Newsletters from 2006 to 2015
Winter 2015 Newsletter
GLPOA Winter Newsletter
Message from our President
From: President Kevin and Past President Gail:
G’Day and best wishes to you and family for a very healthy, happy and prosperous 2015!
As we greet you from our “permanent home’s” on Golden Lake, we’re reminded of how blessed we are, to be able to enjoy the beauty of Golden Lake and the Bonnechere River each and every month throughout the year.
Today the view is simply spectacular! The Lake is frozen solid and vehicles are driving on the ice as well as ice huts being placed regularly. The lake is covered with a blanket of snow and the cloudless sky is a vision of pure blue with the sun shining in its entire splendor. Hopefully you are getting the picture of how beautiful it is – and yes the temperature is -15 brrrrrrrrrrr.
As Gail said in the letter she sent out in Oct. 2014….”In early 2014 GLPOA faced serious challenges in finding replacements for some of our Executive and Directors (who had been serving GLPOA for the past several years) and wanted a break” Yes we were concerned ….but once again….our members stepped up and filled all our vacancies. Don O’Reilly has moved into our Vice President’s position and will take over the role as President in July 2016 with plenty of help.
As a matter of interest, GLPOA is the envy of many Lake Association; and is it any wonder! The support we receive from our membership is second to none. We have been able to present a full slate of Officers and 10 Directors on our Board for the past 10 years. We are a group of people numbering 480 and from that number more than 75 members have stepped up to the plate and volunteered over the past 10 years. It is pretty hard to beat those odds -you do the math – that looks like one in 7 approximately.
We thank all the following members who have served on our Executive, as a member of the Board, as Buoy Boys and as Canvasser’s without you all, we would not exist. Please forgive us if we have forgotten anyone.
Bill Clark, Norma Bailey, George Wilcox, Bill Cooke, Gail McPhee, Norm Edwards, Mick Daley, Carine Cybulski, Bill Gardner, Dave Lemkay, Kevin O’Connor, Tom Green, Weldon McEachen, Howard Bernard, Doug Yourth, Kathy Lampi, Ken Kruger, Susan St. Jean, Dr. Mike Johnson, Jeff Scharf, Brenda Maunder, Karen Utronkie, Mike Cayer, Hubbie Weber, Gord McMillan, John Gulland, Jeff Raisbeck, Stephen Butler, Monique Pye, Rick O’Brien, Lisa Mineo, Mike Wendorf, Robyn Richards, Jack Blair, Ann Marie Spring, Lyle Kaufeldt, Kirk Mandy, Sandy Nash, Dean Bergstresser, Allisin Wood, Don O’Reilly, Glen Bingham, Eric Weckworth, Jaye Foran, Ron Rimmer Doreen Dunn-Scully, Kate O’Hara, Terry Ryan, Gary Yeldon, John Finn, Leslie Moore, Roy McGrath, John Vissor, Malcolm Warnholtz, Jim Meness, NancySingleton, Terry Howard, Ed Gionet, Carol Anne Zohr, Tom Conolly, Noelle Lehman, Judy Hartwig, Lu-Ann Clarke, Tania Dashnay, Joe Mineo, Clare Addison, Heather Bingham, Marion Zohr, Dick Piper, Burk Hein, Nicole Schroeder,Jeff Scharf …… keep in mind many of our Executive and Board Members are also regular “Canvassers” as well – each and every year.
We sincerely thank all of you, and we look forward to a most successful 2015 with your continued support.
See you in the Spring – if not before!
Kevin & Gail
11th Annual General Meeting:
Killaloe Public School…Saturday July 04th 2015..8:30am Coffee/Muffins….. 9:00 am to 12:00 business session (Coffee compliments of Cottage Cup, Golden Lake)
Mark your calendars now !!!! plan to attend and meet your neighbours, your “NEW TEAM” of executive’s & directors….and any of our Special Guests !!……..Ideal opportunity to speak one on one with any director……
At all previous 10 AGM’s we have had approx. 100 to 125 members in attendance and the feed back we receive from attendee’s is usually extremely positive.with phrases such as “great to learn that our important committees are being so well managed”, “we have lots of fun with the hopes of winning one of the Super Door Prizes”, “a great outing” “I quite enjoy it”
Below is a list of the prizes & winners from last year…..
• Overnight accommodation at The Sands on Golden Lake, including Sunset Dinner & a Sunrise Breakfast
Draw Winner – Steve Kutchke
• A $75.00 Gift Certificate for the Spa at the Sands on Golden Lake
Draw Winner – Don O’Reilly
• A cottage for a weekend at Bonnechere Lodge
Draw Winner – John Valliant
• Dinner for Four at the Golden Lake Chinese Restaurant
Draw Winner – Harold Weckworth
• Cabin for One Night (2 people) plus 3 meals at McMillan’s Cabins
Draw Winner – John Beatty
• A Gift Certificate for Massage Holistic Hands Massage Therapy Killaloe
Draw Winner – Maureen Clarke
• A copy of the video Eagles & Wolves by Trapperman Gord McMillan [email protected] and
Draw Winner – Mike Gosse
• Canvas Print by Trapperman Gord McMillan [email protected] and
Draw Winner – George Wouda
• A $50.00 gift certificate from Cottage Cup, Golden Lake
Draw Winner – Howard Bernard
• Cottage for two nights in September at Goldenville Cottages
Draw Winner – Heather Bingham
All our Reps are doing a fabulous job in relaying information about our association’s activities and making sure that property owners are being offered the opportunity to become a member. Currently our membership is closing in on the 480 mark which is up from last year’s numbers. We are presently working on more convenient ways for you to pay your membership dues for 2015. More information will follow in the Spring Newsletter.
Our postal address is GLPOA, Box 99, Golden Lake Ont. K0J 1X0 should you care to pay your membership or contact us in this manner.
Treasure’s Report:
The OPENING BALANCE at the start of our operating year April 1, 2014 was $12,069.01
The CLOSING BALANCE at December 31, 2014, is $13,117.75.
It should be noted that $3,973.17 is committed to be used for the lake fishery.”
(As a comparable, the end of 2013, the balance was $12,255.15.)
Water Quality/Testing:
Water Quality once again is well within established Provincial Standards . The samples taken are analyzed for Total Phosphorous , Nitrogen and E-coli . This year, 2015 we will sample three additional sites in close proximity to the Ruby Road Landfill Site . The purpose of the additional testing is to monitor for potential leaching of contaminants from the site .
The Fish Committee Project:
We continue to work with the MNRF. This past Fall, due to an experiment MNRF were able to stock Golden Lake with 2000 Walleye that were of a size to escape predation from Rainbow Smelt and/ or Black Crappie .
In the Spring of 2015 members of the Fish Committee as well as other volunteers will be conducting a controlled Rainbow Smelt Harvest . The CUE ( catch per unit effect ) will be shared with our support groups (MNRF , OFHA and Harkness Laboratories ) and they are applauding our efforts and wish us a good catch . With any luck we hope to offer a fish fry and bring awareness to the delicacy of the Rainbow Smelt . In doing so this could be a win win situation by removing a predator while at the same time enjoying the harvest .
Based upon studies conducted by the MNRF the Lake is capable of supporting a variety of fish species .The most abundant species are the Brown Bullhead , Pumpkinseed and Smallmouth Bass . Compared to provincial benchmarks , gamefish species such as Walleye and Smallmouth Bass were assessed at being of medium abundance and medium in size . Largemouth Bass were identified as being of medium abundance , but large in size . Northern Pike were assessed as being of high in abundance and medium in size . With the biodiversity being as it is one can expect an enjoyable day on the Lake. Come on out and enjoy the beauty of Golden Lake and the Bonnechere River!
Boating Safety/Shoal Marking:
Additional markers/buoys were purchased and set on the waterways and Deacon Bridge. Thanks to the volunteers who put markers in place in the spring, take them out in the fall, and chase after those that break away in between. The new Boat launch at Tramore Bridge is on the books to be completed by fall 2015. It is with great pride we boast this service that is provided by GLPOA.
Let it be noted that originally this very important Buoy System was funded by our generous sponsor’s who purchased the buoy’s anchors and necessary equipment to keep them in place and they continue to finance the maintenance of this project.
Maps & T-Shirt Promotions:
T-Shirt, hat and lake map sales have been a continued success in 2014. 2016 will bring the arrival of new updated Golden Lake maps, including a small boat size version. Also look for our new t-shirts, sweaters and hats for sale this year!
Photo Contest:
Get in the action and help us enhance our Website with photos of winter scenes and activities. Submit them to [email protected] by April 1st ….and the FIRST PLACE PHOTO could be featured in our Spring News Letter.
Send high quality .jpgs of around 2mb at 300dpi. Don’t send more than 2 images in 1 e-mail attachment. And remember to include keywords in the file info. The email should have a subject line of GLPOA Picture Contest. In the body of the e-mail put a very brief description of what the photos are of. It should only be scenery – no pictures of persons. Picture can be placed on the Association website at a width of 500 pixels.
Open to all GLPOA members! The first prize may enhance our Spring Newsletter and the first five winners will receive a prize.
Billboard Corporate Advertising:
As part of GLPOA’s boating safety program, a billboard was erected in 2007 at each of the four public boat launch sites: Deacon Bridge, Tramore Bridge, Bonnechere Lodge and Island View Drive. The billboards featured a large version of our shoal and channel marker map. To help cover the considerable cost of the billboards, it was decided to offer advertising space so that local businesses could promote their services to visitors to the area. The program has been so successful that there are now 30 ads surrounding the large map, and there is usually a waiting list of companies that would like to advertise there. The billboard program has become a key part of GLPOA’s public service work and also a significant source of revenue. We ask that our members think about how important these sponsors are to our organization and how much support they give us in all of our activities; so please return the favour and support them whenever possible.
Local Sponsors:
George’s Marine & Sports 628-2424
J. Stephen McCann Insurance Brokers 628-2610
Bonnechere Valley Windows 628-3056
Township of North Algona Wilberforce 628-2080
Powertech 628-6192
Coby’s Watercraft Rentals 725-7314
Bert’s Crepes 625-2999
Bryan Fraser Contracting 625-2962
Golden Lake Chinese Restaurant 625-2366
Golden Lake Park 757-0018
Golden Lake Variety Store 625-2654
Greystone Cottages 625-2999
Kasdorff’s Cottages 625-2246
Sands on Golden Lake 625-2525
Walkers Landing 625-1100
CIBC Killaloe 757-2910
G. Kranz Insurance & Real Estate Ltd. 757-2515
Ace Hardware 757-2311
Killaloe Sportsplus 757-2880
M. Foy & Sons 757-2307
McCarthy Fuels & Propane 757-2829
Summer’s Bros. Ford 757-2171
Township of Killaloe, Hagarty & Richards 757-2300
Keetch’s Building Supplies 757-2616
Afelskie’s Shoes 757-2744
The Homestead at Wolf Ridge 757-1818
Foodland Eganville 628-2215
Mac Millan’s Cabins 625-2894
The Cottage Cup 625-2992
Nature of Design 757-2778
6th Annual Boater’s Poker Run:
Our 6th Annual Poker Run is scheduled for Saturday August 1st 2015. Once again it will be held at the Golden Sands Restaurant. More information will follow in our Spring Newsletter. I would like to thank our wonderful sponsors, and our many dedicated volunteers, who truly make this a popular and successful
Enjoy the balance of the Winter and coming Spring. Mark your calendar’s for July 4th 2015 – come chat with us at GLPOA’S Annual General Meeting, the Executive and Director’s would love to meet you!
Become a Member / Become a Volunteer
contact us at: or [email protected]
Spring 2014 Newsletter
GLPOA Visit our web site: Send us email: |
For those with an interest in the well-being of Golden Lake and the Bonnechere River |
Spring 2014 Newsletter |
President’s Message
It’s hard to believe that it has been ten years since a small group of people formed a steering committee to consider forming a lake association. Their timing must have been just right because there was an immediate outpouring of support, with great people with great ideas stepping forward and taking on all the tasks needed to make it happen.
We have dedicated this annual spring newsletter to a celebration of our first ten years, including a review of our accomplishments so far. This summary of our accomplishments is also partly an update on current programs because so much of what we have been able to accomplish together forms the bedrock of GLPOA’s continuing services to its members and the wider community.
Sadly I take the opportunity to pay tribute to former director and colleague Weldon McEachen who passed away on Sunday April 27th. Our thoughts are with Ruth and their family. From the onset, Weldon had a vision that he helped to nurture into this vibrant association. He was a key member, our first treasurer and project leader with the shoal marking, billboard advertising, Deacon Bridge visitor facilities and his management of the Annual Poker Run. He will be missed by so many!
I am sorry to report that our president Mike Wendorf resigned his position for personal reasons. We have appreciated Mike’s good work for GLPOA and will miss his steady hand and good cheer. Best Wishes Mike.
I have agreed to serve as this year’s president while the directors search for new members for the board. GLPOA has been successful in all of its initiatives so far, and I am confident that we will be successful again as we build up bench strength on the board and support those who are willing to rise to executive positions.
We have now collected over 350 member email addresses, but we would like to have an address for everyone who has one. Email is the preferred way to communicate with members between issues of this spring newsletter. Please make sure your email address is in our records.
I look forward to seeing you all at our Annual General Meeting on Saturday, July 5.
Kevin O’Connor, President
Notices of Upcoming Events
Saturday, July 5: GLPOA Annual General Meeting, Killaloe Public School
Meet and greet your neighbours and hear the latest news at the always-popular GLPOA AGM. The meeting will start at 9:00 but you might want to arrive at 8:30 for complimentary coffee or tea and muffins and to greet people you might not have seen since last summer. The meeting will conclude by 12:00.
Saturday, August 2: GLPOA Fifth Annual Boater’s Poker Run
The Poker Run remains GLPOA’s most popular event. It’s a great opportunity to meet other GLPOA members and have some fun on a Saturday morning. Registration begins at The Sands on Golden Lake at 8:00 a.m.
10 Years – A Look Back
July 2004: Steering Committee Formed
The group that first talked of forming a lake association included Weldon McEachen, Mick Daley, Tom Green, George Wilcox, Dave Lemkay, Kevin O’Connor, Howard Bernard and Gerald Tracy. They made some very good forward-looking decisions as they developed a mission statement and three priorities for the new organization. Those priorities still stand today: First, build the membership up and serve the members well. Second, look after the lake and river because water quality seemed to be most people’s main concern. And third, ensure effective communications with the members and all other stakeholders with an interest in the wellbeing of the Bonnechere River and Golden Lake.
A Masterful Membership Plan
It was decided early on that, to build the membership base from zero to being fully representative of the entire population of property owners, we needed to have annual personal contact with every waterfront property owner. We needed to spread the workload to avoid volunteer burnout and to achieve this, the waterfront from Tramore dam to Golden Lake Village was divided into 11 zones. Each zone was assigned a volunteer leader, and depending on the number of properties in the zone, one or two assistant zone reps were recruited to help. Today more than twenty-five volunteers canvass every property and try to speak directly with every property owner.
It was also decided to peg the membership fee at $20 so the organization would have stable funding and wouldn’t need to do constant additional fundraising.
To make the membership more attractive, we provide an appealing membership kit each year, consisting of this newsletter and a piece of useful information. Over the years we have provided updated versions of the waterway hazard map, and informative handouts on septic system care, healthy waterfronts, shoreline care including how to do a waterfront makeover and more.
The membership was built largely on the good work of former director and president Gail McPhee among others, and the strategy has been so successful that last year’s membership totaled 442, which is a very high percentage of all the shoreline properties. Membership information is treated as confidential and is constantly updated in a comprehensive, computerized database.
Boating Safety
Shoal and Channel Marking
One of GLPOA’s early initiatives (in 2006) was to formally mark shoals and channels in the Lake and River, an important service to boaters that until then had only been done on an ad hoc basis. It was costly to buy all the markers and each year a few markers go missing. Over the years the number of buoys has increased, so there are continuing expenses. Today there are 50 shoal markers in place and 3 sets of channel markers. Each spring the markers are placed in exact locations and each fall they are removed for winter storage. It’s a big job that is shared by a dedicated group of 17 volunteers. Coordination of the program has been done by a number of GLPOA members over the years and is now in the capable hands of Eric Weckworth.
Lake and River Map
The maps of the lake and river created by GLPOA volunteers have been very popular, both with members and visiting boaters. When a new edition is produced, each member gets a copy with their annual membership package. In additions, area retailers sell maps to their customers at a price of $5. Hundreds of the maps have been sold and the revenue comes close to covering the cost of reprinting. This high quality map makes GLPOA the envy of most other lake associations.
Boat Launch Billboard Program
As part of GLPOA’s boating safety program, a billboard was erected in 2007 at each of the four public boat launch sites: Deacon Bridge, Tramore Bridge, Bonnechere Lodge and Island View Drive. The billboards featured a large version of our shoal and channel marker map. To help cover the considerable cost of the billboards, it was decided to offer advertising space so that local businesses could promote their services to visitors to the area. The program has been so successful that there are now 30 ads surrounding the large map, and there is usually a waiting list of companies that would like to advertise there. The billboard program has become a key part of GLPOA’s public service work and also a significant source of revenue.
Pleasure Craft Operators Courses
GLPOA offered certification courses with a qualified instructor to provide a convenient way for its own members, and all area boaters, to get their operators certificate. Our neighboring lake associations also promoted this course to their members so over the four years the course was offered, hundreds of people were able to complete the course successfully. GLPOA offered the courses as a public service at nominal cost. When the course became available on line there was no longer a need for courses offered in Killaloe so GLPOA ended its involvement in 2011.
Water Testing
Before GLPOA was formed little was known about the lake water quality. After several years of regular testing we now have much more knowledge on the subject. We know that the general quality of Golden Lake water is good, below 10µg/L (micrograms per litre) of phosphorous, which is at the low end of the average level of phosphorous in Ontario lakes. Phosphorous (P) is a nutrient that promotes the growth of algae and can become elevated by leaking septic systems, fertilizer runoff from farm fields, and badly operated sewage treatment plants. We have also found that the Killaloe sewage treatment plant has a negligible impact on the P level in Brennan’s Creek where it discharges. We found that P levels are highest upstream of Killaloe at the dam at Old Killaloe, about three times higher than in the lake. We have also found that the P level in the Bonnechere River where it enters Golden Lake is very low, less than 5 µg/L. Overall, we have good quality water that we all have a responsibility to maintain.
Spring Freshet Water Level Notification
When runoff caused severe flooding around the lake in the spring of 2008, everyone was caught unprepared. Kevin O’Connor thought that was an unacceptable situation so he spearheaded an initiative to bring all the stakeholders together to see how they could better communicate and coordinate their activities to help people with vulnerable properties to manage high water. The stakeholders gathered in the fall of 2009. In addition to GLPOA, they included the three townships (KHR, NAW and BV), Round Lake POA, Renfrew Power Generation and the Ministry of Natural Resources. All the stakeholders agreed that coordination was long overdue and heartily congratulated GLPOA on taking the initiative to bring them together. Now water level information is available to anyone with an internet connection and the GLPOA web site lists the contacts in the three townships so they can get sandbags to protect vulnerable shores. Hosting of annual meetings and coordination has now been taken over by Renfrew Power Generation.
