next years meeting and we agreed.
It was mentioned that we should all be diligent and invite anyone interested to our meetings for future involvement.
Jack will investigate stocking the lake with FALL pickerel. Mike will look into bass in the lake and help out with all fishing questions. The Poker Run Coordinators have already mentioned the possibility of profits going in the direction of stocking. A possible Fishing Derby was also mentioned.
Other business:
Prizes for next AGM – Jack Blair will review “The Holding” a look back at history in the area (very interesting)
Private Roads – A short discussion took place with the understanding that it was up to all concerned to stay abreast of what has happened and is happening in all areas of our Community. The Private Rd Issue has a very well established Committee and should anyone want to get involved they could talk to Norm Edwards. GLPOA will not take this issue on – but is very supportive.
Pot Luck – The Pot Luck will take place at Lutherlyn Oct. 18th starting at 3:00p.m. Come and enjoy – Bill Gardner has volunteered to provide some entertainment.

October 22, 2011 Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes of the Directors Meeting
Saturday, October 22nd 2011 Sands on Golden Lake
Gail McPhee, Kevin O’Connor, Doug Yourth, Karin Utronkie, Jack Blair, Ken Kruger, Rick O’Brien, Robyn Richards, Brenda Maunder, Monique Pye, Ann Marie Spring, Jeff Raisbeck Mike Wendorf
Dave Lemkay, Bill Clark, Marion Fuder
Call to Order
Gail McPhee called the meeting to order at 9:05a.m. Thanking everyone for coming
Approval of Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Gail asked if there were comments on or errors in the previous minutes. There being none it was moved by Monique Pye and seconded by Karin Utronkie the minutes of August 24, 2011 meeting be accepted as circulated and emailed. Carried.
A Presentation of What the New Website will look like by Chris Kruger.
The Presentation was well accepted by the Directors. Chris was quite clear in taking us through the new drop down menus making easy access to the user. It was stated that all our information would be transferred to the new website, archiving information when necessary but maintaining its easy accessibility. The set-up of the New Website will be complete very soon and backup help for our Administrators would be made available by written instruction and verbally by Chris whenever necessary.
Secretary’s Report
The secretary position was discussed by all. Gail has been performing the duties since the beginning of her term of office.

After much discussion of volunteers and the position possibly being a paid one, two people were identified as willing volunteers who could share the duties. Karen Utronkie and Lisa Mineo. Gail is much relieved and will meet with both Karen and Lise to come to an understanding of duties to be performed between them.

While positions were in the discussion, the question of Secession Planning came up and the Vice President Position. Of course Jeff Raisback has been kind enough to fill in whenever business allows but for the long term we should be looking for a more permanent situation. One of the suggestions was to advertise for interested individuals via the paper, with mention that the candidate would not have to live on the lake but be sensitive to our Mandate and issues. Further consideration will be perused as to finding a suitable person.
Treasurer’s Report
Robyn Richards presented the treasurer’s report as of Oct. 2011

It was moved by Ken Kruger and seconded by Karen Utronkie to accept the treasurer’s report as presented. Carried.
Monique Pye stated that we now have a total of 426 paid up members. Monique is also working on an updated version of GLPOA’s email list. For those members wishing to touch base with the Association the email address will be GLPOA It was also mentioned that it might be a good idea to send out a reminder email if possible to all those members who paid up in 2010 and have not for 2011. This would cover the fact that we know in some cases people just were not home or were missed being canvassed this year.
Sale of Maps
Joe Mineo was present and is now in full swing with managing our map sales. Joe mentioned that he will be going out to all our sponsors and other businesses in the area as well as activities such as the Poker run; where there could be a possibility to sell maps. The reprinting information will also be made available to Joe. In addition, it will be posted on our Website that Lake and River maps are available.
Water Quality
Jack Blair has agreed to take the lead on this very important committee. He has been taking samples regularly and reports similar readings to last year.
Water Levels
John Gulland has agreed to take the lead. Another priority committee to us, given the past shoreline damage. With continuing rumblings from Round Lake it will be necessary to stay involved and informed of any changes in relations to water levels.

Note: Jack and John work together in both the tasks of Water Quality and Water Levels.
Launch-Site Bill-Boards
Mike reported the work that has been completed and some still to be completed on the Bill-Boards. Repairs and upgrades to the signs are in the region of $4,000.00 for 2011. It was moved by Monique Pye and seconded by Doug Yourth to pay the cost of repair and upgrade of approximately $4,000.00. At the same time it was moved to allow for a ceiling of $1,500 yearly for sign repair and or upgrade. During the discussion it was mentioned that a request to the Township for an up-grade to the Tramore site might be a good idea.
Septic Seminar
Having talked to John Gulland prior to this meeting a date of July 11th 2012 was agreed upon for the Septic Seminar to be held at Killaloe Public School. At this meeting Jack Blair agreed to take the Committee Chair position for the project with help from John, Doug and friend of his. Gail will turn over all pertinent information that she has gathered to Jack. Since it will be the week after the AGM, the Seminar will be promoted at that time and of course before by other media.

While on this subject other were mentioned as following:
The CPR course.
Robyn Richards has once again agreed to lead this project with Karen and Mike to help. The possibility of a free CPR course came up with a larger venue such as the Killaloe Public School or the Community Centre at Golden Lake or at Pikwakanagan. Taking into consideration the number of possible participants interested would dictate the assistance needed for the presenter etc. This remains at the discussion stage.
Scheduled meetings for 2012
May 2nd Directors Meeting 7:00p.m. At the Sands this meeting will be to finalize all printing and planning for the kick off long weekend Membership drive

July 4th Directors Meeting 7:00p.m. Finalizing for the AGM July 7th 2012
Shoal Marking (Buoy) Program
Rick O’Brien reported that all Markers were off the Lake other than those at the Deacon Bridge. They will remain there for the winter because the water stays open.
Room for one More Director.
Recognition of work well done and diligence to the cause went out to Mike Wendorf in a unanimous vote for him as a Director. This was moved by Ken Kruger and seconded by Monique Pye. Carried.
Volunteers Pot Luck
Was reported to be very successful. Fun was had by all. Other Social Activity possibilities were briefly discussed at the same time.
Next Director’s Meeting
The next meeting will be May 2nd 2012 7:00p.m. At the Sands
The business having been completed, the meeting was adjourned by Gail at 9:00p.m.
Pat O’Shea
A presentation was made by Pat O’Shea of canoe racing on Golden Lake

Pat brought along many trophies and plaques marking many races of previous years on the Lake. He made a pitch for canoe racing once again taking place on the lake. A discussion developed in regard to shorter races including kayaks etc.; nonprofessional fun type, including all age groups possibly up to the Damn on the Tramore river and back. The bottom line was that if Pat got organizers to come up with a plan and presented it to us we would certainly take it into consideration for our support.

August 24, 2011 Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes of the Directors Meeting
Wednesday, August 24, 2011 Sands on Golden Lake
Gail McPhee, Kevin O’Connor, Doug Yourth, Bill Clarke, Karin Utronkie, Jack Blair, Ken Kruger, Rick O’Brien, Robyn Richards, Brenda Maunder, Marion Fuder, Monique Pye.
Jeff Raisbeck, Ann Marie Spring, Dave Lemkay
Call to Order
Gail McPhee called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m. Thanking everyone for coming.
Approval of Minutes of the Previous Meeting.
Gail asked if there were comments on or errors in the previous minutes. There being none.

It was moved by Ken Kruger and seconded by Karin Utronkie the minutes of July 27, 2011 meeting be accepted as circulated and emailed. Carried.
Secretary’s Report
Bill Clark informed us that the letters of thanks to retiring board members and welcomes to new board members had been sent.
Treasurer’s Report
Robyn Richards presented the treasurer’s report as of Aug. 2011

It was moved by Bill Clark and seconded by Rick O’Brien to accept the treasurer’s report as presented. Carried.
Membership Report
Monique Pye presented a spread sheet by zone indicating Membership number to date as 407 with a possible 80 more members to collect from that were members last year. It was also discussed the possibility of establishing how many permanent dwellers we had as members for reason of conducting information sessions other than the summer season.
Sale of Maps
Kevin reported that Joe Mineo was now in possession of the Maps and would be contacting retailers around the lake to sell them at $3.00 for retail at $5.00. We also talked about how else to retail maps such as to up-coming fishing tournaments and to trailer camps.
Water Quality
Jack Blair reported he will be taking samples in Brennan’s Creek and in the lake and will be sending them to the group who are conducting the study at a cost of $35.00. He also reported that the Bonnechere River Water shed Project has begun.
Shoreline Project
There was a discussion involving the issue of privacy for example Photos and suggestions for improvements and should we support the project. The general consensus was that this was not a project we want to get involved in.

It was moved by Jack Blair and seconded by Ken Kruger not to support the project. Carried
Water Levels
It was noted that the levels were very low at present and it was probably due to no rain. Also it was suggested that since RPG will drop water levels Labour Day Weekend we should send an email communique to members via email alerting them.
Shoal Marking Report
Rick O’Brien reported that a new marking is now at Harris Bay. He will be checking the buoy that seems to be out of place in front of George Wilcox place and also adding new ones to replace those gone astray on Tramore River. Investigation of pricing from various suppliers will also be looked into.
Ruby Road Waste Disposal Site
Kevin reported that the MOE has questioned Bonnechere Valley’s submission and that the council is now considering incineration. KHR will transfer waste to Lafleche , Moose Creek and the question was raised Why isn’t B.V. doing the same?
Poker Run
Was a huge success with more participants than ever. The profit will be over $1,000 after all advertising is paid. More importantly is the awareness of our organization derived from having so many people together having fun coming from far and wide.
Septic Seminar
The Septic Seminar was cancelled due to John Gulland’s unfortunate accident. It will most likely be a go next year.
Launch Site Bill Boards
Mike Wendorff has taken on this task and has been briefed by Kevin
Karin Utronkie has offered to help with the email grouping and also other computer related tasks such as the Website postings provided there is some training. At present Gail’s son is organizing a new improved email listing.

Website development: The request for proposals and a mock- up will be sent to three potential developers with specific requirement listed in the covering letter. The decision is proposed to be made by our next Directors Meeting in October.
Brennan’s Creek
The subject was again brought up regarding the cleaning up of downed trees in the creek. With regulations the way they are there seems to be no immediate solution
The Deacon Bridge
A letter was written by Gail and delivered to the Detachment Commander Paul Dowdall asking for some action to be taken regarding this very dangerous sport. We will await an answer. The Bumpers for the bolts under the bridge that are playing havoc with boats travelling through is yet to be solved.
Next Director’s Meeting
The next meeting will be Saturday Oct. 15th 9:00 at the Sands.
The business having been completed, the meeting was adjourned by Gail at 9:00p.m.

July 27, 2011 Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes of the Director’s Meeting
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Present: Gail McPhee, Robyn Richards, Bill Clark, Monique Pye, Brenda Maunder, Marion Fuder, Ann Marie Spring, Jack Blair, Ken Kruger, Mike Wendorf

Regrets: Dave Lemkay, Rick O’Brien, Doug Yourth, Jeff Raisbeck, Kevin O’Connor, Karen Utronkie
Call to order
Gail McPhee called the meeting to order at 9:07 a.m.

Anne Marie brought us up to date on Kevin’s medical condition noting that his attitude was great!
Secretary’s Report
The minutes for the AGM were not yet available.
Treasurer’s Report.
Robyn Richards presented the financial statement for July 2011.

It was moved by Bill Clark and seconded by Monique Pye to approve the treasurer’s report as presented. Carried.
Membership Report
Monique Pye reported that 350 Members had signed up prior to the meeting and at the meeting the count reached 400 with more to come. It was noted by Gail that a record of early Membership sales had been achieved. The fact that there will be prizes drawn at the Poker Run for signed up members has given us the push to get the job done earlier.
Poker Run
Gail reported that Robyn would bring a box for the draw that comprises the Weekend at the Sands and a Weekend Cottage at Bonnechere Lodge. It was also decided that all volunteers manning stations in the downstairs at the Sands registering and establishing winners of the best Poker hands would receive GLPOA T Shirts at the cost of $12 dollars charges to the profit made at the Poker Run, this was discussed and decided at the Poker Run Meeting the decision was moved by Monique Pye and seconded by Bill Clark. Carried
Sale of Maps
Gail reported that Joe Mineo, Manager at the Sands has taken responsibility for the Sale of Maps and all will be turned over to him within the next couple of weeks, so in future when if a Reps need Maps for new Member they will pick them up from Joe.
T shirts
Gail reported that 34 T Shirts were sold at the AGM with a net profit of $306. They will also be on sale at the Poker Run
Water Quality Report
Jack reported that Carleton U. Students will begin their benthic study very soon. Murray Richardson is the Department Head and will be the contact person for the project. When the study is complete there will be follow up for solutions. The government may provide funding. Brennan’ Creek will also be tested.
Water levels
Our intent is to keep a close eye on any level changes on Round lake to make sure there are no adverse effects to Golden Lake.
Water Hazard Markings
The general feeling of the Directors is that more Buoys are needed in hazard areas. It was suggested putting numbers on the buoys and keeping a log since they do get away on us. Brian Fraser will be contacted since he is aware of the problem. Ken has offered to work with Rick to bump up the system. It was decided to have a Budget for additional Buoys and No Wake Zone signs of $1000.00 since it was felt to be a danger and warranted necessary action to avoid accidents. It was moved by Brenda and seconded by Jack. Carried
Water Levels
Water Levels was thought to be a possible presentation of interest for the 2012 AGM to be done by R.P.G. , given the damage caused this year by high water and strong winds.
Bill Board Advertising
The managing of the accounts were discussed briefly and Mike Wendorf will take a look at the extent of the job and consider possibly taking it on.
Safe navigating at the Bridge
The problem of people jumping from the bridge remains the same for boaters. It was decided to once again approach the O.P.P. with a formal request to take down the make shift ladder to deter the jumpers and replace it with a No Jumping or Diving Sign. Another bridge problem for boaters are the large bolts affixed to the beams that are causing damage to the boats. It is difficult to avoid them when navigating under the bridge.
Septic Seminar
A motion was made for a budget of $1000.00 for cost related expenditures for the Septic Seminar. It was moved by Bill Clark and seconded by Ken Kruger. Carried
The email listing will be updated during the off months and possibly completed by the New Year.
Aug. 24 – 7p.m. Pot Luck on the Agenda

Sept. 28 -9a.m. Wind-down for the Season
May 2nd 2012 – 7p.m. 2012 – Preparation for the May 24th Weekend Membership take off and the AGM

July 4 – 7-9p.m. Finalization for the AGM

AGM July 7th 2012

Directors Follow up to AGM July 25th 9a.m. 2012
There was a lengthy discussion as to what the Directors seen as an updated version of the Website that we already have. It was asked who would like to work on the request for proposal and the result was that Gail, Bill, Monique and Ken will work and prepare the request for Proposal, Monday the 8th of Aug. at 9:30 a.m. at the Sands.
The business having been completed, the meeting was adjourned by Gail at 9:00p.m.

Annual General Meeting, July 9, 2011

Minutes of the Seventh Annual General Meeting
Killaloe Public School Saturday, July 09, 2011
9:00 a.m. Welcome by GLPOA President Kevin O’Connor
Kevin welcomed the 110 members present, which is the largest attendance of any GLPOA AGM. After making some brief introductory remarks, he then invited the three mayors to address the meeting.
Killaloe Hagerty-Richards
Janice Visneski said how much she appreciated and admired the work done by GLPOA and listed some matters of interest over the past year in K-H-R.
Bonnechere Valley
Jennifer Murphy briefly mentioned the Township’s waste management plan, noting that an additional option for waste disposal is being researched.
North Algona-Wilberforce
Harold Weckworth recognized the good work of GLPOA in establishing a shoal marker program; in spearheading the project to build washrooms at the Deacon boat launch; in taking the lead in promoting cell phone service. Mayor Weckworth said that his council likes to work with associations. He also mentioned the issue of high water levels in spring, but said that he had received no requests for sand bags.
Minutes from last year’s meeting – June 5, 2010
Bill Clark reported that the minutes have been on the GLPOA web site since shortly after last year’s meeting and that they had been posted in the Killaloe and Golden Lake Post Offices for the past month. In consideration of these steps, Bill asked for a motion to waive the reading of the minutes and to accept them as posted.

It was moved by Terry Howard and seconded by Doreen Dunne-Skully to waive the reading of the minutes and accept them as posted. Carried.
Treasurer’s Report
Vice-President Gail McPhee presented the report for treasurer Robyn Richards as follows:

Golden Lake Property Owners Association

Financial Statement












Balance as of June 2010



Total as of March 2011

NOTE: To be verified by accountant

It was moved by Kate O’Hara and seconded by Dave Lemkay to approve the treasurer’s report as presented. Carried.

Throughout meeting names were drawn for the books donated by Eleanor (Moony) Wright, and Alligators of the North donated by Dave Lemkay, who had been involved in its publishing.
Committee and Project Reports
Membership: Monique Pye
Monique reported that we are well on our way to having as many members this year as last, which was 417. She recognized the great efforts of the volunteer canvassers and said she is looking for more volunteers.
Shoal and Channel Marking Program: Rick O’Brien
Rick said the program is in good shape with all the main shoals and channels marked. He said it has been rewarding for him this past year working with the volunteers. He invited any of the shoal marker volunteers to stand and be recognized and a few did. The members appreciate their work as demonstrated with a round of applause.
Brief Review of Ongoing Projects: Kevin O’Connor
Sale of maps
The sale of maps is continuing and will soon pay for the original cost of printing. Kevin suggested that they make great gifts.
Boat launch site billboard advertising
There are now 24 ads surrounding each of the four signs at boat launch sites, producing nearly $4,000 in revenue each year. This year some of the revenue was used to complete major repairs to signs that had been knocked over in wind storms. The signs were upgraded with a new roofs and acrylic covers. Kevin reported that the washrooms at the Deacon boat launch, the construction of which was spearheaded by GLPOA, were painted recently at a cost of just under $600.
Pleasure Craft Operators Course
The course has been postponed at the suggestion of the course instructor, who reported that the examination has been made much more difficult. The result is that many people are now failing the exam. It was felt that GLPOA did not want to subject people to the failure of exams, so the course was postponed while the situation is investigated.
CPR Course
The CPR course that was scheduled for July 16 has been cancelled because there were too few registrants.
Septic Seminar; Thursday, August 25
Kevin read part of Terry Fluery’s Eganville Leader article from the first year. It will be offered again this year on a weekday evening for the first time. Planning is underway and going well. John Gulland will deliver the presentation.
Tee shirts
The GLPOA Board of Directors didn’t really want to sell logo tee shirts because of the complications of maintaining inventory of the needed sizes. On the other hand it wanted to provide tee shirts to our volunteers in recognition of their work. The decision was made to have some extra shirts made up and they are now selling well. The sale of tee shirts is not a fund-raising project, but is simply a way to satisfy the demands of the members.
Cell Phones
Kevin reported the good news that cell service is now complete. He noted that the bad news is that only newest cell phones work on all of the networks. Kevin recognized that this accomplishment was largely the result of GLPOA’s efforts over several years to advocate for local service to the cell network corporations.
Poker Run
Weldon McEachen recognized all the efforts of GLPOA over the past several years. He reported that the third annual Poker Run will be held on July 30. Weldon recalled that retained earnings from the first year financed the purchase of the sound system being used today. Receipts from the second year financed picnic tables for boat launches. He invited everyone to participate.
Election of GLPOA Directors for 2011 – 2012: Mick Daley
The executive positions of president, vice-president and secretary need to be filled as well as four director positions. Mick said that the nominating committee have found candidates for all of these positions, as follows:

President: Gail McPhee
Vice-President: Jeff Raisbeck
Secretary: Bill Clark


Dave Lemkay
Ken Kruger
Ann-Marie Spring
Jack Blair

There being no nominations from the floor after asking three times, it was

Moved by George Wilcox and seconded by Howard Bernard to accept the slate of officers for the new board. Carried.
Passing of the Gavel
Kevin O’Connor introduced Gail McPhee, the new GLPOA President. Gail made some brief remarks about her hopes for the coming year.
Water Quality and Levels
Water Quality: Jack Blair reported on the historical Lake Partnership phosphorous concentration results. He also reported on the findings from the special Brennans Creek test program that was done last summer. Finally, Jack reported on the new project with Carleton University that will involve a large amount of testing of a variety of water quality indicators.

Water Levels: John Gulland commented that despite good planning this winter and spring that involved all the groups that are concerned with spring flooding, we faced a “perfect storm” this spring in which we had heavy rains and high winds just at the peak of the freshet. The result was some serious shoreline damage at several properties around Golden Lake. John asked for a show of hands of people who had suffered damage and several people raised their hands. He said that this kind of costly damage is unfortunate, but that because the Bonnechere River and the string of lakes along it is a natural system, it is difficult to eliminate all risk of high water damage.
Special Presentation: Your Septic System
John Gulland delivered a short seminar on septic system use and maintenance. The seminar was a follow up to the “Septic Systems Dos and Dont’s” hang up card that was distributed to all members this spring. A longer version of this seminar is planned for Thursday, August 25.
Ruby Road Landfill Site Up-date
Kevin O’Connor gave a brief report on activities related to the proposed Ruby Road waste disposal site. The proposed landfill would be of the natural attenuation type, as distinct from the engineered and managed type used by Ottawa Valley Waste Recycling Centre. He said that the issue has been covered in the GLPOA newsletters, on its web site, and the local newspapers.

Since the last AGM, the GLPOA Board has contracted with Wilf Ruland a respected hydrogeologist and had received his independent review of Bonnechere Valley Township’s plans for the Ruby Road site. Kevin commended those who had invested a lot of time and effort on the issue and said that the matter is now in the hands of the Ministry of Environment.
New Business
Gail McPhee announced that the names of the winners of two very nice prizes will be drawn at the Poker Run on July 30. All current GLPOA members names will be in the hat for the draw. The prizes are a weekend cottage at the Bonnechere Lodge and a night at Sands on Golden Lake.
All of the annual business reports having been completed, the meeting was adjourned at 11:50 am

June 4, 2011 Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes of the Directors Meeting
Saturday, June 4, 2011 Sands on Golden Lake
Kevin O’Connor, Gail McPhee, Stephen Butler, Marion Fuder, Brenda Maunder, Bill Clark, Jeff Raisbeck, Robyn Richards, Monique Pye, Karen Utronkie, Doug Yourth, Rick O’Brien, Ken Kruger, Jack Blair, Mike Wendorf, John Gulland.
Dorothy Corbeil, Mike Cayer, Dave Lemkay, Kathy Lampi.
Call to Order
Kevin O’Connor called the meeting to order at 9:04 am and welcomed the directors and visitors.
Approval of Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Kevin asked if there were comments on or errors in the previous minutes. There being none:

It was moved by Rick O’Brien and seconded by Robyn Richards, that the minutes of the May 3, 2011 meeting be accepted as circulated. Carried.
Plans for 2011 Annual General Meeting July 9, 2011
Kevin talked about the plans and hoped directors would take on some role in organizing the meeting and tasks during the AGM.

Rick O’Brien agreed to pickup the banner and sound system on the way to the meeting.

Marion Fuder agreed to order and pick up the coffee and muffins early on Saturday morning.

Gail talked about the information tables that will be set up: tee shirts and maps, door prize tickets, membership, CPR, Poker Run, and Eleanor Moony-Wright.

Kevin talked about selling GLPOA tee shirts at the AGM and Poker Run as a promotion and publicity.

It was moved by Stephen Butler and seconded by Monique Pye to purchase 50 tee shirts. Carried.

Action: Kevin O’Connor

Kevin distributed copies of the draft ad for the AGM which prompted an extended discussion of how the meeting will be conducted.
Secretary’s Report
Bill Clark said that the minutes of last year’s AGM are posted in the Golden Lake and Killaloe post offices and copies will be handed out at the meeting. The minutes will not be read at the meeting.

Bill will also send out letters of thanks to retiring board members and welcomes to new board members.

Action: Bill Clark
Treasurer’s Report
Robyn Richards presented the treasurer’s report, as follows:

Financial Statement, May 2011




Boat Course


CPR Course


Fun Fest












Poker Run






Water Hazards


Water Quality


Sub Total

Starting Balance

Total Income

Total Expenses


It was moved by Bill Clark and seconded by Monique Pye to accept the treasurer’s report as presented. Carried.
Membership Report
Monique Pye said she will report on memberships at the AGM.
Sale of Maps
Kevin will take over the distribution of maps from Dorothy.
Water Quality Report
John Gulland reported that he and Jack Blair went out in Jack’s boat and took the Lake Partnership phosphorous sample and water clarity readings on May 25. They also took a series of Secchi water clarity tests and found that the water was clear to about 12 feet.

Jack described the Secchi disk and how the test is done.

Jack discussed plans for further phosphorous testing upstream in Brennans Creek to learn more about the sources of high phosphorous concentrations.