Deacon Boat Launch Washrooms
It was GLPOA that spearheaded the construction of public washrooms at the Deacon Bridge boat launch site. GLPOA leaders Dave Lemkay, Weldon McEachen and Kevin O’Connor were successful in getting a Community Futures grant to finance the washroom project and coordinated its construction. The Township of North Algona Wilberforce agreed to maintain the washrooms as stakeholders in stewardship of the lake.
Cell Phone Service
When GLPOA was formed there was no cell service in our area. The hard work over several years by GLPOA volunteers, especially Cairine Cybulski, Dave Lemkay and Kevin O’Connor, resulted in the more rapid deployment of towers to serve the area. During that process, these volunteers presented a business case at Bell Mobility headquarters in Dorval QC and were told it was the basis for their decision to invest in the area. Telus and Rogers have also been attracted to the area, and with this success, everyone benefits.
Steady Financial Management
From its formation, GLPOA finances have been well-managed and this has allowed the Association to plan its future and fund the projects that you find in these pages. Current Treasurer, Rick O’Brien reports this year’s financial statement:
Opening balance as of April 1, 2013 | $10,237.10 |
Closing balance as of March 30, 2014 | $11,905.31 |
For more details, please attend our Annual General Meeting on July 5.
Septic Seminars
GLPOA has offered free seminars on understanding and maintaining septic systems. The seminars were offered as a public service and were promoted to other lake associations and in local newspapers. The well-attended seminars are another example of GLPOA giving back to the local community while asking for nothing in return.
GLPOA Website 2.0
A good website is essential for an organization like GLPOA, whose membership is too big to meet face to face and who are often a long way from the area. One of the first objectives of the fledgling organization was to get a website established. Within months of the organization’s formal beginning, its website was online and expanding fast. Three years ago the site was redesigned to keep pace with GLPOA’s growing needs. Today members can find a wealth of useful information at Visit to learn more.
Ruby Road Dump Site
In response to member concerns, the GLPOA Board attended and convened public meetings and invested in background research into how the proposed new larger dump could affect the local environment. While the research showed that direct pollution into Golden Lake would be unlikely, it did help to reveal that claims there would be no off-site impacts were questionable. Although GLPOA’s participation in the Ruby Road site project was controversial, the Board applied the precautionary principle that it is better to investigate an environmental issue than to assume no harm can result.
Boat Launch Billboard Sponsors
The four public boat launch billboard maps showing the locations of shoal and channel markers are located at Deacon Bridge, Tramore Bridge, Bonnechere Lodge and Island View Drive. We are pleased to present the program sponsors below.
George’s Marine & Sports | 628-2424 |
J. Stephen McCann Insurance Brokers | 628-2610 |
Bonnechere Valley Windows | 628-3056 |
Township of North Algona Wilberforce | 628-2080 |
Powertech | 628-6192 |
Coby’s Watercraft Rentals | 725-7314 |
Bert’s Crepes | 625-2999 |
Bryan Fraser Contracting | 625-2962 |
Golden Lake Chinese Restaurant | 625-2366 |
Golden Lake Park | 757-0018 |
Golden Lake Variety Store | 625-2654 |
Greystone Cottages | 625-2999 |
Kasdorff’s Cottages | 625-2246 |
Sands on Golden Lake | 625-2525 |
Walkers Landing | 625-1100 |
CIBC Killaloe | 757-2910 |
G. Kranz Insurance & Real Estate Ltd. | 757-2515 |
Ace Hardware | 757-2311 |
Killaloe Sportsplus | 757-2880 |
M. Foy & Sons | 757-2307 |
McCarthy Fuels & Propane | 757-2829 |
Summer’s Bros. Ford | 757-2171 |
Township of Killaloe, Hagarty & Richards | 757-2300 |
Keetch’s Building Supplies | 757-2616 |
Afelskie’s Shoes | 757-2744 |
The Homestead at Wolf Ridge | 757-1818 |
Foodland Eganville | 628-2215 |
2014 – 15 Slate of Board of Directors
Executive Committee |
Kevin O’Connor President |
Hawkins Dr. | 625-9937 |
Kirk Mandy Vice-President | Hawkins Dr. | 625-2525 |
Rick O’Brien, Treasurer | Golden Lake | 625-2707 |
Lisa Mineo, Secretary | Mundt Lane | 717-3407 |
Monique Pye,
Membership |
L’Escale Lane | 757-0851 |
Gail McPhee, Past-President | L’Escale Lane | 757-0257 |
Directors |
Doug Yourth | Highway 60 | |
Brenda Maunder | Twin Maple Lane | |
Sandy Nash | Pikwàkanagàn | |
Jeff Raisbeck | Deacon | |
Marion Fuder | Skelly Bay | |
Bill Clark | Island View Dr. | |
Dean Bergstresser | Island View Dr. | |
Lyle Kauffeldt | Hwy 60 | |
Jack Blair | Harrington Road | |
Ken Kruger | Blackpoint |
Committee Chairs for 2014
Water Quality – Jack Blair 757-2415
Water Levels – John Gulland 757-2208
Boating Safety – Bill Gardiner 757-2909
Shoal Marking – Eric Weckworth 625-1200
Fishing – Merv Buckwald 625-2045
Communications – Monique Pye 757-0851
Promotions – Marion Fuder 625-2076
Corporate Advertising – Lyle Kauffeldt 625-1651
– Joe Mineo 613-401-0996
– Kirk Mandy 613-769-9040
Poker Run – TBA
Nominating Committee – Bill Clark 625-2004
Web Site – Ken Kruger 757-2233
Zone Representatives
If you are interested in becoming a Zone Rep, please contact Marion Fuder at 625-2076
Zone | Description | Representative |
Zone 1 | Golden Lake Village and Pikwàkanagàn | Clare Addison
625-2714 Rick O’Brien 625-2707 |
Zone 2 | Island View Dr, Abby W. | Kate O’Hara 625-1050 Dean Bergstresser 625-2723 757-3186 Heather Bingham 625-1017 |
Zone 3 | Hwy 60, Mundts Bay Ln, Fish Hut Rd, Log Cabin Tr, Twin Maple Ln, Bunchberry Ln, Red Pine Camp | Doug Yourth
585-6228 Brenda Maunder 625-1324 |
Zone 4 | McMillan Rd, Goldfinch Dr, Kasdorff Ln | Marion Zohr
625-2246 |
Zone 5 | Hwy 60 at Deacon, McNee Dr, Browns Cr | Lyle Kauffeldt
625-1651 Keith Alberry 613-585-7662 |
Zone 6 | L’Escale Ln, Great Heron Rd, Harrington Rd, Blackpoint Rd | Gail McPhee
757-0257 Ken Kruger 757-2233 Dick Piper 757-2979 Burk Hein 757-2343 |
Zone 7 | Hawkins Dr, Nien-Mar Ln, Bob’s Ln, Sheedy Ln, Skelly Rd, Gorman Rd, Bonnechere Lodge Rd, Sleepy Hollow Lane | Norm Edwards
625-9961 625-2076 |
Zone 8 | Billena W, Lynch-Reid Ln, Richards Ln, Cedar Beach Ln, Golden Mile W, Golden Lyn W, McSearsull W | Joe Mineo 401-0996 |
Zone 9 | Rocky Point Dr, Tranquility Bay, Mundts Ln | Doreen Dunne-Scully 625-2407
Steve Butler 625-1454 |
Zone 10 | Tramore Dr, Bonnechere River Ln, Boyle Ln, Eady Ln, Jeffries Ln, Narrows Ln, Okum Ln, Libby Ln | Terry Howard
757-3456 Noella Lehman 757-3149 Judy Hartwig 757-3123 |
Zone 11 | Carty Rd, White Church Rd, Karmak Haven Rd, Griffith Wagner Rd, Musky Bay Ln | Lu-Ann Clarke
416-669-1009 |
2014 Membership Dues – $20.00
Winter 2014 Newsletter
January 31,2014
Golden Lake Property Owners Winter Newsletter
What is it that makes Golden Lake and the Bonnechere River such a jewel in the Ottawa Valley? Is it the fact that four great communities lay claim to its shores? Is it that local businesses thrive because it attracts so many tourists? Is it the permanent and seasonal residents that make up much of its character? Perhaps it is simply the abundance of wildlife and fishing opportunities or its recreational possibilities? Maybe it is just the relaxing atmosphere of its glorious sunrises and sunsets? Members of the Golden Lake Property Owners Association know full well it is all of the above and more. This is why we exist … to enhance the Golden Lake and Bonnechere River experience and in doing so generally add to the quality of life around the lake and river.
We encourage you to visit our Website at stay up to date on activities. We look forward to seeing you at the AGM scheduled for July 5th 2014 and at other events yet to be scheduled.
Below you will find a brief synopsis of what some of the committees are dealing with. If you or someone you know is interested in helping out on a committee or volunteering in any capacity feel free to drop us a line.
Best Regards,
Board of Directors
Golden Lake Property Owners Association
The Zone Reps for our eleven zones have done a great job in relaying information about GLPOA activities and making sure that all property owners are offered the chance to be members of the GLPOA. Membership is now approaching the 450 mark. Again this year the Reps will be canvassing commencing the long weekend in May. They look forward to seeing you.
Water Quality
The water on the lake and river continues to be monitored. Water Quality on the lake and river is good at present.
Water Levels
Watch for updates to the Freshet on the website. The MNR is transferring responsibility for monitoring to Renfrew Power Generation. GLPOA has expressed concern with this development.
Boating Safety
New signage has been ordered to address concerns on the river and to post on bulletin boards. MTO has been contacted and have committed to putting bumpers on the Deacon Bridge.
Shoal Marking
Additional markers/buoys were purchased and set on the waterways. A big tip of the hat to the volunteers who put markers in place in the spring, take them out in the fall, and chase after those that have broken away in between.
Land Claim
The GLPOA Board has been attending various meetings and staying appraised as this complex issue evolves.
Fishing on Golden Lake and the Bonnechere River
A committee was formed, money is being set aside and partnering with other interested parties has commenced. Option on stocking and reducing invasive species is being pursued.
The Website continues to be updated. Look to it for the most up to date information on issues concerning the lake and river. If your e-mail address changes you are encouraged to advise GLPOA. The spring newsletter will contain additional information on all committees.
The sale of GLPOA ball caps and tee shirts remains popular and the newly revised maps for Golden Lake and the Bonnechere River are now available for purchase.
Corporate Advertising
Billboard advertising continues to be a very successful source of revenue for the Association. The billboards have been updated with the new maps installed. Visitors to our area and users of the waterway find the information useful. We are grateful to the business owners who advertise and encourage our members to support and promote them.
Poker Run
Set aside August 2nd 2014 to participate in this fun event. Last year revenue was donated to the Fishing (restocking) Fund. Thanks to the many volunteers who make this event happen every year.
Several vacancies exist at present. If you have an interest in volunteering please contact the committee or any Director.
See You on the Lake and River
Email address [email protected].
Spring 2013 Newsletter
May 2013
President’s Message
It is an honour to be involved with an organization like the Golden Lake Property Owners Association that is held in such high esteem by most everyone I talk to. After several years of hard work, GLPOA is well rooted in this community and its record of accomplishments is long. The ongoing programs continue to deliver useful services to our members, the wider community and visitors to the area. These programs include the shoal and channel markers, water quality testing, spring freshet flood risk reporting, boat launch billboards, and of course, the boater’s Poker Run. At any given time we have a roster of about thirty volunteers who work on various aspects of the Association’s projects and programs.
Under the leadership of Monique Pye and Marion Fuder, our zone reps start their door-to-door campaign on the May long weekend and don’t stop until they have visited every property owner around the river and lake. As a result of their hard work our membership of 430 is the largest of all the lake associations in the area. Imagine how I feel when introducing myself and casually mention that number. People sit up and take notice.
There are those who volunteer to take on a big job, but you only hear about it later. A good example is Eric Weckworth, our shoal and channel marker program coordinator. He and his crew place the markers in spring and take them out in fall, and in the process deliver a valuable service to us all. Eric took over the job from Rick O’Brien, who is now the Board’s treasurer and a valued member of the executive committee. I also want to recognize the extraordinary work of our vice president, Mike Wendorf, on the launch site billboard program which is a key source of revenue for GLPOA.
This organization needs all these volunteers and more to make sure no individual gets overloaded with too much work. Each year some of our volunteers move on to other challenges and long-term board members step down, so every year we need an infusion of new volunteers. It is this slow but steady renewal of our large contingent of volunteers that stabilizes and strengthens the Association.
We now have the benefit of a good number of talented people who have previously served in various aspects of the organization and who understand its culture and programs. It has been a great comfort to me to be able to rely on their wise council when confronted by tricky decisions.
So please talk with one of our many volunteers to find out how you might get involved, however small the role might be. Your participation is very valuable to us.
I have been so pleased to serve as your President but will be stepping down from my position at our general meeting in July and turning over this important job to the very capable Mike Wendorf. I have met and worked with some very talented people for which I will be forever grateful and would not have missed.
Gail McPhee
Notices of Upcoming Events:
Saturday, July 6: GLPOA Annual General Meeting, Killaloe Public School:
Meet and greet your neighbours and hear the latest news at the AGM. The meeting will start at 9:00 but arrive at 8:30 for complimentary coffee or tea and muffins. Our special guest speaker this year is Kirby Whiteduck, Chief of the Algonquins of Pikwàkanagàn. He will give a 30 minute talk on the Algonquin Land Claim. See you there.
Saturday, August 3: GLPOA Fifth Annual Boater’s Poker Run:
The Poker Run remains GLPOA’s most popular event. A great opportunity to meet other GLPOA members and have some fun on a Saturday morning. Registration begins at The Sands on Golden Lake at 8:00 a.m. For further detail, please contact Weldon McEachen at 625-2929.
GLPOA Financial Statement:
Opening balance as of April 1, 2012 $6,873.18
Closing balance as of March 30, 2013 $10,237.13
Nominating Committee:
Bill Clark and the nominating committee have succeeded at assembling a full slate of officers as indicated on the back of this newsletter. Once again, members have shown their willingness to step up and get involved with the GLPOA.
New GLPOA Website:
Ken Kruger diligently posts and monitors our website so that this world class information source is available to everyone. If you go to you will be pleased to find everything you want to know about what we do and you will also get a glimpse of some beautiful scenery of the lake.
Please Confirm Your Email Address:
We presently have 366 members emails in our data base. To ensure that you get the latest news from GLPOA, please confirm your email address with your zone rep when you pay your annual membership fee or contact us by email with new or changed email address.
Waterway Hazard Marking:
Eric Weckworth of Golden Lake coordinates the waterway marking program. A number of volunteer teams remove, store and replace the buoys each year, so the role of coordinator is an important function. Eric reports that the volunteers are working well and the program is functioning smoothly.
Ruby Road Waste Site News:
The Township of Bonnechere Valley proposal to centralize the disposal of its waste at an expanded facility in Ruby is now in the hands of the Ontario Ministry of Environment. In reviewing the report prepared by the Township’s consultants, the Ministry must decide whether to approve the proposal or to require more research and analysis in the form of a full environmental assessment.
After detailed review of the proposal, and the identification of persistent concerns about the viability of the proposal, GLPOA sent a letter to the Ministry suggesting that further research is needed before approval. The GLPOA letter noted that a better approach to waste management than a simple landfill is to export the waste to an engineered facility such as Laflèche Environmental Services Inc. near Moose Creek, as the neighbouring township of Killaloe, Hagarty and Richards decided to do last year.
Water Quality Committee Report:
Annual Water Test Results:
In 2011 a partnership was formed with Carleton University, Bonnechere River Watershed Program, and the Golden Lake Property Owners Association. On August 31, 2011, a water sampling program was undertaken on Golden Lake, the Bonnechere river and Brennan creek using a sampling device called a “sonne”. The following different characteristics were measured: water temperature, PH, conductivity and dissolved oxygen. The procedure used was to lower the sonne 3 feet at a time and record all the appropriate data. This was done until the sonne reached the bottom.
Each different lake has its own characteristics depending on things like the depth, water source (spring fed or rivers and creeks) or surface area. There are other characteristics that affect the characteristics as well. In our bodies of water that were tested all the readings collected appeared normal and as expected.
On June 7,2012, water samples were collected for phosphorus testing in the middle of the lake west of the islands. The result from our lab. was .02mg/litre. On Aug 24 we took additional samples in Mundts Bay opposite Cochrane Creek and received a reading of .011mg/ litre. On Aug 24 an additional sample was taken east of the islands in the middle of the lake with a reading of .009mg/ litre. On Aug 24 one additional sample was taken at Brennans Creek with a reading of .046 mg/litre
The Brennans Creek sample reading is consistent with other samples taken in prior years and remains an unknown as it is consistently high from old Killaloe to the lake.
In conclusion, the lake is healthy and the phosphorus levels are non concerning. We will continue to sample in order to monitor the lake.
Spring Freshet Report:
The melting of the large and dense snow pack in the Bonnechere River watershed contributed to very high water levels in Golden Lake this spring. From the beginning of April until the peak of high water at the end of the month, the level of Golden Lake rose about 30 inches, according to daily reports issued by Renfrew Power Generation. The peak was almost 12 inches higher than the eight year operating average peak level, but was not a historic high. Fortunately, there were no strong winds during the peak, so there was little or no property damage from wave action. By comparison, Round Lake rose about 46 inches during the same period to a level that was also about 12 inches higher than the eight year average.
Shoal and Channel Marker Maps:
Rick O’Brien has led the project to update the popular GLPOA shoal maps. Changes include new shoal marker locations, the correction of some place names, and symbols showing the availability of fuel, food and lodging. Each new GLPOA member gets a free map and they are available at many retail outlets in the area for $5 each.
Boat Launch Billboard Sponsors:
The four public boat launch billboard maps showing the locations of shoal and channel markers are located at Deacon Bridge, Tramore Bridge, Bonnechere Lodge and Island View Drive. We are pleased to present the program sponsors below.
Powertech | 628-6192 |
Walkers Landing | 625-1100 |
The Algonquin Way Cultural Centre | 625-1958 |
Keetch’s Building Supplies | 757-2616 |
Afelskie’s Shoes | 757-2744 |
Foodland Eganville | 628-2215 |
2 Retired Guys | 725-7314 |
Bert’s Crepes | 625-2999 |
Bryan Fraser Contracting | 625-2962 |
G. Kranz Insurance & Real Estate Ltd. | 757-2515 |
CIBC Killaloe | 757-2901 |
George’s Marine & Sports | 628-2424 |
Golden Lake Chinese Restaurant | 625-2366 |
Golden Lake Park | 757-0018 |
Golden Lake Variety Store | 625-2654 |
Greystone Cottages | 625-2999 |
The Homestead at Wolf Ridge | 757-1818 |
J. Stephen McCann Insurance Brokers | 628-1610 |
Kasdorff’s Cottages | 625-2246 |
Ace Hardware | 757-2311 |
Killaloe Sports Plus | 757-2280 |
Killaloe Village Pharmacy & IDA | 757-2281 |
M. Foy & Sons | 757-2307 |
McCarthy Fuels & Propane | 757-2829 |
The Sands on Golden Lake | 625-2525 |
Mr. Stripe-It | 628-2625 |
Summers Bros. Ford | 757-2171 |
Township of Bonnechere Valley | 628-3101 |
Township of Killaloe, Hagarty & Richards | 757-2300 |
Township of North Algona Wilberforce | 628-2080 |
2013/14 Slate of Board of Directors
Executive Committee | Address | Phone Number |
Mike Wendorf, President | Twin Maple Lane | 625-2842 |
TBA, Vice President | TBA | TBA |
Lisa Mineo, Secretary | Mundt Lane | 717-3407 |
Rick O’Brien, Treasurer | Golden Lake Village | 625-2707 |
Monique Pye, Membership | L’Escale Lane | 757-0851 |
Gail McPhee, Past President | L’Escale Lane | 757-0257 |
Directors | ||
Doug Yourth | Highway 60 | |
Rick O’Brien | Golden Lake Village | |
Ken Kruger | Blackpoint Rd | |
Pikwakanagan | ||
Brenda Maunder | Twin Maple Lane | |
Lyle Kaufeldt | Hwy 60 | |
Marion Fuder | Skelly Bay | |
Jack Blair | Great Heron Lane | |
Jeff Raisbeck | Deacon | |
Bill Clark | Island View Dr. |
Zone Representatives
If you are Interested in becoming a Zone Rep, please contact Marion Fuder at 625-2076.
Zone | Description | Representative |
Zone 1 | Golden Lake Village and Pikwakanagan | Village: Rick O’Brien 625-2707 Pikwakanagan: |
Zone 2 | Island View Dr, Abby W. | Kate O’Hara 625-1050, Dean Bergstresser 625-2723 |
Zone 3 | Hwy 60, Mundts Bay Ln, Fish Hut Rd, Log Cabin Tr, Twin Maple Ln, Burnchberry Ln, Red Pine Camp | Doug Yourth 585-6228, Mike Wendorf 625-2842, Brenda Maunder 625-1324 |
Zone 4 | McMillan Rd, Goldfinch Dr, Kasdorff Ln | TBA |
Zone 5 | Hwy 60 at Deacon, McNee Dr, Browns Cr, Sleepy Hollow | Lyle Kauffeldt 625-1651 |
Zone 6 | L’Escale Ln, Great Heron Rd, Harrington Rd, Black Point Rd | Gail McPhee 757-0257 Ken Kruger 757-2233 |
Zone 7 | Hawkins Dr, Nien-Mar Ln, Bob’s Ln, Sheedy Ln, Skelly Rd, Gorman Rd | Norm Edwards 625-9961 Marion Fudder 625-2076 Terry Ryan 625-2313 |
Zone 8 | Bonnechere Lodge Rd, Billena W, Lynch-Reid Ln, Richards Ln, Cedar Beach Ln, Golden Mile W, Golden Lyn W, McSearsull W | Joe Mineo 401-0996 |
Zone 9 | Rocky Point Dr, Tranquility Bay | Dave Lemkay 625-2112 Doreen Dunn-Scully 625-2407 |
Zone 10 | Tramore Dr, Bonnechere River Ln, Boyle Ln, Eady Ln, Jeffries Ln, Narrows Ln, Okum Ln, Libby Ln | Terry Howard 757-3456 Ed Gionet, Carol Anne Zohr 757-1952 Noella Lehman 757-3149 Judy Hartwig 757-3123 |
Zone 11 | Carty Rd, White Church Rd, Karmak Haven Rd, Griffith Wagner Rd, Musky Bay Ln | Lu-Ann Clarke 416-669-1009 |
Committee Chairs for 2013
Monique Pye 757-0851 Marion Fuder 625-2076
Water Quality
Jack Blair 757-2415 John Gulland 757-2290
Corporate Advertising
Mike Wendorf 625-2842
Shoal Marking (Buoy) Program
Eric Weckworth 625-1200
Water Levels
John Gulland 757-2290
Jack Blair 757-2415
Poker Run
Weldon McEachen 625-2929
Nominating Committee
Bill Clark 625-2004
Monique Pye 757-0851
Gail McPhee 757-0257
Web Site
Ken Kruger 757-2233
Winter 2013 Newsletter
January 10, 2013
Golden Lake Property Owners Winter Newsletter:
Hello and best wishes for a happy and healthy new year to you and your family. I hope your winter is going well. This short newsletter is an update on GLPOA activities, some of which carry on right through the winter.
I look forward to seeing you in the spring at the AGM scheduled for July 6th 2013 and at other events yet to be scheduled.
Best Regards,
Gail McPhee, President
Golden Lake Property Owners Association
Another Membership Record:
As they do every year, the volunteers in our eleven zones have done a great job in relaying information about GLPOA activities and making sure that all property owners are offered the chance to be members GLPOA. The result is that our membership of 432 is another new record. At this stage in GLPOA’s development we don’t expect big increases, but even small growth over last year’s 425 members is a strong sign that the Association is going in the right direction. Congratulations to our Zone Reps for a job well done.
The Township of Bonnechere Valley Presses Ahead with the Ruby Road Waste Disposal Site
The Township of Bonnechere Valley has issued a notice of completion of the Environmental Screening Process for the Ruby Road waste disposal site. January 2, 2013 marks the start of the 60 day review period. If no complaints are registered with the Ministry of Environment before the March 2 deadline, the dump will go ahead.
You may be aware that GLPOA did its own investigation of the waste site plan in response to concerns expressed by our members. After consultation with the Township and meetings with the responsible councillors, the Association contracted with Wilf Ruland, a consulting hydrogeologist specializing in landfill sites. Wilf’s report raised many concerns with the work being done by the Township’s consultants and helped GLPOA members to understand the issues involved in simple landfill sites of the kind proposed. After internal discussions and advice from Mr. Ruland, the GLPOA Board has decided to step back from its leadership role on this issue.
However, a small group of people whose properties could be directly affected by the proposed facility have taken up the challenge where we left off. They will be contracting with Wilf Ruland for a review of the final plan for the landfill. Subject to Mr. Ruland’s findings, this group expects to request that the Township’s proposal be required to complete a full environmental assessment, which is the normal requirement for landfill sites. The GLPOA Board may make a similar request if an analysis reveals that its original concerns have not been resolved.
If you are concerned about the Township’s plans, you can contribute to the fund that will pay for Mr. Ruland’s work. Here is where to send your donation or get more information:
Mr. John Coe
1835 Wolfe Road
Killaloe, ON K0J 2A0
(613) 625-0022
[email protected]
Please make cheques payable to John Coe and write “Ruby Action Network” on the memo line of your cheque.
The Algonquin Land Claim:
The GLPOA Board plans to get better informed on this important and complex issue by bringing in a speaker with special knowledge of the land claim. This will allow the Board to better inform its members on how it may affect them.
Fishing on Golden Lake and the Bonnechere River
We will be requesting a specialist from the Ministry of Natural Resources to speak to the Directors as well as at our Annual meeting. Our ultimate goal is to stock the lake with appropriate species.
Speed Signs on the Bonnechere River
Although the Township of North Algona Wilberforce has to make the request for better signage for safer boating, we are working with the Council to make this happen. The process is long and tedious but we remain determined.
Boat Launch Billboard Program:
This continues to be a very successful source of revenue for the Association and useful to visitors to our area and users of the waterway. The business owners who take ads on the billboards are very pleased with their participation.
Waterway Hazard Markings:
This GLPOA program has been so successful we have become consultants to other associations in this regard. Here is a tip of the hat to the volunteers who put markers in place in the Spring, take them out in the Fall, and chase after those that have broken away in between. Next summer when you are out boating and go by one or a cluster of buoys, give a thought to the work involved in managing this valuable program.
Water Quality:
The preservation of water quality is one of the main reasons why GLPOA exists. We continue our program of sampling for testing regularly and have expanded the program to include E coli testing. Overall, the water quality in the River and Golden Lake is good, but it could always be improved.
Water Levels:
We will meet shortly with Renfrew Power Generation (RPG) and all the other stakeholders to confirm the level management plans for this spring freshet, and to ensure that the emergency water levels communication system is ready. That system came into being because of GLPOA’s coordination several years ago. A daily report posted on the RPG web site during the spring freshet alerts everyone about the trend in the levels so that if flooding is likely, steps can be taken to protect waterfront.
We will also meet soon with the Round Lake Property Owners Association representatives to discuss the Ministry of Natural Resources plans to revise the Bonnechere River Watershed Management Plan which governs how levels are managed. The objective is to ensure that every possible action is taken to prevent or minimize spring flooding. Realistically, however, we must acknowledge that there are some years in which far more water enters the system during the spring melt than can be released. GLPOA has a representative on the Standing Advisory Committee for the BRWMP review process who will report to the Board on progress.
The GLPOA Website:
The Board has received nothing but good feedback on the website, and we continue to change and make things easier for the users.
The Poker Run:
The Boater Poker Run is our fun activity and it also generates funds. Last year we were proud to be able to contribute to the St. Frances Hospital in Barry’s Bay a total of $2,000 toward their x-ray equipment fund. Thanks to the many volunteers who make this event happen every year.
Spring 2012 Newsletter
May 2012
President’s Message
My involvement with the Golden Lake Property Owners Association started back in 2005 when it was formed. I served as a Zone Rep, one of those people who come to your door in spring to collect your $20 membership fee and give you a newsletter and some useful information like a map or handout on a topic of interest.
There is no better way to get to know the Lake and River and the people who spend time on their shores than starting as I did. Some of the best memories I have are of meeting people, exchanging information and having a laugh.
We have come a long way since I started volunteering, continually attracting the expertise for the activities we are involved in. I marvel at the staying power and cohesiveness of our groups of volunteers and their willingness to do what has to be done. We have writers, systems experts, zone reps, sponsor seekers, shoal and channel markers, poker run coordinators, presentation givers, team leaders, and lots of helpers. This association and its members have been very lucky to be on the receiving end of all this people power.
When someone says to me “I can help”, it makes my heart swell. Even if the only involvement you have is talking to your neighbours about GLPOA, it’s a big step. This organization was formed by word of mouth, such as volunteering your neighbour, as was done to me at the start. I had no idea what I was getting myself into then but today I have no regrets. I still go out and canvass every year, just to keep in touch.
Working with past-president Kevin O’Connor was a great learning experience on the possibilities for the Association and its usefulness in the Area. We needed a voice and we now have one that is well respected for all its past accomplishments. I thank Kevin and the Board for the responsible way in which GLPOA has presented itself among our peers with other lake associations, our three bordering townships, Pikwakanagan and other agencies that we interact with.
I look forward to getting involved in whatever issues arise in the future. No doubt there are a few issues smouldering which may need our attention. We remain alert and ready to act.
Why not give a little of your time? You won’t regret it.
Gail McPhee
Notices of Upcoming Events
Saturday, July 7: GLPOA Annual General Meeting, Killaloe Public School
Meet and greet your neighbours and hear the latest news at the AGM. The meeting will start at 9:00 but arrive at 8:30 for complimentary coffee or tea and muffins. Our special guest speaker this year is Dr. Karen Landman, professor of landscape architecture at University of Guelph. She will give a 30 minute talk on managing your shoreline to enhance water quality and wildlife habitat. See you there.
Saturday, August 4: GLPOA Fourth Annual Boater’s Poker Run
In just three years, the Poker Run has become GLPOA’s most popular event. A great opportunity to meet other GLPOA members and have some fun on a Saturday morning. Registration begins at The Sands on Golden Lake at 8:00 a.m. For further detail, please contact Weldon McEachen at 625-2929.
Wednesday, July 11: Septic System Seminar, Killaloe Public School
This year’s septic seminar will be held from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm on a Wednesday evening. It is scheduled on a weekday this year so that septic professionals such as inspectors, pumpers and installers can attend. This seminar will provide a great opportunity for you to learn more about effective septic system care. The short talk on septic systems at last year’s AGM was very well-received, and this year’s presentation will be even better. Tell your friends and neighbours about it. There is no fee for this seminar and everyone is welcome.
GLPOA Financial Statement
Opening balance as of April 1, 2011 $9790.85
Closing balance as of March 30, 2012 $ 6895.55
Nominating Committee
Bill Clark and the nominating committee have succeeded at assembling a full slate of officers as indicated on the back of this newsletter. Once again, members have shown their willingness to step up and get involved with the GLPOA.
New GLPOA Website
During the fall and winter months volunteers of GLPOA worked together on building a new Website. The objective was to enable an information source with easy accessibility. If you go to you will be pleased to find everything you want to know about what we do and you will also get a glimpse of some beautiful scenery of the lake.
Please Confirm Your Email Address
We get quite a number of failures when we send emails to the membership. To reduce failures and to ensure that you get the latest news from GLPOA, please confirm your email address with your zone rep when you pay you’re annual membership fee.
Waterway Hazard Marking
Rick O’Brien of Golden Lake coordinates the waterway marking program. A number of volunteer teams remove, store and replace the buoys each year, so the role of coordinator is an important function. Rick recruits new volunteers, purchases new equipment, and manages the overall process.
Ruby Road Waste Site News
The Township of Bonnechere Valley continues to research waste disposal options. Having done considerable research and submitted its findings to the Township, GLPOA is now just an interested observer as the process unfolds.
Water Quality Committee Report
Annual Water Test Results
The water quality committee takes two water samples for testing of nutrient levels (as indicated by the phosphorous level) through the Lake Partnership Program sponsored by the Ontario Ministry of Environment. The table below presents the two samples each year from the middle of Golden Lake and are expressed as total phosphorus (TP) in micrograms per litre. A level of less than 10µg/L is considered a low nutrient count, an indicator of good water quality.
Test Date | TP Sample#1 | TP Sample#2 | TP Average |
May 28, 2003 | 8.2 | 9.6 | 8.9 |
August 14, 2004 | 8.7 | 9.2 | 9.15 |
May 25, 2008 | 8.3 | 8.6 | 8.45 |
May 06, 2009 | 9.2 | 8.0 | 8.6 |
May 05, 2010 | 9.2 | 11.6 | 10.4 |
May 29, 2011 | 9.6 | 9.2 | 9.4 |
Special Lake, Creek and River Test Program
To further investigate sources of high phosphorous (P) concentrations, especially in Brennans Creek, Jack Blair, chair of GLPOA’s water quality committee, took several samples in Brennans Creek at the mill in old Killaloe, in the centre of Killaloe and downstream of Killaloe. He also took samples from the Bonnechere River near Deacon and in the centre of the lake. The table below shows the results in micrograms per litre (µg/L).
Location | Date | TP |
Centre of Golden Lake | Aug. 31/11 | 6 |
Bonnechere R. #1 | Aug. 31/11 | 3 |
Bonnechere R. #2 | Aug. 31/11 | 2 |
Brennans C. below Kill. | Aug. 31/11 | 21 |
Brennans C. in Killaloe | Sep. 6/11 | 30 |
Brennans C. Old Kill. | Sep. 6/11 | 32 |
These test results confirm the findings from the previous year that showed far higher P concentrations in Brennans Creek than in the lake or the Bonnechere River. Phosphorous is a nutrient that encourages plant growth, and high concentrations promote algae blooms. Anyone who has travelled up Brennans Creek towards Killaloe would have seen evidence of algae growth in the water. Interestingly, the concentrations are highest the further upstream the sample is taken. The water quality committee does not yet have an authoritative explanation for these results, but the investigation continues. It would appear, however, that the Village of Killaloe and its sewage treatment plant are not the source of high P concentrations in the Creek, which had been a concern before testing began. The important feature of this work is the building of a data base of yearly test results to see any trends and to form the basis of expert analysis.
Water Clarity Test Results
Water clarity is another indicator of quality. Greater clarity and low phosphorous concentrations are the usual indicators of good water quality. Clarity is tested by lowering a disk painted with contrasting colors into the water. When the disk is no longer visible as it is lowered, a depth reading is taken from the marked rope.
A secchi disk is a metal or plastic weighted disk painted in contrasting colors. The water quality committee tested water clarity for the first time last summer. The average of several Secchi readings was 13 feet, which is considered moderate clarity. Only with more testing will we begin to see trends in water clarity. The table below shows how to interpret phosphorous and Secchi test results.
Reading | Description | Classification |
TP:< 10 ug /L Secchi:> 16 ft. | Clear water with very low levels of nutrients. | Oligotrophic |
TP: 10 to 20 ug/L Secchi: 10-16 ft. | Moderately clear water with moderate levels of nutrients. | Mesotrophic |
TP:> 20 ug/L Secchi:< 10 ft. | Very low water clarity and high levels of nutrients. | Eutrophic |
A Calm Spring Freshet
Good planning, a light snow pack and favourable weather combined to result in no flooding this spring around Golden Lake and the Bonnechere River. This was an unusual spring because of the extremely warm weather in March. In fact, the water level in Golden Lake peaked a full five weeks earlier than in 2011.
The spring freshet has been watched closely for the past few years by the Round and Golden Lake property associations, the three bordering townships, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Renfrew Power Generation. The levels in the lakes and river are regulated according to the Bonnechere River Watershed Plan, which is to be reviewed and updated starting in the Fall of 2012. John Gulland, chair of GLPOA’s water levels committee, is expected to be appointed to the MNR committee tasked with updating the Plan. See the GLPOA web site for background information and charts of the levels throughout the spring season.
Boat Launch Billboard Sponsors
The four public boat launch billboard maps showing the locations of shoal and channel markers are located at Deacon Bridge, Tramore Bridge, Bonnechere Lodge and Island View Drive. We are pleased to present the program sponsors below.
Powertech | 628-6192 |
Walkers Landing | 625-1100 |
The Algonquin Way Cultural Centre | 625-1958 |
Keetch’s Building Supplies | 757-2616 |
Afelskie’s Shoes | 757-2744 |
Foodland Eganville | 628-2215 |
2 Retired Guys | 725-7314 |
Bert’s Crepes | 625-2999 |
Bryan Fraser Contracting | 625-2962 |
G. Kranz Insurance & Real Estate Ltd. | 757-2515 |
CIBC Killaloe | 757-2901 |
George’s Marine & Sports | 628-2424 |
Golden Lake Chinese Restaurant | 625-2366 |
Golden Lake Park | 757-0018 |
Golden Lake Variety Store | 625-2654 |
Greystone Manor | 625-2999 |
The Homestead at Wolf Ridge | 757-1818 |
J. Stephen McCann Insurance Brokers | 628-1610 |
Kasdorff’s Cottages | 625-2246 |
Ace Hardware | 757-2311 |
Killaloe Sports Plus | 757-2280 |
Killaloe Village Pharmacy & IDA | 757-2281 |
M. Foy & Sons | 757-2307 |
McCarthy Fuels & Propane | 757-2829 |
The Sands on Golden Lake | 625-2525 |
Mr. Stripe-It | 628-2625 |
Summers Bros. Ford | 757-2171 |
Township of Bonnechere Valley | 628-3101 |
Township of Killaloe, Hagarty & Richards | 757-2300 |
Township of North Algona Wilberforce | 628-2080 |
2012/13 Slate of Board of Directors
Executive Committee | Address | Phone Number |
Gail McPhee, President | L’Escale Lane | 757-0257 |
Mike Wendorf, Vice President | Twin Maple Lane | 625-2842 |
Lisa Mineo, Secretary | Mundt Lane | 717-3407 |
Robyn Richards, Treasurer | McMillan Rd | 625-2979 |
Monique Pye, Membership | L’Escale Lane | 757-0851 |
Kevin O’Connor, Past President | Hawkins Drive | 625-9937 |
Directors | ||
Doug Yourth | Highway 60 | |
Rick O’Brien | Golden Lake Village | |
Ken Kruger | Blackpoint Rd | |
Dave Lemkay | Tranquility Bay Dr. | |
Brenda Maunder | Twin Maple Lane | |
Karin Utronkie | Great Heron Lane | |
Marion Fuder | Skelly Bay | |
Jack Blair | Great Heron Lane | |
Jeff Raisbeck | Deacon | |
Bill Clark | Island View Dr. |
Zone Representatives
If you are Interested in becoming a Zone Rep, please contact Marion Fuder at 625-2076.