John will make a pitch at the AGM for more volunteers to report on conditions in their part of the reach.
Shoal Marking Report
Rick O’Brien reported that some buoys are not yet in the water because there is still sufficient water over the shoals. Rick is looking for a place to store the buoys. Currently they are stored under a tarp.
Ruby Road waste disposal Site
Kevin noted that there is not much more to report beyond the correspondence that has been sent to directors and posted on the web site. Stephen Butler expressed concern that BVT has not responded to Wilf’s report or any concerns that have been expressed. The process of environmental screening was discussed. It is now in the hands of BVT to respond to the concerns expressed.
Pleasure Craft Operators Course
Kevin mentioned that this might be our last year offering the course but feels that there are still many people who don’t yet have their card. We need about 40 participants to break even on expenses.
CPR Course
Robyn said plans are still being formed and selecting a date when the course instructor would be available.
Poker Run
The Poker Run committee is making plans for this year’s event. Kevin recognized the Sands for allocating its facility this year to the event.
Septic Seminar
This year the event will be held on a Thursday evening as an experiment. Two years ago the seminar was on a rainy Saturday morning and attendance was good. Last year, however, the Saturday was sunny and attendance was less than half of the previous year. It is hoped that septic professionals (installers, pumpers, inspectors) would be able to attend.
Water Levels Up-date
John gave a brief report on the water levels this spring, noting that the level in Golden Lake exceeded the allowable limit set by the watershed management plan, but this happens every year. Kevin mentioned that he had heard three or four complaints about shoreline damage during this spring’s freshet. High winds at the peak of the freshet were the cause of most damage.
Launch-Site Bill-Boards
Kevin reported that two of the billboards had fallen over in high winds. The damage to the signs has been fixed by Brian Fraser. The Deacon bridge sign has been fixed up. Two more advertisers have come on: CIBC and Two Retired Guys. Keith Robinson of Mr. Stripe-it has given an estimate for fixing the other signs.

Kevin noted that the washrooms at Deacon need to be stained.

It was moved by Stephen Butler and seconded by Brenda Maunder that a contractor be hired to stain the washrooms. Carried.

Action: Kevin O’Connor
John will change the email response from Dave Lemkay to Kevin. There was a discussion of email correspondence and whether or not it is best to reply to all or just to the sender.

Action: John Gulland
Web Site
John Gulland reported on a proposal to rebuild the GLPOA web site using up-to-date software. There was a general discussion of the pros and cons of the suggestion and the costs involved. Further discussion on the idea will happen at the next directors meeting. It was decided to hold a special directors meeting after the AGM and have Amber Percival available to answer questions.
Sign at Brennans Creek
Kevin suggested that we install a sign at the mouth of Brennans Creek reminding people that it is a no-wake zone. After a brief discussion:

It was moved by Rick O’Brien and seconded by Stephen Butler that a budget of $300 be allocated for the production of at least one sign.

Action: Kevin O’Connor
Private Roads
A meeting next Tuesday on the maintenance of private roads hosted by BV council. It was suggested that representatives of GLPOA attend the meeting as observers to gather information.
Next Director’s Meeting
The next meeting will be held Thursday, July 7 at 7:00pm.
The business having been completed, the meeting was adjourned by Kevin at 12:06 pm.

May 3, 2011 Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes of the Directors Meeting
Tuesday May 3, 2011 Sands on Golden Lake
Kevin O’Connor, Gail McPhee, Marion Fuder, Bill Clark, Jeff Raisbeck, Ken Kruger, John Gulland.
Dorothy Corbeil, Mike Cayer, Dave Lemkay, Brenda Maunder, Monique Pye, Mike Cayer, Kathy Lampi, Rick O’Brien, Robyn Richards, Doug Yourth, Karen Utronkie.
Call to Order
Kevin O’Connor called the meeting to order at 9:03 am and welcomed the directors. He noted that there were too few directors present to constitute quorum, so important resolutions would have to be dealt with at the next meeting.
Approval of Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Kevin asked if there were comments on or errors in the previous minutes. There being none:

It was moved by Bill Clark and seconded by Jeff Raisbeck, that the minutes of the November 20, 2010 meeting be accepted as circulated. Carried.
Plans for 2011 Annual General Meeting July 9, 2011
Promotion of the AGM was discussed. It was agreed that, following the practice begun last year, there would be no need to read the previous AGM minutes since they are posted on the web site and the promotional material reminds people to see them there.

Last year the agenda for the AGM had a notice of upcoming GLPOA events on the back and it was suggested that members pin up the notice somewhere in their home as a reminder. That strategy should be repeated this year.

It was suggested that John Gulland could give a brief presentation on septic system care, which will fit well with the membership hand-out on septic systems. This was seen to be a good idea.

The Ruby Road landfill issue will also take up some time on the agenda.

Kevin reported on plans to hold draws for several prizes, such as books, resort gift certificates, restaurant gift certificates and so on. Jeff Raisbeck said The Sands would make a donation and Roger Imhof of Bonnechere Lodge has also agreed to donation. There was general agreement that draws and prizes would be a good idea.

Elenor Wright has a book about Golden Lake and she will be invited to attend the AGM to sell and sign copies.
Membership Report
Gail reported that Monique will modify the organization of member’s names according to their civic road addresses so that reps can work their way down their roads and their list in a logical way. Since Monique has her hands full dealing with input issues, there is a need for another person to keep in touch with zone reps. Marion Fuder agreed to take on that role. There were expressions of appreciation for her offer around the table.
Sales of Lake Maps
Kevin pointed out that there is a block of maps that he can’t account for. He and Gail made plans to do a new inventory and control map distribution more carefully this year.
Water Quality Report
John reported that he and Jack Blair are still discussing options for this year’s water testing program. They will take the Lake Partnership program samples together and will add Secchi water clarity samples in a number of locations around the reach.

John suggested that another test be taken further up Brennans Creek. It was agreed that no motion was required for the small expenditure involved.

The issue of lake planning was discussed. In general it was agreed not to appoint a steering committee to head up lake planning at this point. The issue will be revisited in the fall.
Nominating Committee Report
Bill Clark reported that he is having trouble finding anyone interested in taking on the vice-president’s role and eventually rise to the presidency. Rick O’Brien may be willing to take on that role, but not this year because of other commitments.

Gail reported that Dorothy Corbeil is considering whether to accept the position of secretary.

There was also a discussion of the need to reduce the number of directors so that having a quorum at meetings is easier.

Bill continues to work on the board development issue.
Ruby Road waste disposal Site
Kevin and John reported on recent developments regarding the dump. The screening process requires that concerns be resolved. The decision point will be whether to request elevation to full Environmental Assessment.

We might need to contract with Wilf Ruland to review the Environmental Screening Report that BVT will produce and advise us on the issue of elevation. There is the possibility of fundraising to help pay for Wilf’s work so that GLPOA doesn’t have to spend more resources.

There is a need to prepare Zone Reps for handling members’ comments on Ruby Road.
Water Levels Up-date
Although extreme high water levels were not predicted for this spring, Round Lake and Golden Lake are now at flood levels. There are no logs in the dam at Golden Lake and RPG is unwilling to remove logs at Tramore to lower Round Lake because it would cause excessive flooding in Golden Lake. Some damage to properties has been reported, largely the result of extremely windy weather during the highest water levels.
Launch-Site Bill-Boards
Kevin reported that the damage to the signs will be fixed by Brian Fraser.
The newsletter will be adjusted to make room for a longer message on the Ruby Road waste site. The objective is to clarify the Board’s actions to date and to set out the remainder of the Environmental Screening Process.
Web Site
John will distribute the discussion document to the full board. A decision will be made at the next Director’s meeting.
Next Director’s Meeting
The next meeting will be convened at the call of the chair.
The business having been completed, the meeting was adjourned by Kevin at 11:45.

November 20, 2010 Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes of the Directors Meeting
Saturday, November 20, 2010, Sands on Golden Lake


Kevin O’Connor, Gail McPhee, Kathy Lampi, Robyn Richards, Doug Yourth, Jeff Raisbeck, Karen Utronkie, Rick O’Brien, Monique Pye, John Gulland, Jack Blair (guest).
Dorothy Corbeil, Mike Cayer, Bill Clark, Dave Lemkay, Stephen Butler, Brenda Maunder, Marion Fuder
Call to Order
Kevin O’Connor called the meeting to order at 9:10 am and welcomed the directors.

He talked about the importance of having significant decisions of the board, especially those involving expenditures, backed by a properly passed resolution. There was a discussion as to whether or not the expenditure on the Ruby Road investigation was properly supported by a resolution of the board. After some discussion:

It was moved by Gail McPhee and seconded by Kathy Lampi that the previously-approved (by email) expenditure of up to $6,000 for the second opinion on the Ruby Road landfill site by Wilf Ruland be approved. Carried

It was also mentioned that we should formally approve the minutes of the previous meeting and this should be part of the formal agenda for each meeting.
Approval of Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Kevin asked if there were comments on or errors in the previous minutes. There being none:

It was moved by Gail McPhee and seconded by Robyn Richards, that the minutes of the September 18 meeting be accepted as circulated. Carried.

Action: Kevin, John to ensure that each meeting agenda include approval of previous meeting minutes.

It was also noted that each meeting’s minutes should note that a quorum of directors was present, although it was also noted that those in attendance and those sending regrets are always listed in the minutes, so quorum can be determined. Nevertheless, the issue of quorum should be considered at the beginning of each meeting, especially when the number of directors present is close to the minimum, as it was for this meeting.

The GLPOA Constitution states that:Sixty per cent of the Directors shall constitute a quorum. We currently have 16 directors, of which 9 were present for this meeting. Sixty percent of 16 is 9.6, which, rounded upward, would mean that a quorum did not exist. However, this being a seasonal organization and this meeting having been held well outside the normal summer season, and considering the number of directors present exceeded 50 percent (the normal objective of quorum), and since none of the resolutions were contentious, it was felt that the meeting could proceed.
Secretary’s Report
There was a brief discussion of the record of Board meetings. While most records are available on the web site, it was felt that a physical minute book is also required. Kevin said he believed that Bill Clark maintained a physical minute book. The following action item was approved.

Action: Bill Clark to bring the minute book to the next director’s meeting for review and discussion of its maintenance.
Treasurer’s Report
Robyn Richards presented the financial statement as of November 20, as follows:

Golden Lake Property Owners Association

Financial Statement 20 Nov 10



Boat Course

CPR Course

Fun Fest






Poker Run



Water Hazards

Water Quality

Sub Total

Starting Balance

Total Income

Total Expenses


It was moved by Rick O’Brien and seconded by Monique Pye that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted as presented. Carried.

Kevin talked about the need to do long term planning regarding the use of retained earnings. Kathy suggested that she would like to see GLPOA begin the lake planning process that takes years to complete and can be very expensive. There was some discussion of this under the Water Quality agenda item.
Membership Report
Monique reported that the 2010 membership is 417, which is the highest in the Association’s history. The membership system is now arranged so that each $20 of membership dues has a name attached to it so there can be no question about who has paid and who hasn’t.

Dave Lemkay has said that someone else should have all [email protected] incoming emails coming to their email account instead of his.

Action: Board members to determine who will agree to take on this work.

Action: John to check into the traffic on the GLPOA web site.

Brief report: I looked at the statistics from our host server, but because we have an inexpensive host package and do not pay for enhanced statistics, we have very limited information. The table below only shows one year of history, which is all that is available. Please note that the numbers look big but the actual number of unique visitors is a fraction of the numbers shown. A request is for a file, so if a page file has a photo on it, that counts as two file requests. What the table does tell us is that traffic peaked in July and that our traffic this November was almost five times what it was last year, I assume because of the Ruby Road issue. I would actually like to change hosts, but will take that up with the executive over the winter. John Gulland

Number of requests
Number of page requests

Nov 2010

October 2010

September 2010

August 2010

July 2010

June 2010

May 2010

April 2010

March 2010

February 2010

January 2010

December 2009

November 2009

Sales of Lake Maps
There was no significant discussion of this topic because Dorothy Corbeil could not attend and there was very little activity in this area at this time of year.
Water Quality Report
John Gulland reported that the annual sample for phosphorous under the Lake Partnership Program showed a result higher than 10 /L for the first time. In a discussion of this annual testing, someone asked whether or not Round Lake doing lake partnership testing. This could be looked into because their results could give insights into the inputs to the Bonnechere River between the two lakes.

Here are the results since GLPOA started annual testing, including the averages, which don’t show a clear trend.

Test Date
TP Sample#1
TP Sample#2

May 28, 2003

Aug 14, 2004

May 25, 2008

May 6, 2009

May 5, 2010

Below are the results from the special Brennans Creek test program run last summer.

TPH Upstream
TPH Downstream

May 25, 2010
18.4 /L
18.4 /L

July 5, 2010
29.8 /L
27.9 /L

August 2, 2010
26.6 /L
28.1 /L

September 7, 2010
38.0 /L
37.5 /L

John reported that a meeting with the Killaloe sewage plant representatives is planned to let them know what we found in the testing and get advice on the mechanisms involved.

After a brief discussion:

It was moved by Gail McPhee and seconded by Kathy Lampi the Water Quality Committee should present suggestions to the board on the lake planning process. Carried.

Action: The water quality committee to meet and make recommendations to the board on how to begin the lake planning process.

(The committee agreed to meet on December 9.)

Action: Kevin to order up to 20 copies of the FOCA lake planning guide.
Water Levels Up-date
John reported that Peter Boldt is waiting until the townships have their first meetings to see who will be their representatives on the Water Levels stakeholders group. Once he knows who should attend, he will call a meeting of the stakeholders.
Launch-Site Bill-Board Advertising
Kevin reported that there are 22 advertisers so the income should be $3520. The Killaloe CIBC has agreed to be one of the advertisers and another possible company for a total expected next year of 24 advertisers. A plan is in place to deal with the maintenance issues. After some discussion:

It was moved by Gail McPhee and seconded by Karen Utronkie to allocate up to $3000 for billboard maintenance work over the next two years. Carried.
Pleasure Craft Operators Course
Kevin reported that the school rental costs $375 and that we have lost our two corporate sponsors. The course fee is $40, so, depending on how many people take the course, there may be a shortfall in income after expenses. Kevin and Dave will consider raising the course fee to $50.
CPR Course
Robyn reported that little has been done because the CPR procedures are changing so the course must change. She plans to hold the course at the Golden Lake community centre next year.
Septic Seminar
Kevin reported that last year’s seminar was very good, but that the weather was so good that only about thirty people showed up. There is a suggestion to hold the seminar on a week day evening so that professionals can attend.
Poker Run Report
It was moved by Kathy Lampi and seconded by Monique Pye to approve an expenditure of up to $1000 from the proceeds of the poker run for the purchase of four picnic tables with chains and locks for two boat launch sites. Carried.

At the last meeting Jeff Raisbeck mentioned the possibility of combining the Poker Run with FunFest to help the Sands deal with the crowding of events in the busy summer season.

Action: Kevin and Jeff to meet with Weldon to discuss this possibility.
Cell Phones
Kevin reported on further developments in the installation of cell towers and high speed internet services. There is a plan to issue a press release on the efforts that GLPOA has made to promote cell service in the area.
There is a plan to issue a newsletter by email before the end of the year.

Gail suggested that the web site should have a prompt so people can send in their membership payment by mail.

Action: John will place that notice in the top right hand corner of the web site main page about membership payments.
Ruby Road waste disposal Site
Gail clarified that GLPOA will not continue to intervene in the Ruby Road issue after Wilf has submitted his report. GLPOA’s only interest is in the health of Golden Lake.

There was a discussion of how GLPOA’s efforts on this file would be perceived by members of the association and others who had not been party to the discussions of the board.

Kevin suggested that there may need to be another meeting to discuss Wilf’s final report.
Shoal Marking Program
Rick reported that the program is in good shape and that no major new expenditures will be needed for next year.
Plans for 2011 Annual General Meeting July 9, 2011
There was a brief discussion of a speaker for the AGM. One suggestion was to get someone to talk about fishing and the condition of the various species in the lake.
Volunteers Pot Luck
Gail reported that the volunteer’s pot luck event was a great success and was enjoyed by all. It might become an annual event.

There was an agreement to give Lutherlyn Camp some of GLPOA’s maps to put up in their cabins.

It was moved by Kevin and seconded by Kathy to send a $100 cheque and some maps to Lutherlyn as appreciation for the use of their facility for our volunteer’s pot luck event. Carried.
New Business
There was no new business.
Next Director’s Meeting
The next meeting will be convened at the call of the chair.
The business having been completed, the meeting was adjourned by Kevin at 12:01.

[toggle title=”September 18, 2010 Board of Directors Meeting”]

Golden Lake Property Owners Association
Kevin O’Connor, Gail McPhee, Kathy Lampi, Robyn Richards, Dorothy Corbeil, Brenda Maunder, Marion Fuder, Doug Yourth, Jeff Raisbeck, Karen Utronkie, Monique Pye, John Gulland.
Rick O’Brien, Mike Cayer, Bill Clark, Dave Lemkay, Stephen Butler
Call to Order
Kevin O’Connor called the meeting to order at 9:05 am and welcomed the directors.
Date of AGM for 2011
Kevin confirmed that the AGM will be held on Saturday, July 9, 2011.
Secretary’s Report
Kevin reported for Bill by reading a letter of appreciation from St Francis Xavier Hospital Foundation regarding GLPOA’s donation in memory of Michael Johnson. He also read a letter of appreciation from Michael’s wife Audrey.
Treasurer’s Report
Robyn Richards presented the financial statement as of September 17, as follows:




Boat Course


CPR Course


Fun Fest










Poker Run






Water Hazards


Water Quality


Sub Total

Starting Balance

Total Income

Total Expenses


It was moved by Dorothy Corbeil and seconded by Monique Pye that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted as presented. Carried.
Membership Report
Monique Pye reported that membership now stands at 383 and that she is confident that with memberships she knows are coming in that we will finish the year at over the 400 level. Monique and the zone reps were congratulated for their fine work.

There was some discussion of membership canvassing logistics and bookkeeping.
Sales of Lake Maps
Dorothy Corbeil reported that there are 745 maps in stock, in addition to those held by zone reps and retailers.
Water Quality Report
John Gulland reported that the annual sample under the Lake Partnership Program showed a result higher than 10 /L for the first time. Here are the results since GLPOA started annual testing.

Test Date
TP Sample#1
TP Sample#2

May 28, 2003

Aug 14, 2004

May 25, 2008

May 6, 2009

May 5, 2010

The 11.6 /L reading doesn’t suggest a trend, especially because the 2.4 /L spread between the two 2010 samples is the largest we’ve seen.

He also reported on the special Brennans Creek testing program in which phosphorous concentrations were tested upstream and downstream of the Killaloe sewage treatment plant outflow to see if it had a big impact on concentrations. He noted that the clearest pattern in the test results is that the upstream and downstream samples were very close to each other; within two micrograms per litre ( µg/L) in all four cases. It is also notable that only in the August 2 samples was the downstream sample higher than the upstream sample. In the other three cases the upstream sample was the same or higher than the downstream sample. The tentative conclusion that can be drawn from this test program is that the sewage treatment plant outflow has an undetectable impact on phosphorous concentrations in the Creek, despite the fact that it releases about two ounces of phosphorous each day.

TPH Upstream
TPH Downstream

May 25, 2010
18.4 /L
18.4 /L

July 5, 2010
29.8 /L
27.9 /L

August 2, 2010
26.6 /L
28.1 /L

September 7, 2010
38.0 /L
37.5 /L

There was some discussion of further testing in Brennans Creek and other possible water quality testing projects in future years.
Communications Report
There is a plan to send out a fall newsletter soon.
Water Levels Up-date
John Gulland reported that he has corresponded with Peter Boldt of RPG and confirmed that Peter will convene a meeting of the water levels task group in late September or early October. John offered GLPOA’s assistance if Peter needed anything.
Launch-Site Bill-Board Advertising
Kevin reported that the sign at Deacon needs work because of sun and some vandalism. The plan is to cover only the map with clear plastic. The ads don’t need to be covered because they stand up well and can be replaced easily. The gross revenue from the 22 advertisers is about $3800.

Weldon McEachen and the others responsible for the Poker Run have purchased and installed picnic tables at Deacon. The Township has funded a bear-proof garbage can at Deacon. There is a plan for GLPOA to put up a sign requesting that the public take care and maintain the site.
Pleasure Craft Operators Course
Kevin reported that he and Dave Lemkay think they will host a Boater’s Course again in 2011.
CPR Course
Robyn Richards reports that she would like to hold the course again but the Sands may not be available. Someone suggested that the Golden Lake community hall is available for rental and might make a suitable venue. This option will be investigated.
Septic Seminar
Kevin and John reported on the seminar, noting that attendance was a little disappointing. It has been suggested that we host an evening seminar in mid-summer to boost attendance.

Also discussed was the idea of a laminated septic hand out for posting in bathrooms. It was generally agreed that this was a good idea and worth the substantial cost. Karin Utronkie volunteered to check into the cost of a laminator so that GLPOA could do its own lamination of handouts.

Action: Karin Utronkie to research the cost of lamination machines.
Poker Run Report
There was a discussion of the success of the Poker Run this year.

Jeff Raisbeck said he and Jeff were thinking about the possibility of combining the Poker Run with FunFest to help with logistics because attendance at Funfest was a little disappointing but the Poker Run is so big that it taxes The Sands’ facilities when The Sands hosts other events (like weddings) the same day. There was a discussion of this option, but no decision was made, pending review of the option with the Poker Run conveners.
Bill Clark will not be heading up the Funfest committee so there needs to be a search for someone to chair that group.
Cell Phones
Kevin reported that Bell service should soon be available now that the new towers are up.
Ruby Road waste disposal Site
Kevin introduced the subject by noting that the Board has passed a motion that the water quality committee and those interested in the Ruby Road issue are authorized to request further information about the proposed facility.

Kevin commented that increased attention on the issue seemed to have started at the GLPOA AGM in June. He and John Gulland met with Cairine Cybulski and Merv Buckwald to seek further information. The possibility of getting a second opinion on the engineers report was discussed. Kevin reported that in his most recent conversation with her, Cairine said having GLPOA and BVT share the cost was an innovative’ approach.

Kevin talked about Paugh Lake property owners having spent a lot of money in fighting a dump near the lake. He also mentioned that his cousin lives in St Catherines and has serious pollution problems from a nearby dump. They fought the dump using Wilf Ruland as an engineer and were successful in closing the dump.

There was a discussion of what the role of GLPOA is regarding the siting of the dump. What is the opinion of the majority of GLPOA members? Some directors said GLPOA should not take the lead opposing the Ruby landfill.

A consensus formed around the idea that getting a second opinion on the engineer’s reports (which assumed no impacts on local water quality) did not constitute opposition to the Ruby Road option, but would provide GLPOA members with more information on which to form their opinion on the Ruby site.

Action: Kevin and John are to investigate putting in place a contract with Wilf Ruland to get a second opinion on Ruby Road hydrogeology issues.
New Business:
There was no new business.
Next Director’s Meeting
The next meeting was tentatively scheduled for Saturday, November 13.
The business having been completed, the meeting was adjourned by Kevin at 12:12.

August 4, 2010 Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes of the Directors Meeting
Wednesday, Aug 4, 2010, Sands on Golden Lake
Kevin O’Connor, Gail McPhee, Kathy Lampi, Robyn Richards, Bill Clark, Dorothy Corbeil, Dave Lemkay, Brenda Maunder, Marion Fuder, Stephen Butler, Doug Yourth, John Gulland.
Jeff Raisbeck, , Karen Utronkie, Rick O’Brien, Mike Cayer
Call to Order
Kevin O’Connor called the meeting to order at 9:05 am and welcomed the directors.
Date of AGM for 2011
Should the date be moved to July to encourage greater attendance? After some discussion:

It was moved by Doug Yourth and seconded by Dorothy Corbeil that the AGM be moved to the second Saturday in July. Carried
Secretary’s Report
Bill Clark reported that he had written letters of appreciation to the directors who have finished their terms.

He said he has the letterhead file if anyone wants some, or he can send the computer file.

Bill reported on progress in changes to the Constitution. According to the current version, the AGM can be held in either June, July or August. Dave Lemkay agreed to compare the version on the web site with the current version being revised by the committee.

Action: Dave Lemkay, Bill Clark, John Gulland.
Treasurer’s Report
Robyn Richards presented the financial report, as follows.

Financial Statement 31 Jul 10



CPR Course

Boat Course

Fun Fest



Water Hazards


Water Quality

Poker Run



Sub Total

Starting Balance

Total Income

Total Expenses


It was moved by Bill Clark and seconded by Dorothy Corbeil that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted as presented.
Membership Report
Gail McPhee reported that the memberships are up to about 300 but they continue to come in.

She has been working on finding a replacement for Michael Johnson and has spoken to Monique Pye as one person who might take on at least part of the job.

Monique does the file management and is willing to serve on the Board Executive as the Membership Chair.

It was moved by Gail McPhee and seconded by Dave Lemkay that Monique Pye be appointed to the Executive to serve as Membership Chair. Carried.

To support Monique in this role, assistants will be appointed. The candidates that will be asked to serve in this role are Marion Fuder, Dean Bergstresser, Ken Kruger and Doug Yourth.
Sales of Lake Maps
Kevin reported that Michael Johnson had been looking after the sale of maps. This job is now without a volunteer coordinator.

There are probably 10 or 12 places where maps are sold. If all the maps are sold at $3 the Association would cover all its costs and clear about $1500.

Dorothy Corbeil volunteered to coordinate the sale and distribution of maps.

Action: Dorothy Corbeil.
Water Quality Report
John Gulland reported on the special test program in Brennans Creek, noting that the samples so far show that the phosphorous content in the Creek is about twice as high as in the centre of the lake and that in the first two samples show that the upstream sample is as high or higher than the downstream sample, suggesting that the sewage treatment plant is not having a big impact on phosphorous concentrations. The final set of samples will be taken at the end of August to complete this research project and only then can tentative conclusions be drawn.
Communications Report
Dave Lemkay reported on the email contact list. There was a discussion of the merits of a hard copy news update.

Dave and Gail will update the email list and segregate those people who have email and those who might need a hard copy newsletter. If a fall newsletter is prepared it can be sent by the two different methods to the two groups of members.

Action: Gail McPhee and Dave Lemkay.

Gail mentioned that a local events section has been added to the web site.
Nominating Committee Up-Date
Bill Clark confirmed that Dave will again serve on the nominating committee.