Zone | Description | Representative |
Zone 1 | Golden Lake Village and Pikwakanagan | Village: Rick O’Brien 625-2707 |
Zone 2 | Island View Dr, Abby W. | Kate O’Hara 625-1050 Dean Bergstresser 625-2723 |
Zone 3 | Hwy 60, Mundts Bay Ln, Fish Hut Rd, Log Cabin Tr, Twin Maple Ln, Burnchberry Ln, Red Pine Camp | Doug Yourth 585-6228 Mike Wendorf 625-2842 Brenda Maunder 625-1324 |
Zone 4 | McMillan Rd, Goldfinch Dr, Kasdorff Ln | Robyn Richards 625-2979 |
Zone 5 | Hwy 60 at Deacon, McNee Dr, Browns Cr, Sleepy Hollow | Lyle Kauffeldt 625-1651 |
Zone 6 | L’Escale Ln, Great Heron Rd, Harrington Rd, Black Point Rd | Gail McPhee 757-0257 Karen Utronkie 756-0168 Ken Kruger 757-2233 |
Zone 7 | Hawkins Dr, Nien-Mar Ln, Bob’s Ln, Sheedy Ln, Skelly Rd, Gorman Rd | Norm Edwards 625-9961 Marion Fudder 625-2076 Terry Ryan 625-2313 |
Zone 8 | Bonnechere Lodge Rd, Billena W, Lynch-Reid Ln, Richards Ln, Cedar Beach Ln, Golden Mile W, Golden Lyn W, McSearsull W | Joe Mineo 401-0996 |
Zone 9 | Rocky Point Dr, Tranquility Bay | Dave Lemkay 625-2112 Doreen Dunn-Scully 625-2407 |
Zone 10 | Tramore Dr, Bonnechere River Ln, Boyle Ln, Eady Ln, Jeffries Ln, Narrows Ln, Okum Ln, Libby Ln | Terry Howard 757-3456 Ed Gionet, Carol Anne Zohr 757-1952 Noella Lehman 757-3149 Judy Hartwig 757-3123 |
Zone 11 | Carty Rd, White Church Rd, Karmak Haven Rd, Griffith Wagner Rd, Musky Bay Ln | Lu-Ann Clarke 416-1009 Tania Dashnay 757-0489 |
Committee Chairs for 2012
Monique Pye 757-0851 Marion Fuder 625-2076
Water Quality
Jack Blair 757-2415 John Gulland 757-2290
Corporate Advertising
Mike Wendorf 625-2842
Shoal Marking (Buoy) Program
Rick O’Brien 625-2707
Water Levels
John Gulland 757-2290
Jack Blair 757-2415
CPR Course
Karen Utronki 756-0168
Poker Run
Weldon McEachen 625-2929
Nominating Committee
Bill Clark 625-2004
Monique Pye 757-0851
Gail McPhee 757-0257
Web Site
Ken Kruger 757-2233
2012 Membership Dues – $20.00
Winter 2012 Newsletter
March 2012
President’s Message
Hello GLPOA members. I hope you are having a good winter.
As of last fall there are now more of us than ever, with 425 paid members, which is a remarkable achievement and a credit to the 11 teams of Zone Reps. These are the people who visit you in the spring to explain GLPOA’s achievements of the past year and its plans for the coming season as they collect the dues payments that sustain it. Congratulations to all those who work to engage all property owners around the Lake and River in the work of this Association.
Just as in every year since its formation in 2005, the GLPOA Board and members were busy last year. In the spring our Zone Reps distributed an informative handout on septic systems to help you to extend the life of your system. This year’s handout is on managing your shoreline to improve water quality and habitat for fish, birds and other wildlife. Look for it when your Zone Rep visits you this spring.
We had a record turnout of 110 for our annual general meeting last July. During the AGM we had a short presentation on septic systems that was well-received. Unfortunately, the evening septic seminar planned for the end of the summer had to be cancelled, but it has been rescheduled for this summer.
The Third Annual Boater’s Poker Run, also in July, was a big success again with a record turnout of participants.
We worked hard last year to renovate the GLPOA web site, which we hope you will find useful. Visit us at
Last year we continued the water quality research and sampling program that started several years ago. There are some interesting results which we will cover in detail in the spring newsletter.
We had a rough time last spring when a fast snow melt, heavy rain and high winds combined to cause erosion at some properties. We continue to work with the emergency high water communications group and will again make sure you are informed of any problems if they arise. We look forward to participating in the review of the Bonnechere River Water Management Plan which is up for review starting this fall. The Plan regulates how water levels are managed between Round Lake and Renfrew.
And we continued our efforts with Bonnechere Valley Township to ensure that the proposed landfill just south of the lake at Ruby will not cause any environmental impacts to the lake water or our members’ wells.
I look forward to seeing you in the spring, at the AGM in July and at the other events you will find listed below.
Gail McPhee
GLPOA President
2012 Schedule of Events
Saturday, July 7: GLPOA Annual General Meeting, Killaloe Public School
Complementary tea, coffee and muffins at 8:30 am. The meeting starts at 9:00 am and concludes at 12:00 noon. There will be a special presentation on managing your shoreline to improve water quality and habitat for fish, birds and other wildlife.
Wednesday, July 11: Septic System Seminar, Killaloe Public School
The seminar begins at 6:30 pm and finishes at 9:00 pm, including a short break for refreshments.
We have not yet determined a date for the CPR Course (cardiopulmonary resuscitation), but will announce it in our Spring Newsletter.
Saturday, August 4: Third Annual Boater’s Poker Run
Registration at the Sands on Golden Lake starts at 8:00 am. For more details contact Weldon McEachen: 625-2929.
Spring 2011 Newsletter
April 2011
President’s Message
So much has happened since the summer of 2004 when I was invited to a small meeting to consider the possibility of forming a Golden Lake association. As the only Lake in the area without an association, its waterfront owners had no communications link among themselves or voice in local affairs. After months of work behind the scenes, the first general meeting of the Golden Lake Property Owners Association was held in June 2005.
Since then we’ve accomplished many of the goals we discussed at that first meeting, but there is still more work to do. The consistent strength of GLPOA has been our members’ willingness to volunteer each year to fill vacancies as a few board members complete their terms. This year is another great example as Gail McPhee, GLPOA’s current Vice-President steps up to fill the president’s chair when I complete my term this July.
Gail has been an integral part of our success story from the start. She has headed up GLPOA’s number one priority, which is to increase the membership. In both of the past two years Gail and her team have signed up over 400 members, the largest membership among all the Lake Associations in our area.
I’m asking each of you, as you read through this newsletter, to give serious thought to how you might contribute. Our Board holds four or five meetings each year to plan and report on all the activities the Association is involved in. And it is more than just hard work – you will meet a great group of people and enjoy being part of a variety of successful ventures. Please give some thought to getting involved. Contact any of the people listed on the back page of this newsletter to find out how.
Many thanks for trusting me with the responsibility of serving as your President for the past three years. It has been a lot of work, and a lot of fun too, plus the office it has its perks. For example, I’m always delighted when I receive the positive feedback from our members and from local politicians and businesses in the area for the good work GLPOA has done. I look forward to serving as Past-President and supporting Gail and her Board.
Kevin O’Connor
GLPOA President
Notices of Upcoming Events
Saturday, July 2: Pleasure Craft Operator’s Course, Killaloe Public School
This course was subsequently cancelled because of increased difficulty and changes to the exam. GLPOA will consider whether to continue to offer the course.
Saturday, July 9: GLPOA Annual General Meeting, Killaloe Public School
Meet and greet your neighbours and hear the latest news at the AGM. The meeting will start at 9:00 but arrive at 8:30 for complementary coffee or tea and muffins. We have moved the AGM from early June as in past years to July so that more seasonal cottage members would be able to attend. Special new feature – quality door prizes. The meeting will be adjourned at 11:45 am. See you there.
Saturday, July 16: CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) Course (Level C)
This course was cancelled due to a limited number of registrants.
Saturday, July 30: GLPOA Third Annual Boater’s Poker Run
Our third annual Poker Run will take place on the Civic holiday weekend. Registration begins at The Sands on Golden Lake at 8:00 am. For further detail, please contact Weldon McEachen at 625-2929.
Thursday, August 25: Septic System Seminar, Killaloe Public School
A septic seminar will be held from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm. This seminar will provide a great opportunity for you to learn more about effective septic system care. Last year’s septic seminar was a great success. There is no fee for this seminar and everyone is welcome.
GLPOA Financial Statement
Opening Balance as of June 9, 2010 | $11,204.41 |
Balance as of March 8, 2011 | $ 9,802.53 |
Nominating Committee
Bill Clark and the nominating committee have succeeded at assembling a full slate of officers as indicated on the back of this newsletter. Once again, members have shown their willingness to step up and get involved with the GLPOA.
Waterway Hazard Marking
Rick O’Brien of Golden Lake continues to be the coordinator for the waterway marking program. Although a number of volunteer teams remove, store and replace the buoys each year, the role of coordinator is a important function. The coordinator recruits new volunteers, purchases new equipment, and manages the overall process.
Ruby Road Waste Site News
The GLPOA Board of Directors does not oppose locating a landfill at the Ruby Road site, but wants to assure its members that lake and drinking water quality will not be affected. Some GLPOA members support the Ruby Road proposal while others are concerned about its impact on the local environment. In responding to members’ interests, these are the actions the Board has taken:
¢ Members of the GLPOA Executive served on the Public Liaison Committee formed by BVT under the terms of the Environmental Screening Process for the Ruby Road landfill proposal, and provided regular updates to the GLPOA Board of Directors.
¢ Hosted a public meeting in Killaloe on July 19, 2008 at which BVT Councillors and their consultant were invited to present their proposal for Ruby Road and answer questions from the public.
¢ Convened private meetings with BVT Council representatives in the attempt to better understand why Council was so committed to the Ruby option and so apparently dismissive of other options.
¢ Hired consulting hydrogeologist Wilf Ruland in November 2010 to tour the proposed Ruby site and surrounding area, review the documentation provided by BVT in support of the Ruby Road landfill proposal, and to prepare a report on his findings.
The proposed Ruby Road facility would be an attenuation type landfill, in which rainfall and melted snow pass through the waste and into the ground. Contaminated liquid is called leachate. Wilf Ruland described the attenuation process in his review as follows:
If the landfill proposal is approved, the intention is for all of the proposed landfill’s leachate to simply be allowed to leak into the ground. The assumption being made is that the leachate will all be attenuated (ie. filtered, absorbed, and diluted) on the proposed landfill property, with no offsite impacts occurring.
Cambium Environmental, BV Township’s consultant says that offsite impacts will not occur or will be minimal. Environment Canada says:
It has often been assumed that contaminants left on or under the ground will stay there. This has been shown to be wishful thinking. Groundwater often spreads the effects of dumps and spills far beyond the site of the original contamination. Groundwater contamination is extremely difficult, and sometimes impossible, to clean up. See:
In his review document, Wilf Ruland concluded:
. . . the proposed landfill is likely to cause extensive and unacceptable off-site contamination of groundwater and/or surface water.
In November 2010, when it gave BVT conditional approval to proceed with the Environmental Screening Process, the Ontario Ministry of the Environment wrote:
Our hydrogeologist expressed concern over the unverified properties of the proposed contaminant attenuation zone (CAZ) east of the theoretical fill area. Also requested was consideration of the possibility that actual leachate plume behavior may differ from that predicted by the [computer] model. If leachate impacts become more widespread than predicted by the model, then mitigative measures will be necessary. The ministry requested in an email confirmation that the mitigative measures suggested in the report (CAZ enlargement, low permeability covers, leachate collection) are affordable and possible by the municipality. Confirmation was provided by Cambium in an e-mail dated Nov. 25, 2010.”
There has been little public discussion of the possible need to buy more land or build a leachate collection system. Modern engineered landfills use ˜low permeability’ clay and/or fabric liners to prevent leachate from moving quickly into the groundwater, as well as pumps to move the leachate into prepared ponds or other facilities where it can be treated. The Ministry of Environment will probably decide this summer if the Township can proceed with the Ruby Road landfill.
GLPOA has not engaged in a public argument with BVT Council because the Board recognizes the challenges inherent in managing municipal waste. It is not GLPOA’s intention to harass or undermine the Township’s efforts, but simply to ensure that, if there must be a landfill that close to Golden Lake, it should be the best such facility in the Province.
Please visit the Ruby Road section of the GLPOA web site for more information:
Water Quality Committee Report
Annual Water Test Results
The water quality committee takes two water samples for testing of nutrient levels (as indicated by the phosphorous level) through the Lake Partnership Program sponsored by the Ontario Ministry of Environment. The table below presents the two samples each year from the middle of Golden Lake and are expressed as total phosphorus (TP) in micrograms per litre. A level of less than 10 /L is considered a low nutrient count. The test last summer showed a result higher than 10 /L for the first time.
Test Date | TP #1 | TP #2 | Average |
May 28, ˜03 | 8.2 | 9.6 | 8.9 |
Aug 14, ˜04 | 8.7 | 9.2 | 9.15 |
May 25, ˜08 | 8.3 | 8.6 | 8.45 |
May 06, ˜09 | 9.2 | 8.0 | 8.6 |
May 05, ˜10 | 9.2 | 11.6 | 10.4 |
Brennans Creek Test Program
To investigate concerns about algae blooms, the water quality committee did an intensive series of tests in Brennans Creek last summer. The table below shows the results.
Sample Date | TP Upstream | TP Downstream |
May 25, 2010 | 18.4 /L | 18.4 /L |
July 5, 2010 | 29.8 /L | 27.9 /L |
Aug. 2, 2010 | 26.6 /L | 28.1 /L |
Sept. 7, 2010 | 38.0 /L | 37.5 /L |
Two samples were taken each month, one upstream and one downstream of the Killaloe sewage treatment plant outflow. The phosphorous concentrations in Brennans Creek are much higher than in the lake and rise through the summer months. It is interesting to note that the outflow from the sewage treatment plant (which releases phosphorous) didn’t have a consistent effect on concentrations in the Creek. More testing is being considered for this summer to better identify the sources of phosphorous.
High Water Levels This Spring
The spring freshet has been watched closely for the past couple of years by the Round and Golden Lake property associations, the townships, the Ministry and Renfrew Power Generation. Despite good planning and communications, some property damage has been reported, mostly because of high winds just at the water level peak. See the GLPOA web site for background information and charts of the levels throughout the spring season.
Boat Launch Billboard Sponsors
The four public boat launch billboard maps showing the locations of shoal and channel markers, are located at Deacon Bridge, Tramore Bridge, Bonnechere Lodge and Island View Drive. We are pleased to present the program sponsors below.
2 Retired Guys | 725-7314 |
Bikini Cups Cafe | 625-2995 |
Bryan Fraser Contracting | 625-2962 |
G. Kranz Insurance & Real Estate Ltd. | 757-2515 |
CIBC Killaloe | 757-2901 |
George’s Marine & Sports | 628-2424 |
Golden Lake Chinese Restaurant | 625-2366 |
Golden Lake Park | 757-0018 |
Golden Lake Variety Store | 625-2654 |
Greystone Manor | 625-2999 |
Home Life Donnelly Reality | 757-0330 |
J. Stephen McCann Insurance Brokers | 628-1610 |
Kasdorff Campgrounds | 625-2246 |
Killaloe Pro Hardware | 757-2311 |
Killaloe Sports Plus | 757-2280 |
Killaloe Village Pharmacy & IDA | 757-2281 |
M. Foy & Sons | 757-2307 |
McCarthy Fuels (Killaloe) Ltd. | 757-2829 |
The Sands on Golden Lake | 625-2525 |
Stripe-It | 628-2625 |
Summers Bros. Motors | 757-2171 |
Township of Bonnechere Valley | 628-3101 |
Township of Killaloe, Hagarty & Richards | 757-2300 |
Township of North Algona Wilberforce | 628-2080 |
Winter 2011 Newsletter
February 2011
A Note from the President
I hope you are all surviving the winter well, whether here in Renfrew County, at home in the city or basking on a beach some place warm.
This is the GLPOA winter update email newsletter. I’m pleased to report that well over 300 of our members (out of 417) have provided us with their email addresses, and we are delighted to be able to communicate with each of you in this convenient and economical way.
You will see in the update that the many volunteers who make GLPOA tick have been hard at work behind the scenes on the series of programs that have made this Association a model for other groups in the area. Our dedicated volunteers are directly responsible for our many successes since our formation only six short years ago.
We will have more to report in the Spring Newsletter that will be delivered by your zone representative when they visit your place in the spring. As always, you can check our web site at any time for the latest information:
I look forward to seeing you around the Lake, in town, or at our AGM in July.
Kevin O’Connor
Hawkins Drive
Sixth Annual General Meeting *New Date*
We have moved the AGM from early June as in past years to July so that more seasonal cottage members would be able to attend. The date for this year’s AGM is Saturday, July 9, 2011 at the Killaloe Public School. Coffee and muffins will be on hand at 8:30, with the business meeting starting at 9:00 and adjourning no later than 12:00 noon.
Committee Reports:
2010 was our best year ever, with 417 paid memberships and is the second consecutive year that GLPOA has had more than 400! Congratulations to all our volunteers for their efforts to maintain contact to renew and build the membership. The more members GLPOA has, the better it can represent the views of all property owners around the Lake and River.
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Robyn Richards will present a detailed financial report in our Spring 2011 newsletter and at the AGM in July.
Opening Balance 06-9-10: | $11,204.41 |
Expenses: | $13,374.01 |
Income: | $18.698.00 |
Closing Balance 01-31-11: | $16,681.40 |
Pleasure Craft Operators Course July 2
Our 5th annual boater’s course will be held on Saturday, July 2 at the Killaloe Public School, from 8:30 am to approximately 1:00 pm. The cost is $50.00 per person. Over 400 participants have graduated through this fully accredited and highly successful course and received their operator’s card since GLPOA first offered it in 2006. Our expert instructor Jim Steeves is knowledgeable and entertaining and will cover all the aspects of boating information that you need to know. We offer this instruction at a much lower cost than other agencies that charge as much as $100. If you don’t have your permit yet, join us on July 2, learn this important information, and get legal for 2011.
Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation Course (CPR)
Our 4th annual CPR course will be offered in either July or August. This is an ‘accredited course’ which is required for all health care workers and other professionals, but also suitable for anyone who wants to be prepared for medical emergencies. The GLPOA Spring Newsletter will provide more details on date and location.
The 3rd Annual Boater’s Poker Run
The Poker Run will be held on Saturday, July 30th, starting at the Sands on Golden Lake. Further details will be well advertised before the event.
The 3rd Annual Funfest
Funfest will be held on Saturday, July 30th, once again at the Park across the road from the Sands on Golden Lake. Details to follow.
The 3rd Annual Septic Seminar
This popular and important seminar will be held on Thursday, August 25th from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm at the Killaloe Public School. In previous years, this seminar was held on Saturday morning, but we found that most professionals like pumpers, installers and inspectors could not attend on that day. Also, last year the weather was so perfect on the Saturday morning that most people couldn’t pry themselves away from the lake. This year we’ll try it on a weekday evening to see how it works out. If you can make it, you’ll learn a lot and, maybe surprisingly, will find the session quite enjoyable.
Water Quality Up-Date
The water quality committee met on December 9, 2010 to discuss the results of the last season’s work and to plan activities for 2011. Here is the results summary for the phosphorous tests done under the Lake Partnership Program managed by the Ontario Ministry of Environment. The figures are in units of micrograms per litre of water (Total Phosphorous).
Test Date | TP Sample#1 |
TP Sample#2 |
Average |
May 28, 2003 | 8.2 | 9.6 | 8.9 |
Aug 14, 2004 | 8.7 | 9.2 | 9.15 |
May 25, 2008 | 8.3 | 8.6 | 8.45 |
May 6, 2009 | 9.2 | 8.0 | 8.6 |
May 5, 2010 | 9.2 | 11.6 | 10.4 |
Below are the results from the special Brennans Creek test program run last summer.
TP Upstream | TP Downstream | |
May 25, 2010 | 18.4 /L | 18.4 /L |
July 5, 2010 | 29.8 /L | 27.9 /L |
August 2, 2010 | 26.6 /L | 28.1 /L |
September 7, 2010 | 38.0 /L | 37.5 /L |
The results appear to show that outflow from Brennans Creek is a significant contributor to phosphorous concentrations in Golden Lake, but that there was no apparent contribution to this concentration from the Killaloe sewage treatment plant.
Water Level Up-date
Peter Boldt of Renfrew Power Generation convened a meeting of the Bonnechere System High Water Emergency Communications Committee on January 5th. The committee meets before the spring melt to review the water level and then communicates regularly during the spring freshet to monitor and report on water levels so that emergency measures can be initiated quickly if the levels look like they will reach flood levels. This organized communications system was initiated in 2009 by GLPOA.
Ruby Road Waste Disposal Site Update
GLPOA contracted with respected consulting hydrogeologist, Wilf Ruland of Dundas, Ontario, to visit the proposed Ruby Road waste site, to review the documentation prepared for Bonnechere Valley Township that supports the proposal and to provide the GLPOA board of directors with a second opinion on the possible future impacts of the project on lake and drinking water quality. Mr. Ruland visited the area and toured the site on November 1, 2010. We expect his report to be available to all GLPOA members by the end of February.
Cell Phone Update
The last two of five Bell Mobility towers were constructed and activated last summer. These are located high on hills at Mundt’s mountain and near Simpson’s Pit Road. These, in addition to towers in Douglas, Rankin and Wilber Lake, complete Bell’s commitment to this region in response to GLPOA’s appeal in 2005 to get us connected. Bell’s upgrading has spawned other towers that carry Rogers and Telus signal in Douglas, Eganville and Golden Lake, so that overall, things are much improved. However, if you still find that your cell phone is not getting all the bars it may be that you will have to upgrade your phone. Unfortunately, some service providers have not seized the opportunity to alert customers to the fact that their new towers carry the latest technology and phones, even one year old, might not respond to this signal. For more information, subscribers are encouraged to discuss this with their service providers directly.
See you in the Spring!
Spring 2010 Newsletter
President’s Message
How many six year olds do you know that have become fixtures in their communities, have accomplished important things and always get along well with others? The Golden Lake Property Owners Association has certainly done a lot in its short life. I don’t wish to brag, especially since so many other people are responsible, but the list of accomplishments is already long.
In each of its six years of life, successive GLPOA boards of directors and groups of volunteers have taken on major projects, including a complete system of shoal and channel marker buoys, four billboard maps at boat launch sites, the Deacon boat launch public toilets, boat operator’s training courses where hundreds of cottagers have received certificates, CPR courses, and the promotion of cell phone service.
Last year marked the first GLPOA FunFest, an enjoyable day of games and entertainment at The Sands on Golden Lake. A seminar on septic system features and maintenance was held at the Killaloe Public School, and, while talking sewage may not sound like much fun, the event was attended and appreciated by a very large crowd. The Association also organized and hosted meetings of key agencies regarding spring flooding on the Bonnechere system aimed at improving communications when high water levels threaten shoreline properties. Luckily, this spring’s freshet was a fairly calm affair and we have no reports of damage. You can read more about this and other projects in this newsletter.
Dozens of volunteers have contributed to all these successes. One of the great features of the emerging GLPOA culture is that members feel they can sign on to help with a particular project, get it done and then move on to other aspects of their busy lives. There always seem to be new faces and willing hands to pitch in, so no one feels overworked and under-appreciated. But maybe most importantly, behind the scenes of every GLPOA project are people making new friends, working together and having fun doing something worthwhile. You too can get involved by calling any of the volunteer contacts on the back page of this newsletter.
I look forward to seeing old friends and new members at our events during the summer.
Kevin O’Connor
Notices of Upcoming Events
Saturday, June 5: GLPOA Annual General Meeting, Killaloe Public School
Meet and greet your neighbors and hear the latest news at the AGM. The meeting will start at 9:00 a.m., although you might want to arrive at 8:30 to get a coffee or tea and some light snacks. An added feature of this year’s AGM is a short presentation on Fire Smart and 911 Emergency by Fire Chief Jim Whalen. The meeting will be adjourned at 11:45 am. See you there.
Communal raft at Tranquility Bay. Photo: Diane Schroer
Pleasure Craft Operator’s Course: Saturday, July 3, 2010 (permit mandatory since last September)
Over three years we have successfully graduated more than 300 students ranging in age from eight to eighty. This four-hour course, beginning at 8:00 am, will be held at the Killaloe Public School at a cost of $40.00 per person (pay at the door). Temporary permit issued on the spot with two permanent cards mailed. Pre-register by email to[email protected] or by mail to GLPOA, P.O. Box 99 Golden Lake, ON K0J 1X0.
CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) Course (Level C): Saturday, June 26, 2010
Once again the GLPOA will host a CPR course at the Sands on Golden Lake between 8:30-11:30AM. The cost for this course is $35.00. Registration will take place at the Annual General Meeting on Saturday June 5, 2010. For further details please phone Kevin O’Connor at 625.9937.
Fun Fest: Saturday, July 17, 2010
The second annual social event of great games and music will be held at The Sands on Golden Lake. Last year adults and children alike enjoyed a day filled with fun activities topped off with a great BBQ offering hamburgers and hotdogs!
GLPOA Second Annual Boater’s Poker Run: Saturday, July 31, 2010
Our second annual Poker Run will take place on the Civic Holiday weekend, and promises to be another outstanding event. Registration begins at The Sands on Golden Lake at 8:00 am. Look for more details to follow.
Septic System Seminar: Saturday, August 28, 2010
A septic system seminar will be held at the Killaloe Public school from 9:30 am to 12 noon. This seminar will provide a great opportunity for you to learn more about effective septic system care. Last year’s septic seminar was a great success. There is no fee for this seminar and everyone is welcome.
GLPOA Financial Statement
Opening Balance as of July 1, 2009 * | $6,433.07 |
Total Income | $10,772.90 |
Total Expenses | $5,966.56 |
Net income | $4,806.34 |
Balance as of March 31, 2010 | $11,239.41 |
* The Board of Directors decided to change the Association’s fiscal year end from June 30 to March 31 during the course of this year so this statement is not for a full year.
Nominating Committee
Bill Clark and the nominating committee have been actively recruiting new board members, and have been successful. A full slate of excellent candidates will be presented for consideration by the membership at the AGM on June 5. Once again, members have shown their willingness to step up and get involved with the GLPOA.
Waterway Hazard Marking
Rick O’Brien of Golden Lake has agreed to take on the coordinating role for the waterway marking program. Although a number of volunteer teams remove, store and replace the buoys each year, the role of coordinator is an important function. The coordinator recruits new volunteers, purchases new equipment, and manages the overall process.
Cell Phone Up-date
Bell Canada reports that two new cell phone towers along highway 60 will be installed this summer and expect service to be available as early as September 2010. The towers will provide service along the highway 60 corridor from the Village of Golden Lake to the Village of Wilno, giving contiguous coverage to Barry’s Bay and beyond. GLPOA has been the lead proponent of improved cell service since late 2005. Members of the GLPOA executive identified the lack of cell phone service along Highway 60 from Eganville to Wilno as one of our main issues, and have maintained a dialogue with the various service providers ever since.
Boat Launch Billboard Sponsors
The four public boat launch billboards are attractive and highly visible to visitors to Golden Lake and the Bonnechere River. The billboards are located at Deacon Bridge, Tramore Bridge, Bonnechere Lodge and Island View Drive. Surrounding the large maps (which display waterway hazards) are ads for the twenty-two program sponsors. The participation of our billboard sponsors provides the resources for these important programs. We are pleased to present their names and contact numbers here in appreciate of their contribution.
Bikini Cups Cafe | 625-2995 |
Bryan Fraser Contracting | 625-2962 |
G. Kranz Insurance & Real Estate Ltd. | 757-2515 |
George’s Marine & Sports | 628-2424 |
Golden Lake Chinese Restaurant | 625-2366 |
Golden Lake Park | 757-0018 |
Golden Lake Variety Store | 625-2654 |
Greystone Manor | 625-2999 |
Home Life Donnelly Reality | 757-0330 |
J. Stephen McCann Insurance Brokers | 628-1610 |
Kasdorff Campgrounds | 625-2246 |
Killaloe Pro Hardware | 757-2311 |
Killaloe Sports Plus | 757-2280 |
Killaloe Village Pharmacy & IDA | 757-2281 |
M. Foy & Sons | 757-2307 |
McCarthy Fuels (Killaloe) Ltd. | 757-2829 |
The Sands on Golden Lake | 625-2525 |
Stripe-It | 628-2625 |
Summers Bros. Motors | 757-2171 |
Township of Bonnechere Valley | 628-3101 |
Township of Killaloe, Hagarty & Richards | 757-2300 |
Township of North Algona Wilberforce | 628-2080 |
Ruby Road Waste Site News
The Township of the Bonnechere Valley is examining the feasibility of building a land fill (garbage dump) for the whole township on the site of the Ruby Road waste transfer station, which is located about 1 1/2 kilometers from Golden Lake. As requested by GLPOA and other groups, the township has promised to present the costs of building and operating the Ruby site compared to the alternative option of trucking waste to the Ottawa Valley Waste Recovery Centre near Pembroke. Last spring’s GLPOA newsletter reported that these comparative figures were expected soon, but the results of the analysis have not yet been released. We will notify the membership when the figures are available.
Water Quality Committee Report
Annual Lake Water Test Results
The water quality committee has organized the annual testing of nutrient levels (as indicated by the concentration of phosphorous) through the Lake Partnership Program sponsored by the Ontario Ministry of Environment. The testing is free, and with so many other lake organizations, the results allow comparisons with hundreds of other lakes. Phosphorus gets into the water mainly from agricultural runoff and from household use of detergents (phosphates) that find their way into the water through septic system leaking and water treatment plant outflow. The table below presents the two samples each year from the middle of Golden Lake and are expressed as total phosphorus (TP) in micrograms per litre.
Test Date | TP Sample#1 | TP Sample#2 |
May 28, 2003 | 8.2 | 9.6 |
August 14, 2004 | 8.7 | 9.2 |
May 25, 2008 | 8.3 | 8.6 |
May 06, 2009 | 9.2 | 8.0 |
A level of less than 10 /L is considered a low nutrient count. You can see the results for many Ontario lakes at the Lake Partnership web site and will notice that Golden Lake’s results are at the low end of the average phosphorus concentrations.
Special Brennans Creek Test Program
Although water quality in the Lake is fine, there have been questions since GLPOA was formed about the algae blooms at the mouth of Brennans Creek at the west end of Golden Lake. Also mentioned are sludge deposits along the sandy shore at Harrington Road, which is close to the mouth of Brennans. Attention has focused on the Killaloe sewage treatment plant, which discharges into Brennans about one kilometer upstream of the mouth and which, according to the plant’s own reports, releases an average of 0.06 kilograms (about two ounces) of phosphorous each day into the Creek.
To investigate those concerns the water quality committee plans an intensive series of tests in Brennans Creek this summer. Two water samples will be taken, one upstream and one downstream of the treatment plant, to determine two things: first, the phosphorous concentration in the Creek compared to the Lake, and second, to see how much the plant discharge affects total phosphorous concentration. Two water samples will be taken and tested in each of the four months of the summer. The results should give us a good profile of phosphorous concentrations in Brennans Creek under various dilution conditions, and hopefully provide insights into the impact on water quality of the Killaloe sewage treatment plant.
You will find the results of this test program as they become available at the Water Quality and Levels section of the GLPOA web site at:
Bonnechere System Flooding Emergency Communications Plan
The water levels committee was very active in late 2009 and early 2010, working on improving communications among the various groups that have responsibilities for responding to spring flooding at Round Lake, Golden Lake and the Bonnechere River between the two. It was GLPOA President Kevin O’Connor who prompted this initiative when he noticed the lack of coordination during the flooding event in the spring of 2008.
GLPOA hosted two meetings of the eight stakeholder groups, one on November 19 and one on January 7. The seven other stakeholders are the townships of Killaloe, Hagarty and Richards, North Algona-Wilberforce, and Bonnechere Valley; the Pikwakanagan First Nation, Round Lake Property Owners Association, Renfrew Power Generation and the Ministry of Natural Resources.
Between the meetings, GLPOA developed and distributed a questionnaire for the stakeholders. The responses were used to create a reliable list of contacts and a summary of what each agency can do to alert property owners of an imminent high water event, and whether they can provide supplies like sandbags and sand, and assistance for the protection of properties when water levels rise above the normal range.
This has been a highly successful initiative. The other stakeholders have made generous statements of appreciation for GLPOA’s leadership and vision in bringing the stakeholders together. Janice Visneskie, Mayor of Killaloe, Hagarty & Richards township said, This is a very important initiative and it has proven to be a valuable communications link .
Peter Boldt of RPG had this to say: The GLPOA executive spear-headed the organization of the initial meetings which brought everyone to the table and established a positive atmosphere.
The plan of action developed at the January meeting is unfolding as intended. Renfrew Power Generation, which does the actual control of levels by adjusting the height of dams at Tramore and Golden Lake, drew down the level of Round Lake aggressively in late winter in preparation for the spring freshet. RPG hosted a briefing meeting in mid-March just as the freshet began to report on their evaluation of snow pack conditions. As anticipated, the freshet happened gradually this year with no flooding.
A final meeting of the stakeholders is scheduled for May 27 to evaluate the response to the spring water flows. The meeting will be hosted by Renfrew Power Generation.
The GLPOA water level committee members are Kevin O’Connor, Gail McPhee, Mike Cayer, Lucy King, Gord McMillan and John Gulland.
2009 – 10 Board of Directors
Executive Committee |
Kevin O’Connor, President | Hawkins Drive | 625-9937 |
Gail McPhee, Vice-President | L’Escale Lane | 757-0257 |
Bill Clark, Secretary | Island View Drive | 625-2004 |
Kathy Lampi, Treasurer | Mundts Bay | 625-1459 |
Michael Johnson, Membership |
Bonnechere River | 757-2701 |
Dave Lemkay, Past-president |
Tranquility Bay Drive | 625-2112 or 649-2616 |
Directors |
Doug Yourth | Highway 60 | |
Jeff Raisbeck | Deacon | |
Brenda Maunder | Twin Maple Lane | |
Karen Utronkie | Great Heron Lane | |
Stephen Butler | Tranquility Bay Dr | |
Mike Cayer | Richards Lane | |
Hubert Weber | Hawkins Drive | |
Gord McMillan | McMillan Drive |
Committee Chairs for 2010
Michael Johnson 757-2701
Monique Pye 757-0851
Water Quality
John Gulland 757-2290
Corporate Advertising
Kevin O’Connor 625-9937
Shoal Marking (Buoy) Program
Rick O’Brien 625-2707
Water Levels
John Gulland 757-2290
Kevin O’Connor 625-9937
Pleasure Craft Operators Course
Dave Lemkay 649-2616
2009 Regatta/Funfest
Bill Clark 625-2004
CPR Course
Kevin O’Connor 625-9937
Weldon McEachen 625-2929
Nominating Committee
Bill Clark 625-2004
Dave Lemkay 649-2616
John Gulland 757-2290
Web Site
John Gulland 757-2290
Zone Representatives
If you are interested in becoming a Zone Rep, please contact Michael Johnson at 757-2701
Zone | Description | Representative |
Zone 1 | Golden Lake Village and Pikwakanagan | Rick O’Brien 625-2707 Jim Meness 625-2014 |
Zone 2 | Island View Dr, Abby W. | Kate O’Hara 625-1050 Nancy Singleton 625-2452 Dean Bergstresser 625-2723 |
Zone 3 | Hwy 60, Mundts Bay Ln, Fish Hut Rd, Log Cabin Tr, Twin Maple Ln, Burnchberry Ln, Red Pine Camp W | Doug Yourth 625-2725Brenda Maunder 625-1324 |
Zone 4 | McMillan Rd, Goldfinch Dr, Kasdorff Ln | Robin Richards 625-2979 |
Zone 5 | Hwy 60 at Deacon, McNee Dr, Browns Cr | Gary Yeldon 625-2735 Lyle Kauffeldt 625-1651Michael Johnson 757-2701 |
Zone 6 | L’Escale Ln, Great Heron Rd, Harrington Rd, Black Point Rd | Gail McPhee 757-0257Karen Utronkie 756-0168Ken Kruger 757-2233 |
Zone 7 | Hawkins Dr, Nien-Mar Ln, Bob’s Ln, Sheedy Ln, Skelly Rd, Gorman Rd, Bonnechere Lodge Rd, Sleepy Hollow Lane | Norm Edwards 625-9961 Marion Fuder 625-2076 Terry Ryan 625-2313 |
Zone 8 | Billena W, Lynch-Reid Ln, Richards Ln, Cedar Beach Ln, Golden Mile W, Golden Lyn W, McSearsull W | Mike Cayer 625-2555 |
Zone 9 | Rocky Point Dr, Tranquility Bay, Mundts Ln | Doreen Dunn-Scully 625-2407Stephen Butler 625-1454Dave Lemkay 625-2112 |
Zone 10 | Tramore Dr, Bonnechere River Ln, Boyle Ln, Eady Ln, Jeffries Ln, Narrows Ln, Okum Ln, Libby Ln | Michael Johnson 757-2701 Terry Howard 757-3456 Ed Gionet, Carol Anne Zohr 757-1952Noella Lehman 757-3149 |
Zone 11 | Carty Rd, White Church Rd, Karmak Haven Rd, Griffith Wagner Rd, Musky Bay Ln | Michael Johnson 757-2701 |
2010 Membership Dues – $20.00
Winter 2010 Newsletter
Hello from Golden Lake
This informal early spring newsletter is sent, as in previous years, to stay in touch with our members, many of whom are enjoying warmer climes. We list information on upcoming events for 2010 that will be of interest to you. See you in the spring!