For next year there will be both executive and director positions to fill so it is not too early to begin thinking about candidates. Four positions will need to be filled.

Action: Bill Clark will circulate the current list of directors and the stage of their terms.
Water Levels Up-date
John Gulland reported that the communications system set up by GLPOA last year functioned well and has been handed off to Renfrew Power Generation. He will check with Peter Boldt of RPG to see if further support from GLPOA is needed to keep the communications system functioning.

Action: John Gulland
Waterway Hazard Marking Program
There was a discussion of purchasing T-shirts for the buoy placement volunteers.

Dave mentioned that there are rocks sticking up at Rocky Point that are a long way from shore. He suggested that there should be at least two buoys there and has mentioned this to Rick O’Brien. Bill said there are people in that area that would be happy to place them. There is a need to purchase more buoys.

It was moved by Dave Lemkay and seconded by Marion Fuder that additional orange buoys be ordered, the exact number left to the discretion of Rick O’Brien.

Action: Rick O’Brien.
Launch-Site Bill-Board Advertising
Kevin reported that the system is working well, but that he needs some help with the program. Dave Lemkay volunteered to help Kevin with the administration of the program.

There is some deterioration of the signs and a need to consider different options to protect the signs from the sun.

Action: Kevin O’Connor and Dave Lemkay.
Pleasure Craft Operators Course
Dave reported that the course was a success again with 69 participants. He expects that we could run the program again next year.

It may be possible to hold the course at The Sands instead of the school (which costs $360).
CPR Course
Robyn Richards reported that the CPR course was a success, with 14 registered participants. There was a discussion of offering a full day course option for next year and changing the venue so that the full day can be accommodated.
Septic Seminar
Kevin said that Dennis Orendt will again deliver the presentation. Kevin needs another volunteer or two to help coordinate the seminar, along with Gail and John.

Kevin has spoken to inspectors Mark Schoeder and Don Wrigglesworth and pumping contractor Harvey Kumm,

Kathy Lampi volunteered to help with the organization of the septic seminar.

The newspaper ad will go in on 16th to get it in the paper for the two issues preceding the event. John will prepare both display ads and classified ads.

It was suggested that we have a draw for a free septic pumping and there was general agreement that this would be a good idea.

The committee will meet Monday August 9 at 9:30 at Del’s.

Action: Gail McPhee, Kathy Lampi, John Gulland, and Kevin O’Connor when he returns from the West.
Poker Run Report
Kevin reported on the poker run saying that there were 165 registrants and 170 meals were served. There were so many participants that there was congestion at some of the stops and problems finding seats for lunch. There was at least $1000 of net income.

There was some discussion of what to do with the income from the event. Brenda Maunder suggested that a public toilet is needed at Island View Drive.

Dave suggested that the toilet building at Deacon needs a coat of stain. This needs to be approved by the Township. Dave said GLPOA volunteers can be found to do this work.

Bill Clark will send a letter to each of the five Poker Run volunteers to thank them for their good work.

Action: Dave Lemkay and Bill Clark.
Bill reported on the recent meeting of the committee. It was felt that the attendance this year was a little disappointing, but that the event is a good one. It is suggested that attendance be widened to include anyone in the area. A better time might be 10:00 to 1:00. A better system needs to be devised to keep track of game winners by age group.

Bill reported that he will not chair the committee for next year and is looking for a replacement. Kevin said we need to find a replacement by September.
Cell Phones
Two additional towers are under construction. It is expected that they will come on line by the fall, strengthening the signal well beyond Golden Lake towards the existing Barry’s Bay service. This should be welcome news to our partners in the Round Lake area, who strongly supported the early solicitation to Bell Mobility.
Ruby Road Dump Site
Kevin reported that instead of sending a formal letter according to a resolution passed at last meeting, an email was sent to Cairine Cybulski, which she then reviewed with the council before she responded.

There was a discussion of whether Kevin and John have gone beyond just asking for information and starting to be active in opposing the dump site expansion. There was agreement that there should be no action against the dump without further approval by the board.

John Gulland will circulate the latest email correspondence with Cairine. Stephen Butler said that any correspondence should be reviewed by at least two board members before sending. (Currently Kevin, Dave and John are working on the issue.)

It is suggested that Kevin, Gail, Dave and John will try to set up a meeting with Zig, Cairine and Merv to try to sort out the issues and establish an understanding of the various perspectives.

Action: Kevin O’Connor, Dave Lemkay, Gail McPhee and John Gulland.
New Business:
Donation to a charity in memory of Michael Johnson: It was agreed to make a donation to St. Francis Memorial Hospital Foundation.

Future plans for GLPOA T-Shirts: Kevin suggested that the T-shirt program will not be continued once they have been provided to the shoal marker program volunteers. There may be a special order next year and people would pay for their own shirts.

Signs on Deacon Bridge: Signs have been put up at Deacon bridge warning against jumping from the bridge into the water.

Brenda suggested that the board may be interested in holding a social/pot luck with spouses and there was general agreement that it was a good idea.
Next Director’s Meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for Saturday, September 18 at The Sands.
The business having been completed, the meeting was adjourned by Kevin at 12:07.

June 23, 2010 Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes of the Directors Meeting
June 23, 2010
Sands on Golden Lake

Present: Kevin O’Connor, Gail McPhee, Kathy Lampi, Robyn Richards, Bill Clark, Dorothy Corbeil, Dave Lemkay, Brenda Maunder, Mike Cayer, Marion Fuder, John Gulland.

Regrets: Jeff Raisbeck, Stephen Butler, Michael Johnson, Karen Utronkie, Doug Yourth.
Call to Order
Kevin O’Connor called the meeting to order at 9:13am and welcomed the directors, especially the newly elected directors Marion Fuder and Dorothy Corbiel. He also recognized the contribution of former directors who had completed their terms: Hubie Weber and Gord McMillan. The directors expressed their concern about Michael Johnson who is ill in hospital.
Treasurers Report
Robyn Richards presented the financial report.

It was moved by Dorothy Corbeil and seconded by Kathy Lampi to accept the treasurer’s report as presented. Carried.
Review of AGM
Kevin showed articles about the AGM in both the Eganville Leader and Barrys Bay This Week, so the meeting got good coverage from the newspapers.

There was a discussion of the costs of providing coffee and muffins for the AGM. The cost was about $160.

A member said they wanted to have the financial report printed in hand during the AGM.

It was also pointed out that presentations should be much shorter during the AGM.

It was moved by Brenda Maunder and seconded by Mike Cayer that the AGM for next year be given a budget of $500 to cover expenses. Carried.
Changes to Constitution
Bill Clark introduced the proposed changes, which are:

Change to the fiscal year end, which was already approved at the AGM.
A 30 day notice of motions made at member’s meetings, yet to be approved by the membership.
Add membership chair to executive committee, yet to be approved.
Signing officers should be changed to the president, vice-president, treasurer, or one director. Two signatures are required on cheques. Yet to be approved.

Bill and John will check the online version of the Constitution and show proposed changes highlighted.
Fun Fest update July 17
Bill Clark reported on plans for FunFest which are coming along well. He is still looking for volunteers. Roddy McCann will play music. Burger/Hot Dog and pop will cost $2.

John will update the web site to provide information and prompt to email GLPOA for further information.

The committee is getting GLPOA tee shirts. They are $10 or $13 with volunteer printed on the back. Women’s style is $0.50 more.
Boating Course Update July 3
Dave Lemkay reported that Jim Steeves will again deliver the course. There are 18 pre-registrations so far.
Membership Report
Gail talked about the new process for managing membership records and income.

It was moved by Gail McPhee and seconded by Marion Fuder that tee shirts will be provided to zone volunteer canvassers. Carried.
Cell Phone Update
Kevin said there is no real update necessary since the AGM.
Water Quality Report
John Gulland gave a report on the annual phosphorous test and the special test program this year in Brennans Creek. The first two samples, one upstream and one downstream of the Killaloe sewage treatment plant outflow, came back identical at 18.4 micrograms per litre.
Water Levels
There was nothing to report on water levels.
Kevin reported that maps are still being sold.
Poker Run Update
Plans for the Poker Run seem to be going forward. The posters are very attractive and it is expected that there will be a good turnout.
Shoal Marking Program
Dave Lemkay reported for Rick O’Brien on discussions regarding adding markers to the system at Beatty Island. All other markers are in.
C.P.R. Course
Robyn reported on plans, indicating that there are 14 pre-registrations. There will be no sponsorship this year, so there was a discussion of possibly raising the fee for next year to cover expenses.
Billboard Signage
Kevin reported that there are two more spots on the billboards available.
Ruby Road
John Gulland handed out a document that he prepared that reviewed the issues involved, and led a discussion of its contents.

Some of the issues considered by the Board were: Should the issue even be discussed at all? What role should GLPOA have with the issue?

Dave Lemkay mentioned that if MOE approves the dump through the environmental screening process there may be limited time for public comment before it is confirmed as the new site.

It was moved by Dave Lemkay and seconded by Gail McPhee that a letter be sent to BV Township by the President to request follow up on the public meetings and a reminder of their commitments to provide information to GLPOA and the public.
New Business
Marion mentioned the idea of forming a fishing committee.

Kevin mentioned forming a committee for the businesses around the lake.

Kevin mentioned mapping out kayak and canoeing courses.
The business having been completed, the meeting was adjourned at 11:55 am.

Annual General Meeting, June 5, 2010

GLPOA 6th Annual General Meeting
Killaloe Public School June 05, 2010
Welcome by GLPOA President Kevin O’Connor
Kevin opened the meeting at just after 9:00. There were 80 people in attendance. He called upon the three township mayors to offer their greetings.

Greetings from our Townships:

Janice Visneskie, Mayor of Killaloe Hagerty-Richards thanked GLPOA for its work this year, especially regarding the emergency high water communications management.

Merv Buckwald, councellor of Bonnechere Valley, stood in for Mayor Mintha. He said the Township is happy to work with the Association and suggested that GLPOA might consider forming a fishing committee.

Harold Weckworth, Mayor of North Algona-Wilberforce, wished GLPOA continued success.
Minutes from the AGM of June 6th 2009: Bill Clark
Bill explained that since the minutes have been posted on the GLPOA web site for almost a year and had been posted in local post offices, there was no need to read them.

It was moved by Kate O’Hara and seconded by Janice Visneskie that the minutes of the AGM of June 2009 be accepted as posted. Carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Kathy Lampi
Kathy explained that the fiscal year end for the Association was changed part way through last year, so she would present two financial statements. She gave her financial report for the first period of last year.

Financial Report

June 30, 2009

Opening Balance July 01 2008



Boating Course




Total Income







Social events





Total Expenses

Balance at June 30 2009

It was moved by Stephen Butler and seconded by Doreen Skully that the first financial report be accepted as presented. Carried.

Kathy then presented her financial report for the second period of the last fiscal year.

Financial Statement

July 01 2009 to March 31 2010

Opening Balance



Boating Course




Total Income












Total Expenses

Income after Expenses

Balance at March 31, 2010

It was moved by Nicole Schroeder and seconded by Doug Harvey that the treasurers report for the second period of the last fiscal year.
Committee Reports
Membership: Michael Johnson
Gail McPhee reported for Michael Johnson who was unable to attend due to illness. Gail said the current membership is 404 of about 700 property owners and that goal this year for membership is 500, although that may be a lot to expect. She directed attention to the back page of the newsletter, suggesting that people can contact any of the people there for information on membership or any other GLPOA issue.
Sales of Maps: Michael Johnson
Kevin reported on the sale of lake and river maps. Bonnechere Lodge has maps on display for their guests and sell them and the Sands has sold more than 100 maps. There are a few minor errors in the map and there has been some talk about making some minor changes when the time comes to reprint them.
Waterway Hazard Program: Rick O’Brien
Rick said there are about 25 orange buoys and eight red and green channel markers. Every year a few markers break free and asked the members to contact him if they find one. He thanked all the volunteers who have managed the buoy program.
Corporate Advertising: Kevin O’Connor
Kevin reported that there are now 22 advertisers and he recognized their contribution to the important waterway marker program and purchase of liability insurance.
Nominating Committee Report; Election of Officers: Mick Daley
Mick said that Bill Clark and his committee have been working on a slate over the winter. He presented it as follows:
President: Kevin O’Connor
Secretary: Bill Clark
Vice-President: Gail McPhee
Treasurer: Robyn Richards
Membership: Michael Johnson
Past President: Dave Lemkay
Kathy Lampi
Doug Yourth
Jeff Raisbeck
Karen Utronkie
Brenda Maunder
Stephen Butler
Mike Cayer
Dorothy Corbeil
Marion Fuder
Rick O’Brien.

It was moved by Mick Daly and seconded by George Wilcox that the slate be approved by the membership as presented. Carried.
Special Projects
Pleasurecraft Operators Course: Dave Lemkay
Kevin reported for Dave, who could not be present. The course will be held on Saturday, July 3 at the Killaloe Public School. Over 300 people have attended GLPOA boaters courses. The cost has been raised this year to $40. He noted that a company is offering the same course locally and charging $85.
C.P.R. Course: Gail McPhee
This year’s course will be offered at The Sands on June 26. It will run from 8:30 am until about noon. The cost is $35.
Funfest: Bill Clark
Bill reported that Funfest will be held on July 17 at the Sands, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Volunteers put a lot of effort into it, but it is the people who show up that make it fun.
Poker Run: Weldon McEachen
Kevin reported for Weldon. Kevin said last year it was a fun day and very successful, with 106 poker hands and 170 lunches served by the Sands. The date of this year’s Poker Run will be August 1.
Septic Seminar: Kevin O’Connor
Kevin mentioned the very large number of septic systems around the lake and river. He noted that last year’s seminar was a huge success. The seminar will be offered again this year on August 28.

Kevin introduced Jessica Danard of the Bonnechere River Watershed Project and encouraged anyone who is interested in naturalist lake tours to speak with her.
Water Quality Testing: John Gulland
John reported that testing in past years under the Province’s Lake Partnership Program has shown that Golden Lake water was good at less than 10 micrograms of phosphorous per litre. He also reported on the special testing program at Brennans Creek designed to investigate spirogyra algae blooms at its mouth. He said that the results of the testing will be posted on the web site.
Spring Water Levels up-date: John Gulland
Last winter GLPOA spearheaded an initiative to improve communications among the agencies that have responsibilities to the public when spring melt water and rains threaten to cause flooding in the Bonnechere system. The Association hosted two meetings on November 19 and January 7 of the stakeholders, which included the three townships, MNR, Renfrew Power Generation, Pikwakanagon First Nation, Round Lake Property Owners and GLPOA. The result of this work will pay dividends in future years because the communications links are in place and all the stakeholders are much better informed than in the past.
Fire Smart & 911 emergency: Killaloe Fire Chief Jim Whelan
Jim gave an informative talk about how the fire safety system works, the importance of smoke detectors, open burning regulations, how civic addressing signs should be displayed, and the importance of keeping cottage roads brushed out so that emergency vehicles can stop and firefighters can work around them. He also clarified how the 911 dispatch system works when you call in.
Ruby Road Dump: Tony Pearson
Tony gave some background and said there is not much progress to report. Merv Buckwald responded, giving details of how the process unfolding and stating that the Township is now waiting for a response from the Ministry of Environment.
Cell Phone Service: Kevin O’Connor
Kevin gave background on the efforts made by the GLPOA executive over the past several years regarding promotion of cell service in the area. Those present responded with a warm round of applause. In response to a question, Kevin clarified that the service will not include the internet for now.
New Business
Harold Weckworth reported on plans this summer for the Golden Lake swim club.
The business having been completed, the meeting was adjourned at 12:10 pm by President Kevin O’Connor.

May 8, 2010 Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes of the Directors Meeting
May 8, 2010
The Sands on Golden Lake
Kevin O’Connor, Kathy Lampi, Michael Johnson, Robyn Richards, Bill Clark, Stephen Butler, Dorothy Corbeil, Dave Lemkay, Jeff Raisbeck, Brenda Maunder, Mike Cayer, Marion Fuder, John Gulland.
Call to Order
President Kevin O’Connor called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. by welcoming everyone. People introduced themselves around the table.
Agenda for 2010 Annual General Meeting
Kevin said that most of this meeting will deal with agenda items for the AGM in June.

The minutes of last year’s AGM will be handed out. They have been formatted into a single two-sided page. There was general agreement that the minutes did not need to be read if they have been available for review. They have been posted on the web site for almost a year and may be posted in local post offices.

Brenda says newsletter is pretty heavy and should have more fun in it, like bike paths and other activities. Unfortunately, the newsletter is already full for this spring.

Kathy suggested that a small group could help John with content for the web site.
Treasurer’s Report
Kathy Lampi presented the financial report. The current financial statement runs from June 30, 2009 to March 31, 2010 because of the change in fiscal year. Kathy read and explained the report. Since she took on finance the report has become much more complex.

Opening Balance: June 30, 2009



Boating Course:



$ 50.00

Total Income:







Social: (poker run and funfest)





Total Expenses:

Balance as of March 31 2010:



It was moved by Kathy Lampi, seconded by Bill Clark that the treasurer’s report be accepted as read. Carried.
Michael Johnson reported that membership this year has reached an all-time high. There will be a meeting of zone reps on May 18 at the Sands to distribute information packages. Dave Lemkay said he manages the email list and updates it as new members join and people’s email addresses change.

There was a discussion of what to do about people who have been members in past years, but not this year.

Possible membership is estimated to be 719 and of these we have 404 paid members this year.

Michael is a member of the executive committee.
Michael Johnson will now be responsible for the sale and distribution of maps.
Water Quality
Mike Cayer reported on the Lake Partnership program and how the testing is done. Our results show the water is of good quality compared to other Ontario lakes. The results are reported in the newsletter. Mike hopes to have results back in time for the AGM.

A comprehensive program of water testing is planned for Brennans Creek involving two samples, one upstream and one downstream of the treatment plant in each of the four months of the summer. The result should be a good profile of what contribution to phospherous concentrations the treatment plant is responsible for.
John Gulland provided two copies of the draft newsletter for people to have a look at. Based on comments and suggestions received at the meeting, he will make revisions and circulate a final draft to the board.
Nominating Committee
Bill Clark reported that we have always wanted to have a slate of proposed candidates. Robyn Richards has agreed to serve on the Board and to act as Treasurer. Marion Fudder will stand for election. Gail will be VP and will rise to the presidency if called. Michael Johnson will be membership chair. Jeff Raisbeck will be the Board member for The Sands. Dorothy Corbeil will stand for election to the Board.

Bill said there is a need for someone to look after the election process at the AGM. Mick Daley has agreed to do this.
Water Levels
Kevin raised the point that zone reps in areas vulnerable to high water should have special packages of information with contact lists and so on. John agreed to prepare something for this. John reported on the meetings of the emergency high water communications stakeholders and the questionnaire that GLPOA developed, and how well that process went.
Waterway Hazard Marking Program
Dave reported. Jay Foran has changed jobs and is busy, and cannot be responsible for the full program. Dave has been acting in that capacity, but will be backing away from this task. There is a significant organizational component to the placement and removal of buoys. Rick O’Brien of Golden Lake will take over the role of project manager of the buoy program.

Dave says we need three more green channel markers to complete the system.
Launch Site Billboard Advertising
Kevin reports that corporate advertisers are very pleased with the program they are sponsoring. There are now 22 advertisers. Kevin sends out a thank you letter and separately will send out notice and invoices.
Pleasure Craft Operators Course, July 3
Dave reported that the price will be raised to $40 for this year’s course. Killaloe Sports Plus and George’s Marine & Sports will be asked to consider sponsoring the Pleasure Craft Operators Course, continuing their solid support in previous years.
CPR Course, June 26
This is a certification course, so people get cards confirming qualification.
Septic Seminar
It was a great success last year, and is expected to be successful again this year. There may be a septic tank placed in the yard. We hope to have Dennis Orendt back.
Poker Run July 31
Kevin reported that 50 maps and 50 newsletters will be provided to the committee, which is well organized by the committee headed by Weldon McEachan. Starts at 8:00 am and need to be back at noon; presentations at 1:00 pm. The event cleared $500 last year, with which a sound system was purchased.
2010 FunFest, July 17 10:00am – 2:00pm
Bill said that last year FunFest had a budget of $1000. We probably don’t need the OPP officer because the whole affair is on the North side. It was confirmed that two portable toilets will be needed. There was some feedback from last year that the event wasn’t publicized enough. Should the event be restricted to members? No!

It was moved by Brenda Maunder, seconded by Stephen Butler, that the budget for FunFest 2010 be $1000.
AGM special feature
Kevin reported that Fire Chief Jim Whalen will give a presentation about fire safety as a special feature of the AGM.
Cell Phone Update
Kevin reported that two more towers will be in place by September. Both are along Highway 60, one about 1.5 Km east of McMillan Road and the other about 3 Km west of Simpson Pit road. These are state of the art towers for Bell. There was also a discussion of internet services.
Ruby Road Dump
The Township of the Bonnechere Valley will get cost estimates for both the Ruby Road expansion option and the Ottawa Valley Waste Recovery option. It is not yet known when the decision will be made, but the Township is on a path that was requested by GLPOA in a letter last year.
Other Business
There was no other business.
The next meeting is the AGM in June.

President Kevin O’Connor adjourned the meeting at 12:00

The next scheduled board meeting will be held Wednesday 23 June at 9:00.

September 19, 2009 Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes of the Directors Meeting
Saturday, September 19, 2009
The Sands on Golden Lake
Kevin O’Connor, Kathy Lampi, Mike Johnson, Gail McPhee, Doug Yourth, Bill Clark, Stephen Butler, Jeff Raisbeck, Karen Utronkie, Hubert Weber, John Gulland.
Call to Order
President Kevin O’Connor called the meeting to order at 9:06 a.m. by welcoming everyone and thanking members for attending. He showed the new card that Dave Lemkay had prepared that can be dropped off by membership canvassers. It contains a short message about the activities of the Association. A second blank version was also produced to be used for thank you notes.

Kevin summarized all the GLPOA activities this summer and congratulated everyone on their efforts.
Secretary’s Report
Bill Clark reported on the new process in which he picks up the mail and distributes it as appropriate.

Bill also wanted to discuss Board succession planning, especially considering that there will be some major changes for next year. He suggested a committee of himself, Kevin, Dave Lemkay and Howard Bernard to begin considering candidates. He also asked all directors to think about new candidates they might know and advise the committee.

Action: Bill Clark and members of the nominating committee.

He also mentioned that the constitution needs to be updated. In particular, the change in the association fiscal year should be recorded.

Action: Bill Clark to review the constitution with a view to updating it.

Kevin suggested that a notice be put on the web site to seek new board members and others who are willing to participate on GLPOA meetings.

Action: John Gulland to put notice on the web site.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Kathy Lampi reported a bank balance of $12,543.35 as of September 18, 2009. Bank deposits since August 28 totaled $5045. Expenses totaled $1636.08, including the insurance payment.

It was moved by Bill Clark, seconded by Gail McPhee to accept the Treasurer’s report as read. Carried.

Considering that the Association has built up significant reserves since its inception, there was a discussion about the advantages of having a sizable reserve fund and what requirements or limitations exist for non-profit corporations like GLPOA regarding such reserves.

Action: Steve Butler agreed to provide Kevin with the government guidelines for the disbursement of revenues for non-profit corporations.
Gail McPhee gave the membership report, saying that the volunteer canvassers, especially Michael Johnson, did a terrific job. This year we have 366 paid members out of an estimated 500 property owners, which is a very high percentage. Our proportion of paid memberships is high relative to other local lake associations.
John Gulland asked for input on board and committee chair lists. Kevin noted that the directory of sponsors/advertisers on the web site is great and he will undertake to urge more sponsors to submit their ads.
It was agreed that the 2010 AGM should be held June 5. There was positive feedback on having the OPP officer present to talk about their activities at the spring AGM.

Gail mentioned that a member said AGMs are boring, but that geese and erosion are problems that could be addressed at the AGM. It was agreed that some special information be offered at next year’s AGM. Directors were asked to think about what special content could be provided that members would appreciate.
Water Quality
Chair Mike Cayer was unable to attend. He is busy with his snowmobile club activities and said he would be willing to step down as chair if someone else was willing to serve in that capacity.

It was moved by Bill Clark, seconded by Gail McPhee that John Gulland be appointed chair of the water quality committee. Carried.

Karen Utronkie talked about the sludge collecting on the beach at Harrington road. There was a brief discussion about future work to investigate its cause.
Water Levels
Kevin reported that the committee consists of himself, Dave Lemkay, Lucy King, John Gulland and Gord McMillan.

Steve said he thought that the water is low now, but others said that the level is normal for this time of year.

Kevin reported that RLPOA had invited GLPOA to tour the lake to look at damage on vulnerable properties, but that no convenient date had been set.

Kevin mentioned the amendment to the management plan that is currently being discussed. He proposed that RLPOA and GLPOA water levels committees meet once the amendment proposal is circulated, later this fall. There was agreement that this would be a good idea.

Gail said maybe there should be ice watchers’ assigned for each zone to report to the board on conditions during the spring freshet.

Some possible contacts to discuss forming and ice watchers group include Gail, Doug, Ken Kruger, and Roger at Bonnechere Lodge.
Waterway Hazard Marking Program
Kevin mentioned that he met with Dave Lemkay who chairs the group of marker volunteers. Plans are in place to have all the buoys brought in safely. John Gulland reported that he plans to write an article about the job of managing the buoys and to update the web site to provide better information for boaters.

Mike Johnson heard a complaint about someone in a pontoon boat being damaged by bolts sticking out of the Deacon bridge structure. Others said boaters should be able to control their boats enough to avoid a problem.

Gail mentioned that kids jump off the bridge right in the path of boats going under it. Should there be a sign there to caution about jumping off, particularly in the section of the bridge where boats pass under?
Launch Site Billboard Advertising
Kevin reported that vandals have damaged the billboard at Islandview drive. Kevin and his son and law put the sign back in place.

There are now 20 sponsors on the signs and it is hoped that the full 22 will be advertising soon.
Pleasure Craft Operators Course, July 3
The date is set for next year’s course. The fee will be the same as last year at $35. Should there be coffee offered for participants? Consideration will be given to this.
CPR Course, July 10
The date is set. Next year the plan is to take the money up front to encourage those who sign up to actually attend.
Septic Seminar
It was agreed that the septic seminar was a great success and an important service we can provide to our members and the public. It was agreed that we should repeat the seminar next year. The tentative date for next year is August 28.
2009 Regatta/Fun Fest
It was a good event this year for the first attempt. The proposed date for next year is July 17. Everyone agreed to invite McMillan Road Crew to entertain again.
Poker Run
The poker run was a great success. Mick, Howard and Weldon did a great job organizing the event. The tentative date for next year is July 31. From the proceeds of the poker run, the association purchased a sound system. John Gulland will check with Jim at Bob’s music in Pembroke to find out if a cordless clip on mic can be added to the system.
There was a brief discussion of map sales and the effectiveness of that program. Kevin reported that map sales are good and that retailers are pleased to offer them to the public.

It was suggested that a notice be put on the web site and newsletter that memberships and maps are available at the Sands.

Action: John Gulland
Other Business
Kevin summarized the events for this year, reporting on which ones generated revenues and which ones used resources.

He also mentioned that he will again attend the FOCA conference. He also suggested that John Gulland might also attend.

It was moved by Gail, seconded by Bill Clark that some expense money be provided to John to assist with travel costs. Carried.

Kevin mentioned that an interlake group will meet on October 3. Kevin asked that Gail also attend that meeting.

Kevin noted that the Laurentian Waste site has agreed that Bonnechere can join the partnership. It is expected that the Township will soon report on comparitive costs.
President Kevin O’Connor adjourned the meeting at 11:55.

August 7, 2009 Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes of the Directors Meeting
August 7, 2009
The Sands on Golden Lake
Kevin O’Connor, Kathy Lampi, Mike Johnson, Gail McPhee, Jennifer Hoffman, Bill Clark, Dave Lemkay, Jeff Raisbeck, Brenda Maunder, Hubert Weber, Mike Cayer, John Gulland.
Call to Order
President Kevin O’Connor called the meeting to order at 9:10 a.m. by welcoming everyone. Board members expressed their sadness and their condolences to Brenda Maunder on the recent passing of her brother Ken Bradley.
Secretary’s Report
Bill Clark said he would give particular reports under the Fun Fest report.

Kevin and Bill agreed that some letters of appreciation need to be sent out. It was agreed that Dave would have some simple cards printed up so Kevin can send hand-written notes out quickly and easily.

Action: Dave Lemkay
Treasurer’s Report
Kathy Lampi read her annual financial report, as follows.

Opening Balance July 1, 2008



Boating Course




Total Income







Social Events





Total Expenses

Bank Balance June 30, 2009

It as moved by Bill Clark and seconded by Dave Lemkay that the Treasurer’s 2008 annual report be accepted as read. Carried.

The current bank balance is $8995.89.

There was a discussion of the way in which income and expenses are allocated. This is an issue now because this is the first year in which detailed accounts have been prepared. It was pointed out that the accounts can be made more accurate and useful if project leaders provide Kathy with the income and expenses for their project.

Following a discussion of the invoice payment approval process,

It was moved by Kathy Lampi and seconded by Bill Clark that the Secretary pick up the mail and record incoming correspondence, pass bills to be paid to the Treasurer, who will prepare the cheques for signature by the President. Carried.
Michael Johnson gave the report, indicating that all zones have reported and there is about $6,000 income from memberships. He expects the membership to be in the 350 range.

Michael gave credit to the Sands for all their help and promotion, to which everyone agreed.

Brenda mentioned that cards could be made up that canvassers can leave at properties to indicate that GLPOA has visited and suggesting that they buy their membership by mail or at the Sands. The card might also offer a list of reasons why membership is important.
Kevin wants someone else to take over handling map inventory and the program to sell and distribute them. Jeff Raisbeck said that the Sands would be willing to handle inventory. Jennifer Hoffman agreed to take over the map promotion and sales program.

Action: Jeff Raisbeck and Jennifer Hoffman.
Gail said there were positive comments on the newsletter and said some people suggested that the dates of fishing season rules should be in future newsletters. Brenda suggested things like bike routes, picnic sites and so on.

John discussed the card Brenda mentioned and said he would be willing to work with Dave to prepare a list of good reasons to buy a membership. This list can also be used for other purposes.

Kathy suggested that the newsletter font could be bigger because so many of the readers are seniors.
Water Quality and Levels
Mike Cayer talked about Karen Utronki’s report of material at the shore at Harrington Road. He also mentioned the problem of cormorants, noting that the Ontario Legislature will be dealing with a private members bill that will change the protection status of cormorants in December.

Kevin talked about the septic seminar. Dennis Orent has a date conflict on the 27th. Jennifer agreed to work with Kevin and John on the septic seminar program.

The water level committee is Dave, Kevin, Lucy King, Gord McMillan and John Gulland. Kevin reported that the amendment proposes dropping Round Lake between one and three feet in the fall.

The Bonnechere River Watershed Project meeting on August 15 was mentioned and it was suggested that someone from the GLPOA board should attend.

The FOCA Lake Planning Handbook was also mentioned. Kevin suggested ordering sufficient copies of the handbook for the board.

It was moved by Dave Lemkay and seconded by Bill Clark that 25 copies be ordered at a cost of $5 each. Carried.

Action: Kevin O’Connor
Waterway Hazard Marking Program
Kevin is looking for a board member to lead the program. Gord and Jay will work on it but can’t attend board meetings. Dave mentioned that some markers are in the wrong place and much be fixed. Dave also agreed to lead the marker program.

Action: Dave Lemkay
Launch Site Billboard Advertising
Kevin reported that we have 20 advertisers that are fully paid. There is some damage to the Plexiglas cover. The screw holes seem to be the problem. Kevin will investigate options to make the signs more permanent.
Pleasure Craft Operators Course, July 4
Dave reported that the boating course was a tremendous success with 95 participants. Total revenue was $3325, Jim Steeves was paid $1900 and GLPOA retained $1425.
CPR Course, July 11
Kevin reported that thirteen people attended the course this year. Robyn Richards has agreed to take over the CPR course program.
2009 Regatta/Fun Fest, July 18
Everyone agreed that Bill Clark and his volunteers did a great job for the first year of the event. He mentioned that promotion might be an issue because several people mentioned that they forgot all about it and were sorry they didn’t attend. He wants to talk soon with the volunteers about how to improve the event for next year. He reported that the event came in under the budgeted $1000. It was mentioned that the ribbons and cards worked well. Bill also mentioned how much he appreciated the contribution to the event made by the Sands. The McMillan Road Crew were also excellent.
Poker Run
Kevin reported that 80 people played poker and another 25 people bought lunch tickets from GLPOA, but the Sands reported that 175 lunches were served, the majority of which were associated with the poker run.

The project produced about $500 in income.

It was moved by Gail McPhee, seconded by Mike Cayer to use the proceeds from the Poker Run to purchase a sound system for all GLPOA events. Carried.
Nominating Committee
Kevin said we need an active committee because so many key people will be leaving the board next year. Succession planning is important for a healthy organization. It was suggested that a notice be placed on the web site that the board is always looking for new members and they should contact Bill Clark.
Other Business
Kevin mentioned the agenda for next year’s AGM, based on some feedback on the past one.
Motion to adjourn by Bill Clark. Kevin O’Connor adjourned the meeting at 12:10.

Annual General Meeting, June 6, 2009

Golden Lake Property Owners Association
Annual General Meeting
June 6, 2009
Killaloe Public School

Approximately 83 people were in attendance.
President Kevin O’Connor called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. by welcoming everyone. Kevin gave credit to all the volunteers that have helped GLPOA in its first five years of existence. He introduced Mick Daley as the person who got GLPOA started back in 2004. He encouraged others to get involved by volunteering for a few hours each year.
Greetings from Townships
Mayor Janice Visneskie brought greetings from Killaloe, Hagarty & Richards Council.

Councilor Carine Cybulski brought greetings from the Bonnechere Valley Township Council.

Mayor Harold Weckworth brought greetings from North Algona – Wilberforce Council.
Minutes from June 7, 2008 AGM – Bill Clark
Bill Clark read the minutes from the 2008 AGM.

It was moved by Carine Cybulski and seconded by Dorothy Corbeil that the minutes be accepted as read. Carried
Treasurer’s Report – Kathy Lampi
Kathy gave a thorough report on Association finances, as reflected in the table below.

Opening Balance July 01, 2008:



Boating Course:




Total Income:







Social events:





Total Expenses:

Bank Balance June 05, 2009:

It was moved by Monique Pye and seconded by Carine Cybulski that the Treasurer’s report be accepted as presented. Carried.

To arrange the annual financial cycle so that year-end financial reporting can be done at the early June AGM, it was moved by Carine Cybulski and seconded by Dave Lemkay to change the fiscal year end to March 31.
Membership Committee Report – Gail McPhee
Gail began her report by thanking everyone for coming. She recognized the contribution of all the people who have volunteered as zone reps. There are 25 people involved this year. She introduced Mike Johnson as her successor as membership chair and Monique Pye who does the input of results and maintains the database. The Association has had around 350 members for the past few years. But there have been over 500 properties as members on at least one year. Gail said she has enjoyed her work with GLPOA and is confident of very good membership numbers this year. All present recognized Gail’s good work on this important aspect of Association affairs.
Water Quality – Mike Cayer
Mike gave a brief update on the cormorant situation. He has passed on the cormorant petition results to MPP John Yakabuski and mentioned a fact sheet on cormorants that is available from GLPOA. He noted that a private members bill aimed at changing the protected species status for cormorants is moving through the Ontario legislature and will come up again later this year. Mike reported that the water quality tests were again good at 9.2 and 8.0 phosphorous, which is consistent with testing in past years. Despite the good results we must continue to be vigilant regarding any possible changes in water quality. He mentioned the need to maintain septic systems and promoted the septic systems workshop to be hosted by GLPOA in August. He also mentioned the invasive species that might be encountered, including the water soldier plant. He mentioned the FOCA booklet Healthy Waterfronts available from GLPOA. He also mentioned the three GLPOA fact sheets that can be found on the GLPOA web site.
Waterway Hazard Marking Program – Gord McMillan
Kevin gave the report in the absence of Gord McMillan and Jay Foran. The cold and rough weather has prevented all the buoys from being installed yet, but they will all be in place in the next week or so. Anyone who finds a loose marker can drop it off at Killaloe Sports Plus. Kevin reported that proper red and green channel markers are purchased and placed in the upper and lower reaches of the Bonnechere River and at the narrows at Beatty’s Island this year. There was a discussion of speed limit markers at various places on our reach. It was recommended that people email the Association to begin the process of considering these suggestions.
Water Level Committee Report – Kevin O’Connor
Kevin gave background on the issue of water levels by mentioning the various agencies and interested parties that are involved. Although there was little damage to properties on the River and around Golden Lake in the spring of 2008, there was serious damage on Round Lake. There is now a discussion of amending the existing Water Management Plan, with most stakeholders in agreement, except that Renfrew Power Generation is reluctant. Peter Boldt is concerned that the level in Golden Lake has never been managed as in the past as is being proposed, so he wants to do more study to be sure it is feasible. The results of the fish study should be made public soon, although it is known already that the trout now in Round Lake are the original species, not those that were seeded in the lake.
Cell Phone Update – Dave Lemkay
Dave reported that Bell Mobility has activated three towers of the proposed five. However, all the necessary permits have been obtained for the remaining two. Whereas these will not be erected in 2009, it is expected that they will be in 2010 with much increased capacity for service. Rogers has five towers installed in the Douglas to Golden Lake area. Now that both companies have some towers in place, cell service is improving in the area.
OPP Presentation – Constable Brent Darraugh
Brent Darraugh serves as a marine officer in the summer. The OPP mandate is to provide safe waterways. Any boater that does not have life jackets will be ticketed. Approved life jackets have a legible label, no mould, broken zippers or buckles. Life jackets do not necessarily have to be worn, but it is strongly recommended. Similarly, any boater found with open alcohol on board will be charged. Constable Darraugh responded to a number of questions from the audience. He also clarified that if GLPOA (or anyone) wants to add speed limit signs, the sign and location and the whole initiative must be approved by the regulating body. However Slow or speed limit signs may be placed near the water on private property.
Ruby Road Dump – Dave Lemkay
The Township is moving forward on the analysis of the two options in the Environmental Screening process to expand the Ruby Road Waste Transfer Site. Costs for this option and the possible joining of the Ottawa Valley Waste Recovery Centre are being determined. Carine Cybulski gave a brief report on the process. It is hoped that the comparative figures will be available later this year.
New Map – Dave Lemkay
Dave gave some background on how the map was developed with the County of Renfrew Development and Planning Department. He pointed out that GLPOA owns the copyright on the map, having paid county staff for their help in developing it. He mentioned that the maps will be retailed at $5 by local businesses who buy it at a wholesale price of $3 from GLPOA. So far two businesses have ordered 100 maps each and more such sales are expected.
Launch Site Billboard Advertising – Kevin O’Connor
Kevin reported that this is a very successful program, both for GLPOA and for the advertisers. Four more ad spaces will be added this year.
Communications, Newsletter, Website, Banner – John Gulland
John noted that the web site is quite complex, with a number of sections. He said he does the work because he enjoys working with the Board, which has made clear it appreciates his work.
Nominating Committee Report and Board Elections – Dave Lemkay
Dave Lemkay moderated the election of the board of directors for 2009-10
Bill Gardner is stepping down from his position as Vice-President.

Kevin O’Connor is entering the second year of his two-year term and will remain President

Mike Johnson is standing for Vice President

Kathy Lampi is entering the second year of her two-year term and will remain Treasurer

Bill Clark is entering his second year and will remain Secretary

Dave Lemkay will remain Past-President
Brenda Maunder, Jeff Scharf, Hubert Weber, Gord McMillan, and Karen Utronki have completed their first year.

Doug Yourth and Mike Cayer have completed their second years and have indicated that they would be pleased to let their names stand for another two-year term.

With this situation of Yourth and Cayer being accepted as returning, there remains three vacant board positions. Dave called for three nominations from the floor.

In a motion by Terry Ryan, seconded by Linda Ingram, they nominated Jennifer Hoffman.

In a motion by Maryanne Butler, seconded by Cairine Cybulski, they nominated Stephen Butler.

Dave Lemkay called once again for a third nomination, saying that it wasn’t necessary to fill all board positions at this time. Hearing none, he called for nominations to be closed.

Joan Yeldon moved nominations closed.

Moved by Dave Lemkay and seconded by Kate O’Hara that the slate of officers and board members be accepted as presented. Carried.
Pleasure Craft Operators Course, July 4 – Dave Lemkay
Dave reported on the boater’s course. Pre-registration for the course is underway through emails to the website. The presentation of the course starts at 8:30 am, finishing about four hours later after the written test and distribution of the temporary permit. The cost is $35. The course will be marketed intensively this year since the deadline for having the license is September 2009. The Lake Clear Property Owners Association has decided to join ranks with the GLPOA-sponsored course. Dave pointed out that because of the commercial nature of this presentation, costs to rent Killaloe Public School and event insurance is $350. Once again, the course is being sponsored by Killaloe Sports Plus and George’s Marine and Sports of Eganville.
CPR Course, July 11 – Kevin O’Connor
Kevin reported on the course. Last year’s course cost $75 and was for a whole day. This year the course is just half a day. Dave Lacrouix will be the instructor. Up to 25 people can attend. The cost will be $35. Killaloe IDA Pharmacy will sponsor the advertising for the course.
2009 Fun Fest, July 18 – Bill Clark
Bill outlined plans for the FunFest, which is really a family day that will include something for everyone. There will be activities from 10:00 am to 2:00pm, including lunch. The Road Crew will provide music. Bill is still looking for volunteers to assist on various aspects of the event.
Golden Lake Poker Run, August 1 – Weldon McEachen
Weldon gave details. The entry fee is $20 and includes lunch. Registration is at 8:30 am at the Sands on Golden Lake. Weldon confirmed that this is a poker run, not a race and all water safety rules must be complied with. Seven stops around the lake must be visited to obtain a card at each to complete the game. Attendants at each stop will record the cards drawn to maintain control. Substantial cash prizes are offered. Entry forms are available from organizers, and sponsors: George’s Marine and Sports, Killaloe Sports Plus and the Sands on Golden Lake.
GLPOA Business Meeting, August 22, Golden Lake Park – Kevin O’Connor
It was decided that a late summer business meeting will not be needed this year. This decision was taken because the Fun-Fest replaces the later meeting that was always intended to be a social event.
Septic Systems Workshop Thursday, August 27 – Kevin O’Connor
Kevin mentioned that at the FOCA Annual General Meeting he attended in Toronto the manager of the water quality association offered to deliver a seminar to any group in return for a $100.00 donation to the Ontario Onsite Wastewater Association Scholarship Fund. Based on a positive response from the GLPOA board, Kevin has organized a septic system workshop with this professional presenter. Promotion of this evening workshop will hopefully result in a good turn-out.
Other Business
There was no other business to conduct.
It was moved by Kate O’Hara to adjourn the meeting. Carried.

May 8, 2009 Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes of the Directors Meeting
May 8, 2009
The Sands on Golden Lake
Kevin O’Connor, Kathy Lampi, Mike Johnson, Gail McPhee, Bill Clark, Bill Gardner, Dave Lemkay, Jeff Raisbeck, Brenda Maunder, Hubert Weber, Mike Cayer, Marion Fudder (Zone 7), Robin Richards (Zone 4), John Gulland.
Call to Order
President Kevin O’Connor called the meeting to order at 9:10 a.m. by welcoming everyone.
Secretary’s Report
Bill Clark noted that the minutes have been circulated. He agreed to make sure that Gord McMillan and Bill Gardner receive their minutes by mail. All others can review the minutes online.

It was moved by Gail McPhee, seconded by Bill Gardner to accept the minutes of the director’s meeting of February 27, 2009 as distributed. Carried.
Treasurer’s Report
Kathy Lampi provided the report, as follows.

Bank Balance February 24 2009:


February 24:

March 03:

April 08:

April 15:

May 06:

Total Deposits:


Sands on Golden lake:


County of Renfrew (Maps):

Ledger Lady:

Total Expenses:


Oustanding: Print Solutions (re maps)

Moved by Mike Cayer, seconded by Bill Gardner to accept the Treasurer’s Report as read. Carried.

Post script: Kathy subsequently pointed out that the AGM happens before the fiscal year end at the end of June. She will give an interim financial report and the Board may give consideration to changing either the AGM date or the fiscal year end.

It was moved by Dave Lemkay, seconded by Kathy Lampi to change the fiscal year end to March 31. Carried

Action: Executive
Gail McPhee presented the membership report, noting that there are now 25 zone reps. She reported that we have had memberships paid over the past three years of over 500 property owners. We need to get everyone who has ever been a member to renew each year. She is confident that we can exceed a membership of 400 this year.

Gail will continue to do the organizational work for the membership campaign. Mike Johnson has agreed to take on the function of collecting money from zone reps.

Gail distributed information folders to each of the Zone reps present and explained how the process is to work this year. The final delivery of membership money to Mike will be September 10. Reps are encouraged to update information such as email addresses of the members they contact.

Action: Gail, Mike and all the zone reps.
The new maps were distributed to those present and Dave Lemkay described its features, noting that the total cost was about $3,000. All present agreed that the maps are a great asset to the organization and should help sell memberships. Each new member will receive a map when they pay. Quantities of maps will be sold to local businesses for $3 each, which they can then retail for $5. It was agreed that this map is another significant step forward for the Association and should be an asset to the zone reps as they canvass for memberships.
Water Quality
Mike Cayer gave a brief report, making reference to the contents in the newsletter. Issues that might be considered at the AGM are cormorants, sludge at Great Heron Road, discussions with the sewage treatment plant people, septic tank presentation, and healthy shoreline booklets.
Kevin distributed copies of the Spring 2009 newsletter, pointing out that this is the first four-page version. There was general agreement that this newsletter is another important step in the evolution of GLPOA.
Nominating Committee
Bill reported on board renewal. Gail will stand again for re-election. Bill Clark will also stand for re-election. It looks like most directors are prepared to stand for re-election, but Bill reported that there will likely be big changes in 2010. As things stand, there will be a slate proposed and nominations will be called from the floor. John Visser will be contacted to see if he will agree to manage the election again.

Action: Bill, Dave, Kevin
Water Levels
Kevin reported on the amendment process for the Management Plan. The level of Round Lake will be lowered by around two feet in fall and kept there for the winter. Peter Boldt is now the contact for the amendment process for RPG and he does not agree with the amendment. There is now some doubt about whether the amendment will go forward this year. Kevin noted that he is forming a water levels committee to consider and report on the amendment process. Members will include Kevin, Dave, John and Gord. Lucy King will also be contacted to see if she is interested in participating.
Waterway Hazard Marking Program
Kevin reported that Gord McMillan and Jay Foran have the marker program under control, using GPS locations for the buoys.
Launch Site Billboard Advertising
Kevin reported on his discussions with advertisers. We lost a few advertisers last year, but picked up more this year. Set up fee is $175 and annual fee is $160.

Action: Kevin O’Connor to coordinate the updating of the billboards and collection of the fees.

Action: John will add names of advertisers to a new page on the web site as soon as they are submitted.
Pleasure Craft Operators Course, July 4
July 4th is the date for 2009 and Jim Steeves will again be the instructor, as he has been for the last two years. Dave Lemkay mentioned that both the Lake Clear and Round Lake organizations are promoting this boater’s course to their members. This year attendance might be the highest yet. Dave will get an ad in the papers for the course.

Action: Dave Lemkay
CPR Course, July 11
There will be a limit of 25 participants and this year it would be a four hour course rather than a full day. The meeting is scheduled for July 11. The course starts a 8:30 am and the cost is $35. Robin agreed to work with Kevin on the course preparations.

Action: Kevin and Robin
2009 Regatta/Fun Fest, July 18
Bill Clark gave a brief report on the FunFest preparations. Jeff confirmed that the Sands will arrange for the liquor permit and will help subsidize lunch costs. Dorothy Corbeil and Road Crew will play music. Bill will contact the OPP to alert them to the fact that people will be crossing the highway. There will be two portable toilets brought in. Activities for both morning and afternoon activities are still being considered.

Action: Bill, Jeff(s), Brenda, Dave, Doug, Kathy and other volunteers.
AGM Agenda
There were periodic references to AGM planning throughout the meeting. The normal agenda items can be used, and each committee chair can report on activities.
Cell Phone Update
Dave and Kevin reported on all the new towers now in place.
Ruby Road Dump
The Township of the Bonnechere Valley will get cost estimates for both the Ruby Road expansion option and the Ottawa Valley Waste Recovery option. It is not yet known when the decision will be made, but the Township is on a path that was requested by GLPOA in a letter last year.
Other Business
Brenda Maunder suggested that there is a need of a public toilet at the Island View Drive boat launch. There was a brief discussion of the subject.
The next meeting is the AGM in June.

President Kevin O’Connor adjourned the meeting at 12:00

February 27, 2009 Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes of the Directors Meeting
February 27, 2009
The Sands on Golden Lake
Members Present
Kevin O’Connor, Kathy Lampi, Mike Johnson, Doug Yourth, Bill Clark, Dave Lemkay, Gord McMillan, John Gulland, Jeff Scharf; Ken Bradley (sitting in for Brenda Maunder).
Call to Order
President Kevin O’Connor called the meeting to order at 9:10 a.m. by welcoming everyone to the meeting.

He gave a brief report on his attendance at the FOCA meeting in Toronto on November 22, 2008. Issues highlighted at the meeting were water quality, taxes and land use planning.
Secretary’s Report
At secretary Bill Clark’s prompting, the board discussed the appropriate protocols around meeting minutes and association record-keeping. Bill asked if it was necessary to read the minutes of previous meetings and it was decided that reading of the minutes was not necessary, considering that the minutes are made available to everyone, either on line or in hard copy. It was suggested that, in preparing agendas for upcoming meetings, it would be useful to highlight action items so that members are reminded of work to be completed for the next meeting.

It was also agreed that committees should prepare brief reports of the conclusions of their meetings and circulate these to the board so the board is informed.

It was moved by Dave Lemkay, seconded by Doug Yourth to accept the minutes of the director’s meeting of October 27, 2008 as distributed. Carried.

ACTION: Committee chairs to circulate brief reports of their meetings.
Treasurer’s Report
Kathy Lampi gave the treasurer’s report. It was agreed that the report should be included in the meeting minutes.

Financial Report from July 01 2008, as of February 24 2009

Deposits: Memberships:

Boating Course:



Total deposits:


Expenses: Bookkeeping:


Promo and ads:

FOCA mem:

Social mtgs.

Meetings (including Foca Meeting)



Total expenses:




Opening Balance, July 01:




Moved by Dave Lemkay seconded by Bill Clark to accept the Treasurer’s Report as read. Carried.
In Gail’s absence, Kevin gave a brief report on membership committee activities. The key objective this year is to get back members who paid once but didn’t renew last year. There was extensive discussion of the overall strategy, including the information provided to renewing and prospective members.
The decision on the form of the maps needs to be made soon so copies can be available for spring membership canvassing. Dave Lemkay has been working with the County to customize a map for our use. Once that work is paid for, GLPOA would be free to use the map as it sees fit. The possibility of adding water depth lines or tones on the map was discussed, as was the possibility of increasing the text font size. Jeff Scharf mentioned the possibility of putting advertising on the map so it can be handed out free. Ken Bradley and Jeff Scharf agreed to join Dave and Kevin in working on the map project.