GLPOA Annual General Meeting: Saturday, June 5
The 2010 GLPOA Annual General Meeting will be held Saturday, June 5th at the Killaloe Public School. The meeting will start at 9:00. More detailed notices will appear on the GLPOA web site and in local newspapers.
CPR Class C (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) course: June 26
Once again, it is expected that GLPOA will conduct a Class C CPR Course. Registration will take place at the AGM.
Pleasure Craft Operator’s Course: Saturday, July 3
Over the past three years we have successfully graduated about 300 students from ages eight to eighty. Even though the deadline of September 15, 2009 has passed, there will continue to be boaters who need to obtain their permit. If numbers warrant, we will once again offer this important service on the first Saturday of July, this year being July 5th. The four-hour course, starting at 8:00 am will be held at Killaloe Public School at a cost of $35.00 per person. We ask that you pre-register with an email to [email protected] or by mail to GLPOA, P.O. Box 99 Golden Lake ON K0J 1X0.
GLPOA Annual Poker Run: Saturday July 31
Our second annual Poker Run takes place in the Civic Holiday Weekend and promises to be another outstanding event. Organizers will start registration at The Sands on Golden Lake starting at 8:00 am. The $20.00 (per person) entry fee deals you into the game and buys you lunch, with as many players per boatload as you want.
Cell Phone Progress
Over the past four years GLPOA has been actively working to promote the need for improved cell phone service in the region. To date, three Bell Mobility towers, located in Douglas, Rankin and near Wilber Lake, have been installed and activated. As for the remaining two Bell towers, both property owners and GLPOA have been assured by Bell Mobility in Montreal that both towers, one on highway 60, approximately 1 mile east of McMillan Road and the other a few miles west of the flashing light at Simpsons Pit Road intersection, will be built in early spring. The Rogers towers in Douglas, Eganville and Golden Lake have greatly improved overall service. So we are confident that by this summer season, upgrades will result in much improved cellular coverage across Golden Lake and Round Lake.
Lakeside Billboards and our Corporate Sponsors
In 2009 we had our most successful year with corporate sponsor advertising on our billboards. There were 21 participating companies and we have two additional 2 new sponsors scheduled for 2010 for a total of 23! This is a most valuable program for GLOPA, providing funds to underwrite the considerable expense associated with waterway hazard marking on the lake and river stretches. Our corporate sponsors are listed on our web site. You can thank them in person, with your patronage as you conduct your business in the area.
High Water Levels
Everyone is aware of the issue of high water levels of the Bonnechere system in previous years. Both Round Lake and Golden Lake and the Bonnechere River in between had their high-water record broken in 2008. A more aggressive draw down of the water level has taken place over this fall and winter to create added capacity for the spring freshet. GLPOA continues to work with our partners on the waterway, including Round Lake Property Owners Association (RLPOA), Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) and Renfrew Power Generation (RPG).
GLPOA hosted two meetings of the stakeholders in late 2009 and early 2010. Read the minutes and summary here.
To see the current water level on Golden Lake, go here.
Ruby Road Waste Site News
Bonnechere Valley Township Council continues to move forward through its Waste Management Committee to examine the feasibility of an expansion of the Ruby Road Waste Transfer Station site. Many consultations have been held over the past two years and the task at hand now for the Council is to assemble comparative costs of expansion or joining in with the Renfrew County Waste Recovery Centre on Woito Station Road. It is the intent of the GLPOA to continue to closely follow this issue, keeping membership apprised of developments. The Bonnechere Valley Township website can be consulted for any updates at:
Waterway Hazard Marking
Golden Lake and the Bonnechere River bottoms have irregularities that enhance the beauty and intrigue boaters. However, these features present hazards and must be marked for boaters on the waterway. GLPOA has initiated a comprehensive program of hazard locating with large orange buoys in the main lake and red and green channel markers upstream from the Deacon bridge. It is our plan to have buoys installed by the May long weekend and removed by thanksgiving. The program is being managed by members Jay Foran and Gord McMilllan with a growing list of dedicated volunteers looking after buoys in their respective locations. The known hazards are also located on our official GLPOA maps, available for sale at The Sands on Golden Lake.
Membership is Important
Through a survey of tax rolls of the three townships in the region, we have determined that there are about 500 inhabited waterfront properties along the Bonnechere River and on Golden Lake. We are proud that as of 2009, we have just over 400 of these properties are represented as members of our association. Membership is key to our success, as an association, to have a strong collective voice with which to address issues and concerns to all levels of government. Our geographic area is divided into eleven zones, each managed by a Zone Representative and assisted by volunteers, to canvass for your annual $20.00 dues. It will be helpful all around, if you might choose to send in your 2010 dues by mail to our P.O. Box 99 , Golden Lake mailing address now with this start of this calendar year.
New Canadiana and Ottawa Valley History Book
I take the liberty of announcing the new book Alligators of the North that chronicles the forestry and river drive workhorse, the Alligator Steam Tug Boat manufactured by West & Peachy in Simcoe Ontario from 1889 through to the 1930s. The Alligator was ubiquitous on most tributaries of the Ottawa River, including the Bonnechere and Golden Lake! The Canadian Forestry Association, through its Pembroke office, offers a pre-publication discount. Visit the special blog
Prepared and distributed by Dave Lemkay.
Spring 2009 Newsletter
President’s Message
Another summer season is about to start, the fifth since July 2004 when a group waterfront dwellers met to discuss the fact that ours was the only lake in our area that didn’t have an association. From that modest start, the Golden Lake Property Owners Association quickly became a vibrant and effective organization.
Since its inception, GLPOA has had excellent Boards of Directors who have worked together well and enjoyed each other’s company. The evidence of their effectiveness is all the successful programs it has initiated or participated in, such as waterway markers, boat launch billboards, Deacon boat launch public toilets, boat operators training, and cell phone service. The GLPOA has also collaborated effectively with other local organizations and with the provincial and municipal levels of government.
The Board recognizes the importance of renewal within its ranks and this year is particularly key for recruiting enthusiastic members. See the nominating committee report in this newsletter for details on board renewal and the nominating process.
Committed volunteers have been the backbone of our success. In this newsletter you will read about the work of the committees that deal with various issues. We always need more volunteers to maintain our levels of success. Participation in committee work doesn’t take much time. If you can commit three or four hours in the next six months to the Association, you can make a significant contribution.
The memberships of the board and committees of a healthy and successful organization are in constant evolution, as longer-term members step down and new volunteers step up to take their place. New volunteers bring fresh ideas and energy and ensure that no individual feels burdened by too much of the work. Please get in touch with any of the contacts on the last page of this newsletter to find out how you can participate.
I look forward to seeing old friends and new members at our general meeting in June and at Fun Fest in July.
Kevin O’Connor
Notices of Upcoming Events
Saturday, June 6: GLPOA Annual General Meeting, Killaloe Public School
The General Meeting is a great time to see friends and neighbors and catch up on activities and events around the Lake and River since our gatherings last summer. The Board of Directors has continued to meet over the winter and has plenty to report on. They also need to hear your thoughts and concerns. The meeting will start at 9:00 a.m., although you might want to arrive at 8:30 to get a coffee or tea and some of the delicious baked goods offered as a fundraiser for the Killaloe Youth Program. The meeting will adjourn before noon, so you can get on with your busy day. Our AGMs are usually well-attended because they are informative and efficient. See you there.
Saturday, July 4: Pleasure Craft Operator’s Course, Killaloe Public School
Last summer forty-eight people attended the GLPOA sponsored “boating school” at Killaloe Public and each successfully passed the test. The previous year there were eighty. The popular event will be offered again on July 4. From about 8:30 to 1:00 pm the experienced trainer, Jim Steeves of Safety Afloat, will again deliver a factual and entertaining course based on the Canadian Coast Guard accredited course manual. The course this year is special because September 15, 2009 is the deadline by which everyone operating a power boat will need their operator’s license. The course is inexpensive and efficient at $35 and all those who have taken the multiple choice test at the end of the session have passed and are issued their temporary license right on the spot.
Saturday, July 11: CPR Course, The Sands on Golden Lake
The Association is once again offering a course on CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) for anyone who wants to be prepared for health emergencies. The course will start at 8:30 a.m. and finish at 2:00 p.m. Please contact Kevin O’Connor for more information and to register for the course.
Saturday, July 18: GLPOA FunFest, The Sands on Golden Lake
FunFest will be held at The Sands on Golden Lake from 10 am to 2:00 pm on Saturday, July 18. GLPOA members and their guests are invited to attend. This event will not include a meeting – it will be all fun. Morning activities will be held in the parkland across highway 62 (driving range area) and will offer activities suited to children and teens. Lunch and afternoon waterfront activities will take place on beach side. The Sands will prepare a barbecue lunch of hamburgers and hot dogs. GLPOA Secretary Bill Clark is the main organizer and contact for Fun Fest. Get in touch with him if you need more information or wish to volunteer for one of the many tasks involved.
Thursday, August 27: GLPOA Septic System Seminar
This is one of the most important sessions for any home or cottage owner to attend. Learn about how to protect your investment and water quality by having a properly maintained and functioning septic system. Topics include Do’s & Don’ts for your system, approved technologies and care and use of your system. Septic 101 will be presented by Denis Orendt, Executive Director of the Ontario Onsite Wast Water Association. The seminar will start at 7:00 p.m. and end at 8:30 p.m. at the Killaloe Public School. This event will be open to all area residents.
Water Quality Committee Report
Water Quality Testing
Water quality can be evaluated in a number of ways, including clarity and visual quality, odour, algae growth, bacterial concentrations (e coli is a key one) and nutrient levels. Measures of clarity and other visual indicators tend to be done at specific locations on a lake or river. Water bodies all contain bacteria like e coli, but their concentrations tend to be acceptably low, although levels can be higher at points of agricultural runoff. The most commonly used measure of water quality is nutrient levels as indicated by phosphorous concentrations. Phosphorus gets into the water mainly from agricultural runoff and from household use of detergents (phosphates) that find their way into the water through septic system leaching and water treatment plant effluent. High nutrient levels are revealed by excessive algae growth.
The water quality committee has organized the annual testing of nutrient levels through the Lake Partnership Program sponsored by the Ontario Ministry of Environment. The testing is free, and since so many other lake organizations around the province participate, the results allow comparisons. The nutrient levels (phosphorous) in samples taken in the centre of Golden Lake in May, 2008 were very close to results in the 2003 and 2004 testing. Each year two samples are taken from a location in the centre of the lake away from any inflow areas. In the table below the two samples each year are expressed as total phosphorus (TP) in micrograms per litre.
Test Date | TP Sample #1 | TP Sample #2 |
May 28, 2003 | 8.2 | 9.6 |
August 14, 2004 | 8.7 | 9.2 |
May 25, 2008 | 8.3 | 8.6 |
A level below 10 is considered a low nutrient count. You can see the results for many Ontario lakes at the Lake Partnership web site and will notice that Golden Lake’s results are at the low end of the average phosphorus concentrations. So far, all indications are that the water in Golden Lake is of good quality.
Water Quality Fact Sheets
The water quality committee has produced three fact sheets to help answer some important questions that members might have. The three are:
* “Give Your Shoreline A Makeover“, which gives suggestions for how to manage your waterfront property to reduce work, pollution and improve wildlife habitat;
* “Mow it High and Let it Lie“, on how to produce a healthy and environment-friendly lawn; and
* “Septic System Care” on how to protect your septic system investment and how to tell if it is in good condition.
You can find all three fact sheets in the water quality section of the GLPOA web site.
Nominating Committee
Bill Clark chairs the nominating committee and is working to identify candidates for the four Board positions that must be filled at the AGM on June 6. The Board recognizes the importance of renewal within its ranks and this year is particularly key for recruiting enthusiastic members. At least two members of our executive have completed their terms and will be stepping down, so there will be a lot of adjustments to Board membership this year. If you would like to stand for election or nominate someone, or if you just have questions about the process, please contact Bill.
Cell Phone Progress
Kevin O’Connor and Dave Lemkay have worked for years with Bell and Rogers, the two main cell signal carriers. Rogers have five of their towers up and providing service covering our entire area. Bell has three towers servicing some of our area, and has plans to provide full coverage. However, completion of the Bell system to give full service to our area may be delayed until next year. We will keep you informed of developments.
High Water Levels in Spring
Every spring the water level in the Bonnechere River and Golden Lake rises as the runoff from snow melt, combined with spring rains, adds more water (called the freshet) to the system than can be released through the dam at Pikwakanagan. Our section of the watershed between the dams at Tramore and Pikwakanagan is the seventh “reach”, or level between dams, counting from Castleford near Renfrew where the Bonnechere enters the Ottawa River.
Last spring (2008) near-record water levels were experienced in both Round Lake and Golden Lake. There was very minor property damage around Golden Lake as a result of the high water levels, but there was serious damage to properties on Round Lake. The Round Lake Property Owners Association has been pushing for amendments to the Bonnechere River Water Management Plan for several years in hopes that the changes will make spring flooding less severe. The general strategy with the amendment is to lower the level in Round Lake further in winter so there is a greater capacity to absorb the spring runoff. The GLPOA has been actively involved in these discussions, represented by Kevin O’Connor, Dave Lemkay and Lucy King.
If the spring water level on Round Lake can be kept below crisis levels, the pressure on Golden Lake is also reduced. This is because high water levels in the River and Lake are the result of the spring freshet inflows around the reach, and the outflow from Round Lake at the Tramore dam. Therefore, the peak flow at Tramore during the freshet period has a direct bearing on flood prospects in the Golden Lake reach. If the release rate from Round Lake can be kept moderate, the likelihood of flooding on Golden Lake is reduced. If things go as anticipated, the peak level on Golden Lake during freshet should be lower in the future than was experienced last year.
The amendment to the management plan will be the subject of public consultation in the next few months and it is hoped that the new operating regime will be in place this fall. The proposed regime could mean slightly lower levels in Golden Lake during the winter months, although the proposal has not yet been finalized. It is not anticipated that a lower level would have any detrimental effect on GLPOA properties.
The amendment process is being managed by the Ministry of Natural Resources Pembroke district office and the levels specified in the management plan are implemented by Renfrew Power Generation.
A GLPOA water levels committee headed by president Kevin O’Connor is being formed to participate in the consultation process.
Boat Launch Billboard Sponsors
The four public boat launch billboards are attractive and highly visible to visitors to Golden Lake and the Bonnechere River. The billboards are located at Deacon Bridge, Tramore Bridge, Bonnechere Lodge and Island View Drive. Surrounding the large maps (which display waterway hazards) are ads for the program sponsors. The waterway marking and billboard programs were costly to create and have ongoing expenses, even though the work is done by volunteers. The participation of our billboard sponsors provides the resources for these important programs. We are pleased to present their names and contact numbers here.
Bikini Cups Cafe | 625-2995 |
Bryan Fraser Contracting | 625-2962 |
G. Kranz Insurance & Real Estate Ltd. | 757-2515 |
George’s Marine & Sports | 628-2424 |
Golden Lake Chinese Restaurant | 625-2366 |
Golden Lake Park | 757-0018 |
Golden Lake Variety Store | 625-2654 |
Greystone Manor | 625-2999 |
J. Stephen McCann Insurance Brokers | 628-1610 |
Kasdorff Campgrounds | 625-2246 |
Killaloe Pro Hardware | 757-2311 |
Killaloe Sports Plus | 757-2280 |
Killaloe Village Pharmacy & IDA | 757-2281 |
M. Foy & Sons | 757-2307 |
McCarthy Fuels (Killaloe) Ltd. | 757-2829 |
The Sands on Golden Lake | 625-2525 |
Stripe-It | 628-2625 |
Township of Bonnechere Valley | 628-3101 |
Township of Killaloe, Hagarty & Richards | 757-2300 |
Township of North Algona Wilberforce | 628-2080 |
Ruby Road Waste Site News
The Township of the Bonnechere Valley is examining the feasibility of expanding the Ruby Road Waste Transfer Station into a land fill site that would handle all the waste from the entire township, including the town of Eganville. All the costs for environmental protection, engineering and managing the Ruby site will be calculated within this study. At the same time, the Township has agreed to provide a cost estimate of having the waste sent to the large Ottawa Valley Waste Disposal Centre near Pembroke as an alternative to the Ruby Road site. Both sets of calculations are expected soon, setting the stage for decision-making by Council. GLPOA has representation on the Public Liaison Committee, and the Committee for the Preservation of Bonnechere Valley is monitoring the Environmental Screening closely. We will keep you informed.
Waterway Hazard Marking
Gord McMillan heads up the waterway hazard marking program. He reports that all the existing buoys were recovered last fall and are accounted for and that he has recruited a number of volunteers to help him to place them this spring. The main hazards on the waterway are now marked. This year special attention will be focussed on channel marking at narrows and in the River. Seven sets of red and green buoys have been purchased to properly identify the safe channel at critical locations including Beattys Island, the mouth of the Bonnechere River and upstream at Kilby Road and Boyle Lane Narrows and below the Kokomis Road Bridge.
Issue Update: Cormorants
Golden Lake is one of many lakes in Ontario that have seen an increase in the number of nesting cormorants over the past few years. These birds are not really an invasive species in the normal sense because they are indigenous to our region. However, toxic contamination in the lakes caused egg shell thinning and just about eliminated the birds from the province. In some ways the return of the cormorant is a sign of improved water quality.
However, the populations have increased so fast that their status as an endangered species is being challenged. Bill 62, regarding this change to the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Amendment Act (Double-Crested Cormorants), 2008 has had its first reading and is scheduled to be debated in the Ontario Legislature on December 3rd, 2009.
New Map of Golden Lake and Bonnechere River
We have created a totally new map for the convenience of our members and for visitors to our area. The map shows details of the lake and river, including waterway hazard locations, channel markers, names of bays and islands and contour lines showing depths in the lake. The road network surrounding the waterway is named and colour-coded to show maintained and seasonal status and there is a key to identify and locate local businesses, boat launches and other facilities.
The full-colour map was produced with the expert services of the Development and Property Department of the County of Renfrew under the direction of G.I.S. Coordinator Jason Davis and G.I.S. Technician Angie Schultz. They worked with us over the winter months to get every last detail correct and they also worked with Pembroke District of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources to supply data such as the water depth contours. The maps are available either in folded or unfolded format and one will be distributed free to each GLPOA member household. They will also be carried and offered for sale to the public for $5.00 by local businesses in the area. We are sure you’ll be pleased with this totally up-to-date rendering of our waterway and surrounding area.