It was moved by Dave Lemkay and seconded by Bill Clark that the map committee be empowered to spend up to $1500 to get maps produced. Carried.

Action: Map committee to finalize the map design and coordinate printing and distribution of a sufficient quantity to the membership committee.
Water Quality
Kathy Lampi gave a report of the water quality committee in Mike Cayer’s absence. John Gulland has produced three draft fact sheets: one on Shoreline Makeover, one on Lawns and Lawn Care and one on Septic System Maintenance. These can be used as handouts with the new membership information package, be made available at various GLPOA meetings and put on the web site for ongoing reference.

Kevin reported on the idea of hosting a public meeting on septic system maintenance with a septic specialist based in Coburg. It was suggested that maybe the townships would be interested in participating by underwriting part of the cost. The committee requested a budget of $500 to cover expenses for the meeting.

It was moved by Kathy seconded by Dave that the board empower the water quality committee to spend up to $500 for meeting expenses. Carried.

Action: Kevin O’Connor and other volunteers to firm up plans for the septic meeting.
A spring newsletter is a key project at this time of year. As in past newsletters, this one will contain updates on ongoing association activities and projects, as well as promotional information for the AGM, boating course, CPR course, Septic System Public Meeting and Funfest. Dave and John will produce the draft newsletter for review. The idea is to double the size of the newsletter to four panels so that it can include all the necessary news as well as listings of board members, zone reps and committee chairs.

Action: John Gulland and Dave Lemkay to work on the newsletter with input from Gail, Kevin and others. The newsletter should be available in late April.
Nominating Committee
Bill Clark gave the report of the nominating committee. The committee is looking for four new board members at the next AGM. Bill Gardner wants to step down as vice-president because he doesn’t want to serve as president. It is therefore important that the executive be changed to put a vice-president into office who is willing to serve as president. There was an extensive discussion of the need for a board renewal strategy.
Water Levels
Kevin reported that an amendment to the water level management plan is under consideration. It is proposed to allow the water to be lowered as much as three feet on Round Lake in the fall to reduce the risk of spring flooding. If approved, the new regime will be tested for a two year trial period. Fisheries and Oceans agrees that as long as the level is dropped abruptly, the trout will find other places to spawn.
Waterway Hazard Marking Program
Gord McMillan reported that he has a number of volunteers to help with placing the markers this spring. Seven red and seven green markers have been purchased and Bill Gardner and Ken Hall will install them in the River this spring.

Kevin will order 500 copies of Transport Canada’s new Safe Boating booklet.

Action: Gord McMillan, Bill Gardner and volunteers to place existing and new markers.

Action: Kevin O’Connor to order the new safe boating booklet.
Launch Site Billboard Advertising
Kevin reported on his discussions with advertisers. There are 15 sponsors and 18 spaces. The townships will be participating by placing welcome messages on the billboards, which would fill the available spaces. If more sponsors get involved, additional spaces can be added.

Action: Kevin O’Connor to coordinate the updating of the billboards and collection of the fees.
Pleasure Craft Operators Course
July 4th is the date for 2009 and Jim Steeves will again be the instructor, as he has been for the last two years.
CPR Course
There will be a limit of 25 participants and this year it would be a four hour course rather than a full day. The meeting is tentatively scheduled for July 11.
2009 Regatta/Fun Fest
Fun Fest will be held on Saturday July 18 from 10. a.m. to 2.30 p.m. at The Sands . Only GLPOA members (and their visiting guests) will be eligible to attend. A table will be set up to allow purchase of memberships on site. The Sands will prepare a barbecue lunch of hamburgers and hot dogs, which Jeff thinks he can get partial sponsorship for from his suppliers. Members will be requested not to bring any food. The Sands will apply for a special banquet license which will allow them to sell beer and wine to anyone wishing alcoholic refreshment during lunch. If possible two large tents will be borrowed from the Killaloe and Golden Lake Catholic churches. Portable toilet facilities will also be arranged.

Morning activities will be held across highway 62 (driving range area) and will be directed to young children and teens. Lunch and afternoon activities would take place on beach side. A monitoring system will be set up to ensure the safety of people crossing the highway. Jeff Raisbech will check to see if Rudi McCann might be available to supply music. As plans are firmed up volunteers will be solicited to take responsibility for the various components.

There was an extensive discussion of food and drink, logistics, cost recovery opportunities, games and so on.

It was moved by Kathy Lampi and seconded by Dave Lemkay to budget $1000 to cover contingencies, such as portable toilets, advertising, etc.

Action: Bill Clark, Jeff Scharf and (many) volunteers.
Cell Phone Update
Dave and Kevin reported on all the new towers now in place.
Ruby Road Dump
Kevin reported that there had been a meeting a week ago and that there will be a meeting next week at Bonnechere council. The Citizens for the Preservation of the Bonnechere Valley continue to take the lead in pressing for a good resolution to the issue. The group is in a good position because the council is committed to holding off on a decision until full costing is available for both options. This is consistent with the recommendations made in a letter from GLPOA to the Township of the Bonnechere Valley council dated September 19, 2008.
Other Business
There was no new business.
The next meeting is tentatively set for May at the call of the President.

President Kevin O’Connor adjourned the meeting at 12:20 PM.

Member’s Meeting and Social, August 23, 2008, Golden Lake Park

GLPOA Annual Meeting and Social
Aug. 23 2008 Golden Lake Park
The meeting, attended by approximately 70 members, was called to order by President Kevin O’Connor at 10.35 a.m. In his opening remarks he welcomed all members and tabled the following agenda.

Secretary’s Report Bill Clark
Treasurers Report—Kathy Lampi
Membership Committee Report—Gail McPhee
Water Quality Committee Report—Mike Cayer
Communications Report—Dave Lemkay
Water Marking Program—Bill Gardner
2009 Regatta/Funfest Proposal—Bill Clark
Ruby Road waste Disposal Site Report—Dave Lemkay
Cell Phone Report—Dave Lemkay
New Business

Secretary’s Report
Bill Clark advised that the minutes of the Aug 25 2007 Business/Social meeting had been posted on the website immediately following that date. He also drew attention to the fact minutes of the June 7 2008 Annual Members Meeting, which had been posted and distributed, confirmed all outstanding business from the Aug. 25 2007 meeting had been discussed and, where necessary further action established. In consideration of this he asked for a motion to waive reading of the Aug. 2007 minutes. Motion by Terry Howard, seconded Michael Johnson. Passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report
Kathy Lampi advised that, as of Aug 21 2008 the Association had a bank balance of $6,760.29. A sum of approximately $200.00 relating to the Waterway Marking Program was the only outstanding payment to be made. Membership dues are still being collected and a full report will be given when this activity is completed. Motion to accept by Bill Gardner, seconded by Gail McPhee. Passed unanimously.
Membership Report
Gail McPhee reported that at present the collection of membership dues is lagging behind previous years but stated she remained confident we can improve on last years total of 400 members. She emphasized the need for volunteers to solicit memberships in some areas. Specifically mentioned were Zones 1 (Golden Lake Village, Pikwakanagan) and Zone 4 (McMillan Road, Goldfinch Dr.) In thanking volunteers Gail reminded that potential members do not necessarily have to be located on the water. All property owners in the immediate area benefit from a healthy and well managed waterway community and therefore membership is a wise investment for all. In adding to Gail’s remarks Kevin O’Connor commented while mail and e-mail can be aids in attracting members, knocking on doors is by far the most effective means of solicitation. He asked the group to support Gail’s efforts by volunteering. A question was raised from the floor as to whether any thought had been given to establishing a special membership rate for area businesses. He also suggested that consideration be given to a program of discounting at retailers to honour GLPOA membership. Kevin replied that a commercial rate had been discussed in the past and this and a discount plan would be placed on the agenda of an executive meeting for further consideration.
Water Quality Report
Mike Cayer reported it is estimated the current double-crested cormorant population on Golden Lake is 200 adult birds. Their presence continues to be a concern because of the potential impact on fish stocks and devastation they cause to their nesting areas. While at present they remain a protected species it is hoped the private members’ bill introduced in the Ontario legislature by Prince Edward-Hastings MPP Ernie Parsons will receive approval before the New Year. This bill would amend the Ont. Fish and Wildlife Act and place Cormorants in the same category as crows, starlings, grackles etc. and allow approved culling. Mike asked those at the meeting to support the legislation by signing the petition being circulated. It was also suggested The G.L.P.O.A., the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan, local townships and F.O.C.A. be asked to support the legislation by sending formal letters of approval. County Warden Janice Visneskie advised she would contact the townships and urge them to do so. Mike cautioned the threat of invasive species should also be of great concern as once they are in a lake they are impossible to eradicate. Zebra Mussels, the Spiny Water Flea and some non-indigenous plants have already been found in other Ontario Lakes. The best means of control is to be sure the hulls of boats from other lakes are thoroughly washed before launching in another waterway. In response to a question regarding the present level of water quality, Kathy Lampi briefly reviewed the past activity of the Water Quality Committee and the assurance given by M.N.R. that their testing showed water quality to be satisfactory. During a discussion period a member from the west end of the lake submitted a water sample taken from their beachfront. The water was extremely cloudy and contained a heavy sediment of what appeared to be algae. Apparently this sludge has been occurring for the last few years. There will be some analysis done to identify this sample.
Water Levels
In responding to a question from the floor regarding water levels Dave Lemkay briefly reviewed the guidelines under which Renfrew Power Generation must operate as established within the Bonnechere River Water Management plan. In doing so he outlined the problem resulting from maintaining a specified fall water level in Round Lake to protect the trout a hatching shelf. He said no further information has been forthcoming since the announcement of the pending court case between M.N.R., R.P.G. and some Round Lake cottagers suing for damage to their property caused by spring flooding. The Round Lake Cottagers Assoc. has asked the M.N.R. to initiate a two year test which would allow the fall water levels of Round Lake to be lowered by two more feet than allowed within the current guidelines. The G.L.P.O.A. is on record as a signatory in a petition with RLPOA sent to MNR.
Shoal Marking Program
In the absence of Gord McMillan Chair of the Waterway Marking Committee, Bill Gardner provided a report. He advised that the Adopt-a-Shoal program was re-initiated this year under Gord’s direction. He thanked Jay Foran, Ken Hall, Ken Kruger, Hubert Weber, Ron Newman, Andy Kyle, Eric Weckworth and Gord McMillan, who assisted in the placing of markers this year under difficult conditions due to inclement weather. Bill emphasized that volunteers are still needed to adopt a shoal and urged members to contact Gord McMillan and volunteer to assist in this very worthwhile program.
Signage Report
Kevin O’Connor reported that the signs posted at the boat launching sites have proven to be highly profitable delivering an annual gross of $2800.00. The signs were originally designed to accept 8 additional advertising spots. Plans to proceed with these additions have been approved. This will result in the signs featuring 26 advertisers with an annual gross of $4000.00. In response to a request for someone to supervise the selling of advertising spots for 2009, Michael Johnson agreed to accept the responsibility. Kevin noted that the townships of Bonnechere Valley and North Algona- Wilberforce have agreed to place a welcome notice on the signs. Mayor Visneskie said that she would raise this with her council. Kevin also thanked Killaloe Home Hardware who this year replaced one advertiser who was discontinuing the program.
2009 Regatta/Funfest Proposal
The meeting gave an enthusiastic response to the idea of holding a fun day next summer. Bill Clark is to chair a planning committee. He advised while a regatta had been suggested any thoughts regarding a program would be welcome and all suggestions studied. He asked that anyone with ideas e-mail him at [email protected] and he would follow up. Members will be kept advised as planning progresses.
Ruby Road Waste Disposal Site Report
Past President Dave Lemkay, who also sits on a Public Liaison Committee facilitating communication regarding the dump project, briefly reviewed highlights of the discussions at the July 19 special information meeting hosted by the G.L.P.O.A. and the July 26 Public Consultation meeting in Eganville. He stated as the environmental screening process has progressed it has become evident the original cost estimates comparing the Ruby Road Site to the option of using the Ottawa Valley Waste Recovery Centre require review. He invited Tony Pearson to present the perspective of the Committee for the Preservation of the Bonnechere valley which is opposed to a new land fill. Tony stated that the major concern is one of water quality. He cautioned that while initial tests might well show the site to be acceptable there can be no absolute guarantee leeching would not develop in the future with the consequent impact on the water quality of Golden Lake. A general discussion that followed led to the suggestion G. L.P.O.A send a letter to Bonnechere Valley Council expressing concern and that the Association is on record to admonish the Township to fully investigate all options and evaluate up to date accurate numbers with respect to real costs predicted for the startup and monitoring of an expanded (new) landfill as well as buy-in costs and ongoing levees associated with the Ottawa Valley Waste Recovery Centre. The Association implores the Township Council to investigate these options with rigor in the interest of future safety and economy of the community.

Motion to send the letter by John Gulland. Seconded by Mick Daley. Passed unanimously.
Good News Cell Phone Report
Dave Lemkay advised construction of the three Bell Mobility Towers is on schedule and it is expected there will be cell phone service in the area by October. He also mentioned while it appears Telus has dropped plans to come into the area Rogers is already publicizing potential sites from Eganville through toward Barry’s Bay. There is notice of a Rogers tower for the village of Golden Lake currently in the Eganville Leader.
New Business
In closing the meeting Kevin O’Connor lauded Dave Lemkay for the excellent leadership he provided as G.L.P.O.A. President for the past three years. In his remarks he credited Dave with being a partner in the early steering committee discussions regarding the need for an association and one of the founding fathers in its establishment. He thanked Dave for the commitment he has shown and said it is his energy, ability and deep involvement that has accounted for much of the association’s success since its establishment. In thanking Dave, Kevin presented him with a duly inscribed, framed colour page from the Eganville Leader edition that featured the 2006 story of the installation of the four boat launch billboards.

Motion to adjourn the business meeting by Kate O’Hare was approved. At the close of the business session members were invited to stay for a barbecue luncheon catered by The Sands on Golden Lake and enjoy genuine Ottawa Valley music provided by Bill Gardner featuring Garry Gardner and Arlene McClellan of Oshawa Classic Country and The Luloffs of Golden Lake’s Family Circle.

Respectfully submitted,

Bill Clark, Secretary

June 16, 2008 Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes of the Directors Meeting, June 16, 2008
The Sands on Golden Lake

Present: Kevin O’Connor, Kathy Lampi, Jeff Scharf, Bill Gardner, Mike Johnson, Doug Yourth, Brenda Maunder, Dave Lemkay, Gord McMillan, John Gulland

Association President Kevin O’Connor called the meeting to order at 9:10 a.m.

In his opening remarks, Kevin welcomed the new board members, gave an overview of association activities, including the shoal marking project, signage, and boating course. He also recognized Dave Lemkay’s contributions as founding president of the association.

Kathy Lampi gave a summary of water quality committee activities, water testing program, shoreline development, and cormorants.

The pleasure craft operator’s course was discussed. The fee is $35, as it was last year. People are encouraged to be at the Killaloe Public School by 8:30 a.m. Fees will be collected at the door, but notification of interest in attending would be appreciated by email in advance. Volunteers from the Board can assist with the registration of all attendee’s, and if necessary, help with the marking of the exams. Gail McPhee and some members of her Membership Team will be in attendance to sign up new members.

There was a brief discussion of spring water levels and the issue of the trout spawning bed.

Pat Shea is promoting the idea of a canoe race. His correspondence says he will organize the event, but wants GLPOA authorization. There was a consensus that the board would not oppose such a race but would be unable to take an active organizational role because of other commitments. It was suggested that a shorter, more family-friendly event, might be something that could be supported.

Special issue: Ruby Road Waste Disposal site

The main issue discussed at the meeting was the role that the Association might play in the issue of the Ruby Road Waste Disposal site. GLPOA has agreed to host a public information meeting on Saturday, July 19, 2008 at the Killaloe Public School. It was agreed that the Board needs to develop a flyer to promote the meeting. Kevin O’Connor, Dave Lemkay and John Gulland will work together on the flyer.

The purpose of the meeting is help inform the members of the various aspects of the debate surrounding the dump so that they are better equipped to form their own opinions. Another function of the meeting is to alert members to the official public consultation meeting on July 26 at Eganville Legion field hosted by the Township of Bonnechere Valley.

Dave Lemkay reported on the process followed by the Township and Cambium, the engineering company working on behalf of the Township. A group called Citizens for the Preservation of the Bonnechere Valley has been formed to oppose the sighting of the facility at the Ruby Road location.

Meeting plans

There was a discussion of how to characterize and conduct the July 19 meeting to make the meeting productive and non-confrontational. The discussion resulted in the following resolution.

Moved by Dave Lemkay, seconded by Bill Gardner, that the July 19 meeting be structured and promoted as an information session only, designed to inform our members so they can be prepared for the official public consultation meeting on July 26 in Eganville, and that the association board of directors will be prepared to receive advice on this issue from the membership at the August 23 members meeting. Carried.

Brenda Maunder suggested the idea of phone trees to give notification of meetings because so many people live far away.

Consideration was given to convening a brief Board meeting following the boating course on July 5 in preparation for the July 19 information meeting.

Dave Lemkay reported that he had talked to Fred Blackstien regarding moderating the meeting. Specific people to be invited include Cambium Environmental, Bonnechere Valley Township Council and those who have been involved in the consultation process through the Public Liaison Committee.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 p.m.

Annual General Meeting, June 7, 2008

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
Saturday, June 7, 2008 at Killaloe Public School
The annual general meeting of the G.L.P.O.A. was held at the Killaloe Public School June 7, 2008. President Dave Lemkay opened the meeting at 9.05 by introducing Zig Mintha Mayor of Bonnechere Valley Township, Lorenz Kelo, Councilor North Algona-Wilberforce Township and Janice Visneskie, Renfrew County Warden and Mayor of Killaloe, Hagarty & Richards Township. He invited each to offer comments. All three stressed the need for property owners to have a strong voice to represent them and thanked the Association for its involvement in the community. They said the townships would always be prepared to co-operate with the association as has been demonstrated in the past. Meeting continued with Dave Lemkay tabling the following agenda:

Minutes 2007 Annual Meeting – Bill Clark

Treasurers Report – Kevin O’Connor

Membership Committee Report – Gail McPhee

Sign and Map Project Report – Kevin O’Connor

Water Level Report-Dave Lemkay – Kevin O’Connor

Water Quality Committee Report-Kathy Lampi, Mike Cayer

Waterway Marking Report – Kevin O’Connor

Ruby Road Dump Expansion- Dave Lemkay, Cairine Cybulski

Cell Phone Good News Report – Dave Lemkay

Pleasure Craft Operators Course – Dave Lemkay

Aug. 23 Members Meeting/Social

Nomination and Ratification 2008 Officers and Directors – Bill Clark

New Business


Minutes of the 2007 A.G.M. were read by Secretary Bill Clark who reminded members that all minutes are also published on the website. There were no additions or changes from the floor. A motion by Kate O’Hara seconded by Isobel O’Reilly to accept was passed unanimously.

Treasurers Report: Treasurer Kevin O’Connor opened his remarks by congratulating Weldon McEachen and Norm Edwards who were respectively Treasurer and Membership Director during the initial years of the association. An audit report is presently being conducted for that period confirms the association’s finances were handled in an excellent manner. In reference to the Association’s current financial status, Kevin highlighted that revenues for the period July 4/07 to June 4/08 totalled $12, 558.00. Expenses for the same period were $11,109.66. Net bank balance as of June 4/08 is $2,957.23. Major expenses for the period included: The Fish study on Round Lake $2,120..00, Association and Directors’ Liability Insurance $1,567.08, Dues for FOCA membership $954.00, Input of property data to computer files $728.00 and repairing and replacing marker buoys $576.36. A motion by Norm Edwards, seconded by George Wilcox to accept report was passed unanimously (a copy of full report is attached to these minutes).

Membership Committee Report: Gail McPhee advised the target of 400 members established for 2007 was reached. The intent is to improve on that total in 2008. A data base has been prepared by Monique Pye listing all 740 registered property owners on the waterway, covered by the G.L.P.O.A. mandate. Spreadsheets are being distributed to each zone representative. These will definitely be of benefit when canvassing is done this year. The improved routine established last year to register members and maintain financial records has proved to be very effective. The same procedure will be followed this year. Gail stated by far the most effective way to attract members is door-to-door canvassing and she emphasized volunteers are vital and more are needed in zones 1, 5 and 11. Gail will be monitoring the development of membership this year on an ongoing basis and special action will be taken as required.

Sign and Map Project Report: Kevin O’Connor reported the signs posted at the boat launching ramps have proved to be highly profitable with an annual gross of $2800.00. He stated that it is indeed a win-win situation since not only do the signs provide guidance to boaters but also advertisers report good results. He outlined that the signs were originally designed to accept eight more ad spots if required and the intent is to proceed with this idea. Bryan Fraser is preparing a cost estimate for making the necessary alterations. We have also been advised that over time the graphics on the signs will be affected by the sun and quality will deteriorate. Bryan is doing a cost estimate of constructing a small roof over each sign for protection. Kevin noted that a list of all advertisers on the signs will to be place on the GLPOA website with a direct link to their own websites.

Water Level Report: Dave Lemkay and Kevin O’Connor did a review commencing with the Tues Apr. 22 2007 emergency meeting chaired by County Warden Janice Visneskie in Killaloe. While record high water levels were set, damage to properties on Golden Lake appears to have been minimal. Once again, however, many properties on Round lake experienced severe flooding and erosion damage. While levels would be difficult to control during any period of heavy spring run-off, the situation at Round Lake is made much more difficult by O.M.N.R. policy. This policy demands that the Fall water level in Round Lake be dropped no lower than a specified level to protect a Trout hatching shelf at certain shoal locations. The levels dictated, increase the possibility of spring flooding. It is believed a change in policy to allow a more aggressive draw down of both lakes in the Fall would create greater capacity to handle the Spring freshet. Last summer the G.L.P.O.A. and R.L.P.O.A. each contributed $2200.00 to help in the funding of a study initiated by R.P.G. to determine whether the Trout Box is functional. Records show that for many years up to the mid-1980s, the O.M.N.R. conducted a program of trout fry seeding. It suspected these programs, rather than natural spawning maintained the trout population. As soon as the results of the study are available O.M.N.R. will be asked to address a change in policy as submitted by R.L.P.O.A., G.L.P.O.A. and R.P.G. The three townships have indicated interest in being involved in this procedure

Water Quality Report: Kathy Lampi reported that study through the winter revealed that the Ministry of the Environment conducted water quality tests on Golden Lake as late as 2004. The results showed water quality was good. The committee was advised a broad program of further testing at this time is not warranted. A test for phosphates however was conducted in May and results are pending. After further consideration the committee believes the most effective action to be taken at this time is to initiate an educational program to inform property owners how to maintain good lake stewardship. This will be accomplished through our website, newsletter and possibly public forums. Mike Cayer reported that Cormorants remain a protected species. As a result any action to control or reduce the population would be illegal. A private member’s bill has been introduced by Mike Brown, Ont. Liberal M.P.P. for Algoma-Manitoulin. This bill would amend the Ont. Fish and Wildlife Act and place Cormorants in the same category as crows, grackles, starlings etc. This would allow for certain culling of unwanted populations. The bill has passed first reading. Mike advised the group a petition supporting the legislation was available at the door.

Waterway Marking Project: Kevin O’Connor advised that lake resident and member, Jay Foran of Killaloe Sports Plus has volunteered to supervise the placing and removal of shoal markers. It should be noted that within the plan, volunteers are welcome to work in concert with Jay in specific areas. A program of comprehensive numbering and G. P.S. identification for each marker is to be introduced. It has been recommended that only one shoal marker be placed at each site regardless of the size of the hazard. Alerts would be placed on the website and launching ramp signs cautioning all boaters to stay well clear of these markers. Kevin asked that anyone willing to volunteer to assist with the markers contact Jay or one of the association officers. Dave Lemkay drew the group’s attention to the fact the buoys on the Bonnechere River actually identify the channels to be used rather than marking shoals. In closing Pat Shay showed the group a sample of the type of anchor used in past years.

Ruby Road Dump Expansion Project: Cairine Cybulski delivered an overview of the township’s waste management activities and the proposal to expand the Ruby Road dumpsite. In doing so she acknowledged the plan is contentious and many residents of the Ruby area are exceedingly uncomfortable with the idea. She stressed the expansion was only being studied after all other options had been considered and discarded. She went on to say the Ontario Government has strict environmental standards covering waste disposal sites. Strict tests and environmental assessment will be conducted before any final decision to proceed is made. There was an immediate comment from the floor that to date communication to area residents has been very poor. Cairine stated the purpose of the July 26 Public Consultation Meeting at the Eganville Curling Club at Legion Field is to provide residents with full up to date information and allow a dialogue. She also mentioned a Public Liaison Committee has been established and forums will be held throughout the process. The intent is to receive input from residents and provide effective communication. It was evident from the lively discussion that followed many area residents are diametrically opposed to any expansion. A motion was proposed from the floor that the G.L.P.O.A. go on record as also being opposed. Dave Lemkay asked that before the motion was seconded and voted on, there be further discussion. This discussion resulted in a suggestion that initially the association commit to organizing a July19th Special Information Meeting. Residents will be notified by flyer. Township representatives and the engineering company will be invited. A motion that this approach be accepted proposed by Steve Butler, seconded by Roger Gibb was carried.

Cell Phone “Good News” Report: Dave Lemkay outlined news that was officially sent by Bell Mobility that three towers in the region are presently being constructed and will be operative buy end of August. Two additional sites are presently being established. He added that Rogers has notified respective townships and GLPOA that five towers are planned to be established in the same Eganville through to Wilno corridor. In summary, Dave gave an account of this project, which had its genesis at the first GLPOA AGM. He recounted the efforts by Kevin O’Connor, Cairine Cybulski and himself in assembling data and preparing and presenting a business case to Bell Mobility in Dorval in December 2006. He thanked the three townships for support in distributing survey coupons in the tax mailouts that resulted in approximately 2000 responses. This collective effort clearly got results. The effort addresses the concerns expressed by members earlier on that safety and convenience was a necessity for constituents and visitors to the area.

Pleasure Craft Operators Course: Dave Lemkay advised a course will be conducted at the Killaloe Public School on the morning of July 5 2008. Starting time is 8 a.m. and it is estimated it will consume 3.5 hours instruction plus the test writing. The course is fully accredited and can be presented to all ages from youngsters ten years old and up. It will be advertised as being open to both members and non-members at a cost of $35.00. It is suggested that anyone wishing to attend indicate their intention by e-mail to [email protected] or by mail to Box 99 Golden Lake. Expenses for the rental of the school and advertising are sponsored jointly by George’s Marine and Sports and Killaloe Sports Plus.

Aug. 23 Members Meeting:/Social: Gail McPhee reported the Association’s annual summer meeting/social get together will be held Aug 23 at Golden Lake Park commencing at 10.30 a.m. While some business will be conducted to give members an update on activities, the emphasis will be placed on meeting waterway neighbours and socializing together. A hamburger BBQ will be catered by The Sands on Golden Lake and Ottawa Valley music will be supplied by a members group. Judging by the comments of those attending last year, a good time was had by all. Members are urged to mark this date on their calendar.

Nomination and Ratification of 2008 Executive and Directors: At this time Dave Lemkay passed the chair to Bill Clark who had been appointed to facilitate the annual election of Officers and Directors. Bill advised the group that while preparing nominations he and Doug Yourth, acting with the co-operation of other officers, had carefully followed the guidelines established in the Constitution. He suggested the election proceed on the basis of two distinct groups executive committee and then directors.

In reference to the executive level he outlined that two members, Secretary Bill Clark and Gail McPhee Chair of the membership Committee did not require an election since they were just entering the second year of a two-year term. He then presented the following slate for the consideration of the members:

President – Kevin O’Connor

Vice-President – Bill Gardner

Treasurer – Kathy Lampi

Past President – Dave Lemkay

It was also recommended that in order to maintain an orderly succession Kevin, Bill and Kathy be elected on the basis of a two-year term. In presenting the slate he emphasized it was not intended in any way to discourage nominations from the floor. Following procedure to call three times for nominations where none were forthcoming, a motion by Brenda Maunder to elect the slate, seconded by Steve Butler was approved unanimously.

In reference to the directors, Bill advised that Doug Yourth and Mike Cayer were just entering the second year of two-year terms. In addition, zone 1 of the Association covers Pikwakanagan and the village of Golden Lake. Consultation is underway with Chief and Council to have the Algonquins of Golden Lake appoint a replacement for former zone 1 director Howard Bernard. He recommended that this position be held in abeyance until that process is finalized and announced that directors Cairine Cybulski and George Wilcox were retiring. A slate of Gord McMillan and Jeff Scharf was proposed. In addition three more nominations were requested from the floor. As a result, Brenda Maunder was nominated by Steve Butler, seconded by Isabel O’Reilly; Michael Johnson was nominated by Bill Gardner, seconded Doug Harvey, Karen Utronkie was nominated by Gail McPhee, seconded by Malcolm Warnholtz and Hubert Weber was nominated by Terry Ryan, seconded by Kevin O’Connor. A motion that both slate and floor nominations all be elected by acclamation by Kate O’Hara, seconded by Doug Harvey was passed unanimously.

As newly elected President Kevin O’Connor assumed the chair. He announced that a course in basic first aid and C.P.R. for emergency situations will be conducted either August 9 or 16 at a cost of 75.00. The course will accommodate 12 people. Members will be advised of specific information as plans are finalized. In closing the meeting Kevin thanked Dave Lemkay for his excellent performance during his time as President and said his service would be better acknowledged at the August Members’ Meeting

A motion to adjourn the meeting by Kate O’Hare was carried.

Submitted, Bill Clark, Secretary

April 25, 2008 Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes of the Directors Meeting
April 25, 2008
Present: Dave Lemkay, Kevin O’Connor, Bill Clark, Gail McPhee, Kathy Lampi, John Gulland, Doug Yourth, Cairine Cybulski and Mike Cayer.

President Dave Lemkay called the meeting to order at 9.00 a.m. and tabled the following agenda:

Presidents opening remarks

Update of previous Directors Meetings and Annual General Meetings

Business from minutes

Water Levels – Kevin O’Connor
Water Quality and Testing – Kathy Lampi
Waterway Hazard Marking – Kevin O’Connor
Treasures Report – Kevin O’Connor
Membership – Gail McPhee
Ruby Road Dump Expansion – Dave Lemkay
Pleasure Craft Operators Course – Dave Lemkay
Website& Newsletter – John Gulland
Annual General Meeting – Dave Lemkay et al
Nominations Procedure – John Visser

In opening the meeting Dave Lemkay stated that since minutes of the last directors meeting (Aug 7) had been posted on the website, the executive was familiar with them. As such he suggested the reading be waived and the group move immediately into discussion of outstanding business. He also pointed out there had been several meetings of individual committees since Aug 5 and any business rising out of these meetings would be captured in the agenda. The group agreed with this procedure.

Water Levels – Kevin O’Connor reported that on Tues. Apr 22, Renfrew County Warden and Mayor of Killaloe, Hagarty & Richards (KHR), Janice Visneskie chaired an emergency meeting. The purpose was to discuss the serious flooding and prospect of erosion problems occurring on Round Lake because of exceptionally high water levels. The impact of increased flooding on Golden Lake, as a result of releasing more water through the Tramore dam, was also discussed with representatives of KHR, North Algona-Wilberforce, and Bonnechere Valley Townships. The Round Lake and Golden Lake Property Owners Associations and Renfrew Power Generation (RPG) were in attendance. A state of emergency was declared and a decision made to request that RPG remove one of two remaining logs at Tramore at 6.00 p.m. Wed., Apr 23. On Wednesday, KHR Council rescinded this request and left the decision to RPG, which, in their estimation, decided not to act at the present time. The situation would be monitored closely and the log removed at a later date if necessary, as such action would significantly raise the already high-water levels in Golden Lake and increase the risk of flood damage. The consensus is that the most obvious solution to the water level problems through the Bonnechere River system each spring suggests that a change in Ministry of Natural Resources policy. The theory is that more aggressive draw down of water in both lakes in the fall would create added capacity for spring freshet, especially in a year with high winter snowfall. At present the Ministry management plan specifies certain levels during the fall to protect a lake trout spawning shelf. To try to address this, there has been a proposal submitted to MNR by RLPOA, GLPOA and RPG to consider adjusting this policy

Water Quality – Kathy Lampi, Chair of the Water Quality Committee reported that the group has been active through the winter. After investigation, the committee’s early plans to undertake testing of the lake for Phosphate, Nitrate and e-Coli Levels were found to be unwarranted. She reported that Golden Lake was tested as late as 2004 by the Ministry of Environment with results that showing overall water quality to be very good. In consideration of this, it was decided the most meaningful immediate action would be a program testing only current phosphate levels. The committee recommended that GLPOA invest in an educational program to promote stakeholder buy-in to good lake stewardship. This would be carried out through use of the website, newsletter and possibly the sponsorship of public forums. Plans for both testing and education program will be outlined at the AGM for ratification. A motion to proceed with both recommendations was made by Kathy Lampi and seconded by Gail McPhee was passed unanimously.

Waterway Hazard Marking – Kevin O’Connor reported that member and lake resident, Jay Foran and his son Dylan, have volunteered to handle the placing and removal of shoal markers with a comprehensive numbering and GPS identification. Recommendations offered include using only one marker for hazardous spot regardless of the size of the shoal. An alert would be placed on the GLPOA launch site signs and on the web site warning all boaters to stay well clear of posted areas. A motion by Cairine Cybulski, seconded by Kathy Lampi to accept the offer of Jay Foran to manage this program was passed unanimously. It was stressed that ideally, markers would be in place by the May long weekend. In keeping with GLPOA’s policy of due diligence, Dave Lemkay will raise this activity for discussion with our insurance company to ensure adequate coverage for any risk exposure.

Treasures Report – Kevin O’Connor reported that the Association is in a healthy financial position to start the current season. Present bank balance is $3496.00. In addition to membership renewals, there is also a potential for increased advertising revenues coming from launch site signage. The signs were originally designed to accept modifications which would create eight more ad spots. Cost to advertiser of each spot is $160.00 annually. As present advertisers report good results, it is expected the additional spots would be highly saleable. It was suggested the townships covering the GLPOA be invited to have a presence on these signs to post a welcoming message to ratepayers and visitors to the area. Cairine Cybulski is to present this offer to Bonnechere Valley Council and Dave Lemkay will contact North Algona – Wilberforce and Killaloe, Hagarty & Richards Townships. It was discussed that an added advantage of web site presence should offered to existing and future advertisers. This idea and other web site upgrades will be discussed with John Gulland. A motion to accept the treasurer’s report by Cairine Cybulski, seconded by Bill Clark was passed unanimously.

Membership Report – Dave Lemkay acknowledged Gail McPhee’s success over the past year in establishing and implementing a procedure to more effectively measure and record membership. During winter, tax roll data were collected by Andrea Lemkay and added to the database by Monique Pye. Gail distributed spreadsheets listing all 740 registered property owners on the waterway within the GLPOA mandate. Coding on the list clearly features membership status, which will benefit zone representatives as they canvass for membership this year. Gail reported that 2007/8 membership totalled 400 and that the challenge is to grow that number this year. A Membership Committee meeting is scheduled for Thursday May 8th to review each zone and ensure that the team of Zone Representatives and helpers is in place.

Ruby Road Dump Expansion Dave Lemkay asked Cairine Cylbuski to provide an overview on behalf of the Township of its Waste Management activities and the proposal to expand the operation at the Ruby Road Transfer Station site. She stated that all options have been investigated, and that Township consultants propose that a practical solution in future would see all waste being diverted to an expanded operation at Ruby Road. She acknowledged there is an emotional bias to an extension by neighbouring residents. She emphasized studies to date show the threat of any contamination to ground water is not real. The examination of the proposed expansion would have to be closely studied within the standards established by the Ontario Government and the results are very positive. Dave Lemkay acting as a resident of South Algona Ward, is one member of the Public Liaison Committee which will hold forums through the process to receive input from residents and to assist with effective communication to the public. It is the intent of the GLPOA to continue to closely follow this issue. It was also stated that at this time, GLPOA will be neutral on the matter so as to be able to garner the best information for its constituents. The issue will be introduced at the GPLOA AGM but the AGM will not the forum for debate as much as members will be apprised of the role of the Public Liaison Committee in the ongoing process.

Dave Lemkay introduced the subject of cell phone service and that certain construction activity was clearly underway at three of the sites established over the past year. Kevin O’Connor gave an update on talks that he has had with the contractor for Bell Mobility and confirmed that the additional two tower projects added late last year are also moving ahead. The pattern that we are seeing in the area follows the plan to have a package of five towers that, once completed and operative, will most likely carry a contiguous cell phone signal from the Pembroke Renfrew area through Eganville, Golden Lake and Killaloe to the easterly signal already at Barry’s Bay. Dave reminded the board of the early responses that we had gotten early in 2006 when GLPOA first wrote to Bell and Telus that offered no hope for early resolution to our problems. He then outlined introductory steps that were taken by Kevin O’Connor to open some doors and the presentation of the business case by Cairine Cybulski and Dave in Montreal in December of 2006, the interlake survey of the region with help from the three townships early in 2007 and on the ground help with the siting process throughout the area by all three directors. He concluded with the success in December 2007 to obtain building permits on behalf of Bell Mobility with the respective township councils and now, within two years, we are able to have some confidence that service is a distinct possibility in 2008.

Pleasure Craft Operators Course – Another accredited instruction session will be held at Killaloe Public School starting at 8:00 am, July 5th. As in 2007, the course will be offered through the Round Lake and Golden Lake associations to members and non-members at a cost of $35.00. Further information will be posted on the web site and available at the AGM and publicized in the local media. This is seen to be a good service to members and supports the objective of safety and security on the waterway.

Web Site and Newsletter – Dave Lemkay congratulated John Gulland on the quality of both the Association’s website and news letters. In his comments John indicated he would like to reorganize the web to present news more effectively. The intent would be make viewing easier for visitors by presenting messages in order of importance. A meeting is to be held offline for discussion to firm up details.

Annual General Meeting – The A.G. M. will be held at the Killaloe Public School –9.00 a.m.

Sat. June 7. An executive meeting has been scheduled for Fri. May 30, to finalize the agenda with executive and committee reports. Official notice will be placed in the Eganville and Pembroke newspapers as well as community calendars to comply with the constitution for Election of Officers etc.

Nominations Procedure – Dave Lemkay outlined that nominations for the coming year would have to take two factors into consideration. The first consideration was that at the 2007 meeting Bill Clark, Kevin O’Connor and Gail McPhee were elected to the positions of secretary, treasurer and Membership Chair respectively for a two-year term, therefore nominations will not be required for these positions. The positions or president and vice president, held by Dave Lemkay and Kevin O’Connor respectively were elected for a one year term and that nominations are necessary. The staggering of these terms was based upon the service already given by the incumbent and meant to establish an ebb and flow to the board of directors, bringing in new people and retaining certain corporate memory.

The Nominating Committee, headed up by Bill Clark will prepare a slate of candidates that reflects this intent and that updates the board where directors may have resigned in the past term. Bill will be assisted by Doug Yourth and with the cooperation of the rest of the executive. It should be noted that all association members will be advised of the election and nominations will be accepted from the floor at the meeting. John Visser who facilitated the election process at the 2007 AGM has agreed to fit this task for the 2008 AGM into his busy schedule.

Motion by Bill Clark that the meeting be adjourned at 12.10 p.m. was passed unanimously.

Bill Clark, Secretary

Annual Members Meeting & Social, August 25, 2007 - Golden Lake Park, Deacon

Annual Members Meeting & Social
August 25, 2007 – Golden Lake Park, Deacon
Despite inclement weather, the meeting was attended by well over 100 members. In addition to a business session, members enjoyed a lunch of hotdogs and corn-on-the cob, had ample time to socialize and exchange ideas and were entertained by a member’s group playing Ottawa Valle music.

President Dave Lemkay called the meeting to order at 12.20 p.m. In his opening remarks he restated the Association’s dedication to maintaining the integrity of our environment and the value of our water way. He said also that the other two pillars are robust membership and effective communication. He was very pleased with the progress and success of the Association on each of these, reminding members that the Association is working to protect and enhance the environmental integrity and that their participation is most important. He said that we have a wonderful tool for communication amongst members and the public with our web site.

Dave Lemkay invited Harold Weckworth, Mayor of North Algona/Wilberforce Twp, Zig Mintha, Mayor of Bonnechere Valley Twp, and John Yakabuski M.P.P for Renfrew- Nipissing- Pembroke to address the group. All congratulated the Association on its endeavours and stressed the importance of its activities. John Yakabuski said he would be prepared to answer questions on provincial matters during the course of the meeting.

Dave Lemkay introduced Association Zone Managers, Directors and Executive and expressed appreciation for the work all were doing on behalf of the Association. He said that while protocol did not demand the minutes from the June 2 Annual General Meeting be read at this meeting he would refer to some of the points the minutes contained to provide an update:

Examples of large and small buoys were on display at the meeting. Dave reported there had been a problem in some cases with the tethering cables failing but this will be rectified. Buoys will be numbered in future for easy identification but the real need is to have a greater number of volunteers to service the system. Duties of a steward would include seasonal installation and removal and ongoing monitoring of the buoys. Anyone who has a buoy situated close to their property is invited to assume this role and to notify the executive. With over forty buoys presently in place on the lake and river, the collective task is daunting. Volunteers are the best way to manage this program. The bridge at Deacon has been marked with red and green arrows to identify the safe channel and red and green channel-marking buoys will be placed at the narrows at the little island, a short way up the river. There is a major hazard at this spot, especially in fall. Bill Gardner and Dave Lemkay will complete this task immediately.
The Comfort station at Deacon is receiving good usage. Dave expressed again the Association’s appreciation for funding received from Renfrew County Community Futures Development Corporation. He stated the project was also made possible by matching funds and in- kind contributions from North Algona / Wilberforce Twp. and G.L. P.O.A. He thanked project director Weldon McEachen and contractor Bryan Fraser Construction and NAW Road Superintendent Harvey Reckzine for their collective efforts in meeting the March 1, 2007 deadline and The Township of North Algona/Wilberforce for establishing a program of maintaining the station on a daily basis. He was pleased to note that all financial reporting had been completed and said that as he passed the site this morning at 9:00 am, there were twelve vehicles and boat trailers parked in the lot and that this is typical of each day this summer. He reiterated that the toilet facility is a fine example of a community project for the betterment of the waterway.
Efforts to achieve Cell Phone Service in this area continue. Contact has been made with key people at both Bell Mobility and Telus. A business case has been presented to Bell Mobility and both they and Telus have secured strategic tower locations in the area. While progress is slow we can be optimistic.
The Pleasure Craft Operators course was a great success. A total of 80 people participated and successfully passed the course. Jim Steeves, the course director indicated, because attendance was much higher than anticipated he wished to make a $1000 donation to G.L.P.O.A. After some minor expenses this will total slightly in excess of $800. There are plans to hold another course next spring to address the 2009 deadline.

The election of officers at the June 2, 2007Annual General Meeting was reviewed. In compliance with the GLPOA Constitution and in order to maintain both a rotation of officers and suitable corporate memory, nominations were made on the basis staggering one and two-year tenures. Results of elections were as follows for executive positions:

Dave Lemkay, President; Kevin O’Connor, Vice President and Treasurer -1 year term
Bill Clark, Secretary; Gail McPhee, Chair Membership Committee -2 year term
Directors: Norma Bailey; George Wilcox; Carolyn Letters; Cairine Cybulski -1 year term
Bill Gardner; Kathy Lampi; Susan St. Jean; Doug Yourth; Mike Cayer – 2 year term.

Gail McPhee presented a Membership Committee report. She began by thanking all the zone managers and directors for working so hard to build membership. She also thanked Monique Pye for updating the data base and spread sheets initiated by Norm Edwards to identify both members and reflect renewal activity from 2006 to 2007. Gail emphasized the importance of membership levels in guaranteeing property owners have a strong voice on matters affecting the lake and river. Present level of 2007 membership is approximately 350. A project is underway with a contractor to identify other property owners and up to date addresses as gleaned from township tax rolls. It is planned that non-members will be invited to consider joining the association in a mail-out campaign this fall.

In Treasurer Kevin O’Connor’s absence Dave Lemkay gave a short Financial Report. Present bank balance is in excess of $7000. In addition to membership revenue this total includes proceeds from the July 7 boating course and advertising revenues from the four association boat launch map billboards. The full cost of establishing the signage program will have been underwritten by the proceeds of this, the second year of advertising revenues, with good indications that future operation will be a funding source for other projects. He said that without exception, advertisers are highly pleased with results that they are seeing from this exposure. Dave once again thanked Weldon McEachen for his leadership in this important undertaking.

At the Annual General Meeting, the executive was directed to continue to make water quality on our waterway a high priority. Kathy Lampi, Chair of the Water Quality Committee gave an update on efforts. While some testing over the years has been conducted at Round Lake and on the Bonnechere River, current information is unavailable and this situation is unsatisfactory. The order of the day will be to design a comprehensive program of water testing. Executive committee discussions estimate that this would require consideration in future budgets of as much as $5000. Dave Lemkay called for motion from the floor to approve such an amount. Moved by Merv Buckwald, seconded by Howard Bernard that the committee be allocated up to $5000 to undertake a program of water testing. Carried unanimously.

Dave Lemkay reported on a presentation made by Peter Boldt, Executive Director of Renfrew Power Generation (RPG), to a small group of directors from our association and the Round Lake Property Owners Association. The presentation outlined difficulties he was encountering meeting the water flow requirements of RPG while maintaining the water levels dictated for Golden and Round Lakes within the guidelines established by the Bonnechere River Management Plan and enforced by Ontario Ministry of natural Resources. This plan calls for the water level in Round Lake to be maintained in the fall, at a depth believed to be necessary to protect Lake Trout spawning grounds. Maintaining this depth in the fall appears to cause RPG difficulty in terms of evacuating the system so as to avoid late winter ice damage to shoreline on Round Lake and springtime flooding on Golden Lake. The Bonnechere system has a natural bottleneck at the Golden Lake dam. Without certain flexibility with draw down rates and timing, RPG is prone to being out of compliance with the authority.

Before any change to the established minimum water levels might be considered, it will be necessary to conduct a scientific study to determine the current status and spawning habits of the Lake Trout population in Round Lake. The cost of the testing is approximately $14,000. The two lake associations’ executives have had discussions and believe that some shared support is warranted for a proper scientific study. RLPOA has passed a resolution at their AGM to pledge $2000 on the proviso that GLPOA would match this amount. Dave Lemkay called for discussion and a motion from the floor to address this issue. Moved by John Beatty, seconded by Ken Kruger that GPLOA executive would take steps when and as necessary to contribute between $2000 and $3000 to support an approved scientific study. Carried unanimously.

Alan Fox, Chairman of the Bonnechere River Watershed Program (BRWP) gave a short presentation outlining some of his group’s current activities along the Bonnechere River system. These include the building and installing of nesting boxes for ducks and blue birds, supporting farmers in establishing facilities for watering cattle rather than their using the river, a school-based program to acquaint grade 3 and 4 students on the value of wetlands and a program for grade 7 students to familiarize them with riparian and forestry values and a program calling for high school students to assist in collecting marker vertebrates to measure the health of the watershed. The BRWP has also created a strategic plan for 8 reaches, or levels, on the river to be established. Initially the reach of the Bonnechere between Douglas and Renfrew is being studied to achieve effective monitoring of development.

Before closing the meeting President Dave Lemkay called for any new business from the floor. He announced that member Doug Scheels had attended the August 18WRAFT Meeting in Round Lake Centre. WRAFT is the acronym for Waterfront Ratepayers after Fair Taxation. There was discussion on Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) and the recent activity by the Ontario Ombudsman Andru Marin. Members present expressed concern over apparent disproportionate assessment increases in recent years and resulting tax increases. MPP John Yakabuski was asked for comment. He said he was reluctant to comment on the election platforms of other parties but did outline the platform for the Provincial Conservative Party in the upcoming October election, which is as follows:

The establishment of a 5% annual cap on property assessment increases for so long as an individual owns their home including if property is transferred to a spouse.
Implementing a reverse onus appeal system so the MPAC will have to justify an assessment increase instead of placing the burden of proof on the home owner.
Ensuring MPAC fully implements the recommendations of the Ombudsman.

As steaming corn-on-the-cob and hot dogs were being brought into the room by busy volunteers and in keeping with his pledge to conduct a one-hour meeting, President Dave Lemkay called for a motion at 1:15 pm to adjourn. Motion by Malcolm Warnholtz was approved unanimously.

Respectfully submitted:
Bill Clark , Secretary

August 7, 2007 Board of Directors Meeting

Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting
August 7, 2007 Golden Sands Vacationland
In attendance, Directors: Dave Lemkay, Kevin O’Connor, Bill Clark, Gail McPhee, Kathy Lampi, Norma Bailey, Bill Gardner, Doug Yourth, Norm Edwards, Mike Cayer and Zone Reps: Kate O’Hara, Ken Kruger and Michael Johnson,

President Dave Lemkay called the meeting to order at 9.05 a.m. and outlined the following agenda:

Discussion on the plans for the Aug 25 Social Meeting

Report on Membership Program

Report on Boaters Course

Review of Meeting with Peter Boldt of Renfrew Power Generation

Report on Waterway Marking Program

Agenda and logistics for August 25 Members’ Meeting

New Business

Gail McPhee reported on planning for August 25 Members’ Meeting. The meeting will take place at Golden Lake Park (L’Escale). Program will be from 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Those assisting are asked to be there by 10 a.m. for preparation. Among the points discussed: Doug Yourth and Bill Gardner to supply pots for cooking corn; Dave Lemkay to supply charcoal barbecue for cooking hotdogs; Norma Bailey to handle 50/50 draw; Bill Sterling to supervise automobile parking; Dave Lemkay to prepare signs; Dave Lemkay’s daughter Andrea will coordinate the children’s face painting: Bill Gardner will organize a five piece band to play Valley music; Kate O’Hara will supervise a registration table for member and new member sign-ups; Gail McPhee to order refreshments and food; Dave Lemkay indicated if tables were required he could supply. In regard to agenda for the business part of meeting Dave Lemkay suggested that will be finalized as this meeting progresses.

Gail McPhee gave a detailed report on membership registration for this fiscal year. While there are a few areas of concern (Zone 7 in particular) progress overall has been very good. We have surpassed the 300 mark and are within reach of target for this year of 400. Efforts are to continue and a special mailing will be made to a list of other property owners presently being compiled from township tax rolls. It was noted a special effort should be made to locate a manager for the former and re-created Zone 11 and also to update list of all zone representatives and helpers.

The subject of water quality was raised with the comment a motion had been passed at the June Annual General Meeting designating the study of water quality as a major priority this year. In order to give this priority the proper attention it was felt the following was necessary: The Water Quality Committee must be strengthened, given a clear mandate and empowered to do what is necessary to conduct a reasonable study and identify actions; Water testing must be conducted to clearly establish a benchmark of water quality; In order to do so a realistic budget must be struck.