2008 – 09 Board of Directors
Executive Committee |
Kevin O’Connor, President | Hawkins Drive | 625-9937 |
Bill Gardner, Vice President | Boyle Lane | 757-2909 |
Bill Clark, Secretary | Island View Drive | 625-2004 |
Kathy Lampi, Treasurer | Mundts Bay | 625-1459 |
Gail McPhee | L’Escale Lane | 757-0257 |
Dave Lemkay, Past-president | Tranquility Bay Drive | 625-2112 or 649-2616 |
Directors |
Doug Yourth | Highway 60 | |
Michael Johnson | Bonnechere River | |
Jeff Scharf | Deacon | |
Brenda Maunder | Twin Maple Lane | |
Karen Utronkie | Great Heron Lane | |
Mike Cayer | Richards Lane | |
Hubert Weber | Hawkins Drive | |
Gord McMillan | McMillan Drive |
Committee Chairs for 2008 – 09
Gail McPhee 613-757-0257
Mike Johnson 613-757-2701
Water Quality
Mike Cayer 613-625-2555
Corporate Advertising
Kevin O’Connor 613-625-9937
Shoal Marking (Buoy) Program
Gord McMillan 613-625-2711
Water Levels
Dave Lemkay 613-649-2616
Kevin O’Connor 613-625-9937
Pleasure Craft Operators Course
Dave Lemkay 613-649-2616
2009 Regatta/Funfest
Bill Clark 613-625-2004
CPR Course
Kevin O’Connor 613-625-9937
Nominating Committee
Bill Clark 613-625-2004
Dave Lemkay 613-649-2616
John Gulland 613-757-2208
Web Site
John Gulland 613-757-2208
Membership is Important
There are more than 700 waterfront properties along the Bonnechere River and around Golden Lake. We are pleased that about 400 of these properties are represented as members of our association. Achieving a strong representation of the property owners through membership in the Association has been one of the three main objectives of GLPOA since its formation. At 400-strong we have a clear collective voice with which to communicate with all levels of government. Our geographic area is divided into eleven zones, each looked after by volunteer representatives, to canvass the property owners in their zone and sign up members. We trust you agree that $20 each year is good value for your money and that you are proud to be a member of an active organization like GLPOA.
Zone Representatives
Zone | Description | Representative |
Zone 1 | Golden Lake Village and Pikwakanagan | Village: Rick O’Brien 625-2707 Pikwakanagan: Jim Meness 625-2014 |
Zone 2 | Island View Dr, Abby W. | Kate O’Hara 625-1050 Nancy Singleton 625-2452 Dean Bergstresser 625-2723 |
Zone 3 | Hwy 60, Mundts Bay Ln, Fish Hut Rd, Log Cabin Tr, Twin Maple Ln, Burnchberry Ln, Red Pine Camp W | Doug Yourth 625-2725 |
Zone 4 | McMillan Rd, Goldfinch Dr, Kasdorff Ln | Brenda Maunder 625-1324 Robyn Richards 625-2979 |
Zone 5 | Hwy 60 at Deacon, McNee Dr, Browns Cr, Sleepy Hollow | Gary Yeldon 625-2735 Lyle Kauffeldt 625-1651 |
Zone 6 | L’Escale Ln, Great Heron Rd, Harrington Rd, Black Point Rd | Ken Kruger 7572233 Gail McPhee 757-0257 Karen Utronkie 756-0168 |
Zone 7 | Hawkins Dr, Nien-Mar Ln, Bob’s Ln, Sheedy Ln, Skelly Rd, Gorman Rd | Norm Edwards 625-9961 Marion Fudder 625-2076 Terry Ryan 625-2313 |
Zone 8 | Bonnechere Lodge Rd, Billena W, Lynch-Reid Ln, Richards Ln, Cedar Beach Ln, Golden Mile W, Golden Lyn W, McSearsull W | Mike Cayer 625-2555 |
Zone 9 | Rocky Point Dr, Tranquility Bay | Dave Lemkay 625-2112 Doreen Dunn-Scully 625-2407 |
Zone 10 | Tramore Dr, Bonnechere River Ln, Boyle Ln, Eady Ln, Jeffries Ln, Narrows Ln, Okum Ln, Libby Ln | Michael Johnson 757-2701 Terry Howard 757-3456 Ed Gionet, Carol Anne Zohr 757-1952 |
Zone 11 | Carty Rd, White Church Rd, Karmak Haven Rd, Griffith Wagner Rd, Musky Bay Ln | Bill Gardner 757-2909 Tom Connolly 757-3154 |
[toggle title=”Fall 2008 Membership Letter”]
Spring 2008 Newsletter
Hello GLPOA members,
This email is sent out to our member mailing list (which totals well over 300 names) as we finalize our membership activity for 2008.
Renewals have been steady throughout the summer at the June Annual General Meeting and the August Meeting & Social. As well, our zone representatives have been able to generate other renewals on an ongoing basis. However, with the wetter than normal summer, we have missed some members – at the meetings and while knocking on doors. We want to maintain the 400 member level we attained in 2007.
If you have taken the opportunity to pay your $20.00 dues, we thank you… if you have not as yet been contacted, we will appreciate hearing from you this fall. Your cheque made out to GLPOA mailed to our address – P.O. Box 99, Golden Lake ON K0J 1X0 will put things right.
As you will know, our association has been successful in a number of projects, not the least of which is the completion of three new cell phone towers in the area. This brings to frution two years of diligent representation to Bell Mobility on your behalf. In addition, your directors and committee people have put in countless hours on waterway hazard marking, water level meetings and water quality testing issues.
We believe that for the nominal fee of $20.00, property owners on Golden Lake and the Bonnechere River are well served. Your association is a progressive and focused organization dedicated to the betterment of this wonderful waterfront community.
A fall newsletter will be coming your way electronically and as a handout between now and Thanksgiving weekend. It will highlight the activity that has gone on throughout 2008. Of course, you can stay caught up by visiting our web site at:
If you have renewed your 2008 membership – we thank you. You’re in good standing. If you’re one of those who has overlooked renewal, please take a few minutes to do it now, we’ll thank you too!
Gail McPhee
Membership Committee Chair
Crisis on Golden Lake April 22 2008
This email is sent at 1:20AM on Wednesday April 23rd to alert you to serious flooding.
You will be aware that the water level on the Golden Lake stage of the Bonnechere system is extremely high. The spring freshet and surface runoff is extremely high this year with the recent record snowfalls. Be advised that the rising water has not peaked yet!
There was an emergency meeting held today with representatives of Round Lake, Golden Lake, Renfrew Power Generation, Ministry of Natural Resources, Emergency Preparedness Canada and surrounding townships. People were advised that the level of water on Round Lake has surpassed the all time record. It appears that this is also the case on Golden Lake. And it’s rising yet. The Golden Lake dam is running wide open – that is – all stops have been removed and the river is running its natural capacity flow. However, this outbound flow cannot keep up with the inflow of water coming from above Round Lake and surface runoff.
Township of Killaloe, Hagarty & Richards Mayor Janice Visneskie declared a State of Emergency late Tuesday afternoon. Renfrew Power Generation had been expected to remove one of the two remaining logs in the Tramore Dam late Wednesday, however this was not done, suggesting that perhaps the peak level had passed.
Many of you will not be directly affected by this high water because of the elevation of your buildings. However, there will be property owners who will receive flooding damage. For people needing information or assistance on the north shore of Golden Lake and the Bonnechere River, contact Joy Lavereau, 613-625-2099 or Road Superintendent Harvey Reckzine at 613-628-2618 (home-613-625-2750).
For residents on the south shore in Bonnechere Valley Township, you can contact Bill Kennedy at the Township office at 613-628-3101 extension 226 (home 613-625-1225) or Emergency Planning Coordinator Steve Fagan at 613-628-5914 (cell phone 613-281-1001).
If anyone has an immediate problem or knows of a property that should be investigated in the owner’s absence, you are invited to reply to this email or contact authorities as listed above. We will be around the area throughout the day.
Dave Lemkay
Golden Lake Property Owners Association
[toggle title=”Christmas 2007 Update”]
This message was sent by email to our members whose email addresses we have on file, which is almost three-quarters of our approximately 400 members.
By Dave Lemkay, President
Hello GLPOA Members:
This year at Golden Lake it’s a “white Christmas” – there is a considerable amount of snow on the roofs, and with temperatures warming, roof loads might be significant.
On a good news front, we have been busy with cell phone tower activity. Building permits have been let for three towers – one in Douglas, one near Rankin and one near Wilber Lake. In addition to local township council approval, Transport Canada has approved these towers and we are optimistic that Bell Mobility will give serious consideration to construction in 2008. Funding is the most important element as we head into 2008. We will be presenting another business case based upon the robust response we got from about 2000 respondents to our Cell Phone Survey during 2007. We thank you all for your participation.
We have completed our first full year of the waterway hazard marking with the large orange buoys in the lake and orange and green channel markers in the river. We have been on a learning curve with this project and plan to contract out the placement and maintenance of these markers in 2008. Each site will be GPS identified and each buoy numbered to better manage the system. The GPS data will allow us to plot shoals on a virtual map on our website.
Our Water Quality Committee is working to establish benchmark values for phosphorus and E.coli and invasive species. We are presently working with our neighbours at Round Lake to participate in a Renfrew Power Generation ice bonding study. We are also supporting Lake Trout spawning research in Round Lake to help us all understand optimal water levels. We are applying with North Algona – Wilberforce Township for a grant to install eco-friendly garbage receptacles at boat launch sites this spring.
We are committed to another Pleasure Craft Operator’s Course in July 2008. We successfully “graduated” 80 students in the July 2007 course in Killaloe and will offer it again. The 2009 deadline is looming so if you haven’t yet gotten your one-time card, keep this in mind.
But enough of the news – all of this information is on our web site at
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to send us an email now or any time in future to [email protected]
The three main tenets of our association are: membership (to be able to have a strong voice); water quality and safety; and communication. Your executive is committed to working on your behalf on all these fronts and in our three years, we have been able to accomplish much. Your continued support is important.
We wish our friends on Golden Lake and the Bonnechere River a very Happy Christmas and good health in the New Year!
Dave Lemkay
Posted December 28, 2007
Spring 2007 Newsletters
An Active Association
The Golden Lake Property Owners Association serves the interests of owners of shoreline on Golden Lake and the Bonnechere River below Tramore Dam, as well as others who have an interest in the well-being of our lake and river. The Association works for the common good of all members, and the maintenance and enhancement of the quality of life on the Lake and River.
The Association attends to such environmental matters as water quality, shoreline integrity and boating and swimming safety. It speaks with a common voice on behalf of its members to all levels of government and works with other organizations on issues that may contribute to the health, pleasure, comfort and security of its members.
If you are one of the roughly 750 property owners along the Lake and River, we urge you to join us as a member so you can learn more about our activities and add your voice to our ongoing conversation.
Waterway Markings Update
Last Spring a total of 35 shoal markers were installed around Golden Lake to replace the informal and inadequate markers that had been in place. The project was undertaken solely by the Golden Lake Property Owners Association.To complement the shoal markers, four large waterway map signs have been erected at the main boat-launch sites: Deacon Bridge (a double sign with the River on one side and Lake on the other), Tramore Bridge (with just the River), Bonnechere Lodge and Island View Drive.The advertising panels surrounding the shoal and waterway map provide a way for local businesses to increase their profile among area visitors and to assist the association to underwrite the cost of the initiative. Note: You can download printable shoal marking map here. | |
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Cell Phone Update
People in the area will know, only too well, that we are in a no-service zone. This issue has been raised at earlier GLPOA meetings by members. To address this, your executive, led by Vice-President Kevin O’Connor, has been working with service providers, including Bell Mobility and Telus to raise awareness of this serious inconvenience. We are pleased to report that certain progress is being made. There have been ongoing meetings and calls and even site visits in the region illustrating that these companies are indeed aware of our needs. To facilitate this process, the Highway 60 Cell Phone Task Force is collecting data through a survey to quantify the need for cell phone service and measure usage potential to service providers. Stay tuned.
Deacon Boat Launch Washrooms Project Now Complete
The project to construct a new, up-to-date toilet facility at the boat launch site at Deacon Bridge is now completed. The project, initiated by the Golden Lake Property Owners Association (GLPOA) and managed jointly with the Township of North Algona “Wilberforce (NAW), received FedNor funding through the Renfrew County Community Futures Development Corporation. Matching funds and in-kind support are being provided by the GLPOA and NAW.
Bryan Fraser and his staff did the work on the structure, while the technical details of construction were under the supervision of GLPOA director Weldon McEachen. Day to day activities were managed by NAW Road Superintendent Harvey Reckzine and GLPOA president Dave Lemkay.
Of the four main boat launch sites on Golden Lake and the Bonnechere River, the Deacon Bridge site is clearly used the most. Large and unobstructed space for parking of vehicles and boat trailers makes Deacon a popular launching site for boaters and fishers visiting the waterway. The fact that there have been no toilet facilities available at this high-traffic site is what prompted the Township and Association to seek funding for improvements. In the application for funding to Community Futures and in the partnering agreement between the Township and Association, environmental integrity of the waterway was given highest priority.
This is another project undertaken by the Golden Lake Property Owners Association on behalf of its members since it was incorporated. It nicely ties in with the waterway marking project that was completed in the summer of 2006.
Pleasure Craft Operator Course
We are on course to deliver a Canadian Coast Guard accredited course and test as a co-operative project with members of the Inter-Lake Committee. In that vein, notices are going out through Round Lake POA Newsletter in addition to this newsletter, of the sessions at Killaloe Public School.
Dates will be one or two weeknights before and after, including Saturday, July 7, depending on the expression of interest. The cost has been set at $35.00, which covers a four-hour session of instruction, the written test and the issuing of a temporary certificate on site. The official, permanent license is mailed directly within two weeks. Final details to be announced at the AGM on June 2.
Pre-register or express your interest at [email protected]
Fishing Regulations
The Walleye ban was lifted on January 1 as planned by the OMNR. Notices were distributed to local media and area notice boards. Here are details specific to Golden Lake:
On Golden Lake, a five-year closure of the walleye fishery ends and a 50 cm minimum size limit, and a catch and possession limit of two walleye (under a sport fishing licence) and one walleye (under a conservation fishing licence) take effect. The season will run from the third Saturday in May to March 31. This will increase angling opportunities while protecting species.
Help Prevent the Spread of Tree Killing Bugs
Firewood often contains insects and plant diseases. Cottagers or other visitors who bring firewood from home may accidentally spread those diseases that threaten the health of our forests. The Asian longhorned beetle and emerald ash borer are of particular concern. They are both recent arrivals to Canada and without natural controls here.
The emerald ash borer is currently believed to be confined to southwestern Ontario and southeast Michigan, where it has killed millions of ash trees. The movement of firewood has been the main culprit in its rapid spread in both the U.S. and Canada over the past year. As a result, a quarantine has been imposed which prohibits the movement of firewood from Essex, Lambton and Elgin Counties, the municipality of Chatham-Kent, and from the U.S.A.
The Asian longhorned beetle has been found attacking hardwood trees between Vaughan and Toronto. Both insects can be easily spread in firewood, which may look normal, but still be infested with the insects.
How you can help:
- Do not move firewood, especially firewood obtained from areas under quarantine such as Essex County and the U.S.
- Buy and use only local firewood
- Ask your supplier where their wood comes from
If you have questions call the Canadian Food Inspection Agency at 1-800-442-2342 or go to
The GLPOA Executive Committee
Dave Lemkay, President “ Tranquility Bay Drive
Kevin O’Connor, Vice-President “ Hawkins Drive
Bill Clark, Secretary “ Island View Drive
Weldon McEachen, Treasurer “ McMillan Road
Directors and Zone Representatives
The local directors and zone reps are your link to the Association. If you need information, contact your local rep or director. Please note that these positions may change slightly after our Annual General Meeting on Saturday, June 2.
Zone 1 | Golden Lake Village & Pikwakanagan | Director: Howard Bernard | Rep: Grace Kuiken |
Zone 2 | Island View Drive | Director: Bill Clark | Rep: Kate O’Hara, Leslie Moore |
Zone 3 | Hwy 60, Mundts Bay | Director: Norma Bailey, Doug Yourth, Kathy Lampi | Rep: |
Zone 4 | McMillan Rd, Goldfinch Dr. | Director: George Wilcox | Rep: John Finn |
Zone 5 | Deacon, McNee Drive, Browns Rd | Director: Carolyn Letters | Rep: Gary Yeldon, Bill Cooke |
Zone 6 | L’Escale, Great Heron, Harrington, Black Point, Kranz Rds. | Director: Gail McPhee | Rep: Ken Kruger, Nicole Dubreuil |
Zone 7 | Hawkins Dr, Nein-Mar, Bob’s, Sheedy, Sleepy Hollow Lns, Skelly Lane, Bonnechere Rd | Director: | Rep: Norm Edwards Terry Ryan |
Zone 8 | Billena Way, Lynch-Reid, Richards, Cedar Beach Lns, Golden Mile, Golden Lyn McSearsull Way | Director: | Rep: John Visser, Roy McGrath, |
Zone 9 | Rocky Point, Tranquility Bay | Director: Cairine Cybulski | Rep: Dave Lemkay |
Zone 10 | Tramore Rd, Bonnechere River, Boyle, Eady Lns. White Church Road area | Director: Bill Gardiner, Susan St Jean | Rep: Malcolm Warnholtz, Glen Henneberry, Michael Johnson |
Membership is Important
In its second year the Association maintained the level of the previous year with just over 350 signed-up members. The rolls from three neighbouring townships indicate about 750 property owners on the Lake and River. Members are encouraged to renew when their zone representative comes calling.
Alternatively, the $20.00 annual dues can be mailed to The GLPOA. Although it is a modest amount, our membership dues fund important work that the Association does for us all.
Our goal once again this year is to attract new members. You can assist in this challenge by promoting the good work being done by many volunteers on behalf of everyone who shares the attachment to our beautiful lake and river.
This year’s Annual General Meeting will be held at the Killaloe Public School on Saturday, June 2, 2007 from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. Dues can be paid there. Here is the Agenda.
Posted May 10, 2007
Winter 2007 Update
By Dave Lemkay, President
I am pleased to present a brief report on many things that have taken place over the early winter. I offer this as an update so that you will be able to have news for anybody asking about the Association and what it’s doing on their behalf.
There have been numerous activities since the last board meeting. These include meetings to deal with the lake water level, cell phone service, membership records and procedure, the Deacon toilet project, the lifting of the Walleye fishing ban and plans for the 2007 boat licensing course. A lot has been, and is, happening.
Water Level and Ice Monitoring
Peter Boldt from Renfrew Power Generation, Don Pouliot of RLPOA and I met in December. We were informed that all the logs have been out of the Golden lake dam since mid-November and the system is flowing freely. With excessive Fall precipitation, the lake and entire Bonnechere system is very high. RPG is undertaking an ice-monitoring program with systematic boring of test holes to measure ice-to-shore bonding. In total, five sites will be tested through this winter with the help of residents to record relevant weather conditions. This will establish benchmark data for any future ice studies.
Cell Phone Service
Cairine Cybulski and I visited Bell Mobility in Montreal on December 14 to discuss the local no-service issue. We were able to outline our concerns to a team of eight people who are in charge of engineering, development and customer-service for Bell.