A motion by Bill Gardner, seconded by Gail McPhee, that the Water Quality Committee be empowered to act on all the above was passed unanimously. It was also suggested that Kathy Lampi make a statement at the August meeting outlining the present status of our planning. Kathy agreed to initiate one on one discussion with representatives from other lake associations and F.O.C.A. resources to determine what has been done on other water quality projects. Mike Cayer volunteered to join the Water Quality Committee to fill the void left by Howard Barnard’s resignation.

The question of how resignations of executive, directors and zone managers should be handled was discussed. It was felt that notice for changes such as resignations from executive positions and zone representatives should be made with a formal letter. As a courtesy, the executive would respond with a letter of acceptance and thanks from the Secretary to the retiring person. Such a practice will coincide with the Association’s formal reporting within its incorporation duties at year-end. Bill Clark is to send a letter to outgoing executive, including Adrian Daley, Tom Green, Howard Bernard, Weldon McEachen and Bill Cook.

Dave Lemkay reported on the success of the Pleasure Craft Operators Course. On July 7, eighty people participated and successfully passed the test.. Jim Steeves, the course facilitator, indicated because attendance was much higher than anticipated (the highest he has ever instructed in his years of the process) he kindly made a donation of some of the proceeds to reward for the considerable organizing done by the Association to achieve such a good response. After the payment of some minor expenses this donation will total approximately $800.00.

Dave Lemkay outlined that a few weeks ago Peter Boldt, Manager of Renfrew Power Generation made a presentation to a small group of directors from our association and the Round Lake Property Owners Association. The intent of his presentation was to acquaint us with difficulties RPG is experiencing to manage the levels of Round Lake and Golden Lake within the guidelines established by the Bonnechere River Water Management Plan. Peter tabled that it was his belief that the best solution to the difficulties was to have certain flexibility it the timing and limits of draw down of Round Lake water in the fall beyond that stipulated in the plan. The intent of the present guidelines is to protect the Lake Trout spawning grounds. It is expected that any changes in the official plan will have to be based upon scientific criteria. He contends that a comprehensive study must be conducted to determine the current status and spawning habits of the Lake Trout population in Round Lake. The cost of such testing, including summer and fall sampling is $14,000. The RLPOA has committed to contributing $2500.00 to the cost of the test on the proviso that GLPOA do likewise. After discussion, a motion was made by Dave Lemkay, seconded by Kevin O’Connor that GLPOA contribute $2,500.00 to the study. Carried unanimously. Dave advised this did not place any particular strain on our budget as the Council of North Algona-Wilberforce had agreed at a recent meeting to forgive GLPOA’s obligation of $3,000.00 matching funds for Deacon toilet facility project based on robust in-kind contribution.

In reference to the Waterway Marking Program, concern was expressed that because of a lack of volunteer help, markers are being put out late. An effort to attract more volunteers will be made at August meeting. Bill Gardner expressed concern the markers at the little island on the Bonnechere River north of the Deacon Bridge are misleading. All are a red colour so no safe channel is indicated. It was suggested safe passage should be marked with the normal red and green markers. Kevin O’Connor reported Weldon McEachen is searching for green markers but a fall back position would be to paint a marker green. Directional arrows are also to be placed on Deacon Bridge. Kevin and Dave to follow up on this undertaking.

In reference to an agenda for the August Members’ Meeting, the following was established:

Welcome and Introductions – Dave Lemkay

Highlights of the June AGM minutes will be addresses and hardcopy minutes will be distributed

Membership Committee report – Gail McPhee

Treasurer’s Report – Kevin O’Connor

Water Quality Committee report – Kathy Lampi

Water Levels and RPG study report – Dave Lemkay

There have also been requests from two people to speak, including Alan Fox, President of the Bonnechere River Watershed Program. It was agreed that the agenda will be managed so as to keep the meeting within one hour.

Dave Lemkay called for a motion to adjourn at 12.05 p.m. Motion by Gail McPhee, seconded by Bill Clark. Carried (unanimously)

Respectfully submitted,
Bill Clark , Secretary

2007 - 08 Annual General Members’ Meeting June 2, 2007

Minutes of the Golden Lake Property Owners Association
Annual General Meeting

Saturday, June 2, 2007
Killaloe Public School

Opening Remarks

The meeting was called to order by President Dave Lemkay at 9:05 a.m. Dave welcomed members to the third AGM and made mention that when the steering committee first met in 2004, three elements were recognized for the formation of a successful association. The three areas of endeavour continue to guide the Association, now in its third year: Membership, Communication and Water Quality. In mentioning the communications program he paid tribute to John Gulland for excellence in creating and maintaining an excellent website.

Minutes of the 2006 AGM

Secretary Bill Clark delivered the minutes of the August 26, 2006 Annual General Meeting as also posted on the web site. There were no additions or changes from the floor.

Motion by George Wilcox and seconded by Cairine Cybulski that the minutes be adopted as read.


Treasurer’s Report

In the absence of Treasurer Weldon McEachen, Vice-president Kevin O’Connor presented a financial report.

The report highlighted:

1) The bank balance as of May 8 2007 was $859.12

2) Outstanding cheques to be written total $572.47, leaving a net balance of $286.65.

Kevin advised that the only significant payment through the fall and winter was $1544.00 for Directors and general liability insurance.

Motion by Leslie Moore and seconded by Paddy Clark to accept the financial report as presented.


Report on the Bonnechere Union Public Library

Dave Lemkay introduced Neida Markham of the Bonnechere Union Public Library who made a short presentation highlighting the renovations to the Library and the services offered to residents. She emphasized the significance of a strong library membership to qualify its revenue base to underwrite its services. She outlined the variety of specialized products and the availability of high speed Internet access, urging all G.L.P.O.A. members to join the library.

Membership Committee Report

Dave Lemkay introduced Gail McPhee, Chair of the Membership Committee. Gail reported that membership in the first year stood at was 346, with the 2006 level at 353. The committee has set a target of 400 for 2007, which is more than realistic considering there are 700 plus registered properties on the lake and river. She emphasized that a strong effort would be required by the Zone Leaders, supported by helpers and all the membership, to achieve this target. Progress will be reviewed at the end of July and if necessary an all out blitz will be conducted in August. She asked that all members fill out the new information sheets when they register for this year, including e-mail addresses, emphasizing that absolute privacy will be maintained. In adding to Gail’s remarks Dave Lemkay stated that by far the most effective way to attract members, was by knocking on doors. He urged all members to talk it up to encourage friends and neighbours to join. Among the plans later in the season, municipal rolls are to be reviewed and a letter of invitation may be sent out to non members. A comment was made by member Dorothy Corbeil that invitation notices for GLPOA meetings should be worded so as to be inviting to new prospective members. This suggestion was duly noted and will be adopted in future.

Report on the Boat Launch Signage Project

Kevin O’Connor gave an update on the signage program. This program has received positive feedback from both residents and visitors and advertisers. Kevin pointed out the original capital costs for the signs were $4000. Revenues last year totalled $2500 and a total of $2500 will be levied again this year meaning the original cost has been recovered plus and the financial benefit will be ongoing. He thanked all advertisers on behalf of the Association. The list of advertisers includes Bryan Fraser Contracting, Sleepy Eyed Bear, Golden Lake Storage, Gerry’s Meats, Golden Lake Park, Killaloe Sports Plus, Peter Jack Painting, H.J. Elie Excavating, Golden Sands Vacationland, Stephen McCann Insurance, Stripe it Signs and Graphics, Kasdorff’s Cottages, Golden Lake Variety Store, Bikini Cups Cafe, Golden Lake Chinese Restaurant, and George’s Marine and Sports. Max Foy Construction and Killaloe I.D.A. will replace two advertisers leaving the program.

Report on the Shoal Marking Project

Bryan Fraser delivered a report on shoal markers. Volunteers are wanted for an Adopt-a-Shoal Program to be responsible for installing markers in the spring and removing them in the fall and generally taking responsibility if any markers get loose during the season. Bryan explained that the temporary plastic bottles put out last fall to mark the anchors over winter may have shifted location with the ice. Proper positions must be confirmed when reconnecting the official buoys. He stressed that the need for volunteers is urgent and asked that anyone willing to participate contact him as quickly to facilitate early installation this season.

Report on the Deacon Bridge Boat Launch Toilet Facility Project

Dave Lemkay gave a report on the success of the Deacon Bridge boat launch toilet facility. This project has been completed on budget and on time. He reported that this project, with a cost totaling approximately $20,000 received core funding from FedNor through Renfrew County Community Futures Development Corporation, with matching funds and in-kind contributions from the main partners, GLPOA and North Algona-Wilberforce Township. He thanked contractor Bryan Fraser Construction for expert installation and site management during the winter to guarantee completion by the March 1st deadline. North Algona-Wilberforce Township Council voted to support this project and committed to maintaining the station on a daily basis to ensure the good will residents and traveling public.

Water Quality – Cormorant Report

Steve Munger gave a report on behalf of the GLPOA Water Quality Committee. He is also a member of the Bonnechere River Water Management Plan Standing Advisory Committee. He reported generally on data with respect to the Double-crested Cormorantand specifically its presence on Golden Lake. Cormorants are a protected species in Ontario and as such any ability to control the population at this time is limited. Making reference to cormorant nesting on Golden Lake on Gull Island, he stated that this is Crown land. He advised that information gathered at a recent North America-wide symposium should provide the Ministry of Natural Resources with some guidance in assessment and management of predation on fish stocks and other environmental impacts. He stated that in addition to predation by cormorants, that merganser ducks, loons, small mammals and sport fishers all have an effect on fish stocks in Golden Lake. In reference to the Golden Lake Walleye population, he offered that catch and release fishing might be considered as a timely and effective method of allowing the population to properly develop. A program has been set up by M.N.R to measure the Walleye status and also check them for contaminants. He also expressed a concern regarding the threat represented by two invasive species,Zebra Mussels and the Spiny Water Flea. While no sightings in the lake have been confirmed, residents should be on the watch and report any sightings to M.N.R. immediately. Decontamination of hulls of all boats being launched by visitors to the lake is an important precaution.

Kathy Lampi, Chair of the Water Quality Committee delivered an overview of the committee’s search for information and review of literature pertaining to water quality on Golden Lake. Their research indicates there is no on-going, serious, consistent testing of water quality on Golden Lake with the exception of summer-time testing at a public swimming location at Sauer’s Beach. The Bonnechere River Water Project Report did give results of tests conducted in 1999-2001 at several points along the Bonnechere River watershed. According to this report water quality at that time appeared to be relatively good. The committee plans to do further study on this matter and formulate an action plan.

A brief discussion followed the reports of both Steve Munger and Kathy Lampi. Adrian Daley made a motion, seconded by Doug Harvey that the executive committee give water quality high priority and establishment of an action plan to quantify and deal with the Cormorant infestation in 2007.


Cell Phone Service Report

Kevin O’Connor reported on progress to date on the Association’s efforts to have cell-phone service established in our area. He has raised this issue at the Interlake Committee and there is a concerted effort to improve the situation. He outlined that when efforts first began, G.L.P.O.A was advised that the area was not being considered in expansion plans and to change that, three things must be accomplished:

1) contact be made with the proper key people at Bell Mobility and Telus

2) a comprehensive business plan must be established

3) we must be persistent

Kevin believes all of these are being done on an ongoing basis. Contacts have been sought out and rapport has been established. There have been many emails and phone calls and in December 2006, Cairine Cybulski and Dave Lemkay presented a business case to bell Mobility managers in Dorval. Results are encouraging as witnessed by the fact both Bell Mobility and Telus have secured strategic tower locations in the area. Engineering staff have made numerous visits to the area and at least the path to grow cell coverage has been officially mapped. for the location of towers. Kevin was frank in stating that the earliest possible timing for service would be 2008 and even that is not guaranteed. At present a survey is being conducted throughout the area to demonstrate the business potential for service uptake. Preliminary estimates show that the market could be as high as 25,000 users during the summer months.

Pleasure Craft Operators Course

Dave Lemkay gave an update on plans to conduct a Pleasure Craft Operators Course. Depending on pre-registration, one or two courses, each lasting approximately 3 ½ hours, will be held on Saturday July 7. For starters, the course will commence at 9:00 am at the Killaloe Public School.

This is to be advertised as being open to both members and non-members at a cost of $35.00. Dave cautioned anyone wishing to participate should pre-register. The public will be invited to indicate their intention by email to [email protected] or by mail at Box 99 Golden Lake. The course is fully accredited and can be presented to all ages from youngsters 10 years old and above. A temporary card is issued upon passing the multiple-choice exam and the permanent card is registered and mailed within two weeks. Expenses for the rental of the school and advertising are sponsored jointly by George’s Marine and Sports and Killaloe Sports Plus.

Water Levels on Golden Lake

There was a comment from the floor that the level of the lake seemed low for this time of year. Dave Lemkay advised the membership he had been in touch with Peter Boldt of Renfrew Power Generation and has been assured that the water level is on the rise. A log has been installed at the lower dam and one removed above. With the severe lack of snow this past winter, the spring level has been affected and management depends on calculated and gradual manipulation to address all values.

Election of Officers and Directors

At this point in the meeting President Dave Lemkay passed the chair to John Visser who was appointed to facilitate the annual election of Officers and Directors.

John advised the members of two circumstances:

1) A system of staggering the terms of office has been established to ensure a continued consistency of service and experience among the Association’s board of directors. In order to accomplish this, the nominating committee identified the officers and directors standing for election in 2007 designated for a one-year term and others for a two-year term. Generally this was based upon directors’ tenure since establishment and certain attrition. This approach will result in a disciplined succession in future.

2) With the resignation of Weldon McEachen as Treasurer, the committee was recommending that Vice-president Kevin O’Connor be nominated also for the position of Treasurer. It was felt this was prudent at this time with implementation of certain procedural updates being made by the Membership Committee in compliance with accepted audit requirements. After discussion, a motion was made by George Wilcox and seconded by Brenda Maunder, that the executive should be made up in future of five individuals (including the post of Past President). To accomplish this Gail McPhee, Chair of the Membership Committee should be appointed to the Executive.

Nominations for executive and specific terms of office were presented as follows:


Dave Lemkay President (1-year term)

Kevin O’Connor Vice-president (1-year term)…..

Treasurer (2-year term)

Bill Clark Secretary (2-year term)

Gail McPhee – Chair Membership Committee (2-year term)

There were no other nominations from the floor. The above slate was accepted unanamously.

Directors (1-year term)

Howard Bernard, Norma Bailey, George Wilcox, Carolyn Letters, Cairine Cybulski

Directors (2-year term)

Bill Gardner, Kathy Lampi, Susan St-Jean, Doug Yourth

Nominations were called to fill the one open director position for a two year term. Adrian Daley nominated Mr. Mike Cayer, seconded by Michael Johnson. Carried.

Social Planning Committee Report

A Social Planning Committee made up of Gail McPhee, Kathy Lampi and Kate O’Hara has committed to organize and manage details for a social event tied to the August members meeting. It was agreed that the event would take place at Golden Lake Park on August 25th and, in addition to a light meeting agenda, members would be treated to a hot dog and corn roast. A strong show of hands indicated approval for the plan and collective intention to participate. Members were advised that a budget of $500 had been approved by the executive committee. Details will be posted on the web site and announced with a flyer.


Motion to adjourn at 11.10 a.m. by Terry Howard

October 23, 2006 Board of Directors Meeting

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Golden Sands
October 23, 2006

Present: Dave Lemkay, Kevin O’Connor, Weldon McEachen, Bill Clark, Howard Bernard, Norma Bailey, George Wilcox, Bill Gardner, Gail McPhee, Kathy Lampi, Carolyn Letters, Susan St. Jean

1) Meeting was called to order at 7.05 p.m. by President Dave Lemkay, who in his opening remarks outlined:

that that there appeared to be sufficient interest in a boating course to proceed in planning. A motion to hold a course made by Gail McPhee, seconded by Howard Bernard was passed. Timing would be last week of June. Kevin O’Connor will determine if the Interlake Assoc wishes to co-op. Dave Lemkay will notify the instructor of our interest. Estimated cost per person is $35.00., which includes instruction and issuing of temporary and permanent cards. Plans to advertise and notify association members will be discussed at a spring meeting.
Steve Munger has agreed to let his name stand as a candidate on the Association’s behalf on the Pembroke District Fish and Wildlife Advisory Committee of the MNR.

2) Bill Clark advised a draft copy of the minutes of the Sept 18 meeting had been mailed to all directors so unless changes were necessary a reading was probably not required. A motion to accept minutes by Weldon McEachen, seconded by Bill Gardner was passed.

3) The inclusion of some type of social activity at either the June or Aug (2007) full membership meetings was discussed. A motion to include some social activity at the Aug meeting by Weldon McEachen, seconded by George Wilcox was passed. Kate O’Hara will be asked to supervise planning. Kevin O’Connor to supervise arrangements for June meeting at the Killaloe Public School.

4) Weldon McEachen delivered the Treasurers Report, which showed the Association had a balance of $2751.03 as of Sept. 19 2006. Motion by Kevin O’Connor, seconded by Susan St. Jean to accept report was passed.

5) Weldon McEachen tabled that an audit report must be done and registered by Dec 31. It was suggested that M. T. Afelskie, CMA in Eganville be contacted about doing the audit. Kevin O’Connor to follow up with Mr. Afelskie to determine his involvement.

6) Under New Business Kathy Lampi tabled a preliminary report on behalf of the Water Quality Committee (Kathy Lampi, Howard Bernard, John Gulland and Steve Munger). A full copy of report is attached below. Highlights of report include:

there is an online study that states while cormorants do destroy vegetation in nesting areas they eat fewer fish than merganser ducks
The committee could not locate any ongoing, serious, consistent testing of water quality in Golden Lake. The committee is to continue its investigations.

7) There was a brief discussion regarding the status of the pickerel seeding program in Golden Lake. The moratorium is to end January 1, 2007. There is very little information available regarding the success of the program. There have been rumours that the moratorium may be extended.

Dave Lemkay, Kevin O’Connor, Carolyn Letters, Susan St. Jean had met in committee to discuss what routine should be established to both improve the Association’s ability to solicit membership, maintain a more effective listing of members and their data in each zone and keep a more accurate record of membership vs. revenues in each zone. Among the options discussed were:

in addition to knocking on doors a follow up mailing be done with postage paid envelopes
zone leaders to tighten their routines to maintain a better paper trail of subscriptions and revenues
membership cards would not carry numbers. Numbers series (ie. 100 series for zone 1, 200 for zone 2, etc.) would be assigned to each zone and leaders would fill in cards.
all membership dues handed in would be accompanied with fully completed information form pertaining to the specific member to be credited
lists of mailing and e-mail addresses of all members to be prepared by zone representative. Carolyn Letters distributed membership lists for each zone to leaders and asked they be reviewed for accuracy and she be advised.

9) Bill Clark advised that Kate O’Hara has agreed to assume his duties as Zone 2 leader. Leslie Moore will continue as zone helper in support of her efforts.

10) Dave Lemkay gave a report covering the grant of $7,500 from The Community Futures Development Corp to erect a comfort station at the Deacon boat launch site. Full estimated cost is $15,000. The North Algona /Wilberforce Twp Council has agreed to assume responsibility for the project and invest the outstanding $7500. amount passing a motion that GLPOA would make a contribution of approximately half the shortfall during 2007. North Algona/ Wilberforce Town Council has agreed to assume responsibility for upkeep of the station.. After discussion a motion by Kathy Lampi, seconded by Howard Bernard that our association agree to partner in the project and contribute half of the cash (approx $3500) was passed. This is recognized as in addition to our in-kind participation as supplied through preliminary arrangements and project management.

11) A motion to adjourn by Bill Clark, seconded Carolyn Letters was passed.

Water Quality Committee Report
Prepared by Kathy Lampi

John Gulland and I met with Howard Bernard September 26 at the Kokomish Cafe. We agreed to begin a search for information and a review of literature pertaining to water quality on Golden Lake. Howard said he would approach the Band Office to find out what was available at Golden Lake First Nation. Steve Munger who lives in Ottawa and has a cottage in the area has agreed to act as a resource and to work with the committee, thanks to Dave Lemkay’s suggestion. John and I began looking for whatever information we could find.

Howard reported in early October that the Band Office knows of no water testing programs or water quality report except for summer time testing of swimming water at the Golden Lake First Nations beach where swimming lessons take place. The beach has not been closed at any time due to pollution.

We have located a Ministry of Natural Resources report on cormorants that can be accessed on line. We hope that it can be linked to our website soon; basically the report points out that cormorants are a species native to Ontario and cites reports that indicate that on Lake Erie the cormorants eat fewer fish than do merganser ducks. The report suggests that the cormorant population is high because the cormorants are eating so well wintering over at the catfish farms in Mississippi. The report also indicates that cormorant nesting can result in damage to vegetation.

We have a copy of the Lake Clear Stewardship Plan, which is a proposal from a Bracebridge consultant to prepare such a plan. We have looked at the Bonnechere River Water Management Plan (September 2004) which examines water levels.

We have looked at the Bonnechere River Water Project Report (February 2006) which gives test results for water at several locations along the Bonnechere watershed. Water was tested quarterly at the Golden Lake Bridge and then at the Eganville Beach between 1999 and 2001. Water quality “appears to be relatively good” according to the report. Water was tested for Nitrates/Nitrite, Phosphorus, suspended solids, E-Coli and Dissolved Oxygen. Levels of pollutants are very close at the two sites, indicating that either the Golden Lake is not being polluted too badly, or it is cleaning itself up over the bubbling oxygen-making route of the river between the lake and Eganville. The report also mentions nutrients loading from non-point sources. The results from our area are five years old. We have found so far no other people testing water on a regular basis.

Kevin O’Connor reported that the municipality says they do not test recreational quality of water. I have spoken with Golden Lake United Church Camp. They do not test swimming water.

Steve Munger pointed us to the lake Partnership Program which is a volunteer based water quality monitoring program run in partnership with the Ministry of the Environment. This program monitors phosphorus levels. Volunteers take water samples in May and then monthly for six months.

So far, we have found nothing to indicate any on-going, serious, consistent testing of water quality on Golden Lake.

September 18, 2006 Board of Directors Meeting

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Golden Sands Resort
Sept 18, 2006

Present: Dave Lemkay, Kevin O’Connor, Weldon McEachen, Bill Clark, Bill Gardner, John Gulland, Cairine Cybulski, Kathi Lampi, Carolyn Letters, Susan St John

1) Meeting was called to order at 7.30 P.M. by Vice President Kevin O’Connor. President Dave Lemkay assumed chair at 8.00 P.M.

2) Kevin O’Connor welcomed three new directors: Kathy Lampi, Carolyn Letters, Susan St John.

3) The minutes of Aug 26 General Meeting were read by Kevin O’Connor who took note of 3 pieces of unfinished business:

building a business case as part of the effort to achieve Cell Phone Service in our area
studying the possibility holding a session for members to go through the process of gaining boating operating licenses
preparation of a paper to present to MNR to justify some type of cormorant control on the lake. It was noted that approval of these minutes must be given by full membership at the next general meeting so a vote was not taken on accepting them.

4) Discussion was held regarding the possibility of holding a boating course. Among the options discussed were doing something ourselves or entering into a co-operative effort with the Inter-lake Association. It was decided that any course was best timed for the spring of 07. A notice to determine interest will be posted on the website. Kevin O’Connor will discuss with the Interlake Association. to determine their interest in co-operating on something. Dave Lemkay will contact the supervisor of the course he took this spring to receive his thoughts. It was noted that based on comments made at the Aug general meeting an effort should be made to keep the cost of a course as low as possible.

4) Kevin O’Connor reported the Inter-lake Assoc is onside to co-operate in an effort to gain cell phone service. A business paper will be prepared and 2007 is targeted for an all out effort with the hope of success.

5) Dave Lemkay tabled a form issued by the Pembroke District Fish and Wildlife Advisory Committee inviting applications to become a committee member. It was noted that a position on this committee would not only be a valuable information source but a potentially strong position to pursue some of our objectives. Deadline for applications is Sept 29. Dave Lemkay is to contact Steve Munger who has a strong background and experience in environmental issues to see if he will make application.

6) Discussion was held regarding possible action on the cormorant issue. Kathy Lampi queried the preoccupation with cormorants. She did not disagree with possible action but asked the degree of threat and whether there were not other more important environmental issues such as illegal and/or out-of-date septic systems. After discussion it was decided our Association must become better organized to locate, prioritize, study and prepare plans dealing with issues of water quality. Kathi Lampi is to form a committee working with Howard Bernard, John Gullard and hopefully Steve Munger. The committee’s first activities will be to determine what information is available regarding water quality in Golden lake and position specific issues that are a concern regarding water quality under an umbrella heading of Water Quality . Initial activities will include:

searching for information regarding present level of water quality
establishing and prioritizing threats
recommending action plans.

A report on activity to date will be given at next executive meeting.

7) Cairine Cylbuski suggested when thought is being given to threats to the lake’s water quality development along the shore should become a major focus. She made the point that, not only do the townships involved have different codes for issuing building permits, but some codes are not particularly environmentally friendly. It was suggested the best way to attack this matter would be a strong lobby to township councils and an education program (including our website) to potential and active home and cottage builders.

It was suggested that the various committees being formed should have individual meetings to discuss business. Reports could than be made at full executive meetings.

9) Kevin O’Connor commented that something must be done to organize our routine of keeping our membership list complete and up to date. After discussion Caroline Letters agreed to head a membership committee to establish the necessary routines. She requested she be supplied with the information necessary to acquaint her with the present routines and status of member ship lists before making any recommendations.