We were advised to assemble concrete evidence of residential and tourist potential for cell phone service uptake. We plan to undertake a survey or gathering of names, which will serve to demonstrate support. We are working in tandem with the other lake associations and likely will label this project under the name of The Highway 60 Corridor Cell Phone Task Force to broaden the scope. We plan to make use of local media and select mailings, such as with tax notices to attract input.
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee, comprised of Kevin O’Connor, Carolyn Letters, Susan St. Jean, Gail McPhee and I have had meetings to analyze the data base and procedures for 2007 renewals. As well, we are hoping to glean the township tax rolls to identify all property owners and to obtain mailing addresses with which to do a mailing in the coming season.
Fishing Regulations
The Walleye ban was lifted on January 1 as planned by the OMNR. Notices were distributed to local media “ we are awaiting the electronic files so that we can post on the web site. I attach the OMNR’s notice specific to Golden Lake.
On Golden Lake, a five-year closure of the walleye fishery ends and a 50 cm minimum size limit, and a catch and possession limit of two walleye (under a sport fishing licence) and one walleye (under a conservation fishing licence) take effect. The season will run from the third Saturday in May to March 31. This will increase angling opportunities while protecting species.
Deacon Boat Launch Project
The Deacon Boat Launch Toilet Project is well underway. Funding has been approved through a grant to North Algona Wilberforce Township from Renfrew County Community Futures Corporation. Work commenced in October and to date tall the concrete work to install tanks and the floor slab is done. Bryan Fraser is pre-fabricating the 10′ x 20′ building to be assembled by the March 1, 2007 deadline. Had we known that the winter would be so mild, we might have been able to take better advantage of the season.
Pleasure Craft Operator Course
We are on course to deliver a Canadian Coast Guard Accredited course and test as a co-operative project with members of the Inter-Lake Committee. In that vein, notices are going out through Round Lake POA Newsletter and will be included in our Spring Newsletter, as we want to make this widely available. Sessions will be advertised in the local newspapers too. Dates will be the first week in July, likely one or two weeknights and also Saturday the 7th, depending on the expression of interest. The cost has been pegged at $35.00, which covers a four-hour session of instruction, the written test and the issuing of a temporary certificate on site. The official, permanent license is mailed directly within two weeks.
Last but not least, the Association books are being audited at time of writing and the annual report to the Ministry of Corporate & Consumer Affairs is will be filed by the due date.
John Gulland has kept the web site up to date with meeting minutes, notices, history items and new pictures. For more information, please visit
Posted January 21, 2007
Spring Update
A Message from the President
April 5, 2006
Welcome to Spring, Daylight Savings Time and the ice quickly melting off the lake!
There are many items of importance to the Golden Lake Property Owners Association that are moving forward at this time of year. Probably the most important to us all is reflected in the Interim Tax Bill that we all recently have had to pay. Unfortunately, this bill does not reflect the dreaded tax increase that might be expected as a result of last year’s increase in the property value assessment.
At the risk of being the bearer of bad news, let me relay news from GLPOA Director and Bonnechere Valley Township Councillor Cairine Cybulski. She has been busy this early spring bringing a motion forward at Council to appeal to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs with respect to the interim taxation process.
As Cairine says, tax bills recently mailed to ratepayers carry forward at the taxation and assessment rate from 2005. That is, the 2006 Interim Tax Bill, which covers first half of the year, is calculated at 50% of the total billed amount from 2005. This is the case with each of the three Municipalities covering the Golden Lake and Bonnechere catchment.
While the assessment notices went out late November 2005, in some cases advising of significant assessment increases, the 2006 Interim Tax Bill does not reflect any adjustment. These increases have yet to be applied. The July tax bill, that is designed to cover the second half of the year with any adjustments for the year, will carry the total increase for twelve months, so be aware.
Unfortunately this may serve to compound the already contentious issue of waterfront assessment that we all face. It’s not a pretty picture, but we feel it is important for members to have clear understanding of how things will unfold.
On the positive side of all this, there is action being taken at the Provincial level with a Homesteaders Bill introduced at Queen’s Park that may pave the way to revamping the assessment procedure. As well, the Provincial Ombudsman, André Marin has released a scathing report on Ontario’s Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC), basically saying that the corporation’s practices are unreasonable, unjust, oppressive and wrong. There is a movement growing across the province that might bring effective reforms. Ottawa Mayor Bob Chiarelli has called on the Ontario government to suspend the current system until it can be fixed.
So, stay tuned. We will have this on the agenda of the June 3rd Annual Meeting of GLPOA at Killaloe Public School. In the meantime, check our FOCA information on our web
Dave Lemkay
[email protected]
Action Requested!
Update to Winter WRAFT Report “ April 2006
This report was prepared by Wendy Engle of the Round Lake Property Owners Association. She thoughtfully forwarded it to us.
- A few weeks ago the Ombudsman issued his scathing report on the assessment procedures at MPAC. For details of the report go to WRAFT put out a press release following the issue of the report calling for the shelving of the 2005 assessment. It is posted on our website. While, as expected, the Ombudsman’s report does not deal with the underlying inequities in the present property tax system, it does seriously discredit the whole assessment methodology, providing yet more ammunition for an overhaul of the basis for distributing property taxes in Ontario.
- In the winter WRAFT report, we described PC Finance Critic Tim Hudak’s private member’s bill to cap assessment increases. On April 13, this bill gets second reading. There will be a press conference at 10:00 am at Queen’s Park and the bill will be debated in the House at 11:00 am. We encourage representatives of members to attend both of these events. Please let us know if you can attend. ([email protected]) WRAFT supports the Hudak bill which limits future assessment increases to 5% per year.
- We keep asking our members to write their MPPs, and many have done so. Whether you have or have not sent a letter or email, please follow up with this email (see attached) to the Finance Minister with copies to Tim Hudak and to WRAFT. The pressure for reform is building. You can do your part to help.
- Most municipalities set their tax rates based on financial needs. If total assessments in the municipality are up, then the municipal tax rate should decline accordingly. The education tax rate has already been reduced to offset the provincial assessment increase. If your municipality is taking advantage of higher assessment to simply hold the tax rate rather than lower it, you should take action locally. Also, please let us know, because it is further ammunition in our fight for capping assessment increases.
Please send the following email to the Finance Minister, Dwight Duncan, at[email protected]. Send copies to PC Finance Critic Tim Hudak at[email protected] and to WRAFT at [email protected]
Dear Mr. Duncan,
Canada has an international reputation for justice and fair play.
The system now in use for assessing residential properties and distributing property taxes in Ontario makes a mockery of this reputation.
The 2005 assessment on my property in ___________________Township was up a whopping ____% over the last assessment.
Where is the justice and fair play in this system?
The Ombudsman has just said that MPAC is experiencing a crisis of credibility . How can we rely on that organization to determine our share of the property tax bill? In view of the Ombudsman’s scathing report, clearly the 2005 assessment should be set aside.
We depend on you, our Finance Minister, to introduce reality to the property tax system by capping assessment increases after 2004 at 5% a year. Alternately, we ask for a freeze of assessments at the 2004 level until a full study has been conducted and necessary reforms are in place to reduce volatility and halt the ongoing shift of tax onto waterfront and other high value properties.
Yours sincerely,
Cc: MPP Tim Hudak, PC Finance Critic
Letter from Association President Dave Lemkay to Ontario Finance Minister, Dwight Duncan.
April 8, 2006Dear Mr. Duncan,I write to express concern over the issue of property assessment in Ontario. It is clear that the very expensive system to assess property values is causing great difficulty for individuals and their municipalities. Clearly something must be done to correct this. I support the notion that a 5% cap on assessment increases, as outlined in Mr. Duncan’s Private Member’s Bill, would ease the disruption that we all face in the immediate term. In the longer term, serious and thoughtful redesign of how Ontario manages its taxation could take place in a democratic fashion.The 2005 assessment on our property in Bonnechere Valley Township was up 19% over the last assessment, which was less than two years previous. As well, I am aware of a few hundred other waterfront property owners on Golden Lake and the Bonnechere River who have seen increases at much higher rates, some reaching 50%!Municipalities here have not applied the assessment increases from last Fall on their interim tax bills. This means that the final tax bill, due in July, will carry hefty increases to be applied for the full twelve months of 2006. It might also mean that it is possible to set aside any application of the 2005 assessment.
Ombudsman André Marin has reported that MPAC is experiencing a crisis of credibility . We as taxpayers – the underpinning of the Government of Ontario – should not be held to ransom by ineptitude and poor design. In view of the Ombudsman’s scathing report, we, as taxpayers cannot tolerate continued use of this flawed system. Clearly a solution would be to have the 2005 assessment set aside and move forward with the suggested 5% increase on the 2004 assessment base.
As Finance Minister, you have the opportunity and the obligation to introduce reality to this situation with a practical, simple and fair system such as capping assessment increases after 2004 at 5% a year. It can be achieved by judicious voting by your party and all members to allow Mr. Duncan’s Private Member’s Bill to pass in the House.
If this does not happen, a freeze of assessments at the 2004 level should be enacted until a full study can been conducted to identify suitable reforms to reduce volatility and halt the ongoing, disproportionate shift of tax onto waterfront and other high value properties.
Yours sincerely,
Dave Lemkay
Golden Lake Property Owners Association,
P.O. Box 99, Golden Lake, Ontario K0J 1X0
Cc: MPP Tim Hudak PC Finance Critic
Cc MPP John Yakabuski, Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke
Spring 2006 Newsletter
A New and Active Association
The Golden Lake Property Owners Association serves the interests of owners of shoreline on Golden Lake and the Bonnechere River below Tramore Dam, as well as others who have an interest in the well-being of our lake and river. The Association works for the common good of all members, and the maintenance and enhancement of the quality of life on the Lake and River.
The Association attends to such matters as water quality, shoreline development, bird infestation, and boating and swimming safety. It speaks with a common voice to all levels of government and works with other organizations on issues that may contribute to the health, pleasure, comfort and security of its members.
If you are one of the roughly 750 property owners along the Lake and River, we urge you to join us as a member so you can learn more about our activities and add your voice to our ongoing conversation.
The Association is now formally incorporated as the Golden Lake Property Owners Association. President Dave Lemkay spearheaded the process, which took several months from start to finish.
Finalizing the incorporation was becoming an urgent need, says Dave. “We needed liability insurance for Directors and for members working on Association projects like shoal marking, but we couldn’t buy insurance or get approvals for signage until we were fully incorporated. I’m pleased that we can now proceed with our major projects.”
The Association’s first Annual General Meeting will be held at the Killaloe Public School on Saturday, June 3, 2006 at 9:00 am.
Membership Status
As of May 6, 2006 the Association had 370 signed-up members out of a potential 750 property owners on the Lake and River. This is good progress in the short time that volunteers have been working to contact property owners.
Our goal for this year is to add at least another 100 new members, which would take our total to more than 60 percent of the potential membership. “Of course, we won’t really be satisfied until all 750 property owners join”, says Board member Norm Edwards, who heads up the Association’s successful membership campaign.
The GLPOA Board has agreed to offer maps for the convenience of members. These excellent maps, with Golden Lake on one side and the Bonnechere River on the other side, are being given free this year with each membership renewal or new member sign-up. The maps are printed in colour on 11″ x 17″ sheets.
Waterway Markings Update
The marking of shoals on the Lake and River has been done informally and inadequately in the past. That has all changed now with the formation of the GLPOA. The waterway-marking project, led by Weldon McEachen (who is also the Association Treasurer) is well underway. Thirty-five official orange shoal markers, each stencilled with the letters GLPOA, will be placed in the highest priority locations this spring. Additional shoal markers will be placed as the need is identified and funds permit.
The signs and buoys will help property owners and visitors to prepare themselves for safe boating on the Lake and River. Congratulations and thanks to Weldon and the others involved.
Property Assessment
The steep rise in property assessments across Ontario, but especially on waterfront properties, has been controversial for several months. This is a tricky issue for the Association because it doesn’t have a mandate or expertise to intervene. However, the Board has purchased a membership for the GLPOA in the Federation of Ontario Cottagers Associations (FOCA), which has been active in coordinating letter-writing campaigns to make the Ontario Government aware of waterfront owners’ concerns. You’ll find a Property Assessment section on the GLPOA web site and a link to the FOCA web site where you will find additional information.
Water Quality
We are all interested in protecting water quality in the Lake and River. One of the first steps in doing so is to learn as much as possible about the present condition of the water and what affects its quality. Testing has been done by the Ministry of Natural Resources, by the Pikwakanagan Band and by the Round Lake Property Owners Association. The results indicate satisfactory water quality with no obvious signs of trouble. Regular water testing is expensive, but the GLPOA Board will consider a test program if the need arises.
Since Killaloe has the only municipal wastewater inflow to our section of the Bonnechere River watershed, the curiosity of some Association members led to a visit to the treatment plant. A delegation made up of Vice-President Kevin O’Connor and members Hubert Weber, Wendy Milne and John Gulland toured the plant in September 2005. The tour was thorough, the staff were helpful and provided records of independent test results of samples taken every two weeks, a ministry requirement. The water released into Brennans creek from the plant is well within the Ministry guidelines for quality. The delegation concluded that “the effluent probably does not constitute a serious threat to water quality in Golden Lake.”
You can read the full report on the Association web site.
Cell Phone Update
People have been waiting for cell phone service in our area for several years. To find out more about progress, Dave Lemkay and Association Vice-President, Kevin O’Connor have had frequent contact over the past several months with both Bell Mobility and Telus.
Telus is erecting two towers in the area and will soon be the only cell service provider from Calabogie through to Barry’s Bay. These two towers should serve all cell phone users. One tower is being erected in the Dacre area at Opeongo Road and Hwy 41. The second tower will be erected this summer off Crooked Rapids Road, on a height of land behind the Pine Tree Motel in Eganville. There have been unexpected delays at the Dacre project this spring but we have been assured that there will be good progress this summer. Kevin and Dave will continue to follow this issue.
and Other Communications
The GLPOA web site has been online since November 2005. Its address is easy to remember: The plan is to use the site as a sort of archive containing all the important documents that members may wish to see, including the new constitution, the minutes of Board and general meetings and contact information. The site also has links to local agencies and other information sources that members might find useful.
You’ll find photo sections on the site, containing both beautiful pictures from around the Lake and River, and historical photos. If you have current or historical photos that you think other members would enjoy, please let us know.
The web site is intended as the main way to communicate with the membership because it is so much less expensive and more effective than other methods. You can help the Association to stay in touch by passing on your email address when you renew your membership or sign up for the first time.
The web site was developed and is maintained by member John Gulland, who also worked on this newsletter.
The GLPOA Executive Committee
Dave Lemkay, President
Kevin O’Connor, Vice-President
Tom Green, Secretary
Weldon McEachen, Treasurer
Directors and Zone Representatives
The local directors and zone reps are your link to the Association. If you need information, contact your local rep or director.
Zone 1 | Golden Lake Village & Pikwakanagan | Director: Howard Bernard | Rep: Grace Kuiken |
Zone 2 | Island View Drive | Director: Bill Clark | Rep: Leslie Moore |
Zone 3 | Hwy 60, Mundts Bay | Director: Norma Bailey | Rep: Doug Yourth |
Zone 4 | McMillan Rd, Goldfinch Dr. | Director: George Wilcox | Rep: John Finn |
Zone 5 | Deacon, McNee Drive, Browns Rd | Director: Bill Cooke | Rep: Gary Yeldon |
Zone 6 | L’Escale, Great Heron, Harrington, Black Point, Kranz Rds. | Director: Gail McPhee | Rep: Ken Kruger |
Zone 7 | Hawkins Dr, Nein-Mar, Bob’s, Sheedy, Sleepy Hollow Lanes, Skelly Lane, Bonnechere Rd | Director: Norm Edwards | Rep: Terry Ryan |
Zone 8 | Billena Way, Lynch-Reid, Richards, Cedar Beach Lanes, Golden Mile, Golden Lyn McSearsull Way | Director: Adrian Daley | Rep: Roy McGrath, John Visser |
Zone 9 | Rocky Point, Tranquility Bay | Director: Cairine Cybulski | Rep: Dave Lemkay |
Zone 10 | Tramore Rd, Bonnechere River, Boyle, Eady Lanes | Director: Bill Gardiner | Rep: Malcolm Warnholtz, Glen Henneberry |
Zone 11 | White Church Road area | Director: Vacant |
Posted May 31, 2006
Midwinter Update January 25, 2006
This is a brief news update to say hello during the mid-winter season and to extend best wishes for the New Year. I take the opportunity also to provide an update of activities that your board is busy with – mainly housekeeping tasks.
The Association is in the process of being incorporated as a non-profit corporation. This should be completed in the next few weeks, paving the way for other official business such as negotiations for certain liability insurance coverage.
There is not much to report with respect to the property assessment issue. We are aware that many of our members are concerned about their respective situation. At present, the only advice the association can offer is that if you feel that your assessed value is incorrect, you have the opportunity to appeal to the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation for a review by calling 1-866-296-6722. The appeal process must be initiated by the property owner and not an organization. You have until Dec. 31, 2006 to file a request for re-consideration. You can also review other information on the web site.
There is apparently some progress being made in terms of future cellular telephone coverage for our region. There is news of property having been purchased for a tower in the Eganville area. We will try to keep you informed as things develop.
The Association has applied to Environment Canada for a grant to evaluate the risk of, and establish protocols to monitor, alien invasive species to our lake and river system and forest areas. In addition to this, our water security committee has begun a project to identify shoal hazards with GPS. One outcome of this project will be to have signage erected at the boat launch areas identifying shoal locations on our waterway. Maps will be available on the web site and in hard copy by spring.
You are invited to visit the GLPOA web site at where we have recent meetings recorded, contact information and links to a number of web sites of local concern. You can email to the executive any time at [email protected]
Dave Lemkay
Fall 05 Newsletter
As you read this, feel good about being among the 300-plus membership of the Golden Lake Property Owners Association. Congratulations and thank you for being concerned and engaged as we work to manage the common issues of waterfront living on Golden Lake and the Bonnechere River. We have formed the Association to act on the challenges facing us all, as identified by the people who formed the original steering committee in 2004.
We have made great progress since our inaugural meeting and this newsletter features many of the programs that are underway. Generally speaking, your executive is focusing on three main areas – Communication, Membership and Water Quality. Effective communication with our membership will be key to the Association making good decisions and taking action on environmental stewardship, lake safety and the social side of life.
As we move through our first year, I take this opportunity, once again, to thank you for your support. Please stay tuned via the GLPOA web site at and get in touch if you have questions or, better yet answers.
Dave Lemkay, President
Round Lake
Lake Clear
Lake Dore
Kaszuby Cottagers’ Assoc
Paugh Lake
– PROVIDING INFORMATION TO LOCAL ASSOCIATIONS re: road insurance, liabilities and other areas of concern
The issue of Property Assessment notices has been raised at a recent GLOPA Directors Mtg. It appears that waterfront properties are seeing an increase as much as 50%. The fair market approach to valuation reflects sales activity in real estate.
If you believe your assessment is too high you can ask the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation for a review. You have until Dec. 31, 2006 to file a request for re-consideration. Please call 1-866-296 6722. It is unfortunate that the appeal process must be initiated by the property owner and not an organization.