10) Dave Lemkay tabled an article from Eganville leader reporting removal of porta-potti sponsored by our Association at Deacon Bridge. He outlined further discussions he had had with member of township council and was optimistic there would be a co-operative effort in the spring among our Assoc, township council and the county of Renfrew to establish a permanent facility at the bridge.

11) It was suggested that now he has assumed the position of Secretary, Bill Clark should try to find a volunteer to replace him as membership manager for zone 2.

12) Weldon McEachen reported that the Association treasury totaled approximately $3300 with no major debts outstanding. He also commented that most of the shoal markers on the lake still have not been picked up but hoped there would be more action this week. It was suggested more should be done to encourage participation such as an adopt a marker program.

13) A potential date for a spring General Meeting was discussed. June 2 was tabled subject to further discussion over the winter and early spring.

14) Next meeting, Mon. Oct 30 at Golden Sands. Meeting adjourned 9.35 P.M.

August 26, 2006 Member’s Meeting

Notes on the Annual Members Meeting
August 26, 2006, Killaloe Public School

The Annual Meeting of the Golden lake Property Owners Association was held at Killaloe Public School, Saturday August 26th. The meeting was called to order by President Dave Lemkay at 9:05 a.m. In his opening remarks he reminded members that this was an extension of the June 3rd meeting by virtue of a motion by John Visser. He announced that there was a revised map of Golden Lake which illustrates the shoals and rock hazards available for pick up at this meeting. He also reported on boat licencing courses that might be of interest to members in future.

Harold Weckworth, Mayor of North Agona-Wilberforce was introduced. The Mayor spoke of opportunities for the municipality and GLPOA to explore ways to work together to enhance area services such as the prospect of a comfort station located at the Deacon Bridge boat launch site. A trial project was undertaken by the Association with less than satisfactory results during the month of August.

Another guest to the meeting was introduced; Wendy Engel, president of the Round Lake Property Owners Association has been most helpful to GLPOA executive during the start up years and on an ongoing basis by sharing the experience of that long-standing organization.

Tom Green chaired a session to address the finalization of the GLPOA constitution. He pointed out that the notice of this agenda item was in compliance with the thirty-day time period and that the draft constitution had been vetted by lawyer and member Peter Hammond. The constitution was accepted as presented in a motion by Bill Cooke, seconded by Tom Green and unanimously carried.

Tom Green presented a list of officers proposed by the nominating committee. Candidates for the executive positions included:

Dave Lemkay President
Kevin O’Connor Vice-President
Weldon McEachen Treasurer
Bill Clark Secretary

No further nominations were received from the floor and there was a motion by Kate O’Hara, Seconded by Jane Yeldon that those nominated be accepted. They were voted in by a show of hands.

The nominating committee list of Directors was presented by Mr. Green which included:

Howard Bernard
Bill Clark
Norma Bailey
Carolyn Letters
Kathy Lampi
George Wilcox

Gail McPhee
Bill Gardner
Susan St. Jean
Norm Edwards
Cairine Cybulski

Three new nominees Letters, Lampi and St.Jean were included to fill vacancies left by resignations of Adrian Daley, Tom Green and Bill Cooke. No nominations were received from the floor and there was approval of the slate by a show of hands.

Treasurer Weldon McEachen gave a financial report. He outlined that all outstanding invoices have been paid. With the funds collected at this meeting, GLPOA has approximately $2600.00 in the treasury, leaving it in good financial shape for the winter months. Mr. McEachen went on to report that all advertising spaces but one had been paid for. He raised the issue of waterway buoys, asking members in close proximity to a shoal marker to assist with removal from the water by mid-September. He reminded people to securely affix a boat bumper or white plastic jug to mark the anchor cable for springtime placing of the buoy.

Kevin O’Connor delivered a membership report in the absence of Membership Director Norm Edwards. He introduced directors present who have responsibility for each of the zones, thanking them and their helpers for ongoing work. Mr. O’Connor stressed that the time-honoured process of knocking on doors to canvass for membership was most effective. He outlined that the goal in the second year was to surpass the 370 membership level of year one. Everyone was encouraged to speak with their neighbours to promote the Association and build up the membership.

Howard Bernard presented a brief report on testing for water quality. Testing that has been recently done by Pikwakanagan personnel shows some readings that measure up to 25ppm of E-coli bacteria. (Measures up to 100ppm are considered acceptable). Mr Bernard intimated that ongoing testing might be feasible with existing resources. He also cited a study in Fisher News Magazine that reported on cormorant population data. Indications are that Golden Lake has higher numbers of adults and chicks and associated nests than other area lakes. There was discussion on the detrimental effects of this species to flora and fauna on Golden Lake. The evidence of tree mortality on Gull Island cannot be ignored and might be the basis to appeal to Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources take responsibility for mitigation. ACTION: Members agreed with a show of hands that the executive should proceed with an operating plan on this basis.

Kevin O’Connor delivered a progress report on the topic of cell phone service. He advised that contact has been made with key representatives at both Bell Mobility and Telus and that they have expressed commitment to being available for dialogue. ACTION: A committee will be established by GLPOA with the assistance of the interlake committee to build the business case promoting the urgent need and potential usage of service in the area.

Kevin O’Connor introduced Peter Boldt, Manager of Renfrew Power Generation Inc. Mr. Boldt gave an interesting presentation on the historical aspects of hydro electric power generation in Ontario in general and on the Bonnechere River system in particular. He outlined long-term plans that have been implemented to achieve not only the objectives of power generation and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, the authority for managing the watershed, but to maintain acceptable recreational living standards for the population on the system and the many difficulties encountered. He graciously agreed to remain after the meeting to answer individual questions.

Alan Fox, Chairman of the Bonnechere River Watershed Project was introduced. He gave a concise talk outlining a wide variety of projects undertaken by this voluntary community action group. These include testing of water quality, nesting boxes for waterfowl, tree planting and many public workshops and school programs on related subjects all designed to attract the interest of students and adults alike. He advised that the committee is now establishing a list of priorities for the next five years. He invited anyone wishing to give input to this process to contact him. Alan also agreed to remain after the meeting for discussion.

Barbara King of FOCA was introduced by Dave Lemkay. Ms.King gave a short presentation on the “Dock Talk” program which is funded by the Trillium Foundation and administered through FOCA. She demonstrated innovative methodologies and products that are being promoted to manage the ecological integrity of shoreline settings. She advised that she was booking a schedule of visits in the Golden Lake area with property owners who wished to have an informal assessment of impacts on lake and river values through peoples’ waterfront management.

The business portion of the meeting returned to discussion on motorized boat licencing and the pros and cons of program delivery on the internet and through commercial courses. ACTION: GLPOA will undertake to assemble the best information available and post details on the web site. It will look into convening a group session with an accredited provider to be conducted in Spring of 2007.

President Lemkay thanked members for coming out on a summer Saturday morning and reminded members to patronize the bake sale that had been put on by the Killaloe Youth Project. He also praised Director Bill Gardner who did a good job as timekeeper, which allowed the meeting to wrap up at on time at 11:00.

The meeting was adjourned with a motion by Kate O’Hara.

Submitted: Bill Clark, Secretrary

July 7, 2006 Board of Directors meeting

Meeting of the Board of Directors

Golden Sands Resort
July 7, 2006

Present: Dave Lemkay, Kevin O’Connor, Norma Bailey, Bill Cooke, Bill Gardner, Cairine Cybulski, Weldon McEachen, Norm Edwards and John Gulland.
Regrets: Bill Clark, Adrian Daley.

1. The meeting was called to order by president Dave Lemkay.

2. The minutes of the May 24, 2006 directors meeting were read. It was moved by Weldon McEachen and seconded by Bill Cooke that the minutes of the May 24 directors’ meeting be accepted as read. Carried

3. There was discussion on the subject of directors / zone representatives selection process. Vice president Kevin O’Connor outlined the historical perspective which had directors recruited from what became the zone structure of the lake and river areas, based upon natural groupings of roads, bays etc. Kevin suggested that the executive committee meet to resolve the vote per membership issue. It was agreed that the constitution will read to that there is one vote per property ($20.00) membership.

4. There was discussion on the August 26 Annual Members Meeting venue. Options were weighed including the United Church Camp, Golden Lake Park, Camp Lutherlyn and Killaloe Public School. It was moved by Weldon McEachen and seconded by Cairine Cybulski that the Association request permission to once again Killaloe Public School. Carried

Comments were made about the structure of the meeting. It was suggested that if Mayors and Reeve were invited to speak that they be given an early spot on the agenda. Kevin O’Connor suggested that Peter Boldt, Manager of Renfrew Power Generation Inc. might be invited to be guest speaker. This notion was agreed upon. It was also generally agreed that the meeting agenda would need to be strictly controlled to planned time to avoid getting off-topic. Tom Green will be appointed to manage the election of officers and to present the final draft of the constitution for member ratification.

5. Treasurer Weldon McEachen presented a report that listed bills paid and that ten of the sixteen display ads had been paid. He also reported that 30 of the 35 shoal markers were now installed on the waterway. The bank balance stood at $4216, with revenues for signage and membership increasing that to $5516. Bills were presented and paid totaling $533.00. The FOCA membership dues renewal was raised as a budget item and agreed to be paid. It was moved by Norm Edwards and seconded by Cairine Cybulski that the Treasurers report be accepted. Carried

6. It was suggested by Kevin O’Connor that news of the success of the waterway marking program be publicized for the tremendous value that it represents to members and visitors. The web site will be updated and a Summer Newsletter for the General Members Meeting with news of this progress. The Eganville Leader will be approached to feature information on the program as well.

7. Membership Director Norm Edwards reported on membership renewals. It was agreed that there be a meeting notice flyer prepared and that the web site be updated with a meeting notice.

8. Kevin O’Connor reported on the cell phone saga with an update on the erection of the two area towers, in Dacre and Eganville. There remains the need to build a business case to help expedite continues momentum through the CRTC process. Tourism statistics from 1993/94 were presented to suggest that 3000 vehicles pass through Eganville daily. Events like the Pilgrimage at Cormac attracts 6000 people, the Pikwakanagan Pow Wow attracts 3000 and there is increasing traffic on this corridor to destination points such as Algonquin Park. The presentation concluded with questions being asked about the prospects of private communications towers already at Foymount.

9. John Gulland gave an update on the GLPOA web site. Plans are to promote the August 26 General Meeting. It was agreed that a new edition of the Newsletter would be prepared in time for the meeting to feature progress and to highlight the importance of membership renewal.

10. The master file of email addresses will be updated soon to pick up various changes over the year. The use of summer student resources was discussed. It was agreed that the database was in good shape and that it would be most convenient if the updates were managed internally. Dave Lemkay and Norm Edwards will get together to work on this.

It was moved by Cairine Cybulski that the meeting be adjourned. Carried.

2006 - 07 Annual General Members’ Meeting June 3, 2006

Minutes of the
First Annual General Meeting

Saturday, June 3, 2006
Killaloe Public School
Opening Remarks
President Dave Lemkay called the Annual Meeting of the Golden Lake Property Owners Association to order. He opened the meeting with a warm welcome to all present and briefly discussed the tremendous amount of progress that has been achieved by the Association in the year since the first general meeting.

Chief Kirby Whiteduck of the Algonquins of Golden Lake was introduced and invited to bring greetings from Piwakanagan. He expressed his community’s support for the Golden Lake Property Owners Association and willingness to work together in the interests of good stewardship for the important resources we share. He gave an informative talk outlining the ongoing role Band members have played in certain stocking procedures and the aboriginal rights of the Algonquin with respect to traditional methods of fishing on Golden Lake.

Secretary Tom Green read minutes of the June 4, 2005 meeting.

Moved by: Tom Green

Seconded by: Norm Edwards

That the minutes of the June 4, 2005 general meeting be adopted as read.


Dave Lemkay spoke about achievements of the past year, including GLPOA joining the Federation of Ontario Cottagers Associations (FOCA); the finalization of the draft constitution; the obtaining of letters patent for the GLPOA as a not-for-profit corporation in Ontario; the securing of general liability and directors and officers liability insurance. He outlined the steps taken by GPLOA to voice concerns on behalf of the membership to Queen’s Park regarding property assessment and the value of the web site to facilitate open and effective communication with members and the public.

President Lemkay asked the Association Directors to rise to identify themselves and their respective zone representatives to the members present. In ascending order of the zones they were:

Howard Bernard (Pikwakanagan) who is looking for assistance from Golden Lake village;
Bill Clark (Island View Drive) with rep Leslie Moore;
Norma Bailey (Hwy 60 Mundt’s Bay) with rep Doug Yourth;
George Wilcox (McMillan Rd Goldfinch Dr) with rep John Finn;
Bill Cooke (absent, Deacon, McNee, Browns) with rep Gary Yeldon;
Gail McPhee (L’Escale area) with rep Ken Kruger;
Norm Edwards (Hawkins Dr to Bonnechere Rd area) with rep Terry Ryan;
Adrian Daley (Billena Way to Golden Mile area) with reps Roy McGrath & John Visser;
Cairine Cybulski (absent, Rocky Point, Tranquility Bay area) rep Dave Lemkay;
Bill Gardner (Tramore, Bonnechere River area) with reps Malcolm Warnholtz, Glen Henneberry;
Kevin O’Connor (acting White Church & west of Bonnechere River area) looking for representatives.

Adrian Daley presented a slate of Officers for ratification. It was proposed that Officers would continue to serve in their respective roles for a second year to allow continued progress of start-up business and establishment of a robust committee structure. Officers presented were: President, Dave Lemkay; Vice-President, Kevin O’Connor; Treasurer, Weldon McEachen and Secretary Bill Clark, to respond to the resignation of Tom Green. A call for nominations from the floor resulted in no activity resulting in the slate of Officers being accepted. A slate of Directors was also presented which included those who had served the previous year. With the resignation of Sherry McCarthy, Bill Gardiner, a resident of Zone 10 had been recruited to fill that vacancy. Ms. Carolyn Letters expressed her interest in volunteering to become a director in the event of a vacancy in future. There was discussion of the need for notice of meeting and the opportunity for nominations from members at large.

Moved by: John Visser

Seconded by: Mervyn Buckwalt

That the election of Officers and Directors by postponed until the Annual Meeting August 26 and that the Board continue to operate status quo until that time.

Membership Report
Membership Director Norm Edwards reported on the strong growth of the Association in its first year totaling 370 properties. He made an impassioned plea for renewal of memberships for the coming year and the need to continue to grow the organization to achieve the strongest possible voice for common issues. He reminded members present that there was tremendous value for the annual fee of $20.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Weldon McEachen presented a summary of revenues and expenditures for the year 2005/06.

Moved by: Weldon McEachen

Seconded by: George Wilcox

That the Treasurers Report be accepted as presented

Association Web Site
Dave Lemkay introduced John Gulland who has been engaged over much of the past year developing the GLPOA web site. A commitment was made at the June 2005 meeting to establish an interactive web site. Dave thanked Julie Molina for her early work in this process. John Gulland demonstrated with an on-screen navigation of functions and links, explaining the value of this as a tool for all storage of and access to association data. The site allows members and the public to communicate directly with the Executive and provides an electronic notice board for Association news.
Waterway Marking Project
Weldon McEachen gave a report on the Waterway Marking Project. To date, thirty-five regulation buoys have been purchased and labeled as GLPOA. With his committee members, Bryan Fraser and Gerry Summers, concrete anchors have been formed over winter and buoys will be installed at shoal locations as needed in the coming days. Weldon discussed the procurement of colour maps of Golden Lake and the Bonnechere River, which will be made available to members. To complement the buoys and maps, a series of signs will be erected at strategic boat launch locations, including Tramore Bridge, Deacon Bridge, Island View Drive and Bonnechere Lodge. The signs carry nine spaces for display advertising, which will offset the cost of the signs in the third year.
Bonnechere River Watershed Project
Kevin O’Connor reported on his participation on the Bonnechere Valley Watershed Project. He outlined the collaborative nature of the project and the value of the mandate of monitoring and managing stewardship of the waterway and related ecosystems to the property owners.
Cellular Telephone Service
Kevin O’Connor then spoke about ongoing discussions between GLPOA and Bell Mobility and Telus. Due to lack of cellular coverage in the Golden Lake region and certain landline irregularities, members expressed their concerns for safety and security. Progress is being made to erect two communications towers in the region one at Dacre and the other on the outskirts of Eganville. The onus will be on residents to rally to demonstrate to the service providers a critical mass to prompt the investment and approval by CRTC to establish coverage. GLPOA has the opportunity to be instrumental and will engage with the Interlake Committee for starters. Kirk Mandy and Peter Benner of CHCR Radio discussed a project to secure support for new hi-tech product that would service the region. They asked members to complete a survey on the subject.

Director Howard Bernard reported on water quality testing stating that tests show some levels of ecoli. He gave an explanation of the effect naturally occurring pollution from warm-blooded mammals. He briefly discussed the scheduled lifting of the Walleye moratorium by January 2007.
Social Committee
Committee Chair Kate O’Hara offered some ideas for social activities during the summer season and was seeking assistance for this committee. In response, Pat Shea gave a brief account of past canoe racing on Golden Lake and advised of his interest in reviving such an event. Dave Lemkay explained that the GLPOA liability insurance policy was underwritten to cover such events.
Draft Constitution
A lengthy debate took place on elements of the proposed constitution. In particular, there were various views on how to establish voting rights tied to membership. The $20.00 annual membership is tied to the property and the property may have one or two or multi-deeded owners. There was discussion on the merits of allowing two votes per property. There were concerns that two votes might be seen to be inadvertently discriminatory.

Moved by: Norm Edwards

Seconded by: Brenda Maunder

That the Board work to have clarification on its approach to membership voting and to present options for the membership to consider at the August 26th meeting.


Representatives from the three area municipalities were on hand. Greetings and expressions of support for continued good work by GLPOA were offered by: Zig Mintha, Mayor of Bonnechere Valley Twp; Janice Bush, Reeve of Killaloe, Haggarty and Richards and Harold Weckworth, Mayor of North Agona Wilberforce.

Motion to adjourn: Tom Green

May 24, 2006 Board of Directors meeting

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Minutes of the Directors’ Meeting

May 24, 2006

Present: Dave Lemkay, Kevin O’Connor, John Gulland, Mick Daley, Weldon McEachen, Gail McPhee, Norma Bailey, Howard Bernard, Bill Gardner, Bill Clark, John Gulland

9:00 a.m. Call to Order

The meeting was called to discuss preparations for upcoming annual general meeting.

The minutes of the May 6 meeting were presented and accepted.

There was a brief discussion regarding the two-votes-per-membership issue in the new constitution and it was agreed that it would be presented to the membership as prepared and previously accepted. The main point was the number of votes per membership card and it was agreed that there would be two votes each.

Preparations for the Annual Meeting:

It is to be held at the Killaloe Public School on June 3 2006. The doors will be open at 8:15 a.m. and the meeting is to start at 9:00 a.m. The auditorium will be setup with 200 seats and extra seats stacked on the side.

Additional tables will be arranged around the perimeter of the auditorium, to be used by the Zone Directors’ and the Zone Reps. The tables will be designated by a sign, signifying the zone number and the road names. This will assist members, where to go in order to renew their membership and pickup handouts. The signs will be prepared by Norm Edwards. Refreshments will be handled by students of the school.

The three municipalities will receive an invitation for their mayors or reeves to attend as well as Our local MPP John Yakabuski.

It was agreed that we should emphasize our positive results achieved this year e.g.; shoal markings, boat ramp signs, handout place mat size maps of the lake and river, web site, cell phones, insurance, water testing, fishery news, etc.


It was moved by Norm Edwards, seconded by Gail McPhee authorizing Dave Lemkay and John Gulland to prepare a newsletter as a handout at the annual meeting.

The motion to adjourn was made by Dave Lemkay and seconded by Gail McPhee. The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 am.

May 6, 2006 Board of Directors meeting

Minutes of the Directors’ Meeting

May 6, 2006

PRESENT: Dave Lemkay, Kevin O’Connor, George Wilcox, Bill Clark, Cairine Cybulski, John Gulland, Mick Daley, Ken Kruger, Howard Bernard, Tom Green

WELCOME AND OPENING REMARKS: President Dave Lemkay welcomed all of the directors and/or their representatives and gave an update of winter activities:

We are now a corporation with all legal documents signed and will be known as the Golden Lake Property Owners Association
We are now insured through FOCA for Directors and Officers Liability
All private roads may become insured through the parent body for a fee assessed by the insurance company. This issue will be addressed at the annual meeting.
Property Assessment: President Lemkay thanked all owners who responded to the Government with their concerns. The Provincial Ombudsman issued a report and of which our Board of Directors responded. The Board wished to inform all members that our input is very minimal in responding to an issue that is in total control of the Provincial Government. The Board has decided that they will be pro-active in this area and assist wherever there is a need.

MINUTES: Moved by Norm Edwards and seconded by Mick Daley that the minutes of the Dec.3, 2005 meeting be approved. Carried

CONSTITUTION: The constitution was reviewed and with some minor revisions. It will be presented to the General Membership on June 3, 2006. In accordance with the Constitution the following items were discussed in order to be in compliance with the written document:

Tenure of membership with the Board of Directors
Dates of the annual meeting
Audit reports and authorization
Membership voting

It was moved by Mick Daley and seconded by Cairine Cybulski: That the Constitution with approved changes be presented to the general membership for approval. Carried.


In the absence of Treasurer Weldon McEachen, director Mick Daley gave the report.

Bank balance: $4020.88
Expenditures for approval: $1544.00

The following expenditures were discussed: Boat Launch Signage

Buoys for shoal and hazard markings
Printing of River and Lake Maps

Potential revenues from advertising on the Boat Launch Signs was discussed.

It was moved by George Wilcox and seconded by Cairine Cybulski that the Board authorize the printing of 500-1000 Lake and River maps to be distributed to the membership and that 200 laminated maps be printed for a cost to the public. Carried.

CELL PHONE COMMITTEE REPORT: Kevin O’Connor gave a report on the work of his committee in relation to communication towers being installed within our Association’s area. Kevin presented great news to the board as to timelines for Telus and Bell. These companies have responded to the concerns of our membership and results should be happening soon. Kevin reported that telecommunication towers will soon be erected near Eganville and Dacre.

WEB SITE: John Gulland gave a brief up-date as to our web site ( He encouraged members to continue giving him information as it relates to our mission and goals. John will also co-ordinate a Spring Newsletter for our Directors to deliver. President Lemkay thanked John for his hard work and the impact of the web site in the community and outreaching areas.

MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Norm Edwards gave a detailed report on the mechanics of recording memberships and gave each director/representative the new membership cards. Procedures for obtaining memberships at the annual meeting were discussed and approved. Norm insisted that every property owner on Golden Lake should become a member and that the Board should become pro-active in stating the accomplishments of the Board Committees, such as telecommunications, shoal and hazard markings, mapping of the Lake and River, private road insurance information, and so on.

AGM PREPARATIONS: The need for another Board meeting was discussed. This meeting would be devoted solely to logistic for the Annual General Meeting (June 3, 2006 9:00 AM Killaloe Public School). It was discussed and agreed that the executive would move ahead immediately with appropriate publicity in local media, utilizing a news release and free announcements to keep other classified advertising costs at the lowest possible level. A meeting announcement poster will be produced and posted throughout the GLPOA catchment area.

NEXT MEETING: It was agreed that the next Board meeting will be held at the Golden Sands on Wednesday, May 24, 2006 at 9:00 am.

ADJOURNMENT: It was moved by Cairine Cybulski to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 11:05 am.

Dec 3, 2005 Board of Directors meeting

Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting

December 3, 2005

Golden Sands Restaurant

Present: Dave Lemkay, Tom Green, Adrian Daley, Norma Bailey, Gail McPhee, George Wilcox, Norm Edwards, John Gulland

President Dave Lemkay welcomed the board members and guest John Gulland

Motion: Clark/Daley that the minutes of Oct.1, 2005 be accepted as printed. Carried

President’s remarks:

Name search of our association is free and clear
Application made to register the association name

Motion: Bailey/McPhee that the fee of $150.00 be paid to cover the registration of the association and if it needed to be fast tracked an additional $100.00 to be included. Carried

The constitution was given to the lawyer for input and a draft copy was distributed to members present. Any concerns are to be e-mailed to the president or secretary within two weeks.

Web site:John Gulland spoke using a computer presentation about the association’s web site. Several points were discussed:

the web site must be user friendly and welcoming
the site must contain useful and historical information
it has to be easily accessed
board members should visit the site frequently and offer suggestions
the site can be used as a filing system, record keeping, announcements and archival purposes
the web site has to be a resource to the board and informative to the user

FOCA Update

Mick Daley gave an overview of the recent FOCA annual meeting
A brief discussion took place in regards to the document entitled “Waterfront Ratepayers After Fair Taxes (WRAFT). All members were encouraged to read this resource from our web site.
Insurance was once again the main agenda item and it was felt that a legal
opinion would be sought as to the need for the association

Motion: Wilcox/McPhee that the Golden Lake Property Owners Association pay the initial premium fee to cover Directors’ Liability Insurance once all legalities have been cleared. Carried

Membership: Norm Edwards reported that we have 350 paid members. All membership cards that remain should be returned to the membership chair.

Acting treasurer’s report: The association has a bank balance of $4330.00 some bills pending.

New Business: The newsletter was discussed with one member’s concern over missing info and the lack of emphasis on property assessment

The date of the annual meeting was confirmed June 3, 2006 to be held at the Killaloe Public School 9:00 am

Next Board meeting: May 6th 2006 at Golden Sands Restaurant 9:00am

Motion to Adjourn: T.Green

Aug 27, 2005 First general members’ meeting


AUGUST 27,2